

发布时间:2018-02-05 所属栏目:波斯语翻译

一 : 谁能用萨拉斯语翻译一下







Man'ar Dune'adahShando 愿圣光与你同在

Dorini BanthalosDune'adah 接受圣光的制裁吧



二 : 拉丁语汉语翻译表


lossario Latino-Cinese Di Diritto Romano</P>

Abdicatio 弃权,放弃(公法范畴皇帝或官员放弃职位)

Abdicatio tutelae 辞去监护

Absens 失踪人

Absentia 失踪;缺席

Absolutio 免诉,宣告无罪,开释

Abstinnere ab hereditate 放弃继承权

Acceptilatio 正式免除

Accessio 添附

Accipiens 受让人

Accusatio 指控,控诉

Accusatiosuspecti tutoris 使遣嘱监护人丧失监护权的刑事诉讼,对嫌疑监护人的控告 Aquisitio 取得

Actio 诉讼;诉权

Actio ad exemplum 类似……之诉

Actio ad exhibendum 出示之诉,交出原物之诉;提出之诉

Acito aestimatoria(quanti minoris) 行纪之诉,估价之诉(减价之诉)

Actio aquae pluveae arcendae 排放雨水之诉

Actio arbitraria 调解之诉,仲裁之诉,

Actio auctoritatis 瑕疵担保之诉

Actio bona fidei(=ludicia bonae fidei) 善意诉讼,诚信诉讼

Actio calvisiana 卡尔维西安之诉(解放自由人法定继承之诉)

Actio certa pecuniae creditae 确定的金钱债务之诉

Actio civilis inceti(=praescriptis verbis) 不确定的市工法诉讼,对待给付之诉 Actio commldati 使用借贷之诉,出借物之诉

Actio commodati contraria 对待使用借贷之诉

Actio communi divedendo (divedundo) 分割共有物之诉,分割共同财产之诉 Actio conducti(ex conducto) 承租之诉

Actio confessoria 确认役权之诉(包括用益权)

Actio confessoria utilis 确认役权扩用之诉(包括用益权)

Actio contraria 对待诉讼(适用于不完全的双务契约;寄托、使用借贷、信托、委托、质权)

Actio fiduciae 信托诉讼

Actio fiduciae contraria 对待信托诉讼

Actio damni iniuriae 不法侵害财产之诉

Actio de aestimato 行纪之诉,估价之诉

Actio de arboribus caedendis 砍伐树木之诉

Actio de effusisvel deiectis 泼到或投掷之诉

Actio iniuriarum (Actio aestimatoria) 侵辱之诉,伤害之诉

Actio institoria 总管之诉

Actio iudicati 已决案之诉


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Actio legati(Actio ex testamento)? 遗赠之诉(遗嘱之诉)?

Actio locati 出租之诉,定做人之诉

Actio mandati 委托之诉

Actio mandati contraria 对待委托之诉

Actio mixta 混合之诉

Actio negatoria 否定役权之诉(包括用益权);所有权保全之诉

Actio negotiorum contraria 对待管理财产行为之诉

Actio negotiorum gestorum 管理财产行为之诉

Actio noxalis 损害投偿之诉

Actio oneris aversi 混装货物之诉

Actio Pauliana 保利安之诉,债权保全之诉

Actio persequendae rei(=Actio persecutoria) 索回物品之诉

Actio pigneraticia 质押之诉,质物请求之诉

Actio pigneraticia contraria 对待质物请求之诉

Actio popularis 民众之诉,公益之诉,众有诉权

Actio praescriptis verbis 对待给付之诉

Actio pro socio 合伙之诉

Actio Publicana 普布利西安之诉,善意占有之诉

Actio quod iussu 依令之诉

Actio quod metus causa 胁迫之诉

Actio rationibus distrahendis 侵吞财产之诉,帐目清洁之诉

Actio recepticia(ex) 承保之诉

Actio redhibitoria 退货之诉

Actio reipersecutoria 损害赔偿之诉

Actio rei uxoriae(actio de dote) 返还嫁资之诉,妻财之诉

Actio rerum amotarum 返还妻子盗窃的丈夫的财产之诉,藏匿婚后财产之诉

Actio rerum legatorum nomine (=Actio ex testamento)? ? ? 遗赠物指定之诉 Actio Rutiliana 收买(活着的)破产债务人财产之诉

Actio sequestrataria 扣押之诉

Actio Serviana 抵押担保之诉,塞尔维安之诉,出售破产债务人财产之诉

Actio servi corrupti 诱惑奴隶之诉,腐蚀奴隶之诉

Actio stricti iuris 严法诉讼

Actio subsidiaria 补充诉权(在没有确定的诉讼保护时赋予的诉讼,通常为欺诈之诉) Actio suspecti tutoris 监护人嫌疑诉讼

Actio temporales(temporariae) 临时诉讼

Actio tributoria 分配之诉,分摊之诉

Actio tutelae 监护诉讼

Actio utilis 扩用之诉

Actio venditi(ex vendito) 卖物之诉

Actio vi bonorum raptorum 暴力抢劫之诉

Actio vindicatio usufructus 确认用益权之诉

Actiones in ius conceptae 基于法律之诉(依市场法之诉)

Actiones perpetuae 永久诉讼,永久诉权

Actiones poenales(=Actio pigneraticia Contraria)??? ?(相对质物请求之诉 2

拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Actor 原告,管理人

Actus 行为;驾车通行权

Actus legitimus 要式行为(未附条件、期限的行为) Addictio 将被告本人裁交原告

Addictio in diem 择优解除约款

Ademptio 取消

Adfinis 姻亲

Adfinitas 姻亲关系

Adfinitates serviles 奴隶姻亲关系

Adgnatio 宗亲

Adgnati(o cognati)ex lateribus 旁系血亲(血亲) Adgnatus 宗亲属,父系亲属

Adgnatus proximus 最近宗亲属

Adgnatus ultimus 远宗亲属

Aditio hereditatis 接受继承,接受遗产

Adiudicatio 分配裁判,分析裁判

Adlectio 选择任职,任职

Adlectus solutionis causa 基于要式口约接受清偿的人 Administratio 管理,协助

Administrator rerum 财产管理人

Adoptator 收养人

Adoptatus 被收养人

Adoptio 他权人收养

Adoptio plena 完全收养

Adoptio minus plena 不完全收养

Adrogatio 自权人收养

Adsertor libertatis 释奴人

Adstipulator 要式口约的共同债权人

Adulterium 通奸

Aedes 建筑物,房屋

Aediles 营造官

Aedilis curulis 市政官

Aedilicius 从属人的地位

Aequitas 公正

Aestimatio 估价,行纪

Affectio(maritalis) 婚意,配偶关系

Affectio possidendi 占有心素

Ager censorius 公借地?

Ager colonicus 殖民地土地

Ager compascuus 公共牧场

Ager decumanus 承担交纳什一税的田地

Ager desertus 撂荒地

Ager ex hostibus captus 从敌人手中取得的土地 Ager occupatorius 战胜者土地


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Ager privatus 私人土地

Ager publicus 公地

Ager quaestorius 永租地

Ager stipendiarius 贡赋地(al principes,行省土地) Ager vectigalis 纳税田(al popolus,罗马及行省地) Agnoscere liberos 承认子女

Agricola 农民

Agrimensor 土地测量人

Alae 风险购买,射悻

Alienatio 让渡

Alieni iuris 他权

Aliud pro alio 易物出售?

Alluvio 淤积地

Amovere 强占

Ampliationes 审判延期

Animus 心素,意思,愿望

Annona 粮食供给

Apolides 无城邦者

Apostolus 上诉移送状?

Appellatio 控告,上诉

Appellator 控诉人

Aqua et igni interdictio 充军,切断水火

Aquae dactus 用水权

Aquae haustus 汲水权

Aquae ducendae(ductus) 排水权,导水权 Arbitrium 裁决,判断

Arbitrium boni viri 公正人士的决定

Arbor infelix 绞刑

Argentarius 钱庄主

Arrhae 定金

Arrha confirmatoria 承诺定金

Arrha poenitentialis 惩罚性定金

Arrhae sponsaliciae 订婚保证金,聘礼

Auctoritatis interpositio 补充能力,需要准可 Auctoritas patrum 元老院准可

Auctoritas principis 君主准可

Auctoritas prudentium 法学家的权威学说

Auctoritas tutoris 监护人的准可,批准,授权 Audientia 听审

Auspicia 占卜权

Avulsio 冲积地

Beneficium abstinendi 因弃权的照顾

Beneficium competentiae 能力利益,能力限度照顾 Beneficium inventarii 财产清单利益


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Beneficium legis Faecidiae 法尔其第法的恩惠

Beneficium liberorum vel aetatis 子女或年龄的照顾

Beneficium separationis 区分之利益

Bis de eadem re agi non potest (Bis de eadem re ne sit actio) 一事不再理,禁止一事两诉

Bona 财产

Bnoa adventicia 外来特有产

Bona fides 善意,诚实信用

Bona materna 母遗特有产

Bona vacantia sine herede 无人继承的遗产

Bonae fidei iudicia 善意诉讼,诚信之诉

Bonorum cessio 财产让与

Bonorum distractio 部分变卖财产,财产零卖

Bonorum emptio 购买破产债务人的财产

Bonorum emptor 购买破产债务人财产的人

Bonorum possessio contra(sine)tabulas 违反遗嘱的遗产占有

Bonorum possessio edictalis 依告示的遗产占有

Bonorum possessio decretalis 依裁决的遗产占有

Bonorum possessio ex Carboniano edicto 依卡尔波尼安告示的遗产占有 Bonorum possessio furiosi nomine 以精神病人名义的遗产占有

Bonorum possessio secundum tabulas 依据遗嘱的遗产占有

Bonorum possessio ventris nomine 以胎儿名义的遗产占有

Bonorum possessor 遗产占有人

Bonorum venditio 变卖破产债务人的财产

Boni mores 善良风俗

Calumnia 诬告

Capitalis 死刑,极刑,剥夺自由

Capitis deminutio 人格变更

Capitis deminutio maxima 人格大变更

Capitis deminutio media 人格中变更

Capitis deminutio minima 人格小更变

Caput 人格,民事资格

Casus 事变

Casus cui resisti non potest 无法抗拒的事变

Casus fortuitus 意外事变

Casus improvisus 无法预见的事变

Casus maior 意外事变

Casus minor 轻微事变

Casus mixtus 混合事变

Casus voluntarius 依本人意愿发生的事变

Causa 原因,事由

Causa cognita 熟悉所有的情况,调查案件事实

Cautio 保证金,担保,约据

Cautio damni infecti 关于潜在损害之要式口约,谨防未生损害之诉


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Cautio in iudicio sisti 到庭担保金

Cautio legatorum servandorum causa 信守遗嘱之要式口约 Cautio Muciana 姆奇亚担保(继承人为占有遗产提供的担保

Cautio rem pupilli salvam fore ?

Cautio rem ratam dominum habiturum 对认为将拥有物的保证金? Cautio fructuaria 用益保证

Censor 监察官,审计官

Census 监察,审计,财产等级;人口调查

Cessio in iure 拟诉弃权

Chirographarius 字据

Circumvenire 拐骗

Citatio(=in ius vocatio) 传唤

Civis 市民

Civitas 市府,市民资格,公法(与ius相对称时)

Codex 法典,敕令汇编

Codex vetus 旧法典

Codicilli 遗嘱补充,遗嘱附书

Coercitio 强制权

Coemptio 买卖婚姻

Coemptionator 买婚人

Cognatio 血亲关系

Cognatio ex lateribus 旁系血亲

Cognatio civilis 法定血亲

Cognatio naturalis 自然血亲

Cognationes serviles 奴隶亲属关系

Cognatus 血亲

Cognitio 调查案件事实

Cognitio extra ordinem(processi civili straordinari) 非常诉讼 Cognitio praetoria 裁判官审理

Cognitor 诉讼代理人,辩护人

Cognomen 姓氏

Coheres 共同继承人

Collatio bonorum 财产合算

Collatio bonorum emancipati 脱离父权人的财产合算

Collatio descendentium 卑亲属财产合算

Collatio dotis 嫁资合算

Collatio dotis profecticiae 对家父设定的嫁资进行合算

Collegia mercatorum 商业团体

Collegium 社团

Colonia 殖民地,垦殖区

Colonus 佃农 ,农奴

Colonus partiarius 交付实物地租的佃农

Comitia Calata 民众大会

Comitia Centuriata 百人团大会,军伍大会


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Comitia Curiata 库里亚大会,贵族大会

Comitia Tributa 部落大会

Comes rerum privatum 私人财产管理人

Commentarius inquisitio(=anquisitio)? 审讯记录(起诉书?)纠问

Commercium 贸易,贸易权,交易资格

Commodator 使用借贷人

Commodatum 使用借贷

Communio 共有权,共有

Compensatio 抵销

Compromissum 仲裁协议

Concilium Plebis 平民会议

Concubinatus 姘合

Concursus actionum 诉讼的竞合

Concursus creditorum 债权人的竞合

Condemnatio 判决(程式诉讼)、判决要旨

Condictio 要求返还之诉,要求给付之诉

Condictio cautionis 返还保证金之诉

Condictio certae rei(condictio triticaria;certi condictio) 返还确定物之诉 Condictio ex testamento 基于遗嘱之诉

Condictio ex causa furtiva 返还被盗物之诉

Condictio incerta 债不确定索回,返还不确定物之诉

Condictio indebiti 要求返还不当得利

Condictio ob turpem vel iniustam causam 基于不名誉或不正当行为的要求返还之诉

Condictio possessionis 占有返还之诉

Condictio triticaria (=certae rei) 返还特定物之诉

Conditio 条件

Conditio facti 事实条件

Conditio iuris 法定条件

Condominium (=Communio) 共有

Condominium pro diviso 已?(可)分物共有

Condominium pro indiviso 未?(不可)分物共有

Conductio 赁借货,租赁,承揽,雇佣

Confarreatio 共食婚,祭祀婚

Confessio in iure 在裁判官面前承认对方的权利

Confusio 混同

Connubium 通婚权

Consanguinitas 血亲

Consanguinitatis ius 血亲关系

Consecratio 献祭刑

Consensus 合意

Consilium principis 君主顾问委员会,枢密院

Consistorium principis 御前内阁

Consortium 结合


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Constitutiones principum 君主谕令,皇帝敕令

Constitutum debiti 约定延期清偿

Constitutum possessorium 占有名义的改定

Consuetudo 习惯

Consul 执政官

Consul aquarum? 管水官

Consul sine collega 独任执政官,无同僚的执政官

Contractus 契约

Contractus consensu 合意契约,诺成契约

Contractus imaginarius 虚假的契约

Contractus innominati 无名契约

Contractus litteris 文书契约

Contractus re 要物契约

Contractus stricti iuris 严法契约

Contractus verbis 口头契约

Contractus bonae fidei 善意契约,诚信契约

Contrarius consensus 相反合意

Contubernium 奴隶的同居

Contumacia 缺席判决

Contumelia 侵辱

Contutor 共同监护人

Conubium(Connubium) 婚姻能力,婚姻,通婚权

Conventio 协议

Conventio in manum 归顺夫权

Conventus(reus) 被告人

Cooptatio 补选?

Corporalis possessio 事实上的占有

Corporatio 团体,行会

Corpus 体素,社团,实物

Corpus iuris civilis 市民法大全,国法大全

Corpus iuris canonici 寺院法大全

Corrector 督察

Corruptela 贿赂

Corruptor 行贿人

Creditor 债权人

Creditor hereditatis 遗产的债权人

Cretio 接受遗产的正式声明

Crimen 犯罪,公犯,罪刑

Crimen ambitus 选举舞弊

Crimen expilatae hereditatis 滥用遗产的犯罪,盗窃遗产的犯罪 Culpa 过错,过失

Culpa Aquiliana 阿奎利亚法的过失

Culpa lata 重过失

Culpa levis 轻过失


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Culpa levissima 最轻过失

Culpa in abstracto 抽象过失

Culpa in concreto 具体过失

Culpa in faciendo 作为的过失

Culpa in non faciendo 不作为的过失

Cura 保佐,管理?

Cura absentis 对失踪人的保佐

Cura annonae 对粮食供给的保佐

Cura militis 对军人的保佐

Cura prodigi 对浪费人的保佐

Curator 保佐人

Curator legum et morum 法律和习惯的保佐人

Curator frumenti 粮食的保佐人

Curator rei publicae 公有物的保佐人

Curator ventris(ad ventrem) 胎儿的保佐人

Curia 库里亚

Custodia 看管

Damnare in id quod facere potest 在能力限度范围内的处罚

Damnatio 惩罚

Damnatus capite 判处极刑

Damnosa hereditas 损益遗产

Damnum 损害

Damnum emergens 已经出现(造成)的损害,已有的损害(积极损害),所受损失 Damnum infectum 潜在损害

Damnum iniuria datum 不法损害,对物私犯

Dans 给付人

Datio 给付

Datio in adoptionem 他权人收养,纯正收养

Datio in solutum 代物清偿

Debitor 债务人

Debitor usurarius 支付利息的债务人

Debitum 债务

Decisio 判决,裁决

Decretum 敕令,命令,裁决

Decretum principis 皇帝的裁决

Decurio 地方事务官,市元老院议员

Dediticia conditio 降服者的地位

Dediticius 归降人

Deditio in fidem 归降

Deductio 扣除

Defensio rei 被告的辩护人

Defensor 承担辩护责任的被告

Deferre ius iurandum 要求提供宣誓

De his qui notantur infamia 被宣布不名誉、破廉耻的人


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Delatio 继承指命

Delatio nominis 控告程序?

Delator 控告人

Delegans 委托人

Delegatarius 受托人

Delegatio 债务人的更换

Delegatio debiti 债务转让

Delegatio nominis 债权转让

Delictum 私犯

Demonstratio 原告请求的原因

De noxalibus actionibus 损害投偿权(不是权利,是诉讼?) Denuntiatio 告知,告发

Denuntiatio actionis 争议通知?

Denuntiatio litis 诉讼通知?

De plano 在无需调查取证的情况下

Deportatio 放逐

Deponens(Depositor) 寄托人

Depositarius 受寄托人

Depositum 寄托

Depositum ex necessitate(necessarium) 必要寄托,紧急寄托 Depositum irregulare 不规则寄托,变例寄托

Depositum in sequestrem 扣押寄托,调解寄托,仲裁寄托 Depositum miserabile 危准寄托(=紧急寄托?)

Desuetudo 废弃习惯

Detentio 持有

Detestatio sacrorum 郑重放弃,拒绝;宣布与…脱离关系 Dictator 独裁官

Dictator Latinus 拉丁独裁官?

Dies 期限

Dies ad quem 终止日,终期

Dies a que 起始日

Dies cedit(cedens) 期限开始,权利义务成立期,将到期 Dies certus 确定期限

Dies incertus 不确定期限

Dies solutionis 清偿期限

Dies utiles 诉讼日?

Dies venit(veniens) 期限到来,权利义务履行期,已到期 Diffarreatio 分食婚,解除祭祀婚

Dilatio 展期,延期

Diligentia 注意

Diligentia exacta 精细的注意

Diligentia exactissima 最勤谨,最精细的注意

Diligentia in abstracto 抽象注意

Diligentia in administrando 管理事物中的注意


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Diligentia in concreto 具体注意

Diligentia in custodienda re 保管物品中的注意 Diligentia patris familias 勤谨家父的注意

Diligentia quam suis 尽对待已物同等的注意 Dimissoriae litterae 上诉移送状?

Divisio 分割

Divortium 离婚

Divortium bona gratia 无过失的片面离婚,善因离婚 Divortium communi consensu 协议离婚

Divortium iusta causa 有正当原因的离婚

Divus 神明

Documentum 证书,帐目

Dolus 故意,恶意,欺诈

Dolus bonus 善意欺诈

Dolus malus 恶意欺诈

Dolus praeteritus 过去故意?

Domicilium 住所

Dominium 所有权

Dominium ex iure gentium 万民法上的所有权 Dominium ex iure Quiritium 市民法上的所有权 Dominus 所有人,主人,君主

Dominus rei gestae (无因管理中的)本人 Domus 住所,居所

Donandi animus 恩赐

Donandi causa 赠与原因

Donatarius 受赠人

Donatio 赠与

Donatio ante nuptias 婚前赠与

Donatio inter vivos 生前赠与

Donatio mortis causa 死因赠与

Donatio propter nuptias 婚后赠与

Donatio sepulturae causa 墓地赠与(=死因赠与?) Donator(Donans) 赠与人

Dos 嫁资

Dos adventicia 外来嫁资,非父予嫁资

Dos profecticia 父予嫁资,祖赠嫁资

Dos recepticia 约还嫁资,回复嫁资

Dotis datio 嫁资让与,嫁资给付

Dotis dictio 嫁资口约,嫁资宣许

Dotis promissio 嫁资允诺

Do ut des 互易

Duo rei promittendi 连带债务人

Duo rei stipulandi 连带债权人

Edictum 告示


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Edictum de pretiis rerum venalium 关于被卖物价格的告示 Edictum magistratum 长官告示

Edictum novum 新颁告示

Edictum peremptorium 限定期限的告示?

Edictum perpetuum 永久告示-

Edictum principis 君主告示

Edictum provinciale 行省告示 - - - - - -

Edictum repentinum 特别告示,紧急告示,临时告示 /? Edictum tralaticium 传袭告示

Electio 选择权

Emancipati 脱离父权的人

Emancipatio 脱离父权,解放奴隶

Emphyteusis 永佃权

Emphyteuta 永佃权人

Emptio ad gustum 试买?

Emptio rei seperatae 订购?

Emptio spei 购买希望,预买,(期待权)

Emptio venditio 买卖

Emptor 买方,买受人

Emptor familiae 家产买受人?

Epistula 敕函

Error 错误,误解

Error circa indolem et naturam 对特性和性质的错误? Error in corpore 对体态的错误,标的物的错误?

Error in quantitate 数量错误

Error in substantia 材料错误,物质的错误

Erroris causae probatio 错误原因的证明?

Eventum 结果

Evictio 追夺,追索

Evocatio edictis 告示传唤

Evocatio denunciationibus 通知传唤

Evocatio litteris 信函传唤

Ex causa lucrativa 有偿(契约)

Exceptio 抗辩

Exceptio dilatoria 限期抗辩

Exceptio doli(mali) 欺诈之抗辩

Exceptio in factum 基于事实的抗辩

Exceptio iurisiurandi 宣誓抗辩

Exceptio iusti dominii 正当所有权之抗辩,合法所有人之抗辩 Exceptio labeoniana 拉贝奥抗辩

Exceptio liberatoria 免责抗辩

Exceptio metus 胁迫之抗辩

Exceptio non adimplendi contractus 未履约之抗辩

Exceptio pacti conventi 因达成协议的抗辩、已缔结简约之抗辩 12

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Exceptio pacti de non petendo 依据不得再请求简约之抗辩

Exceptio rei iudicatae 既判物之抗辩,即判力

Exceptio rei venditae et traditae 交付出卖物的抗辩,买卖成交之抗辩,出卖并交付物的抗辩

Ex compromissio (Compromissum) 仲裁协议

Exercitor navis 船舶经营者

Ex facto 因事实

Exheredatio 剥夺遗产,剥夺继承权,废除继承人

Ex iniuria 对人身的侵害、侮辱

Ex iniusta causa 非正当原因,不正当原因

Existimatio 名誉减损

Ex iustis nuptiis 基于合法婚姻

Ex peccato(ex delicto) 私犯

Expensilatio 约据之债

Excusatio 免责事由

Excusationes tutorum 监护豁免

Executor 执行吏,执行人,执达员

Exheredatio inter ceteros 未指名剥夺继承权

Exheredatio nominatim 指名剥夺继承权

Extraordinaria coercitio 被提起刑事诉讼,特别刑事诉讼?

Extraordinarium iudicium 非常审判

Exsecutio 执行

Extraneus heres 家外继承人

Facio ut facias 换工

Factum 事实

Facultas agendi 行为能力

Falsum 伪造

Familia 家庭

Familia communi iure 广义家庭(宗亲家庭)

Familia proprio iure 狭义家庭

Fas 神法

Favor debitoris 债务人优惠制

Favor dotium 嫁资优惠制

Favor libertatis 自由权优先

Favor pupillorum 被监护人优惠制

Facti ignorantia 事实不知

Feriae 假期?

Fideicommissarius 信托受益人

Fideicommissum 遗产信托

Fideiussio 保证

Fideiussor 以要式口约提供保证的担保人

Fiducia 信托

Filiafamilias 家女

Filiusfamilias 家子


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Fiscus 国库

Flamen 祭司

Flamen Dialis 朱兹特神的祭司

Flamen Martialis 战神玛尔斯的祭司

Flamen Quirinalis 罗慕路斯的祭司

Flamines majiores (古罗马)三大祭司

Flamines minores (古罗马)十二小祭司

Foedus 协约,条约,同盟

Foedus aequum 平等条约

Foedus iniquum 不平等条约

Foenus(fenus,foenus) 借款契约,可替代物借贷契约 Foenus nauticum(pecunia traiecticia) 海运借款契约 Formula 程式诉讼

Fraus 欺诈

Fructus 孳息

Fructus civiles 法定孳息

Fructus consumpti 已消费的孳息

Fructus extantes 尚存孳息,现存孳息

Fructus naturales 自然孳息

Fructus pendentes 未分离孳息

Fructus percepti 已收获的孳息,实收孳息

Fructus percipiendi 应收获的孳息

Fructus separati 已分离的孳息

Fundus dominans 需役地

Fundus servus(serviens) 供役地

Furiosus 精神病人

Furtum 盗窃

Furtum improprium 近似盗窃?

Furtum rei 有体物盗窃,物件盗窃

Furtum manifestum 现行盗,明盗

Furtum nec manifestum 已遂盗,暗盗

Furtum possessionis 占有盗(=有体物盗窃?) Furtum usus 使用盗

Fustigatio 体刑

Gens 种族,氏族

Genus 种类物,种类

Germani 两面亲(同父同母所生)

Gestio 管理

Gestio negotiorum 经营管理(无因管理)? Gestor 管理人

Gestor negotiorum 财产经营人(无因管理人)? Gentiles 同姓人,同宗人

Gladii potestas 生死予夺权,惩处权

Gradus 继承顺序,亲等,顺位


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Gubernator navis 船长,舵手

Habitatio 居住权

Heredis institutio 指定继承权

Hereditas 遗产,继承

Hereditas damnosa 损益遗产

Hereditas iacens 搁置的遗产(无人继承的遗产),待继承的遗产

Hereditas legitima 法定遗产继承,法定继承

Hereditas non solvendo esse 积极遗产,增益遗产

Hereditas solvendo esse 消极遗产,损益遗产,资不抵债的遗产,有负担的遗产 Heres(Heredes) 继承人

Heres domesticus 家内继承人

Heres ex asse 概括继承人,继承全部遗产的继承人

Heres ex besse 继承三分之一遗产的继承人

Heres ex dodrante 继承四分之三遗产的继承人

Heres ex semmisse 继承二分之一遗产的继承人

Heres ex semuncia 继承二十四分之一遗产的继承人

Heres ex sescuncia 继承八分之一遗产的继承人

Heres exemplaris 特定继承人

Heres extraneus 家外继承人

Heres fiduciarius 信托继承人

Heres legitimus 法定继承人

Heres necessarius 必然继承人

Heres secundus 次位继承人?

Heredis substitutio 继承替代

Heredis substitutio exemplaris 特定继承替代?

Heredis substitutio pupillaris 未成年人的继承替代

Heres vulgaris 普通继承人

Heres suus et necessarius 正统必然继承人,

Heres suus 自家继承人,正统继承人

Heres voluntarius 任意继承人

Hermapharoditum 两性人

Homicidium 杀人

Homines 人

Honores 名誉

Hostes 敌人,敌国人

Hypotheca 抵押权

Id quod interest 直接损失,直到判决时(?)所受到的损失

Id quod interfuit 所遭受的损害

Id quod intererit 可能遭受的损害

Ignorantia 不知

Illicitum 非法

Immobiles 不动产

Impedimentum naturalis 自然障碍

Impensae necessariae 必要支出


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Impensae utiles 有益支出

Impensae voluntariae 享乐支出,奢侈费

Imperitia 拙劣无能

Imperium 权力,统治权,治权,谕令权

Imperium domi 城内治权?

Imperium militiae 军事治权

Imperium proconsulare 行省总督治权

Imprudentia 疏忽,不谨慎

Impuber 未适婚人

Impudicium 贞节

Impunitas 不予处罚

Inaedificatio 营造物

In bonis habere(dominium bonitarium) 善良所有,事实所有 Incerta obligatio 不确定之债

Incestum 乱伦

Indebiti solutio 错债清偿,不当得利

Indefensus 放弃辩护者

Indicium 证据

Indignus 不配者,不具者

Indiligentia(=Negligentia) 欠缺注意

Infamia 不名誉,丧廉耻

Infans(――――――――――――― 幼儿- - - - - - - - - - - P20) Infantia 幼儿期

Ingenuus 生来自由人

In id quod facere potest 在能力限度内承担责任

In integrum restitutio 恢复原状之诉

In iudicio 事实审理

In iure 预审,法律审理

Iniuria 不法侵害,侵辱

In ius vocatio 控告

Incola 居民

Innovatio 更新

Inscientia 无经验,不知

In singulos annos 逐年地

In solidum damnare(o condemnare) 判处以全部财产承担责任 Institor 总管,主管

Institutio ex re certa 就特定物指定继承人

Institutio heredis 继承人的指定

Institutiones 法学阶梯,法学总论

Instrumentum ad matrimonium 婚姻文书,结婚证书

Instrumentum fundi 农具耕畜

Insula 岛屿

Insula in flumine nata 滩涂

Integrum restitutio 恢复原状


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Intentio 原告的请求

Intercessio 否决权,给人做保,抗诉

Interdictum 令状,禁令

Interdictum adipiscendae possessionis 获得(取得)占有之令状

Interdictum de aqua cotidiana et aestiva 日常和夏季用水令状

Interdictum de arboribus caedendis 砍伐树木令状

Interdictum de clandestina possessione 秘密侵占令状

Interdictum de fonte reficiendo 恢复水源令状

Interdictum de glande legenda 捡拾果实令状

Interdictum de itinere actuque privato 个人事实通行令状?

Interdictum de itinere reficiendo 恢复通行令状

Interdictum de liberis exhibendis(ducendis) 要求返还子女的令状,领回子女的令状

Interdictum demolitorium 拆除施工令状

Interdictum de opere restituendo 将施工恢复原状之令状

Interdictum de rivo reficiendo 修复水道令状

Interdictum de superficiebus 保护地上权令状

Interdictum de uxore exhibenda et ducenda 要求领回妻子和嫁娶的令状? Interdictum de vi 防止暴力令状

Interdictum de vi armata 防止武力令状,排除持械强占令状

Interdictum quod in flumine publico ripave publica factum erit 将在公有河流上或其岸上进行的施工恢复原状之令状

Interdictum populare 民众禁令

Interdictum quod in loco sacro religiosove 将在圣地或安魂地进行的施工恢复原状之令状

Interdictum quod legatorum 拆除违反新施工警告而建造物之令状;继承人收回遗赠物令状,遗赠占有令状

Interdictum quod vi aut clam 防止暴力或容假(欺瞒)令状,防止暴力或暗中损害令状

Interdictum quorum bonorum 获得遗产占有之令状

Interdictum recuperandae possessionis 恢复占有之令状,回复占有之令状 Interdictum retinendae possessionis 保持占有状

Interdictum unde vi(de vi) 暴力占有令状,排除强暴令状

Interdictum uti possidetis 保护(确认)不动产占有令状

Interdictum utrubi 保护(确认)动产占有令状

Interim tutor 临时监护

Interlocutiones 裁决,中间裁决?

Interpellatio 催告;(另一次)起诉?

Interpretatio 解释

Interregnum 摄政

Interrogatio 庭询

Interstabilis 无信用,不能作证

Intestati bonorum possessio 无(对抗)遗嘱的遗产占有

Intestatus 未立遗嘱


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Intra legitimum tempus 在法定期间内

Inventio 发现

Ipso iure 依法,当然地(解除债务)

Iter 步行权,?骑马通行权

Iter ad sepulchrum 墓地通行权

Iudex(privatus) 承审员

Iudex pedanei 下级法官?

Iudex qui litem suam fecit 卷入争议的承审员

Iudicatio 判决,审理?

Iudicium 审判,诉讼

Iudicium bonae fidei 善良诉讼,诚信诉讼

Iudicium communi dividundo 分割共有物之诉

Iudicium contrarium depositi 对待寄托之诉

Iudicium contrarium negotiorum gestorum 对待管理行为之诉

Iudicium curationis 保佐之诉

Iudicium de moribus mulieris 风俗之诉,妇德之诉

Iudicium domesticum 家庭意见?

Iudicium dupli 双倍返还之诉

Iudicium legitima et Iudicia quae imperio continentur(o imperium continentia) 法定审判和依权审判?

Iudicium liberale(liberales causae) 关于自由权的诉讼

Iudicium strictum 严法诉讼

Iudicium tutelae 监护诉讼

Iura 法学家著作(与LEGES敕令对称)

Iura in re 物权

Iura in re aliena 他物权

Iura patronatus 庇主权,恩主权

Iurare in litem(ius iurandum) 在诉讼中通过发誓确定讼争的价格

Iurare de calumnia 就恶意问题进行宣誓

Iurata promissio liberti 解放奴隶允诺

Iuris auctoritate 法律明确规定

Iurisdictio 裁判,审判管辖权;司法权,司法审判

Iuris epitome 权利概述

Iuris ignorantia 法律不知

Iuris possessio 对权利的占有

Iurisprudentia 法学

Ius 法(十二表法和其他惯例与LEX民众大会决议对称)、权利,私法(与CIVITAS)相对称时

Ius abutendi 处分权;滥用权利?

