
动感英语笔记-动感英语 2007笔记

发布时间:2017-12-16 所属栏目:英语读书笔记

一 : 动感英语 2007笔记

动感英语 2007笔记

求2007 动感英语全年笔记


动感英语 2007笔记的参考答案


二 : 动感英语II笔记07年2月


Show Time 秀

" Fight Club " 《搏击会》

A house full of condiments and no food .


bachelor 单身汉

bachelor's pad 单身汉公寓(房间)

ketchup 番茄酱

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Webcast 网上直播

Slang 俚语 《剪刀手爱德华》

Nothing to worry about, with your talent and reputation , It's gonna be a snap. " snap " 简单,小菜一碟

例:Wow, you finished that project in a snap! I'm impressed with your work. Oh, don't worry! I'll pick up Chinese in year, It's a snap.

Classic Clips 经典对白《剪刀手爱德华》

(1)" simmer down " 冷静,安静下来

例:Hey, simmer down dear, It's okay.

Okay, everyone, simmer down , Time to start our lesson .

(2)The roof caved in on him . (片中)

" cave in " 坍塌

例:The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance . Be careful, the roof might cave in and we'll fall through !

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Fried Vegetable 清炒杭白菜



Show Time 秀

" The Breakfast Club " 《早餐俱乐部》

Eat my shorts 去死吧!(80年代流行)

= go to the hell (now )

detention 拘留,囚禁,处罚

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Permit 许可证

Slang 俚语 " Shakespeare in Love "《莎翁情史》

So how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul-mate.(片中)

" soul mate " 心灵伴侣,心灵相通的人

例:Oh, man, I've been dating so many women but I still haven't found my soul-mate . You guys are so beautiful together , you're like soul -mate.

Classic Clips 经典对白 《莎翁情史》

(1)One day she was three months gone with child. (片中)

" with child " 怀孕

例:She can't come on vacation with us, she's with child and must stay at home.

(2)Are you to be my Muse, Rosaline ? (片中)

" Muse " 灵感 (缪司女神)

例:You have not been able to write music for weeks! you must find a Muse to inspire you. Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Fruity Mix 水果捞

3 color sago 三色西米捞


Show Time 秀


What do you need a fake ID for?


So I can vote.



Behind The Scenes 特别收录

safety 运作的安全保证

Slang 俚语 《莎翁情史》

While the law of the land has our heroines being played by Pipsqueak boys in petticoats.(片中)

" Pipsqueak " 懦弱无用的人

例:Come on ! Don't be such a pipsqueak, be a man !Go and talk to her .


We don't want them on our baseball team, they're just little pipsqueak ,we want someone stronger.


Classic Clips 经典对白 《莎翁情史》

(1)oh, Thomas ,she has cut my strings. (片中)

" cut someone's strings " 希望破灭

例:I'm not allowed to hand out with you, my parents cut all my strings.


(2)You kiss by the book ! (片中)

" by the book " 严格遵守;机械的遵守

例:I don't know why I can't do it right, Actually I'm doing everything by the book, but I'm still having problems.


These rules must be followed by the book , no going out late at night . 这些规则必须严格遵守,太晚不可以出去。

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Loses Weight & Healthy Breast Soup 瘦身丰胸汤

Material 材料: Apple苹果; Date枣; Egg鸡蛋; Rice Wine醪糟(酒酿).


Show Time 秀


The next time I have to come in here. 下次我再进来的时候。

I'm cracking skulls. 我们就都玩儿完了。

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Cardellini 螺旋夹

Slang 俚语 《莎翁情史》

The queen asks for you , answer well . (片中)

" ask for someone " 要求见......

例:I 'm sorry to interrupt the meeting , but the boss is asking for you. 我很抱歉打扰你们的会议,但是老板要见你。

Your grandmother asked for you, please in hurry go to her, there's not much time. 你的祖母想见你,请你快点回来见她,没有太多的时间了。

Classic Clips 经典对白 《莎翁情史》

(1)Nature and truth are the very enemies of play acting , I'll wager my fortune. 中)

" wager " 打赌

例:I'll wager that she doesn't make it on time , what do you think?

我打赌她一定不会准时来,你觉得呢? (片

Let's make a wager if she says yes, I'll take you to dinner ,but if she says no, you take me.


(2)Kegs and legs open, and on the house . (片中)

" on the house " 有人买单

例:Are these drinks on the house or should I expect to pay later?


Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Chapatti 印度薄饼


Show Time 秀


Are you a psychic?


Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Location Scout 负责勘查地点的人

Slang 俚语 《莎翁情史》

You will go far , I fear . (片中)

" go far " 成功,有成就(拥有一个成功的人生)

例:My darling, in this life you will go far .

亲爱的, 你肯定会在将来的人生中取得成就。

If you keep studying like this ,you'll definitely go far .


I guess I didn't go very far in my life.


Classic Clips 经典对白 《莎翁情史》

(1)Would you oblige me with 50 or so in gold just to settle my accounts at the dock side . (片中)

" oblige someone " 请求帮忙

例:Please oblige me and open the door for me .