Ius adcrescendi 增加权,添加权

Ilus adfinitatis 姻亲关系

Ius agendi 召集开会权

Ius agendi cum patribus 元老院代表权

Ius agendi cum populo 民众大会代表权?


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Ius aquae ducendae 导水权,取水权

Ius aquarum 用水权

Ius caduca vindicandi 空缺份额请求权

Ius capiendi ex testamento 依据遗嘱取得权 Ius civile 市民法

Ius cognationis 血亲关系

Ius commmercii 贸易权,通商权,财产权

Ius commune 一般法,共同法,普通法

Ius connubii(=Conubium) 通婚权,婚姻权 Ius dicere(=lurisdictio) 提出诉讼

Ius disponendi 处分权

Ius edieiendi 告示权,敕令权

Ius est ars boni et aequi 法是善良和公正的艺术 Ius extraordinarium 非常法

Ius exulandi 流放权

Ius faciendi 积极役权,作为权

Ius Flaivianum 福拉维安法

Ius fraternitatis 兄弟权

Ius fruenndi 收益权

Ius gentium 万民法

Ius hereditatis 继承权

Ius honorarium 荣誉法,荣誉权(被选举权),长官法 Iusiurandum liberti 被解放奴隶的允诺

Ius liberorum 子女权

Ius luminumofficiendorum 采光权

Ius migrandi 迁徙权,移居权

Ius militare 兵役法

Ius naturale 自然法

Ius non scriptum 不成文法

Ius novrm 新法

Ius noxae dandi 损害投偿权

Ius Papirianum 帕皮里法

Ius parietrm 立墙权

Ius perpetuum 永久权,永佃权

Ius postliminii(=Postliminium) 复境权

Ius praelationes 优先权

Ius privatum 私法

Ius prohibendi 禁止权,否决权

Ius protimeseos 优先权(=Ius praelationis?) Ius publicum 公法

Ius Quiritium 市民权,市民法

Ius respondendi 解答权

Ius scriptum 成文法

Ius sepulchri 墓地权


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Ius singulare 个别法

Ius sollemne 市民法

Ius sponsalium 订婚权

Ius stillicidium recipiendi (承受)滴水权?

Ius suffragii 选举权

Iussum 命令

Iusta causa 正当理由

Iusta causa excusationis 正当免责事由

Iusta causa replicationis 正当抗辩事由

Iustae nuptiae 有效婚姻

Iustitia 正义

Iustitium 中止一切执法活动?(公法)

Ius tollendi 分离添附的权利

Iustum pretium 公平价格

Ius utendi 使用权

Ius vendendi 出卖家子权

Ius vetus 早期法,古法

Ius vitae necisque 生杀权

Ius vocandi 传唤权

Labefactio 堕落

Laesio enormis 非常损害

Latrocinium 强盗团伙

Latini liberti 被解放的拉丁人?

Legatarius 受遗赠人

Legatum 遗赠

Legatum annuum 年息遗赠

Legatum debiti 债务遗赠

Legatum in genere 种类物遗赠

Legatum in pecunia 现金遗赠

Legatum iurium in re aliena 他物权遗赠

Legatum liberationis 免债遗赠

Legatum menstruum 月息遗赠

Legatum nominis =|? 债权遗赠

Legatum per damnationem =|? 间接遗赠,嘱令遗赠,设立债权的遗赠 Legatum per praeceptionem 先取遗赠

Legatum per vindicationem 直接遗赠,指物遗赠,所有权遗赠 Legatum sinendi modo 容受遗赠

Legatum speciei 特定物遗赠

Leges Ronanae Barbaricae 蛮族法

Leges generales 一般法律

Leges imperfectae 不完全法,不完善法

Leges minrs quam perfectae 不完全完善法

Leges perfectae 完全法,完善法

Leges regiae 君王法,王政法,王位法


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Leges rogatae 民决法

Leges sacratae 神圣约法

Leges Corneliae 科尔内利亚法

Leges Liciniae Sextiae 李其尼亚和赛斯蒂亚法

Leges Porciae 波尔其亚法

Leges publiliae philonis 布布里利和菲洛尼法

Leges Valeriae Horatiae 瓦勒里和奥拉兹法

Legitimatio 认领子女,对非婚生子女的承认

Legitimatio per oblationm curiae 因任地方议会议员的认领,为库里亚社稷而认领 Legitimatio per rescriptum principis 因皇帝特许的认领,因批复的认领 Legitimatio per subsequens matrimonium 因结婚的认领

Legis actiones 法律诉讼

Legis actio per condictionem 要求令状的法律诉讼,请求返还之诉?

Legis actio per manus iniectionem 拘禁之诉

Legis actio per pignoris capionem 扣押之诉

Legis actio sacramento 誓金之诉

Legis actio sacramento in personam 对人誓金之诉

Legis actio sacramento in rem 对物誓金之诉

Legis iudicis (per iudicius)arbitrive postulationem 要求审判员或仲裁人的法律诉讼,指定民选法官之诉?

Legitima hereditas 法定遗产继承

Legitima tutela 法定监护

Legitima tutela agnatorum 宗亲的法定监护

Legitima tutela patronoru 恩主的法定监护

Legitimi 婚生子女

Lenocinium 拉皮条

Lex(=leges) 法律,约法;民众大会决议

Lex12 Tabularum 十二表法

Lex Acilia repetundarum 关于索贿罪的阿其里亚法

Lex Aebutia 埃布蒂亚法

Lex Aelia Sentia 艾里(亚)·森迪亚法

Lex Aemilia de censura 关于监察官的艾米里亚法

Lex Aemilia frumentaria 关于粮食供给的艾米里亚法

Lex Anastasiana 阿那斯达西那皇帝谕令

Lex agraria epigraphica 公元前111年的土地法?

Lex Antonia de candidatis 关于候选人的安东尼法

Lex Appuleia 阿布勒伊法

Lex Aquilia 阿奎利亚法

Lex Atinia 阿提尼亚法

Lex Aurelia 奥勒留法

Lex Caecilia Didia 凯其里亚和迪第亚法

Lex Canuleia 卡努勒亚法

Lex Cassia 卡西亚法

Lex centuriata de bello indicendo 关于宣战的百人团法


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Lex certa 特别简约?

Lex Claudia 克劳迪亚法

Lex commissoria 解除约款

Lex Cornelia 科尔奈里亚法

Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis 关于谋杀罪和投毒罪的科尔奈里亚法 Lex Cornelia de testamentis 关于遗嘱的科尔奈里亚法

Lex curiata de imperio 库里亚权力约法

Lex data 官定法

Lex de Aventino publicando 关于将阿文蒂诺土地收归国有的法律

Lex de imperio 关于帝位的法律;皇权法

Lex de imperio Vespasiani 关于帝位的维斯帕西安法

Lex et ius 法律和法

Lex Falcidia 法尔奇第亚法

Lex Fufia Caninia 富菲亚和卡尼尼亚法

Lex Gabinia tabellaria 加比尼亚法

Lex Genucia 杰努其亚法

Lex Hieronica 叶罗内法

Lex horrendi carminis 严酷条款法?

Lex Hortensia 霍尔腾西亚法

Lex lulia de adulteriis 关于选举舞弊的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de ambitu 关于通奸罪的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de annona 关于粮食供给的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de civitate sociis danda 关于向拉丁人和盟友授予市民籍的尤利亚法(尤利亚国籍法)

Lex lulia de pecuniis repetundis(=Lex lulia repetundarum) 关于索贿罪的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de provinciis 关于行省官职的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de vi 关于暴力的尤利亚法

Lex lulia de vi privata 关于侵害私人的暴力行为(私下暴力)的尤利亚法 Lex lulia de vi publica 关于侵害公众的暴力行为(公开暴力)的尤利亚法 Lex lulia et Papia 尤利亚和帕皮亚法

Lex lulia maiestatis 关于叛逆罪的尤利亚法

Lex lulia peculatus 关于贪污的尤利亚法

Lex lulia iudiciaria 关于承审员的尤利亚法

Lex luria iudiciorum privatorum 关于私诉(私人审判)?的尤利亚法

Lex lulia iudiciorum publicorum 关于公共(众,开)审判的尤利亚法? Lex lulia municipalis 关于自治市的尤利亚法

Lex lulia sumptuaria 关于禁止奢侈行为的尤利亚法,(凯撒的)尤利亚浪费法? Lex lunia Vellaea 优尼亚·韦莱雅法

Lex Licinia lunia 李其尼亚和优尼亚法

Lex Licinia Mucia 李其尼亚和穆奇亚法

Lex Maenia 马艾尼亚法

Lex Ogulnia 奥古尔尼亚法

Lex Ovinia 奥威尼亚法


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Lex Papia 巴比亚法

Lex Papiria 帕皮里亚法

Lex Plautia 普劳蒂亚法

Lex Plautia Papiria de civitate sociis danda 关于向盟友授予市民权的普劳蒂和帕皮里亚法

Lex Poetelia 柏艾特里亚法

Lex Pompeia de transpadanis 关于波河这边(以南)的高卢人的庞培法? Lex Pompeia de iure magistratuum 关于执法官任职问题的庞培法?

Lex Pompeia de provinciis 关于行省官职的庞培法

Lex Pompeia Licinia de tribunicia potestate 关于护民官权力的庞培和李其尼亚法 Lex Pompeia parricidii 关于弑亲罪的庞培法

Lex regia 君王法、王位法

Lex Rhodia 罗德法

Lex Sempronia agraria 关于土地的森布罗尼法?

Lex Sempronia de provincia Asia 关于亚细亚行省的森布罗尼法

Lex Sempronia de provinciis 关于行省官职的森布罗尼法

Lex Sempronia frumentaria 关于粮食供给的森布罗尼法

Lex Sempronia iudiciaria 关于审判的森布罗尼法

Lex Servilia Caepionis 加比奥尼的(和)塞尔维里法?

Lex Servilia Glauciae 格劳恰的(和)塞尔维里法?

Lex Thoria 托里法

Lex Tullia de ambitu 关于选举舞弊的杜里亚法

Lex Valeria 瓦勒里法

Lex Varia 瓦里法

Lex Vatinia de provincia Caesaris 关于凯撒行省的瓦蒂尼法

Lex Velleia 威拉伊埃法

Lex Villia 威里法

Libellus appellatorius 上诉状

Libellus anquisitionis (liber anquisitionis) 起诉书

Libellus contradictionis 答辩状

Libellus conventionis 起诉状

Libellus divortii 离婚文书

Libellus repudii 休妻书

Libellus translatorius(litterae dimissoriae) 上诉移送状

Liberalitas 无偿转让

Liberatio 免除

Liberi 子女

Liberi in potestate 处在家父权下的子女

Liberi legitimi 婚生子女

Ligeri naturales 私生子

Liberi spurii 私生子

Liberi vulgo quaesiti 私生子

Libertinus 自由人

Libertus 解放自由人


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Licitatio 拍卖

Licitum 合法

Linea recta 直系

Linea transversalis 旁系

Litis 争讼

Litis aestimatio 支付罚款,支付赔偿金;诉讼取得? Litis contestatio 争讼阶段,争讼程序?

Liti se offerre (未占有而)作为占有人参加诉讼 Locatio conductio 赁借贷

Locatio conductio operarum 雇佣赁借贷 Locatio conductio operis 承揽赁借贷

Locatio conductio rei 物件赁借贷

Locator 出租人

Locus 地方,地位,条件

Locus publicus 公共用地

Locus religiosus 安魂地

Locus sacrer 圣地

Longi temporis praescriptio 长期时效(取得) Longissimi temporis praescriptio 最长时效 Lucrum cessatum 所丧失的利益(消极损害) Magister navis 航海事务总管

Magistratus 高级官吏?

Magistratus municipalis 城市长官,城市执法官 Magna culpa 重大过失

Magna neglegentia 重大疏忽

Maiestas 叛逆罪?

Maiores 成年人

Mala fides 非诚信,恶意

Maleficium 私犯

Mancipatio 要式买卖

Mancipatio familiae 家产的要式买卖?

Mancipia 被抓获者,俘虏

Mancipium 财产权,要式买卖权,买主权

Mandata 训示

Mandatarius 受委托人

Mandator 委托人

Mandatum 委托

Mandatum ad custodiendum 委托保管

Manu militari 司法警察,强制

Manumissio 解放奴隶

Manumissio censu 登记解放

Manumissio in sacrosanctis ecclesiis 寺院解放 Manumissio testamento 遗嘱解放

Manumissio vindicta 执杖解放


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Manus injectio 人身拘禁

Manus maritalis 夫权

Mater familias 家母

Matrimonium 婚姻

Matrimonium cum manu 要式婚姻,有夫权婚姻

Matrimonium iuris civilis 市民法婚姻

Matrimonium iuris gentium 万民法婚姻

Matrimonium per usum 时效婚

Matrimonium sine manu 略式婚姻,无夫权婚姻

Mensa 钱庄

Mercator 收购人

Merces 酬金,租金,报酬

Merx peculiaris 用以经营商行的特有产

Metus 胁迫,威胁,恐吓,恐惧,精神强制

Metus absoluta 人身胁迫,绝对胁迫

Metus compulsiva 精神胁迫,相对胁迫

Minores 未成年人

Missilis 奖券

Missio in possessionem 实现占有,特准占有令状,占有命令

Missio in possessionem legatorum servandorum causa 保证履行遗赠义务之占有,遗赠保全令

Modus 负担,对标的的限制

Mora 迟延

Mora accipiendi(creditoris) 债权人迟延

Mora solvendi(debitoris) 债务人迟延

Mortis causa capiones 死因取得

Mos 习惯

Multa 罚金

Munera municipalia 城市官职

Munera publica 公共赋税

Municipium 自治市,市,镇?

Mutui datio 物品的消费借贷

Mutuum 消费借贷

Naturalis obligatio 自然债务

Naturalis possessio 自然占有

Nauta 船员

Negotiatio 商行

Negotium 交易,交易形式,行为

Negotium iuris 适法行为

Negotium per aes et libram 铜衡式交易

Nexi liberatio 解除债务

Nexum 债务口约

Nominatim exhaeredare 指名剥夺继承权

Novatio 更新,债的变更


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Novatio necessaria 强制更新

Novatio voluntaria 任意更新

Noxae dare 损害投偿

Nuda traditio 单纯让渡,无特定形式的让渡

Nudum dominium(nuda proprietas) 空虚所有权 Nudum ius Quiritium 空虚所有权

Nudus consensus 单纯合意

Nummularius 货币经纪人

Nummus 货币

Nunciatio 告知

Nunciator 告知人

Nunciatus 被告知人

Nutus 示意

Obligandi causa 债因

Obligatio 债

Obligatio alternativa 选择之债

Obligatio certa 确定之债

Obligatio dividua 可分之债

Obligatio ex contractu 契约之债

Obligatio ex delicto 私犯之债

Obligatio ex variis causarum figuris 其他原因之债 Obligatio generis 种类之债

Obligatio heredtatis 遗产之债

Obligatio incerta 不确定之债

Obligatio individua 不可分之债

Obligatio naturalis 自然之债

Obligatio quasi ex contractu 准契约之债

Obligatio quasi ex delicto 准私犯之债

Obligatio in solidum 连带之债

Obligatio specialis 特定之债

Obligatio verborum 口头之债

Occupatio 先占

Occupatio bellica 战时先占

Officium 职位,官职

Omittere causam testamenti 忽视立遗嘱人?的意愿 Onus 责任,负担

Operae(servorum et animalium) 奴畜

Operis novi nuntiatio 新作业警告

Opus 事宜,工作

Opus facere 施工

Oratio 谕令

Ordo iudiciorum 普通审判

Origo 籍贯,原籍

Pactum 简约


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Pactum adiectum 附加简约

Pactum constitutae pecuniae (=constitutum debiti =pecunia constituta) 承认债务简约

Pactum conventum 已缔结的简约

Pactum degustationis 品尝简约

Pactum de lucranda donatione 关于获取赠与的简约

Pactum de retroemendo 赎回简约

Pactum de retro vendendo 典卖简约?回卖?

Pactum de non alienando 不转让简约

Pactum de non petendo 不得再请求简约

Pactum displicentiae 不满意简约

Pactum fiduciae 信托简约

Pactum hypothecae 抵押简约

Pactum legitimum 法定简约,钦定简约

Pactum ne depositi agatur 不提起寄托之诉简约

Pactum nudum 裸体简约,无特定形式简约

Pactum praetorium 裁判官简约

Pactum protimeseos 卖方先买简约

Pactum vestita 穿衣简约

Parapherna(bona paraphernalia) 妻子带来的嫁资以外的财产

Parens,parentes 父母

Paricidas 报复刑

Parricidium 近亲谋杀,弑亲

Partus 分娩

Pater adoptivus 养父

Pater familias 家父,尊亲属

Patientia 默认

Patria potestas 父权

Patricius 贵族

Patronus 庇主,恩主,保护人;(刑事诉讼中的)辩护人

Patres 元老

Pauperies 四足动物

Pecoris pascendi servitus 放牧役权

Peculatus 贪污,监守盗

Peculium 特有产

Peculium adventicium 外来特有产

Peculium castrense 军人特有产

Peculium profecticium 收益特有产

Peculium quasi-castrense 准军人特有产

Pecunia traiectitia 海运借款

Pellex 妾

Pendens conditio 条件未成就

Per aetatem 由于年龄

Perduellio 大逆


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Peregrinus 异邦人,外国人

Periculum rei 风险,危险

Periculum custodiae 看管风险

Periculum emptoris 买方风险

Periculum evictionis 追夺风险

Periculum morae 迟延风险

Periculum omne 一切风险

Permutatio 交换,以物易物,互易

Persecutio 刑事诉讼,司法诉讼

Persecutio publica 公诉

Persona 人,人格

Persona alieni iuris 他权人

Persona certa 特定人

Persona ficta 拟制的人

Persona in mancipi 处于买主权下的人

Persona in manu 处于夫权下的人

Persona in potestate 处于父权下的人

Persona sui iuris 自权人

Petitio 请求

Petitio hereditatis 请求继承之诉

Petitio hereditatis utilis 请求继承扩用之诉

Pignus 质权,物件质权

Pignus in causa iudicati captum 既判诉讼中的扣押;判决质押 Pignus nominis 债权质

Pignus pignoris 质权质,转质

Plebs 平民

Plebiscitum 平民会议决议

Plus petitio(=pluris petitio) 过分请求

Poena 罚金,罚金条款,违约金

Poena ad bestias 委弃给野兽之刑

Poena ad ludos 判作奴隶

Poena ad metalla(=in opus metalli) 判处强制劳动

Poena capitis 极刑

Poena cullei 沉入水底之刑

Poena sine provocatione 不许上诉的惩罚

Pollicitatio 允诺,单方承诺

Pontifex 大祭司

Pontifex maximus 祭司长

Populus 人民,民众,民族,国家,共同体

Populus Romanus 罗马人民

Portio 份额

Portio debita 适宜份额,义务份

Portio legitima 法定份额,特留份额

Possessio 占有


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Possessio ad interdicta 依令状的占有

Possessio ad usucapionem 时效占有

Possessio in bonis(bona fides) 善意占有

Possessio iuris 市民法上的占有

Possessio iuris civilis 法定占有,市民法占有

Possessio naturalis 自然占有

Possessio pro alieno 为他人的占有

Possessio pro suo 为自己的占有

Postulare 提出请求;参与诉讼

Postulatio iudicis 由裁判官选任承审案件的民选法官?

Postumi descendentes(=Postumus) 直系男性卑亲属所生的遗腹子

Potestas 权,权力,支配权

Potestas dominica 家主权

Potestas maritalis 夫权

Potestas tribunicia 护(保)?民官的权力

Praecepta civilia 市民法规范(戒条)

Praecepta gentium 万民法规范(戒条)

Praecepta naturalia 自然法规范(戒条)

Praedes litis et vindiciarum 执行判决并返还孳息

Praedium dominans 需役地

Praedium serviens 供役地

Praedium stipendiarium 贡赋地

Praedium tributarium 纳税地

Praefectus annonae 粮食供给长官

Praefectus iuri dicundo 执法长官

Praefectus praetorio 大区长官,军政长官?

Praefectus urbi 城市执政官,罗马市长(共和时代理缺席的执政官)?

Praefectus vigilum 城市治安长官,宵禁官?

Praeiudicium 初审,预备审

Praenomen 称号,别名,族名

Praepositio 任命(指定)总管

Praescriptio aquisitiva 取得时效

Praescriptio extinctiva 消灭时效

Praescriptio pro actore诉讼?时效? ?就确定问题起诉(为原告的利益)

Praescriptio triginta annorum (=Praescriptio longi temporis) 三十年时效(最长时效)

Praeses 行省总督

Praestatio 给付,履行

Praestationes personales 个人之间的债务关系

Praesumptio 推定

Praetor 裁判官

Praetor maximus 最高长官?

Praetor minor 小执政官?

Praetor peregrinus 外事裁判官


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Praetor urbanus 内事裁判官

Praevaricatio 渎职,阳奉阴违罪

Pragmatica sanctio 法律意见?

Precarium 不确定占有,临时让与,容假占有

Pretium 价格,价值,价金

Privilegium 优先权,特权

Privilegium exigendi 索要优先权

Probatio 举证

Proconsul 行省总督,行省长官

Procreatio iusta 婚生

Procreatio vulgaris 私生

Procurator (略式)诉讼代理人

Prodigus 浪费人

Proditio 背叛罪

Pro derelicto 因遗弃

Pro donato 作为受赠人

Pro dote 因嫁资

Pro emptore 作为买方

Pro herede gestio 作为继承人经管

Pro legato 因遗赠

Promittens 承诺人(债务人)

Pro reo 作为主债务人

Pro soluto 因已付款

Pro suo possidere 因自占

Promulgatio 颁布

Pro rata 分期

Pro virili portione 人头份额

Provocatio (ad populum) 向民众申诉

Puber 适婚人

Pubertas 成年

Publica fides 公共信用,公共信誉

Publicani 税收官,包税人

Publicis expensis 国家薪俸

Pupillus 被监护人

Quaesitio 刑事诉讼,讯问?

Quaesitor 基层执法官,主审官,讯问官,财务官Mlp23,刑讯官? Quaestiones 刑事法庭

Quaestiones perprtuae 常设刑事法庭

Quaestor 财务官

Quaestor Caesaris principis 在元老院宣读皇帝敕令的官员 Quaestor sacri palatii 圣殿执法官,司法大臣

Quam litis aestimatione 聚讼估价

Quarta Falcidia 四分之一(遗产),法勒蒂亚份额

Quasi contractus 准契约


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Quasi delictum 准私犯

Quasi possessio 准占有

Quasi usufructus 准用益权

Querela 上告

Querela inofficiosi testamenti 逆伦遗嘱之诉

Querela non numeratae pecuniae 未付金钱之之诉

Quorum bonorum 遗产占有确认,遗产占有令状

Rapina 抢劫?

Raptor 抢劫者

Raptus 抢劫?

Receptum 承保,负责简约

Receptum arbitri 仲裁职责,仲裁权限?

Receptum indebiti completare con tutti I recepta\ 不当得利? Reciperare 返还

Recipere res salvas fore 承担完整无损地返还交付保管的物品的责任 Reconventio 反诉

Recuperator 主审法官,合议庭?

Recusare 要求回避

Reddere ius 执法

Redemptus 赎买

Redemptus ab hostibus 从敌人那儿赎回的俘虏

Referre ius iurandum 要求反宣誓

Reformatio in peius 上诉不加刑

Regressus 追索权

Regula Catoniana 卡妥尼亚纳规则

Rei aestimatio 物的估价

Rei capitalis damnati 被判处极刑者

Reivindicatio pro parte 要求部分返还之诉

Relegatio 流放,徒刑,驱逐

Remancipatio 再卖式,卖回,退还权利MBp158?

Remedium 补救

Remissio(operis novi nuntiationis) 撤销新施工警告

Repetitio rei 要求对物的归还

Repetundae 索贿

Replicatio 答辩,反抗辩

Repudium 弃夫或弃妻,片面离婚

Repudium sine causa 无因片面离婚

Res 物

Res certa 确定物

Rescindere 撤销

Res commodatae 出借物

Res communes 共有物

Res corporales 有体物

Res cottidianae 日用品,日常事件法律实践


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Rescriptum 批复

Res depositae 寄托物

Res derelictae 委弃物,遗弃物

Res divini iuris 神法物

Res extra commercium 非交易物,不流通物

Res extra nostrum patrimoni 万家物

Res fungibiles 可替代物

Res furtiva 被盗物

Res humani iuris 人法物

Res immobiles 不动产

Res incerta 不确定物

Res in commercium 交易物,流通物

Res inconsumptibiles 非消费物

Res incorporales 无体物

Res in patrimonium 自家物,自有物

Res integra est 在尚未履行契约之前

Res in usu publico 共用物

Res iudicata est 已决案,既判力

Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur 既判之事应视为真理

Res litigiosa 争议标的

Res mancipi 要式物

Res mobiles 动产

Res nec mancipi 略式物

Res non fungibiles 不可替代物

Res nullius(=res sine domino) 无主物

Res pignori datae 质押物

Respondere 答复,解答

Responsa prudentium 法学家的解答

Res privatae 私有物

Res privata principis 君主的私有财物

Res publicae 公有物;共和国

Res quae non usu consumantur 非消费物

Res quae numero pondere mensura consistunt可以称、量、计数的物品 Res quae usu consumantur 消费物

Res religiosa 安魂物,神息物

Res Romana 罗马物件

Res sacrae 神用物

Res sanctae 神护物

Res soli(immobiles) 不动产

Res universitatis 市有物,府有物

Rescindere venditionem 解除买卖契约

Rescissio(Rescindere) 撤销

Rescriptum 批复,敕答

Res publicae 公有物


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Responsa prudentium 法学家解答

Restitutio 返还,恢复,回复

Restitutio in integrum 恢复原状

Restitutio natalium(=Restituere natales) 授予生来自由人身份 Res uxoriae 妻财之诉

Res vi possessae 强占物

Retentio 留置,扣除

Retentiones (返还嫁资时)关于嫁资的支出,?嫁资扣除 Retentio propter impensas 因开支的扣除

Retentio propter liberos 因子女的扣除

Retentio propter mores 因伤风败俗的扣除,因风化的扣除

Retentio propter res amotas 因拿走物的扣除,因隐匿财产的扣除 Retentio propter res donatas 因赠与的扣除

Reus 被告,肇事者,债务人,应承担责任、义务者

Reus promittendi 连带债务人

Revocatio 撤销

Rogatio 提案,法案

Sacerdos 祭司

Sacrilegium 亵渎神明

Salubritas 健康

Sanctio 制裁

Satisdatio 允诺,裁判官要式口约

Satisdatio ratam rem habituram 允诺认可代理人所做的一切 Satisdatio rem(pupilli)salvam fore 允诺保护未适婚人的财产 Scientia 认识,明知

Se immiscere hereditati 参与遗产管理

Senator 元老

Senatus 元老院

Senatus consultum 元老院决议

Senatus consultum Silanianum 希拉尼奥元老院决议

Senatus consultum ultimum 元老院紧急决定

Sententia 判决

Separatio bonorum 财产分割,析产,财产分别利益

Sequester 扣押保管人

Sequestratio 扣押,系争物寄托

Servitus 役权;奴隶身分

Servitus altius non tollendi 限制建筑物加高役权

Servitus appellendi ad aquam 饮畜役权

Servitus aquaeductus 导水役权

Servitus harenae fodiendae 采矿权

Servitus calcis coquendae 烧制石灰役权

Servitus cloacae mittendae 排放污水役权

Servitus cretae eximendae 采掘石灰役权

Servitus fluminis 流水役权


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Servitus fumi immittendi 引烟役权,排烟役权

Servitus lapidis eximendae 采石役权

Servitus luminis immittendi 采光役权

Servitus navigandi 航行役权

Servitus ne luminibus prospectui offciatur 禁止妨碍眺望采光役权 Servitus ne luminibus officiatur 禁止妨碍采光役权

Servitus oneris ferendi 支重役权,支柱役权,支撑地役权

Servitus pecoris ad aquam appellendi(adpulsus) 饮畜役权

Servitus pecoris pascendi 放牧役权

Servitus poenae 奴役刑

Servitus proiiciendi 空间伸出役权

Servitus protegendi 遮盖役权

Servitus stillicidii 滴水权,通水权

Servitus stillicidii vel fluminis non avertendi 禁止妨碍通水或流水役权 Servitus tigni immittendi 搭梁役权

Servitutes affirmativae 积极役权

Servitutes apparentes 表面役权

Servitutes continuae 持续役权

Servitutes discontinuae 不持续役权

Servitutes itinerum 通行权

Servitutes negativae 消极役权

Servitutes personales(=Servitutes personarum) 人役权、使用、居住役权 Servitutes praediales(=Servitutes praedorium) 地役权

Servitutes praedorium rusticorum (=Servitutes rusticae) 乡村地役权 Servitutes praedorium urbanorum (=Servitutes urbanae) 都市地役权 Servus 奴隶

Servus civitatis 公奴

Servus communis 共有的奴隶

Servus hereditarius 遗产中的奴隶

Servus vicarius 奴隶特有产中的奴隶

Siliqua 回扣

Simulatio 虚伪表示

Sinallagma 双务契约

Sindycus 代理人?

Sobrina 堂(表)姐妹

Sobrinus 堂(表)兄弟

Societas 合伙

Societas negotiationis alicuius 单项合伙,个物合伙,特业合伙

Societas unius rei 单项合伙,个物合伙,特业合伙

Societas omnium bonorum 共有合伙

Societas quaestuaria 商事合伙,商务合伙 </P>

Societas universorum quae ex quaestu veniunt 贸易合伙或普通合伙 Societas vectigalis 征税合伙


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Socius 合伙人,共有人

Solarium 宅基地使用费

Solutio 清偿,支付

Soluto matrimonio, 解除婚姻

Solutor 清偿人

Sors 价款

Species 特定物

Specificatio 加工

Sponsa 未婚妻

Sponsalia 订婚,婚约

Sponsio 允诺,口头契约,誓约

Sponsor 允诺人

Sponsus 未婚夫

Stabularius 驿站主

Statuliber 待自由人,待释奴

Status 身份,地位

Status civitatis 市民权,身份

Status familias 家族权

Status libertatis 自由权

Status quo 现状

Stipendium(vel tributum) 纳税地

Stipulatio 要式口约

Stipulatio duplae 双倍返还之要式口约

Stipulatio poenae 罚金(违约金)要式口约 Stipulatio praetoria 裁判官要式口约

Stuprum 通奸,强奸,诱奸;猥亵;偶合 Sub conditione 附条件

Sub poena 罚金条款

Subscriptiones 批复(对个人的答复,敕令的一种) Substituti 替补人,补充继承

Substitutio 替补,指定的补充

Substitutio directa 直接替补

Substitutio duplex 双重替补

Substitutio exemplaris 未成年人替补

Substitutio pupillaris 未适婚人替补

Substitutio quasi pupillaris 准未适婚人替补 Substitutio vulgaris 一般替补

Succedere in iure 承受权力?

Successio 继承

Successio ab intestato 无遗嘱继承

Successio graduum 继承顺位

Successio in capita 按人继承

Successio in lineas 按亲系继承

Successio in omne ius 概括继承


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Successio in possessionem 对占有的继承

Successio in res(=Successio in singulas res) 特定物继承,单一物继承 Successio in stirpes 血统继承,?

Successio in universum ius 概括继承

Successio ordinum 继承顺序

Successio per universitatem 概括继承

Successor 继承人

Successor legitimus 合法继承人

Succurrere 补救

Suffragatio 投赞成票,支持

Suffragium 表决,选举权

Summatim cognoscere 进行及时、简洁的调查

Sumptus inanes 无益的花费

Superficiariae aedes 在他人土地上建筑之物?

Superficiarius 地上权人

Superficies 地上权

Suppleri 补充

Supplicia 酷刑

Supplicium more maiorum 最严厉的处罚

Tabellio 遗嘱见证人?

Tabulae 遗嘱,遗书

Tacitus 默示

Talio 同态复仇

Tempus 期间

Tempus continuum 继续期间

Tempus fatale 不变期间

Tempus utile 有用期间

Tergiversatio 敷衍塞责罪

Tertullianum commodum 德尔图良元老院决议的利益?

Testamentarius 遗嘱执行人

Testamenti factio activa 积极遗嘱能力

Testamenti factio passiva 消极遗嘱能力

Testamentum 遗嘱

Testamentum apud acta(conditum) 公证遗嘱,公式遗嘱

Testamentum calatis comitiis 会前遗嘱

Testamentum iniustum(non iure factum) 不合法(未按法定程式完成的)遗嘱 Testamentum in procinctu 战(阵)前遗嘱

Testamentum irritum 未实现(落实)的遗嘱,遗嘱失效

Testamentum nullius momenti esse 无效遗嘱

Testamentum per aes et libram 铜衡式遗嘱

Testamentum principi oblatum 御制遗嘱

Testamentum privatum 私式遗嘱

Testamentum ruptum 撤销的遗嘱

Testamentum straordinarium 特别遗嘱


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Testamentum tripertitum 复式遗嘱

Testator 遗嘱人

Testimonium 证言

Testis 证人

Thesaurii inventio 埋藏物的发现

Thesaurus 埋藏物

Titulus 名分,权利

Traditio 让渡

Traditio brevi manu 短手让渡

Traditio ex patientia 让用,容忍让渡

Traditio in ncertam personam 向不确定的人让渡

Traditio longa manu 长手让渡

Traditio symbolica 象征让渡

Transactio 和解,调解

Transfusio 移转

Translatio 改变

Transmissio 转位(替换),移转

Transmissio ad heredes et contra heredes 转移给债权人的继承人和债务人的继承人?

Transmissio ex capite infantiae 因幼儿转位(替换)?

Transmissio ex iure patrio 因父权转位(替换)?

Transmissio iustinianea (ex iure deliberandi) 优士丁尼转位(替换)? Tribunal 法庭

Tribus 部落

Tribunus celerum 保民官,护民官?

Tribunus militum 国王的骑兵卫队长

Tribunus plebis 平民保民官?

Tributum capitis 人头税

Tributum soli 土地税

Turpitudo 秽名,事实不名誉,污名

Tutela 监护

Tutela agnatorum 宗亲监护

Tutela dativa 官选监护

Tutela honoraria 荣誉监护

Tutela impuberum 对未适婚人的监护

Tutela legitima 法定监护

Tutela mulierum 对妇女的监护

Tutela patronorum 恩主监护

Tutela perpetua mulierum 对女子的终身监护

Tutela testamentaria 遗嘱监护

Tutor 监护人

Tutor auctore 担保监护人?

Tutor dativus(Tutor Atilianus) 官选监护人

Tutor fiduciarius 信托监护人


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Tutor honoraria 荣誉监护人?

Tutor interim 临时监护人

Tutor legitimus 法定监护人

Tutor optivus 选择监护人?

Tutor praetorius 裁判官法监护人

Tutor testamentarius 遗嘱监护人

Tutoris auctoritas 监护人的准许

Tutoris optio 监护人的选择权?

Tutoris optio angusta 限制选择权

Tutoris optio plena 完全选择权

Ultra vires hereditarias 不受遗产额的限制 Unde vi 强取物回复令状

Universitas 团体,集合物,市有物,公法人的物 Universitas honorum 财团

Universitas facti 资合

Universitas iuris 人合

Unus iudex 独任承审员

Usia(substantia) 实体,材料

Usucapio 时效取得

Usucapio ex lucrativa causa 因得利原因的时效取得 Usucapio libertatis 自由时效取得

Usucapio pro herede 因继承的时效取得

Usucapio pro suo 因自占的时效取得

Usufructus (ius utendi fruendi) 用益权

Usufructuarius 用益权人

Usureceptio 时效收回

Usurpatio 时效中断,侵占?

Usus 使用权;时效婚;时效

Uterini 同胞亲(同母所生)

Utilitas 利益

Uxor in manu 夫权下的妻子

Vacua possessio 单纯占有

Vadimonium 出庭保证,法律诉讼?

Vectigales 纳税地

Vector 货主,乘客

Venditio 出售,卖

Venditio nominus 债权的出售

Venditor 卖方

Venia aetatis 成年宣告,年龄优待制

Verberatio 体刑,鞭笞

Veteres 早期法学家

Via 通行权,步行权

Vicinitas 相邻,邻居

Vicus 乡镇


拉丁语在线翻译 拉丁语汉语翻译表

Villa 农庄

Vinculum iuris 法锁,法律约束

Vindex (法律诉讼中的)保证人

Vindicatio ex bono et aequo 基于善意和公平的请求返还之诉

Vindicatio servitutis 请求返还役权

Vindicatio ususfructus (petitio ususfructus) 确认用益权之诉,请求返还用益权 Vindicta 惩罚

Violatio 违反,侵害

Virgo 处女

Vis 暴力,暴力罪;不可抗力

Vis absoluta(corpori illata) 绝对胁迫(身体胁迫)

Vis compulsiva (animo illata) 相对胁迫(精神胁迫)

Vis cui resisti non potest 无法抗拒的力量

Vis divina 神力

Vis magna 不可抗力

Vis maior 不可抗力

Vis naturalis 自然之力

Vitae necisque potestas 生杀权

Vitium 瑕疵

Voluntaria cautio 自愿担保

Voluntaria cessio 自愿转让

Voluntas 意愿,意思,意志

Voluntas legis 法律的意志



三 : 拉丁文常用语中文翻译

* ab abrupto (= ex abrupto) [suddenly] 事前未经准备;即席

* ab absurdo [from the absurd] 依据荒谬的论点;归谬法[逻辑] * ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia 不正当使用得出无效结论

[a conclusion as to the use of a thing from

its abuse is invalid; the consequences of

abuse do not apply to general use]

* ab aeterno [since the beginning of time] 自从时间开始以来;自从有历史以来 * abalienatio 让渡;转让

* abalienatio mentis 精神错乱

* abandum 没收物;扣押物;遗弃物[有排除法 律保障之意]

* ab antiquo [from antiquity; from ancient time] 自古;自古以来

* ab asino lanam 从驴子身上拔羊毛;冷酷的人的同情

[wool from an ass; blood from a stone] [比喻]

* abatementum 横夺财产;强夺财产

* abeunt studia in mores 习由性成;习惯成自然;事业陶冶性

[studies change into habits; pursuits 格

assiduously followed become habits]

* ab extra [from outside] 从外部;外来;来自外部 * ab extrinseco [from the outside] 从外部;外来;外在

* ab hoc et ab hac 杂乱无章

* ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa 这个那个,说个不清

[from this man and this woman and

that woman; from here, there, and

everywhere; confusedly]

* ab hodierno [from today] 从今日起

* abiit ad majores (or plures) 他去世了

[he has gone to his ancestores (the

majority); he is dead]

* ab imo pectore 出自内心;出于肺腑;肺腑之言

[from the bottom of the heart]

* ab inconvenienti 反证;反证法[从反面证明];以不

[from inconvenience; designating an 便故

argument designed to show that the

opposite construction is untenable

because of the inconvenience or

hardship it would create]

* ab incunabulis 从襁褓中;自幼

[from cradle; from infancy]

* ab initio [from the beginning] 自始;从开头;从开始起;从头开始 * ab intestato 无遗嘱的继承[遗产]

[from or by a person dying without a

valid will]

* ab intra [from within] 从内部;自内

* ab invito 非出于自愿;不情愿地

[by an unwilling person; unwillingly]

* ab irato 出于一时气愤;在愤怒之下

[from an angry man; in a fit of anger]

* ab limine [from the outset] 从开始;自始

* abnormis sapiens 无师自通的哲学家;天生的哲学家

[a philosopher of no particular school;

a natural-born philosopher]

* a bove majori discit arare minor 老牛耕小牛学;老公鸡怎么叫,小公

[from the older ox the younger learns 鸡怎么学;子学父样 to plow; as the old cock crows, the

young one learns]

* ab origine [from the origin] 自始;从头;从起源 * ab ovo 自始;从开始

[from the egg; from the beginning]

* ab ovo usque ad mala 自始至终

[from the egg to the apples; from

beginning to end]

* abscissio infiniti 排他法[逻辑]

[the cutting off of the infinite

(or negative part); the systematic

comparison and rejection of

hypotheses until the true conclusion

is reached]

* absens haeres non erit 不在场者不得为继承人

[the man who is absent will not be an heir]

* absens reo (abs re) 被告不在;被告未到庭

[the defendant being absent]

* absenti febri (abs febr) 不发烧时[医学]

* absente reo 在被告缺席的情况下

* absit invidia 请不要介意;请勿见怪;不是有意的

[let there be no ill will; take it not amiss;

no offence intended]

* absit omen [may this not be an omen] 但愿这不是恶兆

* absoluta sententia expositore non indiget 文字意义简明,无须解释

[an absolute sentence needs no expositor]

* absolvi animam meam 鞠躬尽瘁

* absque ulla conditione 无条件地

[without any condition]

* absurdum quippe est ut alios regat qui 不能管理自己,岂能管理别人;不能 seipsum regere nescit 治己,焉能治人

[it is certainly absurd that a man who

cannot rule himself should rule others]

* abundans cautela non nocet 尽量小心,总不会错

[extreme care does no mischief]

* ab uno disce omnes [from one learn all] 由一斑而窥全豹;举一反三 * ab urbe condita (AUC) 罗马城建立后[罗马城约建于公元前

[from the founding of the city (ie Rome)] 七五三年];罗马纪元 * abusus non tollit usum 不正当用途不能取代正当用途

[abuse does not take away use; misuse

does not nullify proper use]

* abyssus abyssum invocat 一错再错;一误再误;一个错误引向

[one chasm leads to another; one mistake 另一个错误

leads to another]

* a capite ad calcem 从头到脚;彻头彻尾地

[from head to heel; completely;


* accedas ad curiam 准许上诉

[that you go to court; you may appeal

the case]

* acceptilatio 免除(债务)

* accessio [an increase or addition] 附属物;添附;进入

* accessio cedit principali 从物属于主物的所有人;附属物属于

[the accessory follows the principal] 主物

* accessio possessionis 财产的增加;财产的添附

[increase or addition of possessions]

* accessit 他(她)几乎得到(某种荣誉)

[he (or she) came near; honourable


* accessoriales [accessories] 从物

* accessorium sequitur suum principale 附属物随其主物

* accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis 从犯的罪不能比主犯重

[an accessory follows the nature of his

principal; one who is accessory to a

crime cannot be guilty of a higher

degree of crime than his principal]

* accidentia 偶然因素

* accusare nemo se debet 谁都不须控告自己

[no one is obliged to incriminate himself]

* acervatim [in heaps; briefly] 简略地

* ac etiam [and also] 以及

* Acheruntis pabulum 注定要死的人;垂死的人

[food for Acheron; marked for death; food

for the gallows]

* a coelo usque ad centrum 土地所有者的权利范围[原意为从土

[from the heavens to the centre of the 地之上至上天,之下至地球中心, earth] 此原则已废];财产所有人的权 利范围

* a contrarie 相反

* acribus initiis incurioso fine 虎头蛇尾;有始无终

* a cruce salus [salvation by the Cross] 靠十字架得救;十字架拯救世人 * acta est fabula [the play is over] 戏演完了;剧已终了;剧终 * acta jure gestionis [administrative acts] 行政法规

* acta sanctorum [deeds of the saints] 使徒言行录[记述基督教殉教者生平 的书]

* actio [action; suit; right of action] 诉讼;诉权

* actio conducti 承租人的控诉

[an action taken by the hirer of a thing

against the letter]

* actio de effusis vel de jectus 因自屋内抛弃东西致伤害他人而引起 的诉讼

* actio de pauperie 因动物加害于人而引起的诉讼 * actio depositis vel suspensi 因挂东西在街上致损害他人而引起的 诉讼

* actio doli 诈骗的诉讼

* actio in forma pauperis 贫困者取得法律援助的诉讼 * actio injurarium [action for injury] 对人格人体侵害的控诉

* actio in personam 对人的诉讼

* actio in rem 对物的诉讼

* actio negatoria 排除妨害所有权的诉讼

* actiones legis 合法行为

* actio pauliana 反对欺诈行为的诉讼

* actio personalis moritur cum persona 属人诉讼随当事人一起消灭;因当事

[a personal action dies with the person; 人死亡而结束的诉讼;人死罪不 a maxim meaning that rights of action 究;人死不起诉

arising out of torts are destroyed by the

death of the person injured or injuring]

* actio popularis 群众行动;共同行动

[common action; action of the people]

* actio pro socio 合伙人的控诉

[action of partnership (brought by one

partner against his associate)]

* actio quod metus causa 基于威胁行为的诉讼

* actore non probante reus absolvitur 原告不能证实案情,即应宣告被告无

[when the plaintiff does not prove his case, 罪

the defendant is acquitted]

* actori incumbit onus probandi 举证责任在于原告

[the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff]

* actori incumbit probatio 原告负举证的责任

[the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff]

* actor sequitur forum rei 原告随物所在地法院;原告应向被告

[a plaintiff follows the court of the 的管辖法院提出控告


* actum Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不得归咎于人

[an act of God does wrong to no man;

an individual cannot be held responsible

for an act of God]

* actum est 一切都完了;终结

* actum ne agas 做过的事不要再做;不要重复

[don't do what has already been done]

* actus curiae nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[the act of the court does wrong to no


* actus curiae neminem gravabit 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[an act of the court shall prejudice no


* actus Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不是人的过错

[an act of God is prejudicial to no one;

the law holds no man responsible for the

act of God]

* actus injura (= actus injuria) 侵害行为;侵权行为;不当行为

[an act of injury]

* actus legis nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[the act of the court does wrong to no


* actus me invito factus, non est meus actus 非出于自愿的行为,不是本人行为

[an act I performed unwillingly is not my


* actus non facit reum nisi mens est rea 非有意犯罪的行为不算犯罪行为;无

[the act does not make a criminal useless 心之过不算犯罪

the intention is criminal]

* actus reus [wrongful act] 非法行为;犯罪行为;不正当的行为; 被告的行为

* a cuspide corona [from the spear a crown] 靠刀枪得天下;枪杆子出政权 * ad absurdum [to the absurd] 反证

* ad amussim 精确地;准确地

[according to a rule; accurately; exactly]

* ad aperturam libri 开卷第一章;书本打开的地方

[at the opening of the book; wherever the

book opens]

* ad arbitrium [at will; at pleasure] 随意;任意;随便地

* ad astra per aspera 刻苦成功;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人;

[to the stars through hardships] 苦尽甘来

* a dato [from the date] 从该日起

* ad augusta per angusta 苦尽甘来;刻苦成功;不经困难,不

[to success through adversity; to honours 获胜利

through difficulties]

* ad baculum [(to appeal) to the rod] 威迫的(言论)

* ad calendas Graecas 决不会;永远不会;永远没有那么一

[on the Greek Calends; never] 天;束之高阁

* ad captandum vulgus 讨好群众的(言论);哗众取宠

[to please the crowd; in order to win over

the masses]

* ad cautelam [for caution's sake] 为谨慎起见

* ad clerum [to the clergy] (教会领袖)对神职人员的讲话[相 对于对一般信徒的讲话] * ad colaturam 一饮而尽

* ad crumenam 利诱的(话)

[(an appeal) to the purse or to one's

personal interests]

* ad curiam 在法庭上;上法院

* addendum [addition] 补遗;附录;增编

* adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit 积少成多;集腋成裘

[add little to little and there will be a great


* ad diem 至指定日期止

* a Deo et Rege [from God and the King] 出自上帝和国王[在中古时代,国王 自认为代表上帝行使职权,所以 一切圣旨都是上帝的意旨] * adeo in teneris consuescere multum est 习惯必须从幼年养成

[so imperative it is to form habits in early

years; as the twig is bent, the tree's


* a dessein (French) [intentionally] 故意地

* adeste, fideles [O come, all ye faithful] 来吧!所有信仰者[一首基督教赞 美歌的起首]

* ad eundem [to the same (degree)] 以同等程度;达到相同程度 * ad eundem gradum [to the same degree] 同样程度;相同程度

* ad extra [in an outward direction] 向外

* ad extremum [to the extreme; to the last] 到最后;毕竟;极端;后来;终于 * ad filum aquae 以河流中线为界

[to the thread (or centre) of the stream]

* ad filum viae [to the centre of the road] 以道路中线为界

* ad finem (ad fin) 至终;到最后

[to the end; at the end; finally]

* ad finem fidelis 忠心耿耿;忠贞不渝

* ad gloriam 为了荣誉

* ad gratam aciditatem (ad gra acid) 到适口的酸度[医学]

* ad gustum [to one's taste] 合口味;投其所好;按自己喜欢的量 或样子

* ad hanc vocem (ahv) [at this word] 见此条[字典中参阅注]

* adhibenda est in jocando moderatio 开玩笑不可过分;谑而不虐

[moderatin is to be applied in jests; one

should employ restraint in his jests]

* ad hoc [for this (purpose)] 特设;专设;特别;临时;特设;专 案;为此;尤其

* ad hominem [to the man] 对人而不对事的;偏私的

[e.g. an argument ad hominem:


* ad honores [to one's honour; honorary] 名誉的;义务的

* adhuc sub judice lis est 案件未了;问题尚未解决

[the case is still before the judge]

* ad hunc locum (ahl) [at this place] 在此处

* ad idem [at the same (point); at one] 意见一致;协议;同一

* a die 即日起;从本日起

* a die confectionis [from the day of the making] 从缔约之日起

* a digniori fieri debet denominatio et resotio 一物的名称和说明应当根据或参照

[the title and exposition of a thing ought to 该物比较相称的等级、质量或 be derived from, or giving or made with 品种加以确定

reference to, the more worthy degree,

quality, or species of it]

* ad ignorantiam 迎合无知听众的(言论);强词夺理

[(an appeal) to one's ignorance] 的

* ad impossibilie nemo tenetur 任何人都不对不可能的事情负担责

[no one is held to the impossible] 任;不能强人所难

* ad infinitum (ad inf) 无限;无穷;永远

[to infinity; endlessly; without limit]

* ad initium [at the beginning] 在开端

* ad instar (ad inst) 仿效 ... ;类似 ...

[in the likeness of; resembling]

* ad instatiam partis [at the instance of a party] 经一方要求

* ad interim (ad int) 临时;暂时;暂行

[in the mean time; temporary]

* ad internecionem 诛灭净尽

* ad invitiam [to envy (or prejudice)] 偏私的;恶意的(辩论)

* adiratus 遗失;失物赔偿金

[strayed; lost; a price set upon a thing

stolen or lost, as a recompense]

* adjectus solutionis gratia 破产债务分配受领人

* ad judicium 合情合理的(辩论);出庭

[to common sense (said of an argument);

to court]

* adjuvante Deo labor proficit 由于上帝的帮助,工作顺利进行

[with God's help, work propers]

* ad libitum (ad lib) 随意;按照自己的意志;无限制;悉

[at will; as one wishes; extemporaneously] 听尊便;随兴;任意[音乐] * ad limina (= ad limina apostolorum)

* ad limina apostolorum 到最高权威(那里解决)

[to the highest authority; to the thresholds

of the Apostles]

* ad litem [for the suit] 在诉讼上;诉讼的;关于诉讼的 * ad litteram (= ad literam) 照字句;逐字;照原文

[to the letter; to the last jot]

[to translate ad litteram: 直译]

* ad locum (ad loc.) [at or to the place] 在这里;现场[视察或表演] * ad majorem Dei gloriam (AMDG) 为上帝增光;愈显主荣

[to the greater glory of God: motto of the [耶稣会格言]

Society of Jesus]

* ad manum [at hand; ready for use] 在手边;准备妥当

* ad medium filum aqaue 以河流中间线为界的

* ad medium filum viae 以道路中间线为界的

* ad melius inquirendum 复验尸令

* ad misericordium 引人同情的(言论)

[to pity (said of an argument)]

* ad modum [in the manner of; like] 仿照;像;仿效

* ad multos annos [for many years] 多年以来;为了长久之计 * ad nauseam [to nausea; to the point of disgust] 讨厌;令人厌恶;令人作呕 * ad notam 请查照;备查

* ad notanda 请注意;应注意

* ad notata 附注;注释

* ad patres [gathered to his fathers; dead] 死亡;到祖先那里去;已故 * ad paucos dies [for a few days] 几天

* ad perpetuam rei memoriam 为了永久纪念这件事[教皇诏书开头

[for the perpetual remembrance of the 常用语]


* ad populum 讨好群众的(言论)

[to the people; to the passions and

prejudices of the people]

* ad praesens ovo cras pullis sunt meliora 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林

[eggs today are better then chickens

tomarrow; a bird in the hand is worth

two in the bush]

* adpromissiones 保证契约

* ad quaestionem facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决 ad quaestionem juris non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问 juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题


* ad quaestiones facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决 ad quaestiones legis non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问 juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题

[in trial by jury, the judges do not decide [在陪审制度下]

questions of fact, nor the jury questions

of law]

* ad quem [for (or to) which (or whom)] 对此;对它;对他

* ad quod damnum [to what damage] 可能的损害调查令

* ad referendum 待请示;尚待核准;待进一步审议;

[for reference; for further consideration; 须进一步考虑;尚待复查 subject to approval]

* ad rem [to the matter in hand; to the point] 对物;贴切;中肯;得其要领;对事 而不对人

* ad respondendum 答辩

* ad respondendum quaestioni 答所问;答题似的

* adrogatio [adoption of a minor] 收养(儿童)

* ad saturationem 到饱和点

* adscriptus glebae 农奴

[(a person) bound to the soil; a serf]

* ad sectam (ads) [at the suit of] 在(某)案中;被 .... 控告

[B ads A: A控告B;A是原告,


* adstipulator 债权代理人

* adsum [I am here; present !] 在![点名被点到名时的回答] * ad summam [in a word; in short] 总之;简言之;简单地说 * ad summum 最高限度;到最高点;说到底

[to the highest point; to the utmost]

* ad unguem (factus) 精密;完美

[to a finger nail; to a nicety; accurately;


* ad unum omnes 全体;一致;异口同声

[all to one; to the last man; unanimously]

* ad usum [according to customs] 依照习惯;按照惯例

* ad usum Delphini 经过修订的

[for the Dauphin's use; expurgated]

* ad usum externum 外用[医学]

* ad usum internum 内服[医学]

* ad usum proprium 自用[医学]

* ad utrumque paratus 以防万一

[prepared for either eventuality; prepared

for the worst]

* ad valorem [according to the value] 按值;从价;照价

[ad valorem duty: 从价税]

* ad verbum 逐字;一字不差地

[to a word; word for word; verbatim]

* adversa [things noted] 记下的事情

* adversaria 日记本;笔记簿

[that which has been turned to; a journal]

* adversa virtute repello 我鼓足勇气,排除万难

[I repel adversity by valor (or courge)]

* adversos etenim frangi non esse virorum 大丈夫不屈不挠

[real men are not vanquished by adversity]

* adversus solem ne loquitor 不要浪费时间与明显的事实争辩

[don't waste your time arguing the


* ad vitam 只要一息尚存;终身

[for life; for use during a person's life only]

* ad vitam aeternam [forever] 永远地;永生地

* ad vitam aut culpam 只要不犯错误,即可终身任职

[for life or until misbehavior]

* ad vivum [to the life; lifelike] 栩栩如生;逼真

* advocatus diaboli [devil's advocate] “魔鬼的辩护士”[指责圣列候补者的人]; 毁谤者;吹毛求疵的人;


* ad vocem 顺便地(提起、说说)

* aedificatum solo, solo cedit 土地上的建筑物是土地的一部分

[that which is built upon the land becomes

part of the land]

* aeger [sick; an invalid] 生病;病人

* aeger amore [lover's disease] 相思病

* aegrescit medendo 病情越医越坏;越弄越糟

[he grows worse with the treatment]

* aegra amans [lover's disease] 相思病

* aegri somnia [a sick man's dream] 痴心妄想

* aegri somnia vana [a sick man's idle dreams] 痴人说梦;痴心妄想

* aegrotat (病人要求请假用的)医生证明

[a note from the doctor; he (or she) is sick]

* aequabiliter et diligenter 稳而勤

* aequam memento rebus in arduis servare 危难时记得保持冷静


[remember to keep calm in time of trouble]

* aequam servre mentem 保持冷静

[to keep a unruffled mind; to keep one's


* aequitas est quasi aequalitas 顾名思义,公平即是平等

[equity is, as it were, equality]

* aequitas factum habet quod fieri opportuit 应该做的已经做了,便是公平

[equity considers that to have been done

which ought to have been]

* aequitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatur 公平并非法律,而只是补充法律

[equity does not make law, but assists law]

* aequitas nunquam contravenit legis 公平从不违反法律

* aequitas sequitur legem 法律第一,公平第二

[equity follows the law (ie, follows

common-law principles, except where

injustice and fraud would ensue)]

* aequo animo [with a calm mind; calmly] 平心静气;处之泰然 * aequo pulsat pede 死无贵贱之分

[(Pale Death) knocks with equal foot]

* aequum et bonum est lex legum 公平和善良是法律的法律(法律的基

[what is equitable and good is the of law 本原则)

law of laws]

* aere perennius 永垂不朽

[more lasting than brass; everlasting]

* aes alienum [money beloning to other; debt] 债款;债务

* aes triplex 钢铁般的意志;不移的决心

[triple brass; strong defense; great courage]

* aetatis suae [of his (or her) age] 他(或她)的年纪

[died aetatis suae 37 (or AS 37): 享年37]

* aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus 永远怀恨在心;心怀宿怨

[nursing an everlasting wound within the


* aeternum vale [farewell forever] 永别;永诀

* aethiopem lavare 白费工夫;徒劳无功

* affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus 意图犯法,虽未犯法也应惩罚

[the intention is punished, although the

consequence is does not follow;

a man may be punished for an attempt

to commit a crime]

* affines [connections by marriage] 姻亲

* affirmanti non neganti incumbit probatio 举证责任在确认事实者而不在否认事

[the burden of proof lies upon him who 实者;举证责任在控诉者,不在 affirms, not upon him who denies] 辩护者

* affirmatim [in the affirmative] 肯定

* affirmatio unius est exclusio alterius 肯定其一,便是排斥其他 * a fortiori 更加;尤其;何况;更有理由;更不

[with stronger reason; more conclusively] 必说

* a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi 前无去路,后有追兵

[between the devil and the deep blue sea;

a precipice in front, wolves behind]

* agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur 行为者与同意者应受同等惩罚

[acting and consenting parties are liable to

the same punishment]

* agenti incumbit probatio 举证责任在于原告

[the burden of proof rests on the accuser]

* age quod agis 专心工作;做事留心;审慎将事

[do what you are doing; attend to the work

you have at hand; pay attention to what

you are doing]

* ager privatus 私人土地;私地

* ager publicus [public domain] 公共土地;公地

* aggregatio mentium 意见一致

* agnatio [relationship on the father's side] 父系血亲;宗族

* agnus Dei [lamb of God] 上帝的羔羊[指耶稣]

* a latere [from the side; collateral] 随从(使者)[宗教];旁系亲属 * albae gallinae filius 幸运儿

[a lucky devil; a son of a white hen]

* albo lapillo notare diem 当作快乐的日子;择为吉日

[to mark the day with a white stone;

to mark as a lucky day]

* alea jacta est [the die is cast] 事情已经决定;吾意已决;下定决心; 破釜沉舟

* a lemine 一开始就;马上就

* alere flammam [to feed the flame] 火上加油

* alias dictu [otherwise called] 又称为;别名

* alia tendanda via est 必须另寻途径;必须另外设法

[another way must be tried]

* alibi 不在现场(证据);借口;托辞

[elsewhere; in another place; an excuse]

* alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi 法律奖励物品的让与,重于物品的储

[alienation is favoured by the law rather 存

than accumulation]

* aliena vitia in oculis habemus; a tergo nostra只看见别人的缺点,看不见自己的缺

[another's faults are before our eyes; our 点;明于察人,暗于知己 our own are behind us]

* alieni appetens, sui profusus 觊觎他人财产,浪费自己财物

[covetous of another's possessions, lavish

of his own]

* alieni generis [of a different kind] 属于不同种类

* alieni juris 受监护人

[under another's authority; not possessing

full legal power]

* alieno nomine possidere 代理人代被代理人管理占有物 * alieno solo 在别人土地上

[in the land of another; on other's land]

* a l'impossible nul n'est tenu (French) 任何人都不需承担责任去从事不可

[no one is bound to do what is impossible] 能的事情

* alio intuitu [from another point of view] 从另一角度来看;从另一观点来看 * aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus 智者千虑必有一失;虽圣贤亦难免有

[sometimes even the good Homer nods; 错

the greatest are sometimes caught

napping; you can't win them all]

* aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis 样样能却无一样精;杂而不精的人;

[a somebody in general, a nobody in 三脚猫

particular; Jack of all trades, but must

of none]

* alis volat propriis 鸟飞靠己翼;自力更生

[she (or he) flies on her (or his) own wings]

* aliter [otherwise] 另外;另有(规定或决定) * alitur vitium vivitque tegendo 隐恶就是纵恶

[vice is nourished and lives by secrecy]

* aliude corde premunt, aliud ore promunt 他们心里想的是一事,说出来的是另

[they hide one thing in their heart, but 一事;他们心口不一 another comes from their mouth]

* aliud est celere, aliud tacere 隐瞒不同于缄默

* aliud et idem 即此一物

* aliud pro alio 一个代替一个

* aliunde 从其他地方;自其他来源

* allegans contraria non audiendus est 自相矛盾的人不予听取;言语矛盾的

[a person making contradictory allegations 人,不可听信

is not to be listened to]

* allegans contraria non est audiendus 自相矛盾的人不予听取;言语矛盾的 人,不可听信

* allegari non debuit quod probatum non relevat 无关证据,不应提出

[that which, if proved, would not be

relevant ought not to be alleged]

* allegata et probata [things alleged and proved] 供词与证据

* allocutus 不服判罪理由的陈述

* allodium 绝对所有权

* alluvio 冲积

* alma mater [foster mother; nourshing mother] 母校;祖国

* alma parens 祖国;母校

* altera pars 另一方;对方

* alter ego [another self; bosom friend] 知己;心腹;亲信;密友;知交 * alter ego est amicus 朋友是第二个我

* alter idem [another eactly similar; another self] 酷似;又一个相似的

* alter ipse amicus [a friend is a second self] 朋友就像自己;待友如己;朋友是第二 个我;朋友是我的化身

* alteri sic tibi [do to another as to thyself] 推己及人;己所不欲,勿施于人;待自 己像待别人一样

* alteri stipulari nemo potest 不论何人均不得替别人订约

[no one can make an agreement for others]

* alternis horis (a.h.) 每两小时;隔一小时

* alterum alterius auxilio eget 两者相辅相成;相互帮助;取长补短

[one thing needs the help of another]

* alterum tantum 两倍;加倍

[as much again; twice as much]

* altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi 本事越小,吹嘘越大

[still waters run deep; the deepest rivers

flow with the least sound]

* alto et basso [high and low] 大小(事情、争端)

* alumnus [nursling; foster child] 乳婴;养子;校友

* alveus derelictus 废河床

* amantes amentes [lovers are lunatics] 因爱成狂;情近乎痴

* amantes sunt amentes [lovers are lunatics] 陷入情网的人,都是疯子

* amantium irae 情人间的吵架

* amantium irae amoris integratio est 情人吵架,吵过就好

[lovers' quarrel is the renewal of love]

* amare et sapere vix deo conceditur 即使神陷入爱情的时候,也很难保持

[even a god finds it hard to love and be 清醒

wise at the same time]

* amari aliquid 略带苦味

[something bitter; a touch of bitterness]

* a maximis ad minima 从大到小;自最大的至最小的;事无

[from the greatest to the least] 巨细(他都关心)

* ambigendi locus [room for doubt] 尚有疑问;值得怀疑

* ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces 造谣惑众

* ambiguitas verborum latens verificatione 文字中不明确之处,可以举出证据来 suppletur, nam quod ex facto oritus 阐明;由于外在的事实引起的不 ambiguum verificatione facti tollitur 明确,可以由外在的证据来说明

[a latent ambiguity in the language may be

removed by evidence; for any ambiguity

arising from an extrinsic fact may be

explained by extrinsic evidence]

* ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione显然不明确之处,不能举出外在证据 excluditur 来阐明

[a patent ambiguity cannot be cleared up by

extrinsic evidence]

* ambulatoria est voluntas defuncti usque ad 立遗嘱人临终前仍可变更其遗嘱 vitae supremum exitum

* a mensa et thoro (or toro) (夫妻的)分居;维持夫妻关系但分居

[from bed and board; legal separation] [原意为不共寝食]

* amici probantur rebus adversis 患难之交才是真正的朋友

[friends are proved by adversity]

* amicitia sine fraude [friendship without fraud] 真挚的友谊

* amicus amico 热情待朋友;在友好的气氛中 * amicus certus in re incerta cernitur 患难之交,才是朋友;患难知朋友

[a sincere friend is discovered in an

uncertain issue; a friend in need is a friend


* amicus curiae 法庭之友;法院之友;法官的顾问;

[a friend of the court; a person appointed 协助法庭解释某种法律问题的人 by a judge to assist by giving advice in the

handling of a legal case; an impartial

spokesman in a court of law]

* amicus est tanquam alter idem 朋友就像自己;待友如己

[a friend is, as it were, a second self]

* amicus humani generis 人类之友;仁人;慈善家

[a friend of the human race; a


* amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas 我爱柏拉图,但我更爱真理

[Plato is dear to me, but truth is dearer


* amicus usque ad aras 言听计从的朋友;心腹之交

[a friend as far as altars (ie. in everything

but what is contrary to one's religion);

a friend to the last degree]

* a minori ad majus 从小到大 [推理]

[from the less to the greater]

* amissum quod nescitur non amittitur 不知道的损失,根本不算损失

[the loss that is unknown is no loss at all]

* amittere curiam 丧失出庭权利

[to loss the court; to be deprived of the

privilege of attending the court]

* amor [love] 爱

* amor gignit amorem [love begets love] 爱生爱;爱人者人亦爱之 * amor habendi [love of possessing] 占有欲

* amor magnus doctor est 爱能诲人

[love is a great teacher]

* amor nummi [love of money; cupitity] 贪财

* amor patriae 爱国心;爱国主义

[love of one's country; patriotism]

* amor proximi [love of one's neighbour] 睦邻

* amor sceleratus habendi 万恶的占有欲

[accursed love of possessing]

* amor vincit omnia [love conquers all] 爱情征服一切

* amoto quaeramus seria ludo 闲话休说,言归正传

[setting raillery aside, let us now give

attention to serious matters]

* amo ut invenio 见一个爱一个;到处留情

[I love as I find (or light upon)]

* ancilla theologiae 神学的陪衬物[指哲学]

[the handmaid of theology; philosophy]