(2)No, It will turn out well . (片中)

" turn out (well) " 结果会好的

例:It seems like business isn't going well right now, but I'm sure things will turn out . 最近生意不怎么好,但是我肯定会好起来的。

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Roti Canai 印度烤饼

Indian Milk Tea 印度奶茶


Show Time 秀

" Die Hard " 《虎胆龙威》

Now I know what a Tv dinner feels like.


Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Walk of film in Hollywood 星光大道

Slang 俚语 " When Harry Met Sally "《当哈里遇到萨莉》

Amanda mentioned you had a dark side . (片中)

" dark side " 黑暗的一面(人的内心)

例:She's not all bad ,you only see her dark side, if you get to know her better, you'll find out she's really funny too.


You know, you always look at the dark side of the life, let's try to be a little more optimistic and positive ,let's look at the brighter side.

你知道,你总是看生活黑暗的一面,让我们多一些乐观和积极,多看看光明的一面。 Classic Clips 经典对白 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

(1)It just so happens that I have had plenty of good sex. (片中)

" It just so happens (that) " 碰巧

例:Well, It just so happens that I love tomatoes!


It just so happens that I have been there several times .


(2)Amanda is my friend. so ? you're going with her, so? You're coming on to me! (片中) " come on to someone " 追求,挑逗

例:He kept trying to come on to me all night, until finally I just had to leave. 他整晚一直追求我,最后我只好离开。

Let's just have a nice dinner, I promise I won't try to come on to you . 我们只是吃顿晚餐,我保证绝不追求你。

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女



Show Time 秀

" Vanilla Sky " 《香草的天空》

gossip 绯闻,流言

About :Tom Cruis, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Charles Chaplin 查理·卓别林

Slang 俚语 《当哈里遇见萨莉》

He made a pass at me, and when I said no. (片中)

" a pass " 挑逗

例:I can't believe he made a pass at me I'm going to sue.

I'll go to the party with you,but as soon as someone makes a pass at me, I'm leaving. Classic Clips 经典对白 《当哈里遇见萨莉》

(1)You'd be amazed what falling madly in love can do for you. (片中)

" madly in love " 疯狂坠入情网,疯狂恋爱

例:I've only known her for 2 weeks, but I feel like I am madly in love with her already! I just want to meet somebody, fall madly in love ,and run away with him.

(2)I am over him, but I'm in a mourning period. (片中)

" a mourning period " 悲痛时期

例:There will be a mourning period but then you'll be fine.

I also feel like I've been caught in a mourning period for such a long time now . Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Tea Pots 茶壶

About song :

I'm a little tea pot

shot and stout

here is my handle here is my spout

when I get a work up

here me shout

take me over and pour me out








Show Time 秀

" Enemy of The State " 《国家公敌》

You know , in guerilla warfare ,you try to use your weaknesses as strengths.


David vs Goliath situation

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Grauman's Chinese Theater 格劳门中国剧院

Slang 俚语 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

We can fly off to Rome on a moment's notice .(片中)

" on a moment's notice " 即兴,没有事先准备

例:I like to keep my life *, I don't want to be tied down, that way I can take a trip on a moment's notice.

I really need you to keep up on your work, so they're always up to date,I might have to ask you sth and get information from you a moment's notice.

Classic Clips 经典对白 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

(1)There are two kinds of women, high maintenance and low maintenance . (片中) " high maintenance " 要求高 " low maintenance " 要求低

例:Everyday she wants me to call her, every night she wants me to give her a massage ,every birthday she wants me to bring her sth different she's really high maintenace. I hate having a long hair because it's such high maintenance .

(2)It spoke to you that pleases me. (片中)

" sth. speaks to sb. " 共鸣,默契

例:That movie was really amazing it really spoke to me on a personal level. That song speaks to me,I feel like it was written for me .

Eat Drink Man Woman 饮食男女

Champagne 香槟

Sparkling wine 汽酒

to good health and to u!


Show Time 秀


You can tell by their hair cuts .


we're ops 特种兵

Ops = operations 特工,特种兵

Behind The Scenes 特别收录

Kodak Theater 柯达影院(每年举办奥斯卡颁奖典礼闻名)

Slang 俚语 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

I'm just trying to help you have good taste. (片中)

" good taste " 有品位

例:Wow, you always look so classy and beautiful you really have good taste in clothes. All right , I can't believe you're wearing the blue socks with the black pants , If you had good taste, you would know blue and black are clashing colors and you wouldn't wear them.

Classic Clips 经典对白 《当哈里遇到萨莉》

(1)Does Julian seem a little stuffy to you? (片中)

" stuffy " 古板

例:My teacher is very nice but stuffy .

三 : 求 2007年7.1-8.31动感英语笔记

求 2007年7.1-8.31动感英语笔记

只要单词就行 有例句的话再给+75分

求 2007年7.1-8.31动感英语笔记的参考答案




本文标题:动感英语笔记-动感英语 2007笔记
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