* anguillam cauda tenes 骑虎难下;吃力不讨好

[you hold an eel by the tail]

* anguis in herba 潜伏的敌人;隐藏的危险;内奸;

[a snake in the grass; an unsuspected 草中之蛇;隐伏的危机 danger; a disloyal friend; a hidden danger]

* aniles fabellae [old wives' tales] 荒唐故事;无稽之谈

* aniles fabulae 荒诞不经之谈

* anima in animicis una 朋友中只有一条心

* animal bipes implume 没有羽毛的两腿动物

[a two-legged animal without feather [柏拉图为人类下的定义] (Plato's definition of man)]

* animal disputans [an argumentative person] 好争论的人;好争论的人类 * animal rationale [a reasoning person] 会讲理的人;会讲理的人类 * animis opibusque parati 不惜一切;准备牺牲一切;预备舍命

[ready for anything; prepared in minds and 弃财


* animo et facto [in intention and fact] 在意图上和事实上

* animo et fide [with courage and faith] 以勇气和信心;从勇和信

* animo, non astutia [by courage, not by craft] 不靠诡计而靠勇气;恃勇不恃谋;从 勇不从诈

* animus [mind] 意图;意向;心智

* animus aggressionis 侵略意向;侵略的意图

* animus belligerendi 交战意向;开战的意图

* animus cancellandi [intention of canceling] 取消的意图;解除的意图;有废除的 意向;想要解除

* animus capiendi 取得的意向;取得的意图;想要取得

[the intention of taking or capture]

* animus contrahendi 订约的意向;想要订约

* animus delelinquendi 抛弃的意图

[the intention of abandoning]

* animus deserendi 有遗弃(配偶)的意向

* animus disponendi 处理的意向

* animus domini [intention to be the owner] 所有的意向;占有的意图 * animus et factum 意向和行动的结合

* animus furandi [the intention to steal] 劫夺的意向;劫掠意图;意图盗窃; 盗窃之心

* animus imponentis 著述之意;著作人的心

* animus injuriandi [intention of injuring] 伤害的意图;意图伤害

* animus lucrandi [intention of making a profit] 图利之心

* animus manendi [the intention of remaining] 居留的意向;居留的意图;居住意思 * animus meminisse horret 回想起来,感觉恐怖;思之犹栗

[my soul shudders at the recollection]

* animus non deficit aequus 心神镇定,不会差错

[a well-balanced mind is not wanting;

equanimity does not fail us]

* animus occupandi 占领意向

* animus possidendi [the intention of possessing] 占有意向;占有意图;意图占有 * animus recipiendi [the intention of receiving]接受的意向;有意接受;接受的意图 * animus remanendi 居留的意向;居留的意图;居住意思

[the intention of remaining]

* animus revertendi 回归的意向;回归的意图;取回的意图

[intention of returning (for something left behind)]

* animus revocandi [intention of revoking] 废除的意向;有撤消的意图;废除的 意图;意图废除

* animus tenendi [intention to hold] 持有的意图

* animus testandi [intention of making a will] 立遗嘱的意图

* anni currentis 本年

* anni nubiles 婚年

* anno aetatis suae (AAS) 享寿[写在死者年龄后面];自他出

[in the year of his (or her) age] 世以来;当他有生以来 * anno ante Christum [in the year before Christ] 公元前;耶稣降生前


* anno Christi 公元 ..... 年;耶稣降生后

* anno Domini (AD) [in the year of our Lord] 公元;公元 ..... 年;耶稣降生后; 基督纪元

* anno Hegirae (AH) [in the year of hegira] 伊斯兰纪元[公元622年7月16日 为伊斯兰纪元元年1 月1 日]; 回历纪元

* anno mundi (AM) [in the year of the world] 上帝创造世界以来[基督教神学家认 为上帝创造世界于公元前四零零四年]; 开天辟地以来

* anno regni (AR) [in the year of the reign] 今上登基以来

* anno urbis conditae (cf: ab urbe condita) 在罗马建城那一年;罗马纪元[传说

[in the year of the founding of the city] 罗马建城于公元前七五三年] * annuit caeptis 他赞成我们的事业

* Annuit coeptis 神佑我邦

[He (God) has smiled on our undertakings

(motto on the Great Seal of the United


* annus luctus [year of mourning] 一年丧期

* a novo 重新

* ante 前面

* ante barbam doces senes 少年而为老年的楷模;少年老成

[You teach old men before your beard

has come]

* ante bellum [before the war] 战前

* ante Christum (AC) [before Christ] 公元前

* ante cibos 饭前

* ante cibum [before meals] 饭前

* ante diem [before the appointed day] (ad) 在限期以前;到期以前;在这天以前 * ante factum 事前(行为);在事实发生之前

[before the fact; done before; a previous


* ante jentaculum (aj) 早饭前

* ante litem notam 在诉讼开始以前;诉讼前

[before litigation has commenced]

* ante lucem [before daybreak] 天亮以前;拂晓;黎明前 * ante meridiem (AM; am) [before noon] 上午;午前

* ante mortem [before death] 逝世前;死前

* ante omnia [before all things] 高于一切

* ante tubam trebidat 临阵战栗;临阵胆怯;闻号角声而发

[he trembles before the trumpet (battle)] 抖

* ante usum agitetur (a.u. agit.) 使用前振荡;用时摇匀

* ante victoriam ne canas triumphum 胜负未决,先别得意;不要过早乐观

[do not sing your triumph before the


* anti manifesto (交战国的)自卫宣言

[a term used in international law to denote

a proclamation or manifesto published by

one of two belligerent powers, alleging

reasons why the war is defensive on its


* antenatus 婚前所生子女

* antiqua homo virtute et fide 古道之人

* antiquo 照旧

* a parte ante 由前部;自前方

* aperto libro 流畅地;流利地;不用准备地 * aperto vivere voto 随心所欲地生活;纵情生活

[to live with unconcealed desire]

* apex juris 法律微妙之点

[the summit of the law; a legal subtlety;

close technicality]

* apologia pro vita sua [a defense of his life] 自辩书

* a posse ad esse [from possibility to reality] 从可能变为事实;从计划到实现;自


* a posteriori 归纳的;自果溯因的;凭经验的;体

[from the latter; from effect to cause; 验出来的;逆推地;根据经验地; inductive; empirical] 后天地

* apparatus belli [material of war] 战争物质;军需品;军用品;军需 * apparatus criticus (书中的)研究材料

[reference books, text, etc. for use in

literary work; critical apparatus]

* apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto (文学作品)言中无物

[here and there, men are seen swimming

in the vast abyss]

* appetitus rationi pareat 应以理智克制欲望

[let your desires be governed by reason]

* applicatio 适用;申请

* applicatio est vita regulae 适用是规则的生命

* applicatio externa 外用法(药)

* applicatio interna 内用法(药)

* applicatio medica 用药法

* apprehensio 拘押

* apprenticii ad legem 见习律师

* a primo 从开始;从第一

* a primo ad ultimum [from first to last] 自始至终

* a principio [from the beginning] 自始;从开始

* a priori 演绎的;先验的;武断的;无理的;

[from the former; from cause to effect; 自因溯果的;先天的;一开始; deductive; presumptive] 刚接触时

* a propos [French] 适当地

* aqua (Aq or aq) 水

* aqua cedit solo 土地上的水属于土地

[what goes with the soil; the ownership of

water goes with that of the soil beneath]

* aqua currit et debet currere 流水无主权,只有使用权

[water flows and ought to flow; there is no

property in running water, only right to

use it]

* aqua ammoniae 氨水

* aqua destillata 蒸馏水

* aqua destillata sterilis 无菌蒸馏水

* aqua et igne interdictus 严禁接近水火

* aqua fortis 硝酸

* aqua pro injectione 注射用水

* aqua regia 王水

* aqua rosae 玫瑰水

* aqua vitae 酒精;烈性酒;烧酒;白兰地

* aquilla non capit muscas 老鹰不捉苍蝇;强不凌弱;杀鸡不用

[an eagle does not catch flies] 牛刀;大人物不管小事 * a quo [from which] 开始;起

[court a quo: 原审法院]

* arbiter bibendi 宴会主持人;主祝酒者

[the judge of the drinking; toastmaster]

* arbiter elegantiae (or elegantiarum) 服饰风度鉴识家

[a judge of elegance; a supreme authority

in matters of taste]

* arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum 前人种树,后人吃果 adspiciet bacam ipse numquam

[the diligent farmer plants trees the fruit of

which he will never see]

* arbor vitae 常青树

* Arcades ambo 一丘之貉;一对傻瓜;两个同嗜好的

[both Arcardians; friends of similar tastes; 人;两个气味相投的人 jocosely, two simpletons]

* arcana caelestia 宇宙秘密;天机莫测;上天的秘密

[heavenly secrets; celestial mysteries]

* arcana imperii [state secrets] 国家机密

* ardentia verba 热烈赞扬的话;生动的语言

[words that burn; glowing words]

* arena sine calce 语无伦次

[sand without lime; incoherent speech]

* a retro [behind; in arrear] 延;拖欠

* argilla quidvis imitaberis uda 湿的黏土容易捏成任何形状

[you may easily model anything with moist


* arguendo 在辩论中

* argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur 论证贵精不贵多

* argumentum ad baculum 威迫的言论;诉诸棍棒;暴力主义

[an argument with a cane; an appeal to the


* argumentum ad crumenam 利诱的话;使对方注意到金钱利益的

[an appeal to one's purse] 言论

* argumentum ad hominem 对人的辩论方式[指出对方辩论者的 弱点而攻击之]

* argumentum ad ignorantiam 迎合无知听众的言论;根据对方不明

[an appeal to one's ignorance] 事实真相而发表的的言论 * argumentum ad invidiam 诉诸偏见

* argumentum ad misericordiam 乞怜的言论

[an appeal to one's sympathy]

* argumentum a simili valet in lege 根据类似案例提出的论点,在法律上

[an argument from a like case is good in 是有效的


* argumentum baculinum 威迫的言论;诉诸棍棒;暴力主义;

[an argument with a cane; an appeal to the 用武力来证实;压服 stick]

* argumentum e contrario 反面的论证

* argumentum e fortiori 合理的论证;顺理成章的论证 * arma accipere 受封为骑士(或爵士);晋爵

[to receive arms; be made a knight]

* arma dare 封为骑士(或爵士)

[to receive arms; make a man a knight]

* arma pacis fulcra 军备是和平的支柱

[arms are the props of peace]

* arma tuentur paces [arms maintain peace] 武力维持和平

* arrectis auribus [with ears pricked up] 竖起耳朵来听;洗耳恭听 * arrha (= arrae) [earnest money] 定金

* arrhae 结婚时的赠品

* arrha poenalis 违约定金不归还

* ars est celare artem 有艺能而不露乃为真艺能;能鹰隐爪 * ars gratia artis 为艺术而艺术

* ars longa, vita brevis [art is long, life is shprt]人生短促,艺术不朽;人生有限而艺 术无穷

* arte perire sua 作法自毙;作茧自缚

[to perish by one's own cunning; be caught

in one's own trap]

* artes liberales [liberal arts] 文科;高等学艺;自由艺术 * artium baccalaureus (AB) 学士[学位]

* artium magister (AM) 硕士[学位]

* a sacris 禁止举行圣祭[宗教]

* a simili 类似

* asinus ad lyram 黔驴操琴;拙劣荒谬

* asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher 惺惺相惜;物以类聚

[an ass is beautiful to an ass and a pig to

a pig]

* asinus asinum fricat [asses rub each other] 互相标榜;相互吹捧;两人相互吹嘘; 驴与驴相争

* asinus in unguento 驴入香群;冒充;假充

* asportavit 窃取;窃走

* assignatus utitur jure auctoris 受让人享有让与人的权利

[the assignee is possessed of the rights of

his principal]

* assumpsit 要求赔偿违约所受损失的诉讼

[he undertook; a suit to recover damages

for breach of a contract or actionable


* atra cura [black care] 忧郁症

* at spes non fructa [but hope is not broken] 希望没有完全破灭

* auctor pretiosa facit 礼轻人意重;物轻人重;物因馈而贵

[the giver makes (the gifts) precious]

* audaces fortuna juvat 勇敢的人运气好;英雄造时势;幸运

[fortune favours the brave] 帮助勇者

* audax et celer 勇敢敏捷

* audendo magnus tegitur timor 色厉内荏

[great fear is concealed by a show of


* audentes fortuna juva 胆子大,运气就好;幸运帮助勇者

[fortune favours the bold]

* audi alteram partem [hear the other side] 听取另一方的陈述;听取他方理由; 另一方的话也要听

* audiatur et altera pars 必须听取另一方;且听他方陈述;不

[let the other side also be heard] 要只听一面之词;兼听则明 * audita querella 准许被告上诉(令)

[the complaint having been heard; a

common law writ giving the defendant

leave to appeal]

* aura popularis 民望;众望

* aura populis [popular breeze; popular favour] 民心反复无常

* aurea mediocritas [the golden mean] 中庸之道;不富不贫胜于一切 * aurea rumpunt tecta quietem 贵为帝王者寝不安席

[golden palaces break (or disturb) one's


* auribus teneo lupum [I have a wolf by a ear] 骑虎难下

* auri sacra fames [accursed craving for gold] 财迷心窍;爱财如命;酷爱金钱;思 财若渴

* aurora australis [southern dawn] 南极光

* aurora borealis [nothern dawn] 北极光;极光

* aurora musis amica 一日之计在于晨

* auspicium meriolis aevi 好日子的先兆;吉兆

[an omen of a better age; a pledge of

better times]

* aut Caesar aut nihil (or nullus) 只要第一,不要第二

[either or nothing; either first or nowhere]

* aut dedere, aut judicare 或引渡或审判;不引渡即审判

[either extradite or judge]

* aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, 不求学就退学;既不求学又不退学, caedi 就要挨打

[either or leave; a third choice remains

(or is open to you) - to be flogged]

* aut inveniam viam aut faciam 千方百计

[I will either find a way or make one]

* aut mors aut victoria [death or victory] 不成功便成仁

* aut non tentaris, aut perfice 凡事应该彻底;做事应该有始有终

[either don't attempt it, or go through

with it]

* aut punire, aut dedere 或处罪或引渡;不惩罚即引渡

[either punish or extradite]

* aut reddere, aut punire 或引渡或惩罚;不引渡即惩罚

[either punish or extradite]

* autrefois acquit [French] 前经宣告无罪,不应再受审判 * autrefois convict [French] 前经定罪,不应再受审判 * aut vincere aut mori [victory or death] 不成功便成仁

* auxilium non leve vultus habet 面貌秀丽占尽便宜

[the face affords no inconsiderable aid;

a good face is a good recommendation]

* a verbis ad verbera [from words to blows] 言语不合,打将起来;先动口,后动 手;因口角而斗殴

* a verbis legis non est recendendum 法律文字不容变更;法律文字不容违

[the words of a statute must not be 反[多指法院不得支持假定的意 departed from] 图而随意不顾法律的文字] * a vinculo matrimonii 解除婚姻约束;解除婚姻;离婚

[from the bonds of marriage; a divorce]

* avito viret honore 承祖先余荫

[he flourishes upon ancestral honors]

* avocando jus 召回权

* avulsio 土地转位

* baccalaureus agriculturae (B Ag or B Agr) 农学士

* baccalaureus legum (BL or BLL) 法学士

* baccalaureus litterarum (B Litt) 文学士

* baccalaureus medicinae (BM) 医学士

* baccalaureus Musicae (B Mus) 音乐学士

* balneum calidum (baln cal) 温水浴

* bancus communium placitorum 高等民事法庭

[court of common pleas]

* bancus Regis [King's bench] 高等法院[英国] * barbae tenus sapientes 不懂装懂的人;冒牌专家

[men wise as far as their beards; men

who pretend to knowledge they do not


* basis virtutum constantia 坚贞为道德之本

[constancy is the foundation of the virtues]

* beatae memoriae [of blessed memory] 已经去世的;先;故

* beati pacifici [blessed are the peacemakers] 使人和睦的人有福了


* beati pauperes spiritu 虚心的人有福了

[blessed are the poor in spirit]

* beati possidentes 有财产的人有福了[谑]

[happy are those who possess]

* bella, horrida bella [wars, horrid wars] 战争!可怕的战争! 兵凶战恶 * bella matribus detestata 母亲们憎恶战争

* bello parta cedunt reipublicae 由于战争而取得的,属于国家 * bellum 战争

* bellum internecinum 毁灭性的战争;自相残杀的战争;内

[internecine war; war of extermination] 战

* bellum justum 正义战争

* bellum lethale [deadly war] 生死战

* bellum omnium contras omnes 针对一切人的全面战争

* bellum omnium in omnes 全面战争

[a war of all against all]

* bene decessit [he died well; he died naturally] 他得善终;寿终正寝;有个好的结果 * benedictus benedicat 愿幸福者幸福!

* bene est tentares [it is as well to try] 不妨一试

* bene exeat 品行优良证书

["let him (or her) go forth well"; certificate

of good character]

* beneficium cedendarum actionum 代位债权

* beneficium divisionis 分担的利益

* beneficium emigrandi 移民利益

* beneficium ordinis 后诉的利益

* bene qui latuit bene vixit 隐居者生活安适

[well has he lived who has lived retired life]

* bene vale [farewell] 再会;再见;别了

* bene vale vobis [good luck to you] 祝你好运

* benevole vobis 愿你幸运!

* benigno numine 靠上帝帮助;赖天之助

[with favouring providence; by the favour

of heaven]

* bibere venemum in auro 用金杯喝毒药;表面受宠,实际受害

[to drink poison from a golden cup] [比喻]

* bis [twice] 再;二度;之一

* bis dat qui cito dat 即施倍与;给得快等于加倍地给;帮

[he gives twice who gives quickly] 人要帮得快;要雪中送炭 * bis in die 一日两次

* bis peccare in bello non licet 战争中不容许有两次错误;军事不容

[there must be no second blunder in war] 一误再误

* bis pueri senes [old men are twice children] 返老还童;老年人是第二期的孩子

* bis repetita placent 重复使人合意[讽刺拙劣的作品只有 抄袭剽窃的那一部分使人合意] * bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria 胜而不骄,等于征服两次;胜而不骄

[he conquers twice who conquers himself 等于胜了两次

in victory]

* bis vivit qui bene 生活得好,等于活两辈子

[he lives twice who lives well]

* blandae mendacia linguae 阿谀谄媚;奉承的话

[the lies of a flattering tongue]

* bonae notae [meritorious] 优秀;优良

* bona fide [in good faith; genuine] 善意的;诚实的;诚意的;直率的 * bona fides [good faith] 诚意;守信;善意;诚实 * bona fides exigit ut quod convenit fiat 守信即须履行契约

[good faith requires that what has been

agreed upon shall be done]

* bona fides non partitur, ut bis idem exigatur 守信即是不许要求支付两次代价

[good faith does not allow one to exact his

pay twice]

* bona fiscalia [fiscal (or public) property] 公共财产

* bona gestura [good behavior] 良好的行为

* bona gratia [in all kindness] 十分亲切;非常客气

* bona immobilia [immovable property] 不动产

* bona mobilia [movable goods] 动产;消费品

* bona notabilia [noteworthy things] 贵重物品

* bona peritura [perishable goods] 易于腐烂的物品;容易损害的物品 * bona vacantia [unclaimed goods] 无主之物;无主财物,政府接管;没 有人来取的东西

* bona waviata 遗弃的赃物;弃赃

[stolen goods thrown away by a thief in his

flight for fear of being apprehended]

* boni et legales homines 善良守法的人;合格陪审员

[good and lawful men; qualified jurors]

* boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem 好法官必要时可扩大其管辖权 * boni judicis est causas litium dirimere 好的法官应该消除诉讼的原因

[a good judge should dissipate the causes

of litigation]

* boni judicis est lites dirimere, et interest 好的法官应该结束诉讼,为了国家的 reipublicae ut sint fines litium 利益,诉讼应该结束

[a good judge should end litigation, and

it is of interest to the state that litigation

should end]

* bonis nocit quisquis pepercerit malis 纵容坏人,即损害好人;纵恶欺善;

[whoever spares the bad injures the good] 姑息坏人,好人受害 * bonis non amovendis 禁止搬移财产(令)

[that the goods be not removed]

* bonis quod bene fit haud perit 帮助好人总是有益

[whatener is done for good men is never

done invain]

* bonum publicum 公益

* bonum venum laetificat cor hominum 佳酒悦人心

* bos in lingua 难言之隐

[an ox on the tongue; a weighty reason

for silence]

* breve judicialia [judicial wyits] 法院的令状;司法令

* breve originale [an original writ] 诉讼开始令

* brevi manu [with a short hand; immediately] 立刻;立即;简单地;不用什么手续 地

* brevis esse laboror, obscurus fio 语焉不详

[in trying to be concise, I become obscure]

* brutum fulmen 虚张声势;空洞的威吓

[a harmless thunderbolt; vain display of

force; empty threat]

* cacoethes carpendi [a passion for criticizing] 好批评人的习惯

* cacoethes loquendi [mania for talking] 爱说话的脾气;多言;多说 * cacoethes scribendi 写字狂;写字癖

* cadit quaestio 问题无继续讨论余地;理论不能成立;

[the argument collapses (for want of 辩论结束;辩论告终;问题无须 proof); the question admits of no further 再讨论


* caeca invidia est [envy is blind] 妒忌是盲目的(行为);猜忌是不分 青红皂白的举动

* caelitus mihi vires 天授神力

[my strength is from heaven]

* caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare 走遍海角天涯,本性不改 currunt

[those who cross the sea change only their

climate, not their mind]

* caeteris paribus (= ceteris paribus) 在其他条件相同的情况下;余者皆同;

[equal in all other respects; other things 在同等条件下;其余情况都相同 being equal]

* calceus major subverit 鞋大容易跌倒;计划太大,不易执行

[a shoe too large trips the wearer]

* callida junctura 妙语

[skillful joining; cunning workmanship]

* candide et caute 既诚实又谨慎

* candide et constanter 既诚实又坚定

* canis in praesepti [dog in the manger] 狗占马槽

* canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet 胆小的狗,叫的时候多,咬人的时候

[a cowardly dog barks more than it bites] 少

* cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator 没钱不怕拦路贼

[the penniless wayfarer will sing in the

presence of the highwayman; a penniless

man has nothing to loss]

* capias [thou mayest take; writ of arrest] 逮捕令;拘捕令;拘票

* capias ad audiendum judicium 传唤被告出庭听候宣判令;被告出庭

[thou mayest bring (the defendant) to hear 聆听判决(的传票) judgement; a writ issued to bring a

defendant to the court to receive sentence]

* capias ad respodendum 拘捕被控轻罪人以便提审令;逮捕被

[thou mayest bring (the defendant) to 告令

answer (the plaintiff); a writ issued for

the arrest of a person against whom an

indictment for misdemeanor has been

found, so that he may be arraigned]

* capias ad satisfaciendum (ca sa) 对未依判决清付赔偿的民事被告所颁

[thou mayest seize to satisfy damages; 发的拘捕令;逮捕债务人令 a writ whereby a defendant in a civil

action is arrested and held in prison until

payment is made]

* capias extendi facias 拘捕政府债务人并扣押其财产令 * capias pro fine 追缴罚金令

* capiat qui capere possit [let him take who can] 有本领的尽管拿去

* capitalis justiciarius [chief justice] 首席法官;法院院长

* capitis deminutio 人格减等;权利能力的丧失;公权的

[a diminishing of personality; a loss of a 丧失

man's legal qualification]

* capitula 条款

* captantes capti sumus 作茧自缚;作法自毙

[we catchers have been caught; the biter is


* captatio benevolentiae 拍马屁;争宠取悦;奉承;阿谀;乞

[a reaching after good-will; a currying of 怜


* caput [the head; personality] 头;人格

* caput mortuum 残渣;废物

* caret initio et fine [it lacks beginning and end] 没头没尾;无始无终

* carmen triumphale 凯歌

* carpe diem 及时行乐;不失时机

* carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero 今朝有酒今朝醉,明日有事明日当;

[make the most of today and place no trust 把握今天,莫待明天 in tomorrow]

* carpent tua poma nepotes 前人种树,后人吃果;前人种因,后

[your descendants will pluck your fruit] 人食果

* carpere et colligere 采集;搜罗

* carte blanche 全权;自由处理权

* cassetur billa [let the bill be quashed] 撤消诉状;撤消起诉书 * cassis tutissima virtus 道德是最坚固的盔甲;有德无惧

[virtue is the safest helmet; an honest man

need fear nothing]

* castella in Hispania 空中楼阁

[castles in Spain; castles in the air]

* castigat ridendo mores (喜剧)以笑谑的方式来移风易俗;

[it corrects manners by laughing at them] 警世喜剧

* castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod 我对你,爱之弥坚责之弥深 amem

[I chastise you not becouse I hate you but

because I love you]

* casus 场合;情况;事件

* casus belli 交战理由;战争的借口;宣战的原因;

[a occasion for war; an act regarded as 战争的原因;开战的借口 justifying war]

* cause conscientiae [a case of conscience] 良心问题;有关良心的问题 * casus foederis 履行盟约的场合;依盟约所规定者;

[a case of the treaty; a case or event 条约规定的情况;条约订明的情 covered by the provisions or stipulations 况;履行条约的要件 of a treaty or compact]

* casus fortuitus 意外事件;偶然事件

[an accident; a chance occurrence]

* casus non praestatur 场合未出现

* casus omissus 无明文规定者;法律未加规定的情况

[a case omitted or unprovided for as in a


* catalla 动产

* causa 原因;条件

* causa accessoria 次要的原因

* causa causans [the immediate cause] 直接原因;近因;原动力;原来的原 因

* causa causata 结果

[cause resulting from a previous cause;


* causa contributoria 辅因

* causa essendi [cause of being] 存在原因

* causa essentialis 主要的原因

* causa externa 外因

* causa finalis [final cause] 终极原因

* causa inducens 诱因

* causa interna 内因

* causa latet, vis est notissima 原因不明,但影响很大

[the cause is hidden, but its force is very

well known]

* causa mali [cause of mischief] 灾祸的原因;祸根

* causa morbi 病因

* causa mortis (donatio) [in prospect of death] 临终的;遗赠

* causa petendi 求偿原因

* causa principalis 主因

* causa proxima [immediate cause] 近因;直接原因

* causa proxima et non remota spectatur 应考虑的是近因而不是远因 * causa remota [remote cause; mediate cause] 远因;间接原因

* causa secunda [secondary cause] 次要的原因;间接原因

* causa sine qua non 必要原因;必要条件;不可欠缺的原

[cause without which not; a necessary or 因;必然;不可避免;先决条件 inevitable cause; a cause without which

the effect in question could not have


* causa vera [true cause] 真正原因

* cauterisatio moxae 艾灸术

* cautio 费用担保

* cautio judicatum solvi [security for costs] 诉讼费用担保;诉讼费用保证金;庭 费保证金

* cave ab homine unius libri 当心只读一本书的人

[beware of the man of one book]

* caveant consules 需要谨慎;愿执政官们谨慎行事 * caveant consules ne quid detrimenti 当政者应小心(以免人民受害) respublica capiat

[let the consuls beware so that the people

will not suffer any damage]

* caveat [let him beware] 当心;警戒;预告;申请中止诉讼; 中止诉讼手续的申请

* caveat actor 请作者注意

* caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] 购者当心;顾客留心;货物出门不换 * caveat emptor, qui ignorare non debuit quod 买主应该当心,不可贸然误买别人的 jus alienum emit 权利

[let a buyer beware, who ought not to be

ignorant that he is buying the right of


* caveat venditor [let the seller beware] 卖主当心

* caveat viator [let the traveler beware] 路人当心;旅行者注意

* cave canem [beware of dogs] 当心恶狗;谨防恶犬

* cavendo tutus [safe by reason of caution] 小心留意,以策安全;谨慎自安

* cave ne cadas (居高位者)慎防失足

[take care you do not fall; beware of

falling from your high position]

* cave quid dicis, quando et cui 说话应留心内容、场合和对象

[take care what you say, when and to


* cedant arma togae 重文轻武;偃武修文;轻武功而尚文

[let arms yield to the toga; let the military 治;要和平,不要战争 yield to the civil power]

* celsae graviore casu decidunt turres 楼盖得越高,塌下来就越响;爬得越

[lofty towers fall with a greater crash; 高,跌得越痛[喻] the bigger they come, the harder they


* cepi corpus (et paratus habeo) 罪犯已经逮捕

[I have taken the body (and have it ready);

the endorsement of a sheriff upon a writ

of arrest of a person]

* cercuitus verborum 说话兜圈子;说话婉转

* certiorari 调卷令;复审令;诉讼文件移交命令

[to be certified; a writ to call the certified

records of a lower court]

* certum est quia impossibile est 因不可能,所以真实

[it is true because it is impossible]

* certum est quod certum reddi potest 可能确定的,便可以当它是真实的

[that is certain which can be render-certain]

* certum voto pete finem 克制欲望;切勿纵欲

[set a definite limit to your desire]

* cessante causa, cessat effectus 原因消失,结果也就消失;因去则果

[when the cause ceases, the effect ceases] 除

* cessante ratione legis, cessat ipsa lex 法律的原因消失,法律本身随之消失

[the reason of the law ceasing, the law

itself ceases]

* cessat executio 缓刑;停止执行

* cessio bonorum 交出财产;放弃财产

[cession of goods; a surrender,

relinquishment, or assignment of all his

property and effects made by an insolvent

debtor for the benefit of his creditors]

* cessio legis [legal cession] 法定让与

* cetera desunt 以下缺;下文逸失;其余的都没有

[the rest are lacking (or missing)] [古书或手稿不全时,于末端注明] * ceteris paribus (= caeteris paribus) 在其他条件相同的情况下;余者皆同;

[equal in all other respects; other things 在同等条件下;其余情况都相同 being equal]

* ceterum censeo 此外我认为;我仍然认为

* cineri gloria sera est (or venit) 死后表扬,为时已晚

[glory paid to ashes comes to late]

* circa [about] 大约;前后

* circiter [about] 大约

* circuitus verborum 委婉的说法;绕圈子说话;说话兜圈

[a circumlocution; a beating about the 子;迂回说法;赘述;遁词 bush]

* circulus in probando 循环论法;谬论

[a circle in the proof; reasoning in a circle]

* circulus vitiosus [a vicious circle] 恶性循环;循环论法;循环论证 * citato loco 在引证过的地方

* citius venit periculum cum contemnitur 不加防范,危险就到

[danger comes sooner when it is ignored]

* cito maturum, cito putridum 早熟早烂;早熟早衰

[soon ripe, soon rotten]

* civilis possessio 法定占有

* civilitas successit barbarum 由野蛮到文明;先野蛮后文明

* civitatas gentium maxima 世界国家

* clarum et venerabile nomen 著名而可敬的名字

* clausula generalis de residuo non ea 列举事项的末端所加的概括规定,不 complectitur quae non ejusdem sint generis 包括与列举事项所明示的事物性 cum iis quae speciatim dicta fuerant 质相异的事项

[a general clause of remainder does not

embrace those things which are not of the

same kind with those which had been

specially mentioned]

* clausula rebus sic stantibus 情势不变条款

* clausum 锁闭

* codominium 共同领有权

* cogito ergo sum [I think, therefor I am] 我思故我在[笛卡儿的哲学名言] * cognati 血亲;母系亲属[民法]

[persons related by blood; relations on the

mother's side]

* cognatio 血亲;母系血亲

[persons related by blood; relationship

through females]

* cognovit actionem 被告承认书

[he has acknowledged the action; [承认原告要求正当的具结] the defendant confesses that the plaintiff's

cause of action is just]

* coimperium 共同统治权

* colubrem in sinu fovere 姑息养奸;养虎遗患

[to cherish a snake in one's bosom]

* comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est 与风趣的人结伴走路,有如乘车

[a pleasant companion on the road is as

good as a carriage]

* comitas gentium 国际礼节;国际礼仪

* comitas inter gentes 国际礼节;两国之间的友谊

[courtesy between nations]

* commercia belli 交战者间的交往;交战者间的协定 * commodatum [a loan for use] 使用借贷

* commodum ex injuria sua nemo habere debet 任何人不得因自己的不法行为取得利

[no one ought to have advantage from his 益

own wrong]

* commune bonum 公益;公利

[common good; the good of all]

* commune periculum condordiam parit 共同危难使人团结

[a common danger begets unity]

* communibus annis 每年平均

[in common (or average) year; on the

annual average]

* communi consensu [by common consent] 根据共同意见;依公意;全体同意; 一致同意

* communis juris 共同管辖权

* communis opinio 共同意见

* compendia dispendia 欲速则不达

[shortcuts are roundabout ways]

* compesce mentem [control thy temper] 抑制情绪;忍住性子

* componere lites [to settle disputes] 解决争端

* compos mentis 心神正常;精神健全;头脑健全;精

[sound of mind; in one's right mind] 神正常

* compos sui [master of himself] 自制;克己

* compos voti [having obtained one's wish] 如愿以偿;心满意足

* conatus sese preservandi 生存的意志;求生的意志

[the effort to preserve oneself; the will to


* conclusum 结束;封锁

* condicio 条件;安排;解决

* condicio impossibilis 不能实现的条件

* condicio necessaria 必要条件

* condictio ob injustam causam 以不正当的理由将财产交与他人 * condictio rei furtivae 追还被窃财物的诉讼

* conditio sine qua non 必要条件;必不可少的条件;必需的

[condition without which not; an essential 条件;先决条件


* condominium 共管

* conducti actio 承租人的控诉

[an action taken by the hirer of a thing

against the letter]

* confer (cf; Cf) [compare] (请)参照;(请)比较;(请)参 看;(请)对照

* confido et conquiesco [I trust and am at rest] 我深信不疑,安心无虑

* confiscatur ex navibus res, ex rebus navis 由于船而没收物,由于物而没收船 * conjunctis viribus [with strength united] 力量集中;力量团结;团结的力量; 齐心协力

* consanguineus frater 同父兄弟

* conscia mens recti 正义感;性情耿介;正直的人

[a mind conscious of integrity]

* conscientia mille testes

[conscience is as good as a thousand 良心是铁证


* consensus 一致意见;协商一致意见;协商一致 * consensus ad idem 共同意见;一致意见;公意;意见一

[consent to the same (point)] 致;

* consensus facit legem [consent makes law] 协议产生法律;法律基于公意 * consensus gentium 国际协商一致意见;万国同意 * consensus omnium [universal consent] 一致同意;公意;全体同意;公议 * consequitur quodcunque petit 他无往不利;他万事如意

[he attains whatever he attempts]

* consideranda 应予考虑的

* consilio et animis 智勇双全

* consilio et prudentia 聪明而谨慎

* consilio manuque 心灵手巧

* constantia et virtute 有恒心又勇敢;不畏艰险,坚持到底 * consuetudo 习惯;惯例

* consuetudo debet esse certa; nam incerta pro 惯例应该是确定的,因为不确定的惯 nulla habentur 例应视为无效

[a custom should be certain, for an

uncertain custom is considered null]

* consuetudo est altera natura 习惯是另一个本能;习惯成自然 * consuetudo fit altera natura 积习成性

[habit becomes second nature]

* consuetudo pro lege servatur (法律没有明文规定时)习惯即是法

[custom is to be held as law (if no specific 律;习惯与法律具有同等效力 law exists)]

* consul electi 选任领事

* consul missi 派任领事

* consummatum est 成了[耶稣临终的话];完了;大功

[it is finished; it is completed] 告成;完结了;一切了结了 * continuando 继续侵犯

[continuing; allegation that the defendant's

trespass is a continuing one]

* contra [against; on the other hand] 反对;相反;另一方面

* contra bandum 禁制品

* contra bonos mores [against good morals] 违反良好风俗道德;违反道德;有伤 风化;伤风败俗;不道德

* contractus 契约合同

* contractus consensus 协商一致的契约

* contractus ex turpi causa, vel contra bonos 由于不正当原因而产生的契约或违反 mores, nullus est 道德的契约是无效的

* contractus litteris 书面契约

* contractus optimae fidei 最高度善意的契约

* contractus re [contract of things] 要物契约

* contractus specialis derogat generali 特别契约优于普通契约

[a special contract supersedes a general


* contractus verbis 口头契约

* contradictio in adjecto [contradiction in terms] 辞矛盾;言语矛盾;有矛盾的形容 法;术语的相互矛盾

* contra formam statuti 违反有关法令规定

[against the form of the statute]

* contra jus gentium [against the law of nations] 违反国际法

* contra legem [against the law] 违反法律

* contra natura 违反自然;违反本性

* contra pacem [against the peace] 破坏和平;破坏治安;破坏社会秩序 * contra proferentem 提出建议一方的反对;提出人的反对 * contraria contrariis curantur 以毒攻毒;相反相成

[opposites are cured by opposites]

* contrario sensus [opposite sense] 相反的意义

* contra spem 出乎意料;做梦也没有想到

* conventio 和约;条约;协定

* conventio et modus vincunt legem 合同与习惯比法律有效

* conventio facit legem 协议就是法律;协议产生法律

* conventio omnis intelligitur rebus sic standibus 一切条约都假定情势不变

* conventio vincit legem 约定优于法律;合同胜过法律

[the agreement of the parties overrides the


* convictio juris 法律信念

* copia fandi [abundance of talk] 滔滔不绝;口若悬河

* copia verborum [torrent of words; fluency] 言辞丰富;口若悬河;长篇大论;言 词流利;言论滔滔不绝

* coram (cor) 在(某人)面前

* coram judice [before a judge] 在法官面前;在审理中

* coram nobis 在我们面前;冤狱补救令

[before us (the king's bench); applied to

writs of error directed to another branch

of the same court]

* coram non judice 不是在法官面前;由无管辖权的法官

[in the presence of a person not a judge; (或法院)审判 before a judge who does not have the


* coram populo [in public] 当众;公开地;在大众面前 * coram publico 当众;公开地;在大众面前 * coram vobis 本院复审令

[before you; a writ of error directed by a

court of review to the court which tried

the cause, to correct an error in fact]

* corpora lente angescunt cito extinguuntur 身体成长慢而死亡快;肢体难长易腐

[bodies grow slowly (and) die quickly;

bodies are slow in growth, rapid in decay]

* corpus 本体;总体

* corpus deliciti 罪状;罪行构成;犯罪事实

[the body of the crime; the substance or

fundamental facts of a crime or offence]

* corpus juris [a body of law] 法典;法律汇编;法令大全 * corpus juris civilis [the body of civil law] 民法典;民法法典

* corpus juris gentium 万国法法典;国际法法典 * corpus separatum 单独实体

* corpus vile 区区小事;微不足道 * corrigendum [to be corrected] 勘误;更正

* corroboratio 证实[最后条款]

* corrumpunt bonos mores colloquia mala 言语淫秽,伤风败俗

[evil communications corrupt good


* corruptio optimi pessima 好人变坏人,坏得没得比

[the corruption of the best is the worst]

* corruptissima re publica plurimae leges 政府越腐败,法律越多

[in the most corrupt state are the most


* cor unum et anima una 一心一德

* coe unum, via una 一人一条心;一人一条计 * cos ingeniorum [a whetstone for the wits] 激发才智之物;灵感泉源

* crassa negligentia 疏忽罪;重大过失

[culpable negligence; gross neglect]

* credat Judaeus 不信

* crede quod habes, et habes 相信会有,你就有;自求多福 * crescente malitia crescere debet et poena 罪恶增加,惩罚也应加重

[vice increasing, punishment ought also to


* crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia 钱越多,越贪钱


[the love of money increases as the pile


* crescite et multiplicamini 兴旺发达吧;你们繁殖吧

* crescit eundo 日增月盛;日新月异

* crescit sub pondere virtus 压迫之下,美德滋长

[virtue grows under oppression]

* cribro aquam haurire 以筛汲水

[to draw water in a sieve]

* crimen 罪行

* crimen erga omnes 危害全人类罪行

[crime against all (mankind)]

* crimen falsi 伪证罪;伪造文书罪

[the crime of perjury; the crime of forgery]

* crimen furti [the crime of theft] 盗窃罪

* crimen incendii [the crime of burning] 纵火罪

* crimen laesae majestatis [high treason] 叛国罪;大逆不道;犯上作乱 * crimen trahit personam 犯人应在犯罪地点的法院受审

[the crime carries the person (ie., the

commission of a crime gives the courts

of the place where it is committed

jurisdiction over the person of the


* crimina morte extinguuntur 人死罪也消失

[crime are extinguished by death]

* crux criticorum 评阅人的困难

* crux medicorum 医生的难题

* cucullus non facit monachum 穿起袈裟不一定就是和尚;不可以外

[the cowl does not make the monk] 貌取人

* cui bono ? 对谁有利?为谁的利益?对什么人有

[who benefits by it ? for whose benefit ? ] 益?

* cuilibet in arte sua perito est credendum 专家的话应该相信

[whoever is skilled in his profession is to

be believed]

* cui malo ? [who will be harmed ? ] 对谁有害?

* cui prodest ? 对谁有益?

* cuique in sua arte perito credendum est 专家内行的话,可以置信

[to each one skilled in his own art credence

should be given]

* cuique suum [to each one his own] 各得其所应得;赏罚分明;各得己物; 物各归主

* cujus est commodum, ejus est onus 享受利益的人,就有责任负担损失;

[he who has the benefit has also the 利之所在,损之所归 burden]

* cujus est solum, ejus est summitas usque ad 谁有土地,就有土地的无限上空 coelum

* cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum et 谁有土地,就有土地的上空和底下; ad inferos 土地所有权上至天空,下至地心

[he who owns the soil owns also to the sky

and to the depths]

* cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum et 谁有土地,就有土地的上空而且直至 ad sidera 星空

* cujus est solum est usque ad coelum 土地所有者也拥有土地上面的空间

[the owner of the soil owns to the heavens] 直至天空

* cujus regio, ejus religio 统治某地,也就控制了某地的宗教;

[whoever governs the region control the 统治一地者,亦控制其宗教;各 religion] 地都有自己的宗教信仰

* culpa 罪过;过失;违约

* culpa caret qui scit sed prohibere non potest 随知而无力阻止,并非过失

[he is clear of blame who knows, but

cannot prevent]

* culpa levis 不大的罪过;可原谅的疏忽 * culpae poena part esto 罪行应按轻重惩罚

[let the punishment be proportioned to the


* culpa est immiscere se rel ad se non pertinenti 干涉他人事务,即是过失

[it is a fault for any one to meddle in a

matter not pertaining to him]

* culpa in concreto [a concrete fault] 个性过失;具体过失

* culpa in contrahendo [a contractual fault] 契约过失

* culpa in eligendo 挑选上的过失

* culpa in vigilando 监督上的过失

* culpa lata [gross negligence] 严重疏忽罪;严重过失;重大过失 * culpa lata dolo aequiparatur 重大过失以故犯论;重大过失相当于

[a gross fault is held equivalent to 蓄意

intentional wrong]

* culpa levis [ordinary negligence] 普通疏忽罪;普通过失

* culpa levissima [a very slight negligence] 轻微疏忽罪;轻微过失

* culpam majorum posteri luunt 祖宗有过,祸延子孙

[descendants pay for the shortcomings of

their ancestors]

* culpam poena premit comes 罪不可逭,有罪必有罚

[punishment follows at the heels of crime]

* cum grano salis 有保留态度;打个折扣

[with a grain of salt; to be taken with


* cum hoc, propter hoc 接踵而来的事并不一定互为因果 * cum laude [with praise] 优等;以优等学业成绩 * cum licet fugere, ne quaere litem 法律诉讼,可避免则避免

[when you can get off, do not seek a

contest with the law]

* cum notis variorum 附各家评注;集注本

[with the notes of various commentators]

* cum onere 连同负担

* cum privilegio 按特权;有特权

* cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum 独家出版权

[the privilege of exclusive right to


* cum tacent, clamant 无言的抗议,等于大声的谴责

[when they are silent they cry loudest; their

silence speaks louder than words]

* cuneus cuneum trudit 楔与楔相逐;后浪推前浪;狗咬狗 * curia 法院

* curia advisari vult (CAV; cur adv vult) 延期判决

[the court wishes to be advised; the court

needs time to deliberate (before

delivering judgement)]

* curiosa felicitae 措辞恰当;用字严谨

[careful felicity; a felicity of expression

that is the result of careful, studied effort

to find the right phrasing]

* currente calamo 纵笔(直书);即席;草草成章;匆

[with a running pen; a free style] 匆成文

* curriculum vitae [biographical data] 简历;履历表;传略;履历 * currus bovem trahit praepostere 本末颠倒

[the wagon drags the ox behind it;

to put the cart before the horse]

* cursus curiae est lex curiae 法院的诉讼程序等于法院的法律

[the practice of the court is the law of the


* curta supellex 知识贫乏;学识浅薄

[scanty supply of furniture; meager stock

of knowledge]

* custodia legis [in the custody of law] 依法保管的(财产);合法拘押 * custos morum 保护道德的人;维护道德的人 * custos privati sigilli [keeper of the privy seal] 掌玺大臣

* custos rotulorum [keeper of the rolls] 掌管档案的法官

* dabit qui dedit [he will give who gave] 给一次就会给二次

* da fidei quae fidei sunt 信仰归信仰

[give to faith that which belongs to faith]

* damnant quod non intelligunt 他们谴责自己不懂的东西 * damnosa haereditas [unprofitable inheritance] 债务的继承

* damnum 损害

* damnum absque injuria 不能依法获得补救的损失;合法竞争

[loss without legal wrong; damage done 造成的损失;无意的损害 intended wrong; loss due to lawful


* damnum fatale 不可避免的意外损害;自然灾害造成

[damage from fate; loss happening from a 的损害

cause beyond human control]

* damnum injuria datum 非法损害他人财物

* damnum sine injuria 非错误引起的损失;无错的损失;无

[damage without injustice] 侵害行为的损失

* damnum sine injuria esse potest 损害不一定是由不法行为造成的

[there may be damage inflicted without

any act of injustice]

* dare pondus idonea fumo 毫无价值;不值一笑(的批评)

[fit only to give weight to smoke;

absolutely worthless]

* data et accepta [expenses and receipts] 支出与收入;收支

* date et dabitur vobis 对别人施舍,别人也会对你施舍

[give and it shall be given unto you]

* datio in solutum [a giving in payment] 代物清偿

* de auditu [from rumor] 风闻;道听途说;传闻;谣传 * debellare superbos [to overthrow the proud] 打倒妄尊自大的人

* debellatio 征服

* de bene esse 有条件的;临时的;先行录取证供;

[conditionally; provisionally; in anticipation 暂先处理;暂定为可应用 of future need]

* debitor non praesumitur donare 债务人无权馈赠 [一切财产只供偿债]

[the presumption is that a debtor is not

making gifts]

* debitum [debt] 债务

* debitum naturae [the debt of nature; death] 死亡

* de bonis asportatis [of goods carried away] 盗取的财物

* de bonis non (administratis) 尚未管理的财产;未指定管理人的财产

[of goods not (yet administered)]

* de bonis propriis 自己支付费用;自己负责赔偿

[out of his own goods (or pocket)]

* de bono et malo 好歹;不论后果如何

[come what may; of good and bad]

* deceptio visus [optical illusion] 光幻视;视错觉

* decessit sine prole [he died without issue] 他死后无子女

* decessit vita patris (dvp) 死在他(她)的父亲前面

* decies repetita placebit 百看不厌;百听不厌

[it pleases, although repeated ten times]

* decipimur specie rect 虚伪的外表使人受骗

[we are deceived by what appears virtuous]

* decipit frons prima multos 初时印象往往错误;以貌取人,失之

[the first appearance deceives many] 子羽

* de commodo et incommodo 利弊得失;优劣;权衡利弊

[to advantage and disadvantage]

* decori decus addit avito 他荣宗耀组;他光耀门楣

[he adds honor to the ancestral]

* decretum [decree; ordinance] 法令;政令;教令

* de cujus 关于某人的继承权

* de die in diem [from day to day; continuously] 按日计;天天;逐日;日复一日 * de duobus mali, minus est semper eligendum 两害择其轻

[of two evils, the lesser is always to be


* de facto [in fact] 事实上;实际的;实际上 * defectus sanguinis [failure of issue] 无子嗣

* defensores legis 法定辩护人

* deficit omne quod nascitur 万物有生必有死

[everything which is born passes away]

* de fide 信仰上的;应作信条遵守的

[of the faith; required to be held as an

article of faith]

* de fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio 法官的公正和职权毋容置疑

[concerning the good faith and duty of the

judge, no question is allowed]

* defluxio capillorum 脱发

* defluxio ciliorum 睫毛脱落

* de fumo in flammam 避坑落井;越来越糟;每况愈下

[out of the smoke into the flame; out of the

frying pan into the fire]

* de gratia [by favour] 施与;惠给

* de gustibus et coloribus non (est) disputandum嗜好不能争辩;各有所好;嗜欲不同 * de gustibus non est disputandum 鉴赏力各有不同;人各有所好

[there is no disputing about tastes]

* Dei judicium 神裁判法

[the judgement of God; trial by ordeal]

* de integro [afresh; anew] 重新;从头;再;另行

* de internis non judicat praetor 法庭不根据被告的意图(只根据他的

[the court does not pass judgement on a 行为)审判

defendant's intention]

* Dei plena sunt omnia 神明无所不在;万物都有神明在

[all things are filled with divinity]

* de jure [by law; rightfully] 法律上;合法的;依法;根据法律 * de lana caprina 鸡毛蒜皮;无关宏旨(的事)

[about goats' wool; hence, about any

worthless object]

* de lana caprina rixari 为鸡毛蒜皮小事争吵

* delectando pariterque monendo 快乐与教诲同施;恩威并济;宽大与 严格相结合

* delegatus non potest delegare 受权者不能授权于人;代理人不能委

[a delegate cannot delegate; the person to 托他人为代理;受委托者,不能 whom an office or a duty is delegated, eg., 授权别人

an attorney, director, or trustee, cannot

lawfully devolve the duty upon another,

unless he is expressly authorized to do so]

* de lege ferenda 根据拟议法;根据应有法

[by means of a law to be made; on the basis

of new law]

* de lege lata [by means of an existing law] 根据现行法

* deliberando saepe perit occasio 议论太久,往往错过时机

[opportunity is often lost by too long


* delictum 不法行为;侵权行为

* delictum jure gentium 国际法上的不法行为

* deliquium animi 失神

* delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi 国王有过,人民受罚(遭殃)

[kings make mistakes, and the Greeks

(people) are punished]

* delirium senilis 老年性谵妄

* delirium tremens 震颤性谵妄

[mental disorder, characterised by

uncontrollable trembling, climaxing

excessive consumption of alcohol]

* delit complexe [French] 俱发罪

* delphinum natare doces 班门弄斧

[you are teaching a dolphin to swim;

you are teaching your grandmother to

suck eggs]

* de lunatico inquirendo 检查精神状况令

[a writ to inquire into the sanity of a


* delusio systematisata 系统化妄想

* de maximis non curat praetor 法官不问大事

* dementia paranoides 妄想;痴呆

* dementia praecox [a form of early insanity] 早发性痴呆

* de minimis non curat lex 法律不问小事;法律不管琐事

[the law does not concern itself with trifles]

* de minimis non curat praetor 法官不问小事;大人物不管小事 * de mortuis nil nisi bonum 对死人只能赞扬;不记死人过

[of the dead (say) nothing but good]

* denegatio justitiae 拒绝司法

* de nihilo nihil 无中不能生有

[from nothing nothing (can come)]

* de nihilo nihil flit 无中不能生有

* denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque 人的爱好各不相同

[all men, in short, do not admire and love

the same things]

* de non apparentibus, et de non existentibus, 不明确的事物应与不存在的事物一般 eadem est ratio 看待

[as to things not apparent and things

non-existent, the conclusion is the same]

* de novo [anew] 重新;再次;从头;再

* dentariae medicinae doctor (DMD) 齿科医学博士

* deo dignus vindice nodus 神仙才解得开的结;难解死结;难办

[a knot worthy of a god to unloose; 的事

a crucial difficulty]

* de omni re scibili, et equibusdam aliis 无事不通;万事通;万能

[concerning everything knowable and a

few other things besides]

* de omni scibili 关于可知的东西

* deo volente 若承天意;若一切顺利

* de pilo pendet [it hangs by a hair] 千钧一发

* de plano [on the ground; on a level] 当场;随便地;非正式地;轻而易举 * depositum [a thing deposited] 寄存物

* de praesenti [of (or for) the present] 现在的;用现在时态的

* de profundis 从悲痛之中;绝望之余;从内心里;

[out of the depths (of sorrow, despair)] 从深处;从心底

* de proprio motu [of one's own volition] 出于自愿;自动

* derelictio 废弃

* desideratum 愿望;希望

* desinit in piscem 虎头蛇尾

* desipere in loco [to play the fool on occasion] 在适当的时候轻松自己

* de son tort demesne [French] 自己导致的侵权责任;咎由自取 * desuetudo 废用

* desunt caetera (or cetera) 以下缺;下文逸失[古书或手稿残缺

[the remainder is wanting] 时于末尾注明]

* desunt inopiae multa, avaritiae omnia 穷人想要的东西很多,但是贪婪的人

[poverty wants many things, but avarice 每样都要

wants everything]

* desunt multa [many things are wanting] 缺漏很多

* de te fabula narratur 关于你的故事(传记)

* detinet 收回非法占有动产的诉讼

[he detains; a legal action to regain

possession of specific property]

* deus est in pectore nostro 心中有神明

[there is a divinity in our hearts]

* deus ex machina (小说、戏剧情节中)意外的救星、

[a god from the machine; a contrived 奇遇、解围的神力等;牵强的结 ending] 局

* devastavit 怠忽管理遗产的责任;浪费所管理的

[he has wasted; the act of an executor or 遗产

administrator in wasting the goods of the


* de visu [by sight; seen] 目睹;亲眼看见

* dextro tempore 适时;及时

[at the right time; at the opportune


* dictis facta suppetant 言行应一致

[let deeds correspond to words]

* dictum 言词[判决中无拘束力的言词] * dictum de dicto 道听途说;人云亦云

[report upon hearsay; second-hand story]

* dictum et factum 说了就做;即说即做

[said and done; no sooner said than done]

* dictum sapienti 对聪明人一点即明

* dictum sapienti sat est 聪明人一说就懂

[a word to the wise is enough]

* diem perdidi 浪费时日

* dies 期限

* dies ad quem [day to which; terminating date] 到期日;终止日期;截止日期 * dies a quo 生效日;起算日期;开始日期

[day from which; commencing date]

* dies cedit 权利义务成立期

* dies certus [fixed date] 期限

* dies datus 指定的日期;开庭日;审讯日

[a day given; a day appointed for the

hearing of a lawsuit]

* dies faustus 吉日良辰;有幸之日;吉日

[a day of good omens; a favourable day]

* dies gratiae 宽限

* dies infaustus 不吉利的日子;不幸之日

[a day of bad omens; a unfavourable day]

* dies irae 忿怒之日

* dies juridicus [a day on which the court sits] 开庭日

* dies natalis [birthday] 生日

* dies non (juridicus) 停审日;休庭日;不开庭的日子;法

[a day on which the court does not sit] 庭休假日

* dies non juridicus 停审日;休庭日;不开庭的日子;法

[a day on which the court does not sit] 庭休假日

* dies venit 义务履行期

* differentia specifica 特点;特殊的象征

* difficiles nugae [laborious triffles] 费力而无价值的东西

* difficilia quae pulchra 好东西不容易获得;难能可贵

[things which are excellent are difficult

(of attainment)]

* digito monstrari 著名的

[to be pointed at with the fingers;

be famous]

* dignus est intrare 适宜参加

* dignus vindice nodus 这样的难事只有这人来解决 * dii minores 次要的人物;次要人才 * diligentia quam in suis 如在自己的事情中所具有的注意

* diminium facti qui coepit habet 开始做事,即是成功一半;好的开始,

[he who has begun has his work half dine; 就是成功的一半

a thing well begun is half done]

* dis aliter visum 天不从人愿;天意使然;谋事在人成

[the god decreed otherwise; man proposes 事在天

and God disposes]

* discere docendo [to learn through teaching] 教学相长

* disjecta membra 残肢;残体;残余;片断;不连贯的 引文

* disponendo me, non mutando me 头可断,志不可夺 * dispositio 处分;安排

* diverso intuitu 不同看法;不同意图

* divide et impera [divide and rule] 分而治之

* divide ut regnes [divide in order to rule] 分而治之

* divinae particula aurae 人类的一点灵性

[a particle of the divine in human]

* divitiae virum faciunt [riches make the man] 财富使人贵

* divortium aquarium [watersed] 分水岭

* dixi 我说完了[演说者用的结束语] * dixi et animam meam salvari (or levavi) 我已作忠告不要怪我没有说 * docendo discimus [we learn by teaching] 教学相长;教者自学;由教而学 * doctus cum libro [doctor with a book] 书呆子;按图索骥

[不能独立思索的人] * doli capax 有犯罪能力;应负责任的

[capable of malice or criminal intention]

* doli incapax 无犯罪能力;不应负责任的

[incapable of malice or criminal intention]

* dolus [guile; malicious fraud] 欺诈;故意(犯罪)

* dolus auctoris non nocet successori 被继承人的欺诈不损害继承人 * dolus bonus [permissible deceit] 合法的欺骗;被允许的欺诈 * dolus dans locum contractui 诱骗他人订约

[fraud giving rise to the contract;

fraudulent misrepresentation by which

one person induces another to enter into

a contract]

* dolus directus 直接欺诈行为

* dolus eventualis 间接欺诈行为

* dolus malus [unlawful deceit] 非法欺骗

* dolus non purgatur circuitu 迂回不能免欺诈之罪

* dominium 领有权;财产权;所有权 * domus [house; home] 家;家族;住所

* donatio ante nuptias 婚前赠与

* donatio inter vivos 生前赠与

* donatio mortis causa 临终遗赠物;临终前的赠与

[a gift in prospect of death]

* donatio testamento 遗赠

* donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos 富贵朋友多;富在深山有人识

[as long as you are prosperous, you will

number many friends]

* dono dedit [gave as a gift] 赠与;赠送;送给

* do ut des 互惠;相互;平等交换契约

[I gave that you may give; a form of

commutative contract]

* do ut facias 双务契约

[I give that you may do; a form of [原义是“我付钱,你办事”] commutative contract]

* dramatis personae [characters of the drama] 剧中人;登场人物;角色 * duabus sellis sedere [to sit in two saddles] 一人骑两马;脚踏两只船 * dubitante 可疑

* duces tecum [you shall bring with you] 带同证物出庭令;命令携带证明文件 出庭(的传票)

* ducit amor patriae 爱国是我的目标;我为爱国之心所驱

[love for my country is my guide] 使

* dulce bellum inexpertis 未经战祸的人才喜欢战争

[war is sweet to those who have never

tried it]

* dulce domum 天伦之乐;家庭之乐

* dulce est desipere in loco 笑语合时实有趣味

* dulce et decorum est pro patria mori 为国捐躯是光荣的事;为国捐躯,名

[it is sweet and honourable to die for one's 垂不朽


* dulce quod utile [what is useful is sweet] 物以有用为贵;物贵有用 * dulcis amor patriae 爱国是愉快的

* dum bene se gesserit 在品行端正期间;只要行为正当,可

[as long as he conducts himself properly] 以永远任职

* dum casta [as long as she remains chaste]以不再嫁为原则[寡妇所得遗产往往 附有这个条件]

* dum casta vixerit 贞居期内

* dum fervet opus 在紧迫必要时

* dum fuit non compos mentis 在心神不健全期间

* dum sola [while single; while unmarried] 独身时期;在未婚期间

* dum spiro, spero 一息尚存,希望不灭

* dum vita est, spes est 活着就有希望;留得青山在,哪怕没

[while there is life, there is hope] 柴烧

* dum vivimus, vivamus 活着的时候,就要生活得痛快;人生

[while we live, let us live] 如寄,惟当行乐;生时且做生时 的事

* duobus certantibus tertius gaudet 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利

* duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit 一人追求两个目标,结果一个也不能

[he who chases two rabbits catches neither 实现;两头落空


* dura lex, sed lex 法律虽然苛刻,仍应遵守;法律严厉,

[the law is hard. but it is the law] 然而是法律(不管法律多么严厉, 仍然必须遵守)

* dura necessitas 非常必要

* durante absentia 在缺席期间

* durante bello 在战争中

* durante beneplacito 当欢悦时;当乐意时

* durante lite 诉讼进行期间

* durante minore aetate 在未成年期间

[as long as the subject is a minor]

* durante viduitate 孀居期间

* durante vita [during life] 终身;平生

* durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis 忍辱求生,寄望将来

[carry on and preserve yourselves for

better times]

* durum et durum non faciunt murum 严厉措施不能保障安全

[stern measures do not build a protecting

wall; harsh measures do not insure


* dux femina facti 妇女曾做过事业的

* dux gregis [leader of the flock (or herd)] 群众的领袖

* eat inde sine die 出庭无期;被告可免再出庭;无庸再

[that he may go thence without a day; 到庭

ie., be dismissed without any further

continuance or adjournment]

* ecce homo 正是此人

* ecce signum [here is the proof] 有此为证;这就是证据

* e contra [on the other hand] 在另一方面;反之

* e contrario [on the contrary] 相反地;反之

* e converso [conversely] 反过来说;反之

* edicta magistratum [decree of magistrate] 裁判官的告示

* edicta perpetuum [general decree] 一般告示

* edicta repentina [special decree] 特别告示

* editio princeps [the first edition (of a book)] 初版;第一版

* effectus sequitur causam 效果随着原因

* e flamma cibum petere 在火焰中寻求食物;山穷水尽 * e flamma petere cibum 冒险生涯

[to snatch (or fetch) food out of the

flame; to live by desperate means]

* ego libido 自爱欲

* egomet mihi ignosco [I myself pardon myself] 自我宽恕

* ego spem pretio non emo 我不瞎买东西

[I do not purchase hope for a price; I do

not buy a pig in a poke]

* eheu! fugaces labuntur anni 唉!光阴似箭;哎呀!飞驰的岁月悄

[alas! the fleeting years slip by] 悄地过去了;时光易逝

* ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat 举证责任在于控诉的人,不在辩护的

[the burden of proof lies upon him who 人;举证责任在原告,不在被告 affirms, not him who denies]

* ejusdem farinae [of the same flour (or sort)] 一丘之貉;同样的麦粉

* ejusdem generis [of the same kind] 同样;类推;同类;同样货色;一丘 之貉

* ejusdem modi 同式

* ejus est interpretari legem cujus est 有权制订法律的人就有权解释法律 condere

* ejus nulla culpa est, cui parere necesse sit 被迫服从的人的行为,不能当作他的

[the man who is forced to obey is not at 罪过

fault for what he does]

* elapso tempore 经过若干时日之后;时间已过去;随

[after a certain amount of time has 着时间的推移


* electa una via non datur recursus ad alteras 既已选定一条路,即不得利用另一条

[he who has chosen one way cannot have 路

recourse to another]

* electio semel facta non patitur regressum 一经选定,不得变更

[election once made cannot be recalled]

* elegit 扣押令;扣押权

[he has chosen; a writ giving possession

of the lands of the debtor, until full

payment of debt]

* elephantem ex musca facis 你真是小题大做

[you are making an elephant out of a fly;

you are making a mountain out of a


* elixir vitae 长生不老者

* emenctae naris homo 聪明的人

* emphyteusis (jus emphyteuticum) 永佃(权)

[a lease of land in perpetuity]

* empta dolore docet experientia 痛苦经验永志不忘;吃一次亏,学一

[experience bought with pain teaches 次乖;一次被火烧,见火就害怕 effectually; a burnt child dreads the fires]

* emptio et venditio [purchase and sale] 买卖

* emunctae naris esse 观察入微;明察秋毫;眼光老练

[to be of wiped nose; to have

discriminating taste or matured


* en autre droit [French] 运用他人权力

* en bloc [French] 整体地;整批地;全部地;大体地 * ense et aratro [by the sword and the plow] 战时当兵,平时耕田;用剑和犁 * en masse [French] 大量地;大批地;全部地 * en route [French] 正进行;正在路上

* en ventre de sa mere [French] 在娘胎中

* eo animo [with that intention] 蓄意;有意;有企图的

* eo instanti [at the moment; immediately] 当时;立刻;即时

* eo intuitu 为此目的

[with that view; with that intent or object]

* eo ipso [for the very fact; on that account] 这样;因而;从而;因此 * eo loci [at that very place] 在当地;当场

* eo nomine 以此为名;假借这个名义;因此;用

[by (or under) that name; on this account] 他的名义

* e pluribus unum [one out of many] 合众为一[美国国训]

* e re nata 因目前情况而产生;根据情况需要;

[arising from the present circumstances; 在目前情况下

according to the exigencies of the case;

as matters stand]

* erga omnes [to all; against all] 对所有国家;普遍适用;对一切人; 危害全人类的;普遍

* ergo [therefore; hence] 因此

* errare humanum est [to err is human] 人皆有错;人非圣贤,孰能无过;人 不会没有错误的

* error communis facit jus 将错就错

[a common error makes right (or law)]

* errata 勘误

* error in corpore 对于目的物的错误

* error in substantia 对于实质的错误

* esprit de corps [French] 团队精神;团体精神

* esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas 人应为生而食,不应为食而生

[one shoud eat to live, not live to eat]

* essentialia negotii 要件

* esse quam videri [to be rather than to seem] 实际重于外表

* est modus in rebus 凡事都有尺度(分寸);欲速则不达;

[there is a medium (or due measure) in all 凡事必有中道;物有度量,事有 things] 限度

* esto perpetua 愿此永存

* esto quod esse videris 外表与实际应该一致

[be what you seem to be]

* est quaedam flere voluptas 苦中作乐

* et alia (et al) 及其他;等等

* et alibi [and elsewhere] 以及其他地方

* et alii (et al) [and others] ... 等(合著);等等;及其他

* et alius 及其他

* et cetera (etc) 等等;其他

* et hoc genus omne 诸如此类;及其同类

[and everything of this kind] [作为et cetera的装饰性代用语] * etiam atque etium [again and again] 一再

* et nunc et semper [now and always] 现在以至永远

* et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum 一言既出,驷马难追

[and a word once uttered flies onward

never to be recalled]

* et sequentia (or sequentes; et seq) 及其后;及以下各页(各段);及以

[and the following] 下诸项;..... 页(段)起;等等 * et sic de ceteris [and similarly as to the others] 其余类推;以此类推

* et sic de similibus 以此类推;照此类推

[and in the same way about similar matters]

* et sic porro [and so on] 等等

* et similia [and the like] 等等;诸如此类

* e verbo, de verbo [word-for-word] 逐字地

* ex abrupto (= ab abrupto) [suddenly] 事前未经准备;即席;突然;没有准 备地;一下子

* ex abundante cautela [from excessive caution] 为格外谨慎起见;由于充分注意;由 于过度谨慎

* ex abundantia 绰绰有余

* ex abusu non arguitur in usum 不正当用途不得作为反对正当用途的

[from the abuse of a thing there is no 理由

arguing against its use]

* ex adverso 反证;反面;从反面证明

[from the opposite side; in opposition]

* ex aequo [according to what is right; in equity] 平等地;公平地;按公理 * ex aequo et bono 根据公正和善良的原则;以公正善良

[according to what is right and good] 为原则;公允及善良;公平合理 地

* ex animo [from the heart; sincerely] 全心全意地;诚心诚意地;出于善意; 衷心地

* ex animo effluere 遗忘;记不得

[to escape from the minds; be quite


* ex ante 根据推断

* ex auctoritate mihi commissa 依据本人所得权力;依据职权

[by virtue of the authority intrusted to me]

* ex bene placito 任意

* ex bona fide [in good faith; on one's honor] 出于至诚;以名誉担保

* ex capite [out of the head; from memory] 凭记忆;背诵;想出;想起来

* ex cathedra [from the chair; authoritatively] 根据职权;用权威方式;依据职权; 权威地;无可争辩地;用权威的 口吻(说话)

* exceptio 例外;抗辩;异议

* exceptio confirmat legem derogatam 例外证实法律有变更

* exceptio doli [an exception (or plea) of fraude] 诈欺的抗辩

* exceptio domini [a claim of ownership] 所有权的抗辩

* exceptio non adimpleti contractus 未履行契约的抗辩

[exception for not performing the contract]

* exceptio pacti conventi 违约的抗辩

[an exception of compact; a plea that the

plaintiff has agreed not to sue]

* exceptio probat regulam 例外情形足以证明规则存在;有例外

[the exception proves the existence of the 必有规则;惟有例外故知规则的 rule] 存在;例外证明规则 * exceptio quod metus causa 以被威迫为理由的抗辩

* exceptio rei judicatae 案件已经判决的抗辩

* exceptis excipiendis 除了例外情况以外;扣除应扣除的以

[after exception have been made] 后

* ex comitate [out of courtesy] 礼貌上的

* ex commodo 便利地;适宜地

* ex concesso [from what has been conceded] 根据承认的理由;根据已承认的;承 认;根据许可

* ex consensu advenit vinculum 同意发生拘束力

* ex contractus 依据契约;由于合同

* ex curia [out of court] 法院之外;庭外

* excusatio non petita fit accusatio manifesta 拆穿谎话;罪证昭彰

[an excuse given when unmasked betrays

clear guilt]

* ex debito justitiae 应得权利

[from what is due as of right; by reason of

a just debt]

* ex definitione 依据定义

* ex delicto [of an actionable wrong] 因过失;由于不法行为;由于侵权 行为

* ex delicto jus non oritur 法律不源于不法行为

* ex dequo et bono 公允及良善

* ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia 特权不使用,即告丧失

[privileges are lost through disuse]

* ex dolo malo non oritur actio 欺诈行为不得为诉讼权利的根据;诈

[no right of action arises out of a fraud] 欺不产生诉讼权

* ex dono [as a gift] 赠予

* executio est finis et fructus legis 一经执行判决,法律诉讼即告终结

[execution is the end and fruit of the law]

* executio juris non habet injuriam 执法(者)无过

[the execution of law does no injury]

* exempli gratia (e.g.) 例如;譬如;比喻;举例来说

[for (the sake of) example]

* ex ephebis 刚刚成年

[out of the ranks of youths; just arrived at


* exequatur 领事证书

[let it be executed; the permission given

by a government to the consul of another

state to enter on his appointment]

* exercitatio optimus est magister 熟能生巧

[practice is the best master]

* exeunt omnes 大家都出来

* ex facto jus oritur 法律源于事实;法律在实践中产生

[the law arises out of the fact]

* ex fide fortis [strong through fath] 因信仰而坚强

* ex fumo dare lucem 照明;以烛照明

* ex granis fit acervus [many grain make a heap] 积谷成堆;积少成多;集腋成裘 * ex gratia [of or by favor] 惠给;特准;特惠;恩恤;作为优惠 地;通融地

* ex hypothesi [by hypothesis] 假定的;在理论上;假定;根据假定 * ex imo corde [from the bottom of the heart] 出自内心;出于肺腑

* ex injuria jus non oritur 不法行为不得产生权利 * ex injuria non oritur jus 侵权行为不得产生权利

[a right does not arises out of a wrong]

* exitus acta probat 一切行为都看结果;结果好就一切都

[the issue proves (justifies) the deeds; all's 好;结果证实事实 well that ends well]

* ex lege 法律上的;根据法律的

[arising from the law; as a matter of law]

* ex libris (ex lib.) 藏书签;(某人)藏书之一

[from the books of; a book plate] [写在书上表示书属于他所有] * ex longinquo [from a distance] 从远处

* ex maleficio 由于不法行为

* ex maleficio non oritur contractus 契约不能产生自不法行为;违法行为 的契约不能生效

* ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt 良好的法律起源于不良的风俗

[good laws have come about because of

bad customs]

* ex mero motu [of one's own free will] 出于自愿

* ex more [according to custom] 根据习惯;按风俗;照例;照惯例 * ex necessitate 由于必要;出于需要;不得已 * ex necessitate legis 由于法律的需要

* ex necessitate rei 因情况紧急;由于情况的需要;因案

[arising from the urgency of the case] 情的需要

* ex nihilo 从来也没有

* ex nihilo nihil [nothing comes out of nothing] 无因便无果;无中不能生有 * ex nihilo nihil fit 无中不能生有;无风不起浪;无风不

[from nothing, nothing is made] 起尘

* ex nomine [by that name] 在此名下;在此项下

* ex nudo pacto non oritur actio 无约因的契约无诉权;无偿契约不能

[no action arises from a naked contract] 诉请履行

* ex nunc 从现在起

* ex officio [by virtue of one's office] 依据职权;当然;职务上;有责任 * ex opere operato 就事实而论;因表面的举动 * ex opinione obligationis 由于认为受拘束的意见 * ex ore infantium [out of the mouths of infants] 童稚之言

* ex ore parvulorum veritas 儿童口中露真情;小孩说实话

[out of the mouths of little children (comes)


* ex oriente lux 光明来自东方

* ex pacto illicito non oritur actio 不得根据非法契约提出诉讼;非法契

[no action arises on an illegal agreement] 约无起诉权

* ex parte 片面;单方面;偏于一方;偏重

[from one party (or side); in the interest of

one side only]

* ex pede Herculem 窥一斑而知全豹;一叶知秋;由小见

[from the foot (we may judge the size) of 大;举一反三

Hercules; from a part we may divine the


* expedit reipublicae ut finis sit litium 为了公共利益该判决应是肯定的 * expensae litis 诉讼费

* experientia docet [experience teaches] 前事不忘,后事之师;经一事,长一 智

* experientia docet stultos 经一事,长一智;经验能教导笨人 * experientia est optima rerum magistra 经验是最好的老师

* experimentum crucis 决定性的实验

* experto crede 相信我;信任有经验者的话

[trust me; believe one who has experience]

* expertus metuit 曾经沧海难为水;他因为有经验而产

[the person with experience is fearful] 生恐惧之心;再学三年寸步难行 * expletiae 不动产的生息

* explorant adversa viros [misfortune tries men]灾难考验人;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 * ex post facto 事后;追溯既往;有追溯效力的;溯

[after the deed is done; retrospective] 及既往

* expressio unius est exclusio alterius 指明其一,即排除其他

[the expression of one thing is the

exclusion of another]

* expressis verbis [in express terms] 明文;用确切的词句

* expressum facit cessare tacitum 明示即终止默示;业已明示的使默示 不复存在

* ex professo [openly; professedly] 公然;直言不讳;明示地;公开地; 坦率地;明确地;十分内行地;


* ex proposito [by design; of set purpose] 故意地;有目的地

* ex propriis [out of one's own resources] 自己负担费用;由于自己的资财 * ex proprio motu 出自自愿的;出自本意的

* ex proprio vigore 由于本身的力量

* ex quocunque capite [from whatever reason] 不论何种理由;无论如何;不管从何 而来

* ex relatione (ex rel) [on the report of] 根据 .... 告发

* ex tacito [tacitly] 默示;默认的;默许的;不发表意见


* ex tempore [impromptu; improvised] 临时;即席;即时

* extractum 正本

* extra modum [beyond measure] 过度;极;非常;浪费

* extra muros 城外;墙外

* extra ordinem 处于不适当的地位

[outside of its natural order; out of its

proper place]

* extra situm [away from its natural setting] 离开原来环境

* extra territorium 领土外

* extra vires 越权;权力以外的

* extrema ratio 终极理由

* ex tunc 从当时

* ex turpi causa non oritur jus 不正当的行为不能构成权利;不正当

[from a shameful cause no right arises] 原因不产生权利

* ex ungue leonem 窥一斑而知全豹

[(one can sketch) a lion from its claw]

* ex ungue leonem cognoscimus 见其一举可知其人;见其一斑可窥全 貌

* ex undo disce omnes 举一反三

[from one learn all; from one judge of the


* ex uno disce omnes 以一窥全;推一知百

* ex usu [of use; advantageous] 有用;有益

* ex utraque parte [on either side] 任何一方;在任何一边;从两方面; 从各方面

* ex vi termini 在本义上;顾名思义;根据词意

[from the force or meaning of the term;

by definition]

* ex voto 根据誓言;履行诺言

[according to (in fulfillment of) one's vow]

* faber est quisque fortunae suae 命运要靠自己创造;自己的路自己开

[everyone is the architect of his own


* faber quisque fortunae suae 人人都是自己命运的建筑师;各人的


* faber suae fortunae 自寻祸福的人

* facies anterior 前面

* facies non omnibus una 人的面貌各不相同

* facies posterior 后面

* facile criteria 适当标准;便利标准 * facile est inventis addere 锦上添花容易

[it is easy to add to what has already been


* facile est inventis addere 改进已发明的东西是容易的 * facile largire de alieno 慷他人之慨是轻易的事

[it is easy to be generous with what is


* facile princeps [easily the leader] 毫无问题是第一的;公认的领导者; 出类拔萃的人;动辄就是第一 * facilis descensus 堕落容易;顺水行舟易

* facilis descensus Averno 下地狱容易

[the descent to hell is easy]

* facio ut des 双务契约

[I do that you may give; a form of [原义为“我办事,你付钱”] commutative contract (law)]

* facit indignatio versum 心中愤怒歌韵激昂;愤怒中作出的诗 * fac simile 帖;楷模

* facta infecti non fieri prosunt 未完成的事实不成为有利的事实 * facta, non ficta ! 真的假不了!

* facta non verba [deeds, not words] 凭行动,别说空话;实事求是勿讲空 话;看行为而不听空话

* facta sunt potentiori verbis 行为比言词更为有利;事实胜于雄辩 * factio testamenti 立遗嘱的能力

[the right, power or capacity of making

a will]

* factum 行为;证书;事实

* factum est 事已完毕了

* factum probanda [the fact to be proved] 待证事实

* factum probantia (or probans) 举证事实

[a probative or evidentiary fact; a fact

tending to prove the principal fact in

issue; a piece of circumstancial evidence]

* factum valet 事实不可改变

[a fact prevails; a fact cannot be altered]

* facultas bellandi 交战国资格

* fait [French] 证书;契据

* fait accompli [French] 既成事实

* falsa demonstratio non nocet 错误叙述不影响文件效力 * falsa grammatica non vitiat chartam 文法错误不影响契据效力 * falsa lectio [a false reading] 抄错;误植

* falsi crimen [the crime of falsification] 伪证罪;窜改罪;假冒的罪 * falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus 证词如有一处不实,即全部推翻;一

[false in one, false in all] 伪全伪

* fama clamosa 广为传播的丑闻

* fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum 谣言传得最快

[nothing travels faster than scandal]

* fama nihil est celerius 传播之速没过于谣言

* fama semper vivat ! 愿他(她)流芳百世!

* fama volat [rumour travels fast] 谣言传得很快

* fames est optimus coquus 肚子饿,样样东西都好吃;饥不择食

[hunger is the best cook]

* famosus libellus 损害名誉的毁谤

* fari quae sentiat 畅所欲言

* fas est et ab hoste doceri 敌人可做你的反面教员

* feci quod potui 尽力而为

* feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes 尽力而为

* felicitas multos habet amicos 富贵时朋友多

[prosperity has many friends]

* felix culpa [fortunate fault] 因祸得福

* felix qui nihil debet 无债一身轻

[happy is he who owes nothing]

* felo de se 自杀者

* feme covert 已婚妇女

* feme sole 独身妇女

* ferae naturae 野生的;野性未驯的;本性凶恶的

[of a wild nature; not domesticated] (动物);野性;没有驯养的 * feriunt summos fulgura montes 树大招风

[lightning strikes the mountain tops]

* ferme accerima proximorum odia 至亲骨肉之间的仇恨往往最深

[hatred among close relatives is generally

the bitterest]

* ferrum, dum in igne candet, cudendum est tibi 打铁要趁热

[you must strike the iron while it is

glowing hot]

* festina lente [hasten slowly] 急事慢慢做;欲速则不达;抓紧时间, 但不要着急

* fiat justitia [let justice be done] 恳求伸张正义

[误判案件诉请再审时的用语] * fiat justitia, pereat mundus 虽然地塌,也伸正义

[let justice be done, though the world


* fiat justitia, ruat caelum 虽然天崩,也伸正义;即使天崩亦应

[let justice be done, though the heaven 行义


* fiat lux [let there be light] 望光明来临

* fiat voluntas Tua [Thy will be done] 希望你的愿望得以实现 * fictio juris 法律拟制

* fidei commissaria hereditas 遗产信托

* fidei commissum [a thing entrusted to faith] 信托遗赠;托付

* fidei defensor 保护信仰者

* fideli certa merces 忠诚的人必有好报

[there is a certain reward for the man who

is faithful]

* fidelis et fortis 忠实而勇敢

* fide, sed cui vide 信任之,惟须辨别其人 * fides etiam hosti servanda 对敌人也必须守信

* fides punica 无信;诡诈;狡猾

* fides servanda est [faith must be kept] 必须守信用;必须守秘密 * fiducia [trust; pawn] 信托;典当

* fidus Achates [faithful Achates; a trusty friend] 忠心朋友;心腹之交;忠实朋友 * fidus et audax 忠诚而勇敢的

* fieri facias (fi. fa.) 财物扣押令;扣押并拍卖债务人动产

[that you cause to be made; a writ of 以抵偿债务的执行令;扣押债务 execution to levy and make the amount 人动产令

of a judgement from the goods and

chattels of the judgement debtor]

* fieri feci 扣押债务人动产令的执行报告 * filius nullius [nobody's son; an illegitimate son] 私生子

* filius populi [a son of the people; a bastard] 私生子

* filius terrae [a son of the earth; a peasant] 农夫

* finem respice [look to the end] 善终;必思其终

* finis coronat opus [the end crowns the work] 凡事贵于完成;工作必须完成,才有 价值;事贵有始有终;结局为事 业之冠

* finis litium [an end of lawsuits] 案件终结

* finis origine pendet 结果要看开端而定;好结果必须有好

[the end depends on the beginning] 开端

* flagrante bello 在战争状态中;在战争期间;在战争

[while the war is blazing; during hostilities] 中

* flagrante delicto (犯罪)当场;现行(犯);现行不

[while the crime is blazing; in the very act]法行为;作案时;当场捕获;在 犯罪时(被捕)

* flamma fumo est proxima 有烟必有火;无风不起浪;有烟的地

[flame is very close to smoke; where there's 方就有火

smoke, there's fire]

* flebile ludibrium 嘲弄

* flecti, non frangi 可屈而不可断

* floruit [he flourished] 全盛时期

* flosculi sententiarum 智慧的花朵;珠玑集

[flowerets of thought; an anthology of

beautiful thoughts]

* fluctuat nec mergitur 败而不馁

* foenus nauticum [nautical or maritime interest] 船舶抵押利息

* folio verso (f. v.) [on the back of the page] 在一页的背面;在反面

* fons et origo [fountain and source] 本源;泉源

* fons et origo mali [fountain and origin of evil] 罪恶的根源

* fons et origo malorum 祸根;痛苦的根源

* forensis strepitus 在法庭上吵闹

[the noisy turmoil of the court]

* forma bonum fragile 美色易衰

[beauty is a fragile possession]

* forma flos, fama flatus 美貌如花朵,名声如气息

[beauty is a flower, fame a breath]

* forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit 回首往事眉开眼笑

* fortes fortuna adjuvat (or juvat) 勇敢的人运气好;勇往直前,无往不

[fortune helps the brave] 利;幸运帮助勇敢的人

* forti et fideli nihil difficile 勇敢而忠诚的人没有难事;世上无难

[nothing is difficult for the brave and royal] 事,只怕有心人;有志者事竟成 * fortis cadere, cedere non potest 勇敢的人宁死不屈

[the brave man may fall, but he cannot


* fortiter, fideliter, feliciter 勇敢地,忠诚地,成功地

* fortiter in re 遇事要有勇气

* fortiter et recte 既勇且义

* fortuna belli semper ancipiti in loco est 战争永远难分胜败

[the fortunes of war are always in doubt]

* fortuna favet fatuis [fortune favors the fools] 傻人有傻福

* fortuna fortibus favit 勇敢的人运气好

[fortune favors the brave]

* fortuna multis dat nimium nulli satis 得到幸福的人很多,但知足者甚少; 得陇望蜀

* fortuna nimium quen fovet, stultum facit 傻人运气好;傻人有傻福

[fortune often makes her darling a fool]

* fortuna sequatur 愿吉祥伴随

* forum competens 管辖法院

[the forum or court that has jurisdiction]

* forum contentiosum 诉讼法庭;普通法院

[a contentious court; the ordinary court

of justice]

* forum contractus 订约地法院;契约缔结地(法院)

[the place where a contract is made; the

court of the place where a contract is


* forum conveniens 便于审理的法院

* forum domicilii 被告居住地法院

[the court of the domicile of the defendant]

* forum ecclesiasticum [ecclesiastic court] 宗教法庭

* forum non conveniens 不便于审理的法院;不便利地点法院

[inconvenient court or jurisdiction the

doctrine is patterned upon the right of the

court in the exercise of its equitable

powers to refuse the imposition upon its

jurisdiction of the trial of cases even

though the venue is properly laid if it

appears that for the convenience of

litigants and witnesses and in the interest

of justice the action should be instituted

in another forum where the action might

have been brought]

* forum originis 出生地法院;原籍国法院

[the forum or court of the place where the

act originated]

* forum prorogatum 当事人同意的法院

* forum rei 被告居住地法院;财产所在地法院;

[the court of the defendant's domicile; 物所在地法院

the court of the place where the property

in controversy is situated]

* frangas, non flectes 头可断,志不屈;头可断而志不可屈;

[you may break, you will not bend (me)] 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 * frangenti fidem, fides non est servanda 对毁信者不必守信

* fraus est celare fraudem 隐瞒欺诈,等于欺诈

[to conceal a fraud is fraud]

* fraus omnis corrupsit 欺诈毁灭一切

* fronti nulla fides 不要相信外表;不可以貌取人;人不

[there is no trusting to appearances] 可以貌相

* fructus [fruit; produce; profits] 果实;收获;利润;孳息 * fructus civiles 法定孳息(如租金、利息)

[profits or revenues recognized by the law]

* fructus industriales 劳动成果;劳动收获(如谷物)

[fruits of industry; fruits of a thing, as of

land, which are produced by the labour

and industry of the occupant, as crops of


* fructus legis 法律的执行;法律的效果

[the fruit of the law; i.e., execution]

* fructus naturales [products of nature] 天然孳息;自然收获(如羊毛、金属) * fruges consumere nati 不劳而获;寄生虫

* frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet 讨好众人的事是白费力气的

[he labours in vain who strives to please


* fuga ad salices 矫饰;伪托

* fugit hora 光阴飞逝

* fugit irreparabile tempus 光阴一去不回头;时间飞去不再来;

[irrecoverable time flies away] 光阴一去不复还

* fulmen brutum 虚张声势;虚声恫吓

[a harmless thunderbolt; empty threat]

* functus officio 任务完成;卸任;失效

[a task performed; a function fulfilled]

* furor arma ministrat 愤怒增加力量

* furor loquendi 喜欢讲话的脾气;话匣子

[an uncontrollable desire to talk]

* furor poeticus [the inspired frenzy of the poet] 诗人的灵思;诗人的狂想

* furtum 盗窃犯;盗窃罪

* furtum conceptum 赃物

* furtum manifestum 人赃俱获的盗窃犯

* furtum non manifestum 非现行盗窃犯

* furtum oblatum 窝赃

* gabella emigrationis 移民出境税

* gamalis [a legitimate child] 婚生子;合法子女

* gaudeamus igitur 所以让我们高兴

* gaudeamus, igitur, juvenes dum sumus 年青时当行乐

[let us rejoice, therefore, while we are


* gaudet temtamine virtus 美德不怕考验

[virtue rejoices in trials]

* genera [things in general] 不特定物

* generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum 一般性用语应作一般的解释

[a general statement should be interpreted


* generalia [things in general; general principles] 一般规定;一般原则

* generalia praecedunt, specialia sequuntur 一般规定在前,特别规定在后;

[general matters precede, special matters 一般条款在前,特别条款在后 follow]

* generalia specialibus non derogant 一般法规不得减损特别法规

[generalities do not derogate from special


* generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda 一般的用语应作一般的解释

[general words are to be understood in a

general sense]

* generalibus specialia derogant 特别优于普通;特别法损害普通法 * genius loci [the protecting deity of a place] 地方的守护神

* gens [a tribe or clan] 民族;宗族

* genus homo [the human race] 人类

* genus vivendi 生活方式

* gloria victis! [glory to the vanquished] 虽败犹荣

* glossatores 罗马法注释家

* gradatim vincimus 我们逐渐克服

* gratia gratiam parit [kindness begets kindness] 对别人好,别人对你也好;礼尚往来 * gratia placendi [for the sake of pleasing] 为了讨好别人;为了取悦的缘故 * gratias agere [to give thanks] 感谢;表示谢意

* gratis dictum 自愿的供词;未经证实的话;只不过

[a voluntary statement; a mere assertion] 是意见

* graviora manent 最坏的还在后头

[more grievous perils remain; the worst is

yet to come]

* graviora quaedam sunt remedia periculis 治不得法,越治越糟

[some remedies are worse than the disease]

* gravior manent 厄运就要降临

* gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis 风俗的力量,其大无比

[the power of custom is most weighty]

* grosso modo [in gross; roughly] 大概地;大约地;大体上;概括地 * gutta cavat lapidem 水滴石穿;铁杵磨成针 * gutta cavat lapidem, consumitur annulus usu 滴水穿石,戒指日久磨损

[dripping water hollows the rock, the ring

is worn away by use]

* habeas corpora juratorum 强迫陪审员到庭令

[a writ commanding the sheriff to bring up

the persons of jurors]

* habeas corpus 人身保护令;人身保障法

[you should have the body; a writ of [1679年英国会通过] personal freedom exercised when a

prisoner posts bail]

[Habeas Corpus Act: 人身保障法]

* habeas corpus ad subjiciendum 人身交释令

[you should produce the body to submit

to; a writ for inquiring into the lawfulness

of the restraint of a person who is

imprisoned or detained in another's


* habeas corpus ad testificandum 传讯被扣押者出庭作证令 * habemus confitentem reum 被告认罪

[we have a confessing defendant]

* habemus papam [we have a pope] 新教宗已选出

* habendum et tenendum [to have and to hold] 契据的物权条款;享有;永远持有 * habent et musca spelem 苍蝇也会生气

[even a fly will show anger]

* habere facias possessionem 自由保有土地收回占有令

[that you cause to have possession;

the name of the process commonly

reported to by the successful party in an

action of ejectment, for the purpose of

being placed by the sheriff in the actual

possession of the land recovered]

* habitatio [the right of dwelling] 居住权

* hac lege 依此法律;据这项规定;在这样情况

[with (under) this law (or condition); 下

with this proviso]

* hac mercede placet [I accept the terms] 我接受这些条件

* haereditas jacens 没有继承人的遗产

[an inheritance lying in abeyance;

a prostate or vacant inheritance]

* haereditas nunquam ascendit 继承权不向上溯

[an inheritance never ascends]

* haeres legitimus est quem nuptiae demonstrant 婚生子女方为合法继承人

* Hannibal ad portas 大敌当前;大难临头;兵临城下

[Hannibal is at the gates; a cry of alarm]

* haud longis intervallis 每隔不久;不时

[at intervals by no means long; at frequent


* haud passibus aequis 脚步不稳;蹒跚

[not with equal steps; with unequal steps]

* helluo librorum [a devourer of books] 博览群书的人;书呆子;极爱读书者 * heres [pl. heredes] [heir] 继承人

* hiatus valde deflendus 可悔可恨的短处

* hic et nunc [here and now] 此时此地;立刻

* hic et ubique [here and everywhere] 四处;处处;随处;各处 * hic finis fandi 话说完了

[here was an end of the speaking; here the

speech ended]

* hic funis nihil attraxit 计划失败

[the line has taken no fish; the scheme is a


* hic jacet [here lies] 永眠于此;.... 之墓;墓志铭;葬此; 墓碑

* hic labor, hoc opus est 这是劳动,这是工作

* hic sepultus 葬于此

* hinc illae lacrimae 这是困难的根源;这是祸根 * his non obstantibus 尽管如此

[not withstanding these things; nevertheless]

* hoc age 做事要留心;注意;做这事要当心

[do this; mind what you are about; attend]

* hoc anno [in this year] 今年;在这一年;本年 * hoc erat in votis 此乃我所愿

* hoc genus omne 这类人

* hoc indictum volo 我收回这句话

[I wish this unsaid; I withdraw the


* hoc loco [in this place] 在此地

* hoc mense [in this month] 在这个月;本月

* hoc mihi non est negotium 这不关我的事;不在其位,不谋其政 * hoc opus, hic labor est 这是工作,这是劳动

* hoc quaere [look for this] 查看此条

* hoc sensu [in this sense] 在这种意义上;本乎此义

* hoc sustinete, majus ne veniat malum 小不忍则乱大谋;小事不忍,大祸临 [endure this evil, lest a greater come upon 头


* hoc tempore [at this time] 在这个时候;此时;此时此刻

* hoc titulo [under this title] 根据这种权限;在这个名义下

* hodie mihi, cras tibi 今天是我,明天就轮到你[指死亡]

* homines dum docent, discunt 人类教学相长

[men learn while they teach]

* homo homini lupus [man is a wolf to man] 人对人为狼;人对待人如豺狼;人互


* homo mensura [man is the measure] 人是一切的标准

* homo multarum litterarum 博学的人;有文学修养的人

[a man of many letters; a very learned


* homo novus [self-made man; an upstart] 暴发户;白手成家的人

* homo proponit, sed Deus disponit 谋事在人,成事在天

[man proposes but God disposes]

* homo sapiens [the thinking man] 智人;人类;现代人

* homo semper aliud, fortuna aliud cogitat 不如意事常八九;天不从人愿

[man always has one thing in mind, fortune


* homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto 人类的一切特性,我并不陌生,因为 我是人

* homo trium litterarum 三个字母的人[即fur贼]

* homo unius libri 读死书的人;坐井观天的人;刻舟求


* honesta mors turpi vita potior 恶生不如好死

* honoris causa (or gratia) 名誉的;荣誉的[头衔、学位]

[as a recognition of honor due]

* honos habet onus 有荣誉就负有责任;位高者责任重;

[honors carry the burden of responsibility] 望重任亦重

* hora decubita (hd) 睡觉时;就寝时

* horae subsicivae [leisure hours; spare time] 空闲时间;闲暇

* hora fugit [the hour flies] 光阴似箭;时光飞逝;岁月如流

* hora somni sumendus 睡觉时服用

* horresco referens 我谈虎色变;言之战栗;说起来真可

[I shudder to relate it (generally used in a 怕

playful sense)]

* horribile dictu [horrible to relate] 言之可怖;谈虎色变;惨不忍睹;说


* horribile visu [horrible to see] 惨不忍睹;言之可怖;谈虎色变

* hortus siccus 一堆干草;植物标本;一堆乏味的事

* hostis 民族的敌人[区别于私人的仇人] * hostis humani generis 人类公敌

[an enemy of the hman race]

* hujus anni [of this year] 今年的

* hujus mensis [of this month] 本月的

* hunc tu caveto 你要注意他

* hypotheca [pledge; mortage] 抵押权;抵押

* ibidem (ibid) 同上(所引之处);在同处

[in the same place (in a book)]

* ictus sanguinis 中风;半身不遂

* ictus solis 中暑

* idem (id) [the same; the same as above] 同;同上;同前

* idem genus 同类

* idem modi 同式

* idem quod (i.q.) 相同

* idem sonans 同音姓名;有同样的发音

[sounding the same or alike; having the

same sound]

* idem velle atque idem nolle 莫逆之交;同甘共苦

* id est (i.e.) [that is; that is to say] 就是;换言之;即;就是说

* id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet 做事尽责而不随便的人,值得赞扬

[he deserves praise who does what he

ought to do, not what he may do]

* id genus omne 凡是这样的

* ignis fatuus [pl. ignes fatui] 磷火;鬼火;空中楼阁;妄想;幻想

[foolish fire; misleading light;

will-o'-the wisp]

* ignoramus 不合控诉;[俗] 无知的人;笨蛋

[we are ignorant; words used by the grand

jury on bills of indictment when, after

having heard the evidence, they thought

the accusation against the prisoner was


* ignorantia 不知情

* ignorantia facti excusat 不知情者可以免责

* ignorantia juris non excusat 不知法律也不能免除责任

* ignorantia legis neminem excusat 不知法律,不可以抗辩;不知法律并 (= ignorantia legis naud excusat; 不能免罪;不知法律也不能免除 ignorantia legis non excusat) 责任

[ignorance of law excuses no one;

ignorance of law is no excuse]

* ignoratio elenchi 异议的虚伪[逻辑:以与命题无关之

[ignorance of proof; a fallacy of supposing 事物为证据的谬误];用歪曲对 a point proved or disproved by an 方论点的手法驳斥对方;文不对

argument proving or disproving something 题;张冠李戴

not at issue]

* ignoscito saepe alteri, numquam tibi 常恕人,勿恕己

[often pardon others but never youself]

* ignoti nulla cupido 不知则不贪;不知者不贪;眼不见,

[no body desires what he does not know] 心不想

* ignotum per ignotius 用更难懂的道理,解释人所不懂的道

[the unknown through the more unknown] 理;解释得比原来更难懂;越解 释越难懂

* illotis manibus 没有准备

* immedicabile vulnus 一个不可医治的创伤

* immedicabile vulnus ense recidendum est ne 恶疮必须割除,以免蔓延 pars sincera trahatur

[an incurable wound must be cut out lest

the sound part be infected]

* immobilia situm sequuntur 不动产依所在地法

* imo pectore 出于肺腑

* imperium 统治权

* imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter 追求权利的人,不是飞黄腾达,就是 summa aut praecipitia 一败涂地

[for those seeking power there is no

middle course between the depths and

the heights]

* imperium in imperio 国家内的国家;国中之国;主权内的

[empire within an empire; government 另一主权;政府中的政府 within a government]

* impos animi 没脑筋的;痴呆

[having no power over the mind; imbecile]

* impossibilis condicio 不可能的条件

* impossibilis est quod societas delinquat 社会不可能犯罪

[it is impossible that society commits a


* impotens sui [lacking self-control] 无自制力

* imprimatur 出版许可;出版执照

[it may be printed; a license to publish,

given by a bishop of the Roman Catholic


* imprimi permittitur (or potest) 准许出版

[permission to print is granted]

* impubes 未成年者

* in absentia [in the absence of] 缺席;不在;当.....不在时;缺席时 * in abstracto [in the abstract] 抽象的;理论上;意念上

* in actu [in actual existence] 实际存在;实在;其实 * inadimplenti non est adimplendum 不守约者不得要求践约

[one who does not fulfill obligations cannot

demand fulfillment by the other]

* in aeternum [for ever] 永远;永久

* in alio loco 在别的地方

* in ambiguo 可疑

* in animam malevolam sapientia haud intrare 恶意的人很难明白事理 potest

[wisdom can hardly enter the soul of an

ill-willed man]

* in anima vili 用微量;干小事

* in armis 武装;准备临阵

* in articulo mortis [at the point of death] 临终;临终时;将死;最后一关 * in autre droit [French] 凭他人权力;作为他人代表 * in brevi [in short] 简言之;简略地;简短地 * in caelo quies 安息在天;已死

* in camera [in chamber; in private] 秘密;不公开;禁止旁听; 在(法官)私人办公室中 * in capite 其中大的

* in casu 这里指的是在 .... 的情况下

* in cauda venenam [sting in the tail] 尾巴带刺;话中带刺;蝎尾有毒;图 穷匕首见

* in claris non fit interpretatio 明白的不需解释

* inclusio unius exclusio alterius 有其一不能有其二

[the inclusion of one is the exclusion of

the other]

* in commendam 代为保管

* in concreto [in substance] 具体的;事实上

* in consimili casu 在同类案件中

* in contumaciam [in defiance] 藐视法庭;侮辱法官;拒不出庭 * in conventionibus contrahentium voluntas 在协定中,应注意当事各方的意思, potius quam verba spectari placuit 而非实际使用的字句 * in corpore [in a body; as a whole] 全体

* incredibile dictu [incredible to relate] 说起来叫人不信的;不可思议的;说 起来很难令人相信;不像真实的 * in curia 在法庭上;在公开审讯中 * in custodia legis 在法律保护下

* inde irae 因此发怒

* inde irae et lacrimae 因此发怒而流泪

* in delicto 有过失

* in deposito [in deposit; in custody] 保存;作为抵押

* index expurgatorius 禁书目录

* Index Librorum Prohibitorum 《禁书目录》[天主教会公布的]

* index locorum [index of places] 地名索引

* index nominum [index of names] 人名索引;名录

* index rerum [a list of references] 参考书名;参考资料一览表 * indicia 标志

* indivisum 共有的

* in dubiis 在疑惑中

* in dubio [in doubt] 可疑

* in dubio lex fori 遇有疑义,依法院所在地法 * in dubio mitius 遇有疑义,从轻解释

* in dubio, pars mitior est sequenda 有疑义时从宽

* in dubio pro reo 遇有疑义,作有利于被告的解释 * industriae nil impossibile 天下无难事,只怕有心人 * in equilibrio 平均;不偏

* in esse [in being; actually existing] 实在的;确实存在的;实际存在的 * in extenso [at full length] 全部;全文;完全照原文[引证]; 详尽地

* in extremis [in the last moment of life] 临终;临死的时候;在最后的时刻; 到最后的关头

* in facie curiae 出庭;到庭;在法庭前

[in the face (or presence) of the court]

* in facto 事实上

* in favorem 为了 ..... 的利益

* infectio aerialis 空气传染

* infectio contacta 直接传染

* infectio cruciata 相互传染

* infectio cryptogenica 潜伏传染

* infectio directa 直接传染

* infectio indirecta 间接传染

* infectio localis 局部传染

* infectio mixta 混合传染

* infectio per aquam 水传染

* infectio per cibum 食物传染

* insectio per insectum 昆虫传染

* infectio per lacteum 乳传染

* infectio per solum 土壤传染

* infectio puerperalis 产后传染

* infectio secundaria 继发传染

* in fieri 在审理中;未决

[in being made; in the process of


* in fine [at the end] 末尾[指书页或书的章篇]

* in flagrante delicto 当场;在犯罪现场;现行(犯);

[while the crime is blazing; in the very act] 在作案中;当犯罪的时候 * in folio 对开本的(书)

* in forma pauperis 以贫民身分诉讼[免交庭费];因贫

[in the manner of a pauper; describes 穷准其免付诉讼费用;作为一个 permission given to a poor person to sue 穷人

without liability costs]

* in foro conscientiae 在道德法庭上;接受良心谴责;从道

[in the court of conscience; considered 德立场而言;在良心的法庭前; from a moral point of view] 为天良所审判;从良心上讲 * in foro domestico [in a domestic court] 在本国法院

* infortunium 过失致死;横祸

* infra 在下;以下

* infra annos nubiles 未满结婚年龄

* infra dignitatem (infra dig.) 有损尊严;有失体统;有碍观瞻;降

[beneath one's dignity] 低威信

* infra metas 在范围内

* infra praesidia 完全在拿捕者的权力之下 * in futuro 未来;将来;以后

* ingenium mala saepe movent 患难往往激发才智

[bad luck often stirs genius]

* ingenium res adversae nudare solent, celare 富贵使人鲁钝;患难中方显才智 secundae

[adversity reveals genius; prosperity

conceals it]

* ingenui [person born free; free-born] 生来自由人

* in gremio legis 在法律保护下;在法律保障下

[under the bosom (i.e. protection) of the


* in hac parte 在这部分;在这方面

* in haec foedera non venimus 我们未曾订立这项契约[否认契约关

[we did not conclude this contract] 系]

* in hoc statue 在此状况下

* in infinitum 无限制

* in initio 在开始

* in integrum 原有状态;以前的地位

* in integrum restitutio 恢复原有地位;恢复原状

[restoration to the original state]

* in invitum [against an unwilling party] 和对方意见相反;对付不肯同意的一 方;强制

* in judicio 在审讯中;复审

[before a judge; in the seconde stage of


* in jure 在法律上;预审

[in law; according to law; in the

preparatory stage of trial]

* in jure, non remota causa sed proxima 法律审究近因,不远远因 spectatur

[in law, the proximate and not the remote

cause is regarded]

* injuria [injury; wrongful act] 侵害;伤害;不当行为;不法行为 * injuria absque damno 虽不正当但未造成损失的行为

[injury without damage; an infringement

of a right without causing damage]

* injuria non excusat injuriam 受害人不能做害人的辩护

[one wrong does not justify another]

* injuria non praesumitur 侵害是不能假定的

* injuria sine damno 虽不正当但未造成损失的行为

[injury without damage; an infringement

of a right without causing damage]

* in limine [on the threshold; at the outset] 在开端;开始;入门

* in limine litis 在争端开始时;在诉讼开始时

* in loco [in the place; in the place of] 在原地;在适当的地方;在当地;凑 巧

* in loco citato 在提及过的地方

* in loco parentis [in the place of a parent] 处于父母的地位;代替父母;为人父 母

* in media res [into the middle of things] 在事物中心;在事件中;在事情的中间; (小说、史诗等)从中间热闹关头开始; 开门见山;直说事物本体;在正中 * in medio stat virtus 凡事应有分寸;凡事适可而止;中庸

[virtue exists in the middle (between two 即是美德;中庸之道 extremes)]

* in medio tutissimus ibis 中间路线最安全

* in memoriam [in memory of] 为了纪念;以为纪念;献给 .... 之灵 * in mora [in delay; in default] 违约;失约;未履行义务 * in motu 在行动中

* in natura [in essence] 实在;按其真实形状;按其自然状态 [不经加工]

* in naturalibus [in the state of nature; naked]一丝不挂;全身赤裸;赤裸裸地;毫 无遮盖地

* in nomine 以 .... 的名义

* in nubibus 含糊;不明;尚未判定;不切实际

[in the clouds; confused; in abeyance]

* in nuce [in a nutshell; briefly] 概括地;简略地;撮要;简单 * in octavo 八开[纸]

* in oculis civium 在大庭广众之下;公开

[in tbe eyes of citizens; in public]

* in omnia paratus [prepared for all things] 以防万一;准备应付一切

* in omnibus [in all things; on all points] 在各方面;在总的方面;在所有方面 * inops consilii 没有得到指导;未经律师指导(而立

[destitute of council; without legal counsel] 的遗嘱)

* in optima forma 形状最佳;以最好形式;依照正规 * in pacato solo [in a country which is at peace] 在非交战国境内

* in pace [in peace] 太平;平安;在和平中;在安静状态 中

* in pari delicto 互有过失

* in pari delicto potior est conditio possidentis两方过失相等时,持有人(或被告) (or defendentis) 的地位占优胜

[in a case of equal fault (between two

parties) the condition of the party in

possession (or defending) is the better


* in pari materia 在类似情况下;在类似事件中;属于

[upon the same matter or subject] 同一问题的;相关的

* in partibus (= in partibus infidelium) 没有教区的(主教);有名无实的;

[in the region of the infidels; a phrase used 在非教徒区

in the Roman Catholic to indicate the see

over which a titular bishop is said to rule]

* in pectore judicis 由法官酌定的(判决)

[in the breast of the judge (said of a


* in perpetuum [for ever] 永久;永远;永恒

* in personam [against the person] 对人;控诉一人;人身攻击 * in pleno 全体;完全;不折不扣

* in pleno lumine 公开;公然

[in public; in common knowledge; in the

light of day]

* in plus stat minus 多包括少

* in posse [potentially; in possibility] 可能的;可能存在着;有可能 * in praesenti 现在

* in principio [in the beginning] 最初;在开始

* in promptu 有准备地;立即;准备就绪;现成; 就在手头

* in propria causa nemo judex 任何人不得审理自己当事的案件

[no one can be judge in his own cause]

* in propria persona 亲自[指无律师帮助];他自己;亲

[in one's own person (or character)] 身;本人

* in proprio 自己

* in proverbium cessit, sapientiam vino 俗语说,酒令智昏


[it has became a proverb that wisdom is

clouded by wine]

* in puris naturalibus [starked naked] 赤裸;一丝不挂;全裸

* in quarto 四开[纸]

* in re [in the matter of; concerning] 关于;案由

* in rem [in or against a thing] 对物的[诉讼]

* in rerum natura 实际存在;按事物本性

[in the nature of things; in the realm a

actuality; in existence]

* in saecula saeculorum 永垂万世;永久无穷;世世代代

[for ages and ages; forever and ever]

* in se 在其自身;自在的[阶级]

* insignia 勋章;徽章

* in situ [in its (original) place] 在原来位置;在原处;在原位;在原 地;在当地;在出事之所

* in solidum (or solido) 全部;全体;就整体而言;完全地

[for the whole; as a whole]

* in spe 期望;在期待中

* in specie 以其真正形式及本质

* instans est finis unius temporis et principium 瞬息是一个时间的终结,也是另一时 alterius 间的开始

* instar omnium 与众不同;为众人的榜样

* in statu nascendi 在新生状态中;在初生状态中;在起


* in statu pupillari 处于被监护人的地位

[in the position of a ward or orphan]

* in statu quo [in the same place as formerly] 按原样;维持原状;原状;照旧;在 原来状态

* in statu quo ante ..... 恢复 ..... 以前的状态

* in statu quo ante bellum 照战前原状

[in the same state as before the war]

* in substantia [in substance] 实质上;实体上

* insula nata 新生岛屿

* intelligenti pauca 聪明的人,一说就懂;明人不必细说

[to a person of understanding, a few

words (suffice)]

* in temporalibus [in things temporal] 世俗事务

* in tempore opportuno [in appropriate time] 及时;在适当时机

* in tenebris [in darkness; in a state of doubt]未见分晓;未决;未定;在黑暗中; 在怀疑中

* inter alia [among other things] 除其他事项外;除了别的以外;尤其; 此外;特别

* inter alios [among other persons] 除其他人员外

* inter arma caritas 战争中有尊重

* inter arma leges silent 普通法律不适用于战时

[in time of war, the laws are silent]

* inter arma silent leges 战争的时候无法律可言;战时法律暂


* inter bellum et pacem nihil est medium 战争与和平之间无中间状态

* inter caecos luscus rex 山中无虎,猴子称王;在盲人之间,


* inter canem et lupum 进退维谷;进退两难

[caught between a dog and a wolf;

between the devil and the deep blue sea]

* interdictum uti possidetis 禁止妨害不动产占有

* inter fauces terrarum 在地峡之间

* interim 临时

* in terminis [in express terms; definitely] 明白地;明确地

* inter nos [between ourselves] 你我之间的秘密;不要告诉别人 * inter partes 在当事人之间

* inter pocula 酒后失言

[in one's cups; a time of revelation]

* interpretatio authentica 权威解释

* interpretatio doctrinalis 学理解释

* in terra pax hominibus sancti habentur legati 在人民有和平的国家里使节不受侵犯 * interregnum 中间期;空位期

* in terrorem 以为警告;作为威胁

[in terror or warning; by way of threat]

* in terrorem populi 以一儆百;以儆效尤

[as a warning to the people (in the hope of

gianing obedience)]

* in territorio alieno 在外国领土上

* inter se [between (or among) themselves] 彼此之间;互相;在其自身;在其相 互间

* inter vivo [among the living] 生者所给的(赠与物);生前给予的 * interdictum adipiscendae possessionis 占有权证明书

* interdictum recuperandae possessionis 恢复占有的令状

* interpretatio 解释

* interpretatio extensiva 广义解释

* interpretatio restrictiva 狭义解释

* inter spem et metum 在希望与恐怖之间

* inter vivos 在生活中

* intestabilis 无资格作证;不诚实;无信用

[incompetent to testify as a witness;


* intestimonium 作为证明

* in totidem verbis 依照原文;原文照抄

[in so many words; in precisely the same

words; words for words]

* in toto [in the whole; entirely] 全然;全部;总括;一概;整个地;


* in toto et pars continetur 部分也包含于总体之中 * intra muros 城内;墙内

* in transitu 在途中;经过;在 ..... 过程中 * intra parietes 和解

[between walls; among friends; out of

court; without litigation]

* intra vires [within the powers] 在权限以内

* in usu [in use] 在使用中;通用

* in utero 在子宫内

* in utramque fortunam paratus 准备两手

* in utroque fideis 忠于两方

* in utrumque paratus 随机应变;准备应付任何情况

[prepared for either event]

* in vacuo 空处;在真空中

* inverso ordine [in inverse order] 按相反次序;翻转过来

* invia virtute nulla est via 勇士面前无绝路;车到山前必有路 * in vili veste nemo tractatur honeste 只重衣衫不重人

[no one in shabby clothes is treated fairly]

* in vino veritas [there is truth in wine] 酒后见本性;酒后吐真言;酒后说实 话

* invito beneficium non datur 不得强迫接受恩惠

[no one is obliged to accept a benefit

against his consent]

* in vitro 在试管中;体外;在实验中

[within glass; observable as in a test tube]

* in vivo [living; alive] 活的;在生物体中(进行实验);在

[e.g. experiment in vivo: 活体实验; 活体内(试验)


* ipse dixit 一面之词;武断的话;有人这么说

[he himself said it; a dogmatic statement

supported by bare authority; dictum]

* ipissima verba [the very words] 原文;原话

* ipsissimis verbis [in the very words] 原文照录

* ipso facto [by the very fact] 依照事实;当然;根据事实本身;根 据行为本身

* ipso jure [by the law itself] 依照法律;根据这项法律;根据法律 * ira furor brevis est [anger is brief madness] 发怒是一时的疯狂;愤怒是短时间的 疯狂

* is fecit cui prodest 犯罪的人往往即是从罪行中得到利益

[he is the doer who profits from it; the 的人;做这事的人就是这事对他 criminal is nearly always the one who 有利的人;这事对谁有利,就是 prifits from the crime] 谁做的

* ita diis placuit 事情做得完美

* ita lex scripta est [thus the law is written] 法律规定如此;法律就是这样规定的; 法律是这么写的

* iterum [again; anew] 再

* jacta alea est [the die is cast] 木已成舟;大势已定;已下决心 * januis clausis [behind closed doors] 秘密;不公开;闭门;不准人入内 * joci causa 因为开玩笑的缘故

* judex damnatur cum nocens obsolvitur 罪犯省释,法官判刑

[the judge is condemned when the guilty is


* judex non potest esse testis in propria causa 法官不能为自己案件作证人 * judicatum solvi [the guilty one to pay] 败诉一方负担费用 * judicis est jus dicere, non dare 法官宣示法律而不制订法律 * judicium capitale 判处死刑;宣判死刑

* judicium finium regundonum 确定疆界的判决

* judicium legitima 合法诉讼

[legitimate proceeding before a judge]

* jura in re aliena (对别人财产的)限制物权

[rights in a thing beloning to another


* jura naturae sunt immutabilia 自然法则是不变的

* jura novit curia 法院应了解法律;法庭承认权利 * jura quaestia 法律上的既得权利

* jura regalia [royal rights or privileges] 王权;君权

* jurare in verbis magistri 盲目听教师的话;没有自己的观点; 人云亦云

* jure et facto [by law and in fact] 名符其实的

* jure gentium 按国际法

* jure gestionio 管理权

* jure humano [by human law] 根据人类法律(或法则) * jure imperii 统治权

* jure mariti [by a husband's right] 根据夫权

* jure uxoris [by a wife's right] 根据妻权

* jurisdictionis fundandae causa (or gratia) 为了建立管辖权

[for the sake of establishing jurisdiction]

* juris et de jure 合法和依法(推定)

[of law and from law, said of a conclusive


* juris peritus 精通法律

* juris possessio [possession of right] 权利占有

* juris privatum 私权的

* jurisprudentia 法学

* juris tantum 法律上的推定,可举证予以反驳者 * juris vinculum 法律的连锁关系

* jus [law; legal; right; rule; principle] 法;法律;合法权利;法规;原则; 权;权利;法则 * jus abutendi (or abusus) (财产)处分权

[the right to abuse or do whatever one likes

with property]

* jus abutendi aut abusus (财产)处分权 * jus accrescendi 得来的权利

[the right by survivorship peculiar to joint

ownership, joint rights and joint liabilities]

* jus activum 积极权利

* jus ad bellum 诉诸战争权

* jus ad praeteritum trahi nequit 法律不溯既往

* jus ad rem [right to possess a thing] 物权;占有权;有权占有 * jus aequumjus albinagii 外侨遗产没收权 * jus albinatus 外侨遗产没收权

* jus angariae 非常征用权;占用中立财产权 * jus avocandi 召返权

* jus belli [law of war] 战争法

* jus bellum dicendi 宣战权

* jus canonicum [canon law] 宗教法规;寺院法;教会法 * jus civile [civil law] 民法;市民法(罗马法);民律 * jus civitatus 公民权

* jus cloacae 引水权

* jus cogens [binding law] 强制性法规;强制法;绝对法 * jus commercii [the right to trade] 贸易权

* jus commune [common law] 普通法

* jus connubu (or connubi) 婚姻权;通婚权

[the right to intermarry]

* jus constitutum 立约权

* jus contra bellum 反战权

* jus contrahendi [right to contract] 立约权

* jus criminale [crimonal law] 刑法

* jus detractus 外侨遗产出境征收税 * jus disponendi (财产)处分权

[the right of disposing (of property)]

* jus dispositivum [dispositive law; flexible law] 柔性法;酌定法;任意法 * jus divinum [divine law; divine right] 神法;神权

* jus emphyteuticum (emphyteusis) 永佃(权)

[a lease of land in perpetuity]

* jus erga omnes 对一切人的权利

* jus est ars boni et aequi 法律者,判断善良与公平的技术也;

[law is the science of what is good and just] 法律乃善良公平之道;法律就是 善良和正义的艺术 * jus est norma recti [law is a rule of right] 法律乃权利的准绳

* jus est norma recti; et quicquod est contra 法律是正义的准则;违反正义准则的 normam recti est injuria 事,就是不当(伤害)行为

[law is a rule of right; and whatever is

contrary to the rule of right is an injury]

* jus et fraus niquam cohabitant 正义与欺诈绝不相容

[right and fraud never dwell together]

* jus et norma loquedi 语法;语言的规则

* jus ex injuria non oritur 侵权行为不得产生权利;不法行为是

[a right does not rise out of a wrong] 不会产生权利的 * jus fetiale 祭司法

* jus fruendi (or fructus) [the right to enjoy] 收益权

* jus gentium [law of nations] 国际法;万国法;万民法;罗马人为 外地人订的法律 * jus gestionis 管理权

* jus gladii 最高管辖权;司法权

[the right of the sword; supreme

jurisdiction; the executory power of the


* jus hereditatis [right to inherit] 继承权

* jus honorarium 大官法;大法官法;裁判官法;

[the body of Roman law which was made [罗马法]

up of edicts of supreme magistrates]

* jus honorum [the right of holding offices] 荣誉权;担任公职权;任职权 * jus imperii 统治权;主权权利

* jus in bello 战时法

* jus in personam 对人权

[a right against a person (to oblige him to

do or not to do an act)]

* jus in re [right in a thing] 物权;实际占有权

* jus in re aliena 他物权;对他人财产的权利

[right in the property of another]

* jus in rem 绝对物权

[a right against a thing; a right enforceable

against anyone in the world]

* jus in re propria [right in one's own property] 自物权;对自己财产的权利 * jus in res [right in a thing] 物权

* jus inter gentes [law between nations] 国际法

* jus legitimum 合法权利

* jus maritii 丈夫(对妻子财产)的权利

[the right of a husband (to his wife's property)]

* jus naturae [law of nature] 自然法

* jus navigandi 航行权

* jus neutralitatis 中立法;中立权

* jus non scriptum [unwritten law] 不成文法

* jus omnimandae representationis 全权代表权

* jus passivum 消极权利

* jus personarum 个人权利;个人法

[rights of persons; the law of persons]

* jus possessionis [right of possession] 所有权;占有权

* jus postliminii 公民资格恢复权;战后财产恢复权

[the right to return home and resume

one's right; postliminium]

* jus praedae [right of booty] 捕获权;战利品权

* jus privatum 私法

[the civil or municipal law of Rome;

private law]

* jus proprietatis [right of property] 财产权

* jus publicum [public law] 公法

* jus publicum civitatum 万国公法

* jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non 私人契约不得变更公共权利 potest

[a public right cannot be altered by the

agreements of private persons]

* jus quaesitum 询问权

* jus quarteriorum 住区权

* jus regium [right of the crown; royal right] 王权

* jus relictiae (or relicti) 寡妇的权利

[the right of the widow (to the property of [尤指继承亡夫财产的权利] a husband)]

* jus representationis omnimodae 全权代表权

* jus rerum [the law of thing] 物权法

* jus respondendi 解答法律的权力;法律解释权 * jus retentionis [the right of retention] 留置权

* jus sacrum [holy law] 宗教法

* jus sanguinis 血统主义;血统制;儿童国籍决定于

[law or right of consanguinity; the rule of 父母国籍的惯例;根据血统决定 law that the citizenship of the parents 国籍的原则

determines that of the child]

* jus scriptum [written law] 成文法;指定法

* jus singulare [a peculiar or individual rule] 特别法

* jus soli [the law of the place of one's birth]出生地主义;儿童国籍决定于他的出 生地的惯例;根据出生地决定国 籍的原则

* jus speciale [special law] 特别法

* jus standi 出庭权;诉讼权利;确认的权利;适

[recognized right (lit. "right of standing")] 格权利

* jus strictum [strict law] 严格法

* jus suffragii [right of suffrage] 选举权

* jus summum saepe summa malitia est 极端的法律往往极为不当;法之极,

[extreme law is often extreme wrong] 害之极

* justa causa 正当原因;合法的依据

* justae nuptiae [in legal marriage] 合法婚姻

* jus talionis 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

* jus tertii [the right of a third person] 第三者权利;第三当事人的权利 * justitia communtativa 交换的公平

* justitia distributiva 分配的公平

* justitia non novit patrem nec matrem; solam 审判的公平是不认父母而只看真理的 veritatem spetat justicia

[justice knows neither father nor mother,

justice looks to truth alone]

* justitia omnibus [justice to all] 大公无私;公正

* justitia suum cuique distribuit 法律使人人得所应得;司法应该赏罚

[justice gives every one his due] 分明

* jus tollendi [the right to remove] 拆除权

* justo tempore 在适当的时候

* jus transitus innoxii 无害通行权

* justum bellum 正义战争

* justum et tenacem 正直而意志坚定(的人) * justum et tenacem propositi virum 性情耿介信心坚定的人

[a man who is upright and firm of purpose]

* justus titulus [just title] 正当名义

* jus utendi [the right of use] 使用权

* jus udendi et abutendi 使用与滥用权

* jus voluntarium 意志法

* juxta 根据;靠近

* juxta formam statuti 根据法律形式

* labore et honore 勤劳和荣誉

* labores pariunt honores 劳动产生光荣

* labor ipse voluptas 苦中自乐

* labor omnia vicit improbus 勤劳克服一切困难;有志者事竟成; (= labor omnia vincit) 有恒为成功之母

[persistent labour conquers everything]

* lac defloratum 脱脂奶

* lac vaccinum 牛奶

* laesa majestas [lese majesty; treason] (对君主)不敬罪;叛逆罪;大逆不 道

* lapis philosophorum [the philosopher's stone] 点金石

* lapsus calami [a slip of the pen] 笔误;写错;误写

* lapsus linguae [a lip of the tongue] 失言;说错

* lapsus memoriae [a lip of memory] 记错;忘却

* lares et penates 家神们;家中财物

[lares et penates; household goods;

household or personal effects]

* larga manu 很慷慨地;毫不吝惜地 * largo sensu 广义

* lata culpa dolo aequiparatur 重大疏忽等于诈骗

[gross negligence is equivalent to fraud]

* latet anguis in herba

* latifundium [a great landed estate]

* latine dictum

* lato sensu [in a broad sense]

* laudari a viro laudato

* laudator temporis acti

[one who praises times past]

* laudum immensa cupido

* laus propria sordet

* lector benevole!

* legalis homo [a man of full legal rights]

* legatum

* legatum liberationis

* legatum per damnationem

* legatum per vindicationem

* legatus a latere

[a legate from the side (of the pope);

a special papal envoy]

* lege artis

* legem facere [to make law]

* legem ferre

[to propose a law to the people for


* legem jubere [to pass law]

* leges (or lex) [law]

* leges imperfectae [incomplete laws]

* leges minus quam perfectae

[laws less than complete]

* leges mori serviunt

[laws are subservient to custom]

* leges perfectae [complete laws]

* leges plus quam perfectae

[laws more than complete]

* leges suum legent latorem

[laws should bind their own maker]

* legitima portio 草中有蛇伏;暗中有敌人 大地主领地;大片土地 讲拉丁语 广义来说;引申而言;广义 相互吹捧 厚古薄今的人;今不如昔论者 贪得无厌;要求表扬 称赞自己的人是可鄙的 善良的读者;亲爱的读者 享有充分法律权利的人;自由人;有 合法地位的人;守法的人 遗赠 免除债务的遗赠 间接遗赠 直接遗赠 教宗特使 艺术精巧 制定法律;立法 提出法案 通过法律 法律;法 不完全的法律 次完全的法律 法律应符合习惯 完全的法律 最完全的法律 立法者应守法 特留分

* legitimi 婚生子女

* legitimi haeredes 合法继承人

* legum baccalaureus (LL. B.) 法学士

* legum doctor (LL. D.) 法学博士

* leonina societas (or societas leonina) 与狮子合伙[某一合伙人只分担损失,

[partnership with a lion; a one-sided 不得分享利润]


* levari facias 扣押财产令;拍卖财产抵偿债务执行

[cause to be levied; an order to an official 令

to seize a debtor's property]

* lex (or leges) [law] 法律;法

* lex citationis [law of citations] 引证法

* lex causae 法律关系本身准据法

* lex communis 普通法

* lex contractus 契约准据法

* lex delicti commisi 犯罪地法

* lex domicilii 住所地法;定居地法

[the law of the country of domicile]

* lex est quod notamus 我们制订的法律

* lex ferenda 应有法;拟议法

* lex fori 审判地法;法院地法;诉讼地法

[the law of the country where an action is


* lex generalis 普通法;一般法

* lex imperfecta 不完全法

* lex in casu [law for the case] 适用本案的法律

* lex incerta [uncertain law] 不确定法

* lex inter partes 当事者之间的法律

* lex jurisdictionis ubi sita aunt 物所在地管辖法

* lex lata [existing law] 现行法

* lex loci [the law of the place] 当地法;地方法律;所在地法 * lex loci actus [the law of the place of the act] 行为地法

* lex loci celebrationis 仪式举行地法

* lex loci commissi 不法行为发生地法

* lex loci contractus 订约地法;合同缔结地法;契约地法

[the law of the place where the contract

was made]

* lex loci delicti 不法行为地法

[the law of the place where a tort or

offence has been committed]

* lex loci delicti commissi 不法行为地法;侵权行为地法 * lex loci domicilii 居住地法

[the law of the place of domicile]

* lex loci rei sitae (= lex situs) 物所在地法

[the law of the place where the thing

is situated]

* lex loci solutionis 履行义务地方的法律;合同履行地法

[the law of the place of solutions; the law

of the place where payment or

performance of a contract is to be made]

* lex mercatoria 商法;商业习惯法

[the body of law dealing with commercial

traders and their transactions;

law merchant]

* lex non curat de minimis 法律不管小事

[the law does not regard small matters]

* lex non scripta [unwritten law] 不成文法;普遍法;习惯法 * lex ordinandi [the law of the court] 诉讼地法

* lex orginis 原籍法;本地法

* lex patriae [national law] 当事人本国法;本国法;国内法 * lex personalis 属人法

* lex posterior derogat priori 后法废止前法;后法胜于前法

[a later statute takes aways the effect of a

prior one]

* lex posterior generalis non derogat legi priori 新的普通法不能使旧的特别法失效 speciali

[a later general statute does not take away

the effect of a prior special statute]

* lex prospicit non respicit 法律不追溯既往

* lex rei sitae 物所在地法

* lex Rhodia de jactu 海上弃物法

[the Rhodian law of jetsam]

* lex scripta [written law; statute law] 成文法

* lex situs (= lex loci rei sitae) 物所在地法

[the law of the place where this thing is


* lex societas 结社法

* lex specialis 特别法

* lex specialis derogat generalis 特别法优于普通法

* lex successionis 继承法

* lex talionis [the law of the retaliation] 同态复仇法;报复性法律 * lex terrae [the law of the land] 当地法;本国法

* lex ultimi domicilii 最后居住地法

* lex uno ore omnes alloquitur 法律大公无私

[the law addresses all with one mouth or


* liberi justi 婚生子女

* liberi non justi 非婚生子女

* libertas in legibus [liberty under the laws] 合法的自由;法律下的自由 * libertinis [freedmen] 自由民[获得自由的奴隶] * liberum arbitrium [free will; free choice] 自由意志;任意;选择自由;自愿; 随心所欲

* liberum tenementum 自由保有的地产

* liberum veto [free, unrestricted veto] 自由否决权;无限制否决权 * licentia poetica [poetic license] 诗词之破格;诗中的不合规律 * limae labor (作品的)润饰;推敲

[the labour of the file; the polishing of a

literary work]

* limae labor et mora 完成;埋头纸堆中

* lingua alba 白舌[医学]

* lingua franca 通用语言

* lis 诉讼事件

* lis litem generat 斗争产生斗争

* lis mota 诉讼进行中;已经开始的诉讼 * lis pendens [a pending suit] 未决案件;有待法律解决的案件 * lis seriatim 分诉诉讼

* lis sub judice [a suit before the judge] 未决案件;审理中案件;尚未判决的 案件

* lite pendente 在审理中;在诉讼期间

[during the trial; pending the suit]

* litem lite resolvere 斗争解决斗争

* literae humanitores 人文学

[humane or polite literature]

* literae patentes [letters patent] 专利权证

* literae recognitionis [bill of lading] 提货单

* litera legis 法规的文字

* literarum obligatio 书面义务

[obligation based on written instruments]

* litera scripta manet 白纸黑字永远存在;空口无凭立字为 证

* litis contestatio 讼争

* litus est quousque maximus fluctus a mari 海水高潮所达之处为海岸 pervenit

[the shore is where the highest wave from

the sea has reached]

* locatio conductio [letting for hire] 租赁

* locatio conductio operarum 雇佣

* locatio conductio rei 物品的租赁

* locatio operis 雇用契约

[the contract of hiring labour and services]

* locatio operis faciendi 托管

* locatio rei 物品的租赁;租借

* loco citato (loc cit; l.c.) 在上述引文中;见上引;见前

[in the place cited; in the passage already


* locum tenens 代理人;代表;替手;代替者

[holding the place; a deputy, substitute or


* locus classicus [standard passage] 常引的章句;标准句;经典语句;古 文;古句

* locus communis 平凡的事物

* locus contractus 订约地

* locus contractus regit actum 行为应该遵守契约缔结地点的规定

[the place of the contract governs the act]

* locus criminis 犯罪地

[the place where the crime was committed]

* locus delicti 不法行为地;犯罪地

[the place where an offence was


* locus delicti commissi 不法行为发生地

* locus in quo [the place in which (or where)] 现场;所在地;出处

* locus minoris resistentiae 抵抗力较弱的地方

* locus poenitentiae 反悔的机会;退约的权利;悔恨的地

[a place for repentance; an opportunity for 方

changing one's mind; a right to withdraw

from an incompleted transaction]

* locus regit actum [the place governs the act] 行为依行为地法[国际私法];“场 所支配行为”[原则];地点支





* locus rei sitae 物所在地

[the place where a thing is situated]

* locus sigilli (L.S.) [the place of the seal] 盖印处;(文书副本上标明正本上) 盖印地方

* locus solutionis 合同履行地

* locus standi 确认的地位;诉讼地位;出庭资格;

[a place of standing; recognized standing 发言权;立足点;陈述权;地位; or position; right to appear before a court] 职位

* longa possessio est pacis jus 长期占有构成和平权利 * longa possessio jus parit 长期占有产生权利

* longe absit 让他远离

* longi temporis praescriptio 长期时效

[long-term prescription]

* longo intervallo 相隔甚久

* longum iter est per precepta, breve et efficax 言教不如身教

per exempla

* lucidus ordo 布置清楚

* lucri causa [for the sake of gain] 为图利;唯利是图

* lucrum cessans [a ceasing gain] 消极损害;丧失的利益

* lues venerea 梅毒

* lupus in fabula 口蜜腹剑的人;阳善阴恶的人 * lupus pilum mutat, non mentem 豺狼外表会变,但本性不改;江山易

[the wolf changes his coat, but not his 改,本性难移;万变不离其宗 disposition]

* lusus naturae [a freak of nature] 天生畸形的人;丑八怪;畸形物;怪 物;怪人

* lux in tenebris 黑暗中的光明

* lux mundi 世界之光

* macte animo! [courage!] 鼓起勇气来!勇敢些!加油! * macte nova virtute 加油干;好极了

* magister ceremoniarum 典礼官;司仪

* magister dixit [the master has said so] 圣人说;子曰;(亚里士多德)老师 说过(的话)

* Magna Charta (英国)大宪章

* magna culpa dolus est 重大过失即成欺诈

* magna cum laude [with great praise] 以高级优等;以特优等

* magna est veritas et praevalet 真理必胜

* magna est veritas et praevalebit 真理力量很大,必定胜利

[truth is mighty and will prevail]

* magna est vis consuetudinis 习惯势力很大

* magna negligentia 重大过失

* magnum bonum 大福;大善

* magnum est vectigal parsimonia 节约致富

* magnum in parvo 言简意赅

[a great deal in a small space]

* magnum opus [a great work] 大作;杰作;主要作品;大事业;重 要工作;名著;代表作;伟大事业 * magnum vectigal est parsimonia 节约致富

[economy is a great revenue]

* majestas 统治权

* majora regalia 王权

[the king's dignity, power and royal

prerogative, as opposed to his revenue,

which is comprised in the minor regalia]

* major e longinquo reverentia 久别增加敬爱

* mala fide [bad faith] 恶意;欺诈;不真诚;不诚实;背信 弃义;不守信义

* malae fidei [in bad faith] 不诚实;欺诈;恶意

* mala grammatica non vitiat chartam 文法不通不影响契据效力 * mala in se 自然犯;自然罪行;本质不合法 * mala praxis 医疗不当;治疗错误[受害者有权要

[malpractice; unskillful management or 求赔偿]

treatment, particularly applied to the

neglect or unskillful management of a

physician, surgeon, or apothecary]

* mala prohibita 禁止的恶事;法律禁止的行为 * malesuada fames 饥饿是反面启迪者

* malo animo 居心不良;恶意

[with an evil mind; with a bad purpose or

wrongful intention; with malice]

* mali exempli 坏的榜样

* mali principii malus finis 自食其果

* malis avibus 遇凶兆;不吉利

* malo grato [in spite; unwillingly] 不乐意地;非自愿地 * malo modo 不好的状况

* malum in se 本质邪恶行为;本质不好的

[a wrong in itself; an act or case involving

illegality from the very nature of the

transaction, upon principles of natural,

moral and public law]

* malum prohibitum 违禁行为;法律禁止的罪恶

[a wrong prohibited; a thing which is

wrong because prohibited]

* malus usus abolenidus est 不良惯例应该废除

[a bad or invalid custom ought to be


* mandamus (上级法院对下级法院或官员)发出

[we order; a writ issued by superior court (履行责任的)命令(、训令或 commanding the performanceof a specific 执行令)

official act or duty]

* mandatum [mandate; a contract of mandate] 委任;托管;委任书[大陆法] * mania a potu 醉狂

* manibus pedibusque 手足并用

* manifestum non eget probatione 明显的事用不着证明

* manu brevi 立即;直接

[with a short hand; shortly; directly]

* manu forti 用暴力;强行闯入;用大力;用强力

[with a strong hand; by main force;

forcible entry]

* manu militari [by military force] 以军事力量;使用武力

* manu propria 亲手

* manus 手;权力;夫权;宣誓

[hand; power; power over persons (as that

of a husband over his wife); an oath]

* manu sinistra 左手

* manus manu lavat 互助

* manus mortua [a dead hand; mortmain] (教会、学校或社团等的)永久管业; 永久营业权;不可转让的法人财 产;社团的土地所有权

* mare clausum 领海;闭海;内海

[closed sea; a sea within the jurisdiction of

a particular country]

* mare liberum 公海;自由海洋

[the open sea; the sea open to all]

* mare nostrum [our sea] 我们的海[即地中海]

* margaritas ante porcos 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴

[(to throw) pearls before swine]

* materia medica 药物学;药材

* mater terra firma 祖国大地

* matrimonium cum manu 有夫权的婚姻

* matrimonium sine connubio 非正式的婚姻

* matrimonium sine manum 无夫权的婚姻

* maxime paci sunt contraria vis et injuria 武力和侵害行为是和平的最大敌人

[the greatest enemies to peace are force

and wrong]

* maximus in minimis 山中无老虎,猴子称大王;矮子里面 拔将军

* mea culpa [through my fault] 由于我的过失;(是)本人过失;我 的罪

* media concludendi 推理的步骤;判决的依据

[the steps of an argument; the theory or

basis of facts upon which a legal

conclusion is reached]

* medianto altero [mediate through another] 间接(继承)

* medice, cura te ipsum [physician, cure thyself] 以身作则;正人先正己

* medicina clinicalis 临床医学

* medicinae doctor (M.D.) 医学博士

* medicinae experimentalis 实验医学

* medicinae militaria 军事医学;军医

* medicinae publica 公医制度;公费医疗

* meditatio fugae 逃罪的意图;意图逃逸

[contemplation of flight; intention to


* medium filum aquae 中航道

* me judice [I being judge; in my opinion] 依我的意见;依我判断;据我看来; * mel depuratum 纯蜜;纯净蜂蜜

* melius est in tempore occurrere, quam post事情及时处理,胜于造成损害后设法 causam vulneratum remedium quaerere 弥补;预防胜过弥偿

[it is better to meet a thing in time than

after an injury inflicted to seek a remedy]

* melius est jus deficiens quam jus incertum 不严密的法律胜过不明确的法律;法

[law that is deficient is better than law that 律宁可不严密,不可不明确 is uncertain]

* memento mori 要记住死亡;死的警告;死的象征 * me miserum o! 咳,我太不幸了!我真倒霉! * memor et fidelis 谨慎而忠实

* memoria in aeterna 永远铭记

* mens agitat molem 精神主宰物质;精神推动万物;精神

[the mind moves the mass (or matter)] 胜于物质

* mens coscia recti 坦然的心;无愧的心

* mens legis [the spirit of the law] 法律的精神;法律的真意 * mens qua nihil est celerius 没有一样东西比思想更敏锐 * mens rea 犯罪意图;犯罪之心

[guilty mind; guilty or wrongful purpose;

criminal intent]

* mens sana in corpore sano 身心健全;健全的精神寓于健全的身

[a sound mind in a sound body] 体;身健则心明

* mens sibi conscia recti 一个感觉主义的精神

* meo periculo 我冒险

* meo voto 照我的意见

* metus [fear; terror; dread] 恐惧;忧虑

* meum et tuum 我的和你的

* mihi cura futuri 着眼于未来;防患于未然

* minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus 纵容罪犯,危害无辜;纵恶即害良

[he threatens the innocent who spares the


* minima de malis 挑选缺点最少的;劣中择优 * minimum sensibile 最不敏感的事物

* mirabile dictu 说起来很奇怪;言之惊人 * mirabile visu 看起来很奇妙的

* miseris succurrere disco 我知道如何帮助苦人

* missio in bona [seizure of property] 财产的扣押

* mittimus 徒刑执行令;收监令;免职;解雇

[we send; a warrant of commitment to


* mobile perpetuum 永动不息的东西

* mobilia sequuntur personam 动产跟随所有人;动产依照所有人居

[movables follow the (law of the) person] 住地的法律

* modo et forma [in manner and form] 在方法上和形式上;形式上 * modus 办法;方法;方式;习惯;协定

* modus et conventio vincunt legem 习惯和契约比法律有效;惯例和协议

[custum and agreement overrule the law] (在一定限度内)可不受法律限 制

* modus habilis [a proper a valid manner] 适当方式;有效方式

* modus injuriae [the means of injury] 损害(或伤害)方式

* modus operandi 做事方法;作法;作案手法;惯技;

[manner of operating (or working)] 运用(或工作)方式;运用法 * modo praescripto 依照指定的方法

* modus infectionis 传染方式

* modus operandi 手术法;实行的方法

* modus procedenti [manner of proceeding] 工作程序

* modus transferrendi 转让方式

[the manner of transferring]

* modus vivendi 生活方式;临时办法;过渡办法;权

[manner of living; a temporary working 宜之计;临时协定;暂订条约; agreement or compromise between 暂行办法;妥协

disputants, pending a settlement of the


* monstrum horrendum 怪物

* monstrum nulla virtute redemptum a vittis 恶贯满盈;人面兽心

* monumentum aere perennius 永久的纪念碑

* mora 疏忽;延迟

* mora creditoris [delay of the creditor] 债权人的迟延

* mora debitoris [delay of the debtor] 债务人的迟延

* mora perpetuam facit obligationem 债务不因迟延而消灭

* mora restituendi [delay of the restoration] 迟延归还

* morbus abortivus 顿挫性病

* morbus acquisitus 后天性病

* morbus acutus 急性病

* morbus aerialis 航空病;航空晕;晕机

* morbus annuus 季节病;时令病

* morbus chronicus 慢性病

* morbus climaticus 气候病

* morbus congenitus 先天病

* morbus constitutionalis 体质病

* more majorum 遵照祖宗成法;依照祖先的习惯

[according to the customs of one's


* mores 风俗;习惯;不成文法

[customs; traditional rules of conduct;

unwritten laws]

* mors omnibus communis 人一定会死;有生必有死;凡人必死 * mortis causa 由于死亡

* mortmain (教会、学校或社团等的)永久管业; 永久营业权;不可转让的法人财


* mortuum vadium 典质权

* mos pro lege 习惯即是法律;惯例等于法律

[custom for law; usage has the force of


* motu proprio [by one's own motion] 自行;自动;自愿;出于本意 * mulier 妇女;女性

* multa gemens 呻吟

* multa paucis (= multa in parvo) 纸短情长;言简意赅

* multum in parvo [much in little] 言简意赅;小而俱全;大寓于小;小 中见大

* mutatis mutandis 作必要的更改;准用;加以必要的变

[necessary changes being made] 更;必当改的改之

* mutato nomine 名义上的改变;改名换姓;偷梁换柱 * mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur 仅易其名,即为己事;只把名字改变,

[with a mere change of name, the story 便成为自己的故事

applies to yourself]

* mutum est pictura poema 画为无声的诗

* mutuum 用物品还债契约;实物借贷;消费借

[mutual exchange; a loan for consumption; 贷

a loan of chattels, upon an agreement

that the borrower may consume them,

returning to the lender an equivalent in

kind and quantity]

* mutuus consensus [mutual consent] 双方同意;协议;互相允诺

* naam (= nam; namium) 扣押(别人的物品);动产扣押 * narratio 叙述;陈述;原告陈述事实 * natal solum 出生的地方

* naturales liberi 非婚生子女

* naturalia 要素;要件

* naturalis obligatio [natural obligation] 自然债务

* natura maris 海的本性;海洋本性

* ne admittas 不许入场

* ne bis in idem 一罪不二审;一事不再理

[not twice for the same (offense)]

* nec cupias nec metuas 不贪也不惧

* ne cede malis 无为患难所屈

* necessarii heredes 当然继承人

* necessitas non habet legem 必须的情况下考虑不到法律;紧急的 时候无暇顾及法律

* necessitas publica major est quam privata 公共需要优于私人需要

* necessitas vincit legem 需要之前无法律;迫不得已不算犯法

[necessity overrules the law]

* nec mora, nec requies 不缓也不停

* nec pluribus impar 高于一切;不比别的差

* nec plus ultra (= non plus ultra) 无以复加;到极点;无匹的;尽善尽

[no more beyond; unsurpassed] 美;至高无上

* nec veniam effuso sanguine casus habet 流血案件不可饶恕

[where blood is spilled, the case is


* ne exeat 不让他外出;不外借[图书、文件等] * ne exeat republica (or regno) 不准离开国境;禁止(债务人)出境

[he shall not leave the country 令

(or kingdom)]

* ne fronti credere 勿以貌取人;勿信外貌

* negligentia 过失

* negotia inter vivos 生时行为

* negotia juris [legal actions; matters in law] 法律行为

* negotia mortis causa 死后行为

* negotiorum gestio 未经授权的代理;无因管理(指他人

[a doing of business; interference in the 不在时,出于好意代为管理) affairs of another, in his absence, from

benevolence or friendship, and without


* negotiorum gestor 未受委托的代理人

* negotium nullum 无效的法律行为

* ne impediatur legatio 使馆不受妨碍

* ne judex ultra petita partum 法官不判给超过当事人本身的要求

* nemine contradicente (nem. con.) 无人反对;全体一致;一致同意;无

[no one contradicing; unanimously] 异议;全场一致;无异议的人 * nemine dissentiente [no one dissenting] 无(人提出)异议;全场一致;无一 抗议者

* nemo auditur propriam culpam allegans 谁都不可以其过失作为自己辩护的理 (or nemo auditur turpitudinem suam 由


[no one is heard by the court when he

makes a plea based on his own illegal


* nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto 同一罪行不得惩罚两次;一罪不二罚

[no one is to be punished twice for the

same crime]

* nemo contra factum suum venire potest 谁都不能出尔反尔

[no one can contravene or contradict his

own deed]

* nemo dare potest quod non habet 任何人不得给予其所未有的

* nemo dat qui non habet 不是自己的东西,不能给予别人

[no one can give what he does not have]

* nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto 同一罪行不受两次刑罚

* nemo debet esse judex in propria causa 法官无权审理与其有利害关系的案件 * nemo judex in re sua 任何人不得审判自己;当事者不得自 己审判

* nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit 人不常智;智者千虑必有一失 * nemo patriam exuere potest 任何人均不得抛弃祖国

* nemo plus juris ad alium transferre potest 任何人不得转让超过自己原有的权利 quam ipse haberet

[one cannot transfer to another a larger

right than he himself has]

* nemo plus juris transferre potest quam ipse 任何人不得转让超过自己原有的权利 habet

* nemo potest capere commodum ex injuria 任何人不得从其自己的侵害行为取得 sua propria 利益

* nemo potest esse simul actor et judex 法官不能同时为原告

* nemo potest exuere patriam 谁都不能擅自抛弃国籍

[no one can renounce his own country]

* nemo potest facere per alium, quod per se 任何人不得通过他人做自己所不可以 non potest 做的事

* nemo potest plus juris ad alium transferre 任何人不得向他人转让超出自己所拥 quam ipse habet 有的范围的权利

* nemo prohibetur pluribus defensionibus uti 不得禁止任何人利用几种辩护理由

[no one is prohibited from making use of

several defences]

* nemo repente fuit turpissimus 没有人会突然变成一个坏人 * nemo tenetur ad impossibilia 谁都没有责任做不可能做的事

[no one is bound to an impossibility]

* nemo tenetur seipsum accusare 谁都不须控告自己

[no one is bound to accuse himself]

* nemo turpitudinem suam invocare potest 谁都不能以自己过失作为申辩的理由

[no one can make a plea on the ground of

his own fault]

* ne nimium 不要偏激

* ne plus ultra 尽善尽美;最好不过的;不能超越

* ne quid nimis [nothing in excess] 凡事不可过分;不要超过限度;不要 过分;过犹不及;不要过多

* ne quis invitus civitate mutetur, neve in civitate不得强迫任何人放弃国籍,也不得强 manere invitus 迫其保留国籍

* nervos belli pecuniam 金钱是战争是命脉;战争非金钱不行 * ne sutor supra (or ultra) crepidam 鞋匠不离鞋模;人各守其职

* ne varietur [not to be altered] 不得更改;不可改变

* nient comprise 无所依据;未列入

* nient dedire 无答辩(的判决)[因未加否认或未 提出答辩而受到不利的判决] * nihil 无;无物

* nihil ad rem 不切实际的;牛头不对马嘴的;不适 用

* nihil dicit (or dixit) 被告没有答辩;无答辩;他不回答

[he (the defendant) says nothing; he has no


* nihil obstat 无障碍;毫无阻碍

* nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum 不合理的事即是不合法

[nothing that is against reason is lawful]

* nihil semper manet suo statu 无论什么事物都不会永远保持其原状 * nil 无;无物

* nil admirari [to be astonished at nothing] 对任何事都不惊奇的态度;泰然自若; 冷漠;对任何事不要惊慌失措; 不要大惊小怪

* nil conscire sibi 自觉无过

* nil consuetudine majus 习惯势力大无比

* nil desperandum 从不绝望

* nil dicit (= nihil dicit) 被告没有答辩;无答辩;他不回答 * nil magnum nisi bonum 只有好的才伟大

* nil medium est 没有中间的办法;无妥协办法 * nil novi sub sol 太阳下面没有新东西;月下无新闻 * nimium ne crede colori 不可因貌取人

* nisi 除非 .... 否则

* nisi prius 有陪审团和一位法官的民事审判;初

[the trial of issues of fact before a jury 审;法庭之令

and one presiding judge]

* nitor in adversum 我与困难作斗争

* nobilitatis virtus non stemma character 尊贵者应视其德行不应视其出身;英 名在德不在位

* nocturna versate manu, versate diurna 你日夜诵读之

* nolens volens 不论愿意与否;不管愿不愿意;强迫

[willing or unwilling; willy-nilly; perforce]

* noli me tangere [do not touch me] 不要触犯我;不要碰我;别搅乱我; 别动我的

* nolle prosequi [to be unwilling to prosecute] 不起诉;撤回起诉

* nollo prosequi (nol. pros.) 原告中止诉讼;原告(或检察官)给

[he (the plaintiff) will not prosecute] 法庭部分(或全部)撤回起诉的 通知

* nolo contendere 不予争辩;刑事诉讼中被告表示不愿

[I will not contest it; in criminal cases, 进行辩护但不承认有罪的申诉

a plea by the defendant equivalent to that

of "guilty" without admitting guilt]

* nomen generalissimum 最普通的名称;最普通用语 * nomen juris 法律用语

[a name of the law; a technical legal term]

* nomen nescio (N.N.) 不知其名;某人;某某

* nomina sunt odiosa 不提他的名字;不必指出名字;姑隐 其名

* non acceptavit 不接受

* non adimplete contractus 不履行契约

* non assumpsit 被告并未违约[原告要求赔偿违约的

[he did not undertake; a general denial in 损失时,被告提出的答辩]; an action of assumpsit] 提出未作承诺或否认有契约上的 义务的答辩

* non bis in idem 一事不再理;一罪不二审;同一罪行

[not twice (tried) for the same (offence)] 不得审判两次;一事不重罚;一 次罪过不作两次处罚

* non cepit [he did not take] 无扣留动产答辩[指收回非法扣留诉 讼中被告人作没有扣留如原告人 所说的东西的答辩]

* non compos 脑力失健;精神不健全;精神错乱 * non compos mentis 精神不健全;神经错乱;精神失常

[not sound of mind; insane]

* non constat 尚未向法院提出证据;不明显;非顺

[it does not appear; the evidence is not 理成章

before the court]

* non culpabilis (non cul) 无罪

* non decet 不相称;不合适

* non detinet [he does not detain] 未拘留;无扣留*

* non ens [the non-existent; nonentity] 不存在的事物;乌有之物;虚构 * non esse [non-existence] 不存在

* non est 他尚未被寻到;本人住址不明

* non est certaindum de regulis juris 法律规则不容争辩

[there is no disputing about rules of law]

* non est factum 否认订立契约(或合同)的答辩

[it is not done; it is not his deed; a plea

denying execution of instrument sued on]

* non est inventus (被告)地址不明;下落不明

[he (the defendant) has not been found]

* non generant aquilae columbas 猛鹰不生怯鸠;有其父必有其子 [褒意]

* non haec in foedera veni 我未曾同意过这些条件;未成为同盟

[I did not agree to these terms]

* non judex in sua propria causa 不得在自己的诉讼中充当法官

* non libet 这不能使我快乐

* non licet (n.l.) 不准许的;不合法的

* non liquet (n.l.) 案情不明[(诉讼有疑问时陪审员所

[it (i.e., the case) is not clear; not proven] 作的)延期审判的裁决];不明 显;不清楚

* non longe (n.l.) 不远

* non multa, sed multum 字少含义多;求精不求博;言简意赅 * non nova, sed nove 旧酒新瓶;非新事情,乃新方法

[not new, but in a new manner]

* non obstante (non obst.) 纵使;纵然;虽然(有法律的规定);

[notwithstanding (any statute to the 特别许可;虽然如此 contrary)]

* non obstante veredicto 尽管作出裁决

[notwithstanding the verdict]

* non omne quod licet honestum est 法律所容许者未必尽合乎道德

[it is not everything which is permitted that

is honourable]

* non omnia possumus omnes 人非万能;一人不能做万事;人的能

[we cannot all do everything] 力有大小

* non omnis moriar 人死功绩在

* non placet 不赞成;投反对票

[it does not please; a negative vote]

* non placuit gentibus 未经国家许可

* non plus ultra (= nec plus ultra) 无以复加;极点;绝顶;极致

[not more beyond; the uttermostpoint

attained or attainable; acme; culmination]

* non possessori incumbit necessitas probandi 所有者无须证明自己为物主 possessiones ad se portinere

* non possumus 声明不能;拒绝行动;不行(坚决拒

[we cannot; an expression indicating 绝的表示);不能;声明不可能 inability to act or move in a matter]

* non prosequitur (non pros.) 原告未出庭,宣告败诉;因缺席败诉

[he does not prosecute; a judgement where

the plaintiff does not appear]

* non quieta movere 定案不得再审

[not to disturb what is settled]

* non quis, sed quid 只问品行不问人;对事不对人 * non quo, sed quomodo 不问谁做的,但问做得怎样;对事不 对人

* non remota causa sed proxima spectatur 考虑的是近因,而不是远因 * non sanae mentis [of unsound mind] 精神不健全

* non sequitur (non seq.) 不合理的推论;结论不合逻辑;前后

[it does not follow; an illogical inference] 不符;不符合逻辑

* non sibi, sed patriae 为国不为己;谋国不谋身

* non sub homine sed sub lege 不从人而从法

* non sum qualis eram 我非昔日之我

* non tenure 否认占有

* non ultra petita 不超出诉讼请求

* non valentia agere [inability to sue] 无诉讼能力

* non veritate 不真实

* non videntur qui errant consentire 错误行为者不应视作同意

[they are not considered to consent who

commit a mistake]

* nosce te ipsum [know thyself] 自知之明;人贵有自知之明 * noscitur a sociis 物以类聚;(法律)字义不明,从上

[a man known from his associates; the 下文推定

meaning of a word is or may be known

from the accompanying words]

* noscitur ex socio, qui non cognoscitus ex ce 对某人不能了解,可以凭其关系人物

[he who cannot be known from himself 推定

may be known from his associate]

* nota bene (N.B. or n.b.) [note well] 注意;请注意

* nova constitutio futuris formam imponere 法律不溯既往

debet, non praeteritis

[a new state of the law ought to affect the

future, not the past]

* novatio 债务的变更;更改

* novissima verba [parting words] 临别的话;临终遗言;临终的话 * novus actus interveniens 新行为的介入

[a new act intervenes]

* novus homo 自力更生的人

* nuda pactio obligationem non parit 无偿协定不产生义务

[a naked agreement does not beget an


* nuda veritas 一目了然;真相大白

* nudis verbia 用简明的话;直言

* nudum pactum 无偿契约;无约因合同;无报酬合约;

[a nude pact; a naked contract without 非正式协定;临时协定 consideration or a cause

* nugae canorae 谐音;叮当的声音;开玩笑的话 * nulla dies sine linea 没有一天不画线;不虚度年华 * nulla regula sine exceptione 没有无例外的规则

* nulla poena sine lege 未经法律明文规定的事,不得惩罚;

[no punishment without (a previous) law] 法无明文者不罚

* nulli desperandum quamdiu spirat 有生命即有希望

* nulli secundus [second to none] 不落人后;最好的;第一的;名列前 茅

* nullius filius 私生子

[nobody's son; an illegitimate child]

* nullius juris [of no legal force] 无法律效力;无法律约束力

* nullum crimen sine lege 未经法律明文规定,不算犯罪;法无

[no crime without (a previous) law] 明文不为罪

* nullum crimen sine lege praevia 行为时无法律不为罪

* nullum crimen sine poena 无罪名不罚

* nullum simile est idem 类似者未必即为相同者

* nullum tempus occurrit regi 对国王无时效

* nullus jus alienum forisfacere potest 任何人不得剥夺别人的权利

[no man can forfeit another's right]

* nunc aut nunquam [now or never] 时不可失;时不再来;机不可失 * nunc dimittis [permission to leave] 允许离开

* nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine 永别;去世[原意:上帝,请允许你 的仆人离开]

* nunc pro tunc 追溯既往;现在代替过去;事后补正

[now for then; a term applied to acts

allowed to be done after the time when

they should be done, with a retroactive


* nunquam aliud natura aliud sapientia dicit 自然界的安排没有不合理的 * nunquam non paratus 无时不在准备中

* nuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit 婚姻须双方同意始构成,不仅同居而 已

* obiter dictum 附论;(法官在判决中表示的)附带

[a saying by the way; incidental remark] 意见;附言;余论;非正式的意 见;顺便讲的话

* obiter scriptum 附注;附带文字

[something written by the way;

an incidental composition]

* obligatio alternativa 选择之债

* obligatio certa 特定之权[以特定物作为标的之债] * obligatio ex contractu 契约的义务

[an obligation arising from contract]

* obligatio ex delicto (or maleficio) 罪行(或过失)的责任

[an obligation founded on wrong or tort]

* obligatio generis 种类之债(以种类物为标的之债) * obligationes ex lege 依法律规定而产生的债务;法定债务

[obligations arising from law]

* obligationes odiosae 恶债

* obligatio quasi ex contractus 基于准合同(契约)的债权 * obligatus 债务;义务

* obscuritas pacti neocent ei qui apertius loqui 约定含糊不利于原来能说清楚的人 potuit

* obscurum per obscurius 用晦涩的语言解释难懂的问题

* observandum [a thing to be observed] 应注意的事;要点

* ob turpem causam [with bad motive] 动机不良;恶意

* occupatio 占领

* occupatio bellica 军事占领;交战占领

* occupatio non procedit nisi in re terminata 无限的东西是不能占领的

* occupatio pacifica 和平占领

* octavus subscriptor 签名的证人

* oculus dexter (O.D.) 右眼

* oculus sinister (O.S.) 左眼

* oderint dum metuant 让他们又怕又恨吧

* oleum addere camino 火上加油

[to pour oil upon fire; aggravate an evil]

* oleum et operam perdidi 徒劳无功

* omen faustum 好的朕兆;吉兆

[an auspicious omen; a lucky sign]

* omne ignotum pro magnifico 未知的东西总以为是宏丽的

* omne initium difficile est 万事开头难

* omnem movere lapidem 不遗余力

* omne nimium nocet 凡事过度必有害;过犹不及

* omne simile claudet 譬喻必然失真

* omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci 能把愉快和有益结合起来的人是值得


* omne vivum ex ovo 生命起源于卵子

* omnia mea mecum porto 我所有的东西都带在身边;所有的财



* omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis 万物都在变化中,我们也随之变化

* omnia praeclara rara 一切美好的东西都是难得的;少为贵

* omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec 一切事情在未证明不合法前,均应推

probetur in contrarium 定为合法

* omnia praesumuntur rite et solenniter esse 既成的事实应推定为合理的和正常的


* omnia vincit amor 爱情征服一切

* omnibus idem [the same to all men] 一视同仁;人人一律看待

* omnis cautio abesse a legati debet 使节无提供担保的义务

* omnis consensus tollit errorem 同意即免除过错

[every consent removes error]

* omnis definitio in jure periculosa, parum es 法律的每项规定都是有危险的,因为

enim ut non subverti possit 很少有规定不可能被推翻

[every definition in the law is dangerous,

for there is very little that cannot be


* omnis definitio in lege periculosa 法律上的任何定义都是危险的

[all definitions in law are dangerous]

* omnis exceptio est ipsa quoque regula 每一例外情况本身就是一项规定

[every exception is itself also a rule]

* omnis indemnatus pro innoxis legibus habetur 未经判罪的人在法律上应视为无罪

[every uncondemned person is held by the

law as innocent]

* omnis nova constitutio futuris formam 新订法规应规定未来行为,不应规定 imponere debet, non praeteritis 过去行为

[every new statute ought to prescribe a

form to future, not to past, acts]

* omnis privatio praesupponit hahitum 剥夺就是假定以前享有(或拥有)

[every deprivation presupposes a prior

enjoyment (or possession)]

* omnis ratihabitio retro trahitur 任何批准都有追溯力

* omnis regula suas patitur exceptiones 一切规则皆有其例外;凡是规则都各

[every rule is liable to its own exceptions] 有其例外情形

* omnis rex imperio possidet, singuli domino 君主拥有统治权,而私人享有领有权 * omnium consensu 全体赞成;公意

[in the opinion of all; by general consensus]

* omnium rerum principia parva sunt 万事都是从小做起

[the beginnings of all things are small]

* onus probandi [the burden of proof] 举证责任;有责任提出证据 * operae pretium est 值得

* opera et studio 通过劳动和努力

* operatio cosmetica 美容手术

* operatio emergenta 急救手术

* operatio externa 外部手术

* operatio interna 内部手术

* operatio major 大手术

* operatio minor 小手术

* operatio obstetrica 产科手术

* operatio plastica 矫形手术

* operatio praeliminaria 初步手术

* operatio radicalis 根治手术

* operatio specialis 特种手术

* opere citato (op cit; o.c.) [in the work quoted] 前引书;同前[引用文中];见前 * opere in medio [in the midst of the work] 在工作过程中;工作尚未完成 * opinio 意见;见解

* opinio juris [legal opinion] 法律意见;法律见解

* opinio juris communis 共同法律见解

* opinio juris generalis 一般法律见解

* opinio juris sive necessitatis 法律或必要的见解

* opinio necessitatis 必要意见

* oplima legum interpres est consueludo 习惯是对法律最好的解释

* oplimus interpres rerum usus 对事物最好的解释是惯例

* opposuit natura 违反自然

[nature has opposed; it is contrary to


* opprobrium medicorum 群医束手之症;不治之症;绝症

[the reproach (or disgrace) of doctors:

said of incurable diseases]

* optima est lex quae minimum relinquit arbitrio不需法官斟酌的法律,才是最佳的法 judicis; optimus judex qui minimum sibi 律;不凭私意的法官,才是最佳

[that law is the best which leaves least to 的法官

the discretion of the judge; that judge is

the best who leaves the least to his own]

* optimum medicamentum quies est 安静是最好的药品;三分吃药七分养 * optimus interpres rerum usus 凡事宜按习惯解释

[usage is the best interpreter of things]

* optimus legum interpres consuetudo 习惯是法律的最好解释者;法律宜按习

[custom is the best interpreter of the laws] 惯解释

* opus magnum 主要著作;杰作

* opus operatum [a task performed; work done] 工作完成;已成的工作

* orbis terrarum 地球

* orbus 无子嗣者

* ordinandi lex [law of procedure] 程序法;诉讼法

* ore rotundo [polished, well-rounded speech] 措词圆滑;言词委婉;和谐声 * ore tenus [by word of mouth] 口头;口证;口头上

* origo mali [the origin of evil] 罪恶的根源;祸根

* origo rei inspici debet 凡事必须究其根源

[the origin of a thing ought to be regarded]

* o! si sic omnia 他们常作如此言行

* o tempora, o mores! 人心不古,世风日下

[alas for the times, alas for the manners]

* otia dant vitia 懒惰产生恶事;懒为恶之因 * otium cum dignitate 悠然自得;闲情逸致

* otium post negotium 工作后的休息

* otium sine dignitate 游手好闲;失业

* ovem lupo committere 把羊委托给狼;认贼作父 * pabulum animi 精神食粮;学问

* pace 经 .... 许可

* pace tua 得到你的允许

* pacem in maribus 海洋和平

* pacem in terris [peace on earth] 天下太平;世上和平

* paci sunt maxime contraria vis et injuria 暴力和伤害是和平的主要祸患

[violence and injury are the things chiefly

hostile to peace]

* pacta conventa [the conditions agreed uopn] 约定条款;协定;约定的款子

* pacta conventa quae neque contra leges, 契约若非违法,亦非以欺诈方式订立, neque dolo malo inita sunt, omni modo 即应严格遵守

observanda sunt

[agreements which are neither contrary to

the laws, nor fraudulently entered into,

should be adhered to in every manner]

* pacta dant legem contractui 协定构成契约法

* pacta de contrahendo 预约

* pacta in favorem tertii 对第三者有利的约定

* pacta non obligant nisi gentes inter quas initia 条约只在缔约者之间才有拘束力 * pacta privata juri publico derogare non 私人契约不得损害公共法律 possunt

[private contracts cannot impair public


* pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque, 违反法律或道德的契约不得生效 vel contra bonos mores fiunt, nullam

vim habere

[contracts which are made against law or

against good morals have no force]

* pacta quae turpem causam continent non sunt 以不道德理由为依据的契约不应予以 observanda 遵守

* pacta sunt servanda [pacts must be observed] 条约必须遵守[有拘束力] * pacta tertiis 对第三者的约定

* pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prossunt 协定不得使第三者负担义务,也不得

[pacts neither harm nor benefit third 给予利益;条约不损害第三国利 parties] 益(原则);合同(契约)不损


* pactum [treaty; agreement] 协定;条约;协议

* pactum accessorium 附属协定

* pactum de contrahendo [promise to contract] 缔约的承诺;预约

* pactum de negotiando 事务性约定

* pactum illicitum [an unlawful agreement] 非法协定;违法合同;非法协议;非 法条约

* pactum vestitum [an enforceable pact] 有效契约

* paedagogiae baccalaureus (Pd. B.) 教育学士

* paedagogiae doctor (Pd. D.) 教育博士

* palmam qui meruit ferat 全胜的人获此荣誉;有功受奖 * palma non sine pulvere 名非虚附必有由来

* panem et circenses 面包和马戏;吃与娱乐;吃喝玩乐

[bread and the circuses; food and [古罗马政党吸引民众的口号] entertainment]

* paria copulantur paribus 同类相聚;物以类聚

[like things unite with like]

* paribus sententiis reus absolvitur 如双方法官人数相等,被告应无罪省

[where the opinions are equal (where the 释

court is equally divided), the defendant

is acquitted]

* pari causa 权利平等;地位平等

[with equal right; upon an equal footing;

equivalent in rights or claims]

* pari delicto 罪过相等;过失相当

[in equal fault; in a similar offence or crime;

equal in guilt or in legal fault]

* pari materia 性质相同的;相关的

[of the same matter; on the same subject]

* par in parem imperium non habet 地位平等,互不支配

[an equal has no dominion over an equal]

* par in parem non habet imperium 地位平等,互不支配

* par in parem non habet jurisdictionem 地位平等,彼此无管辖权;各国之间

[an equal has no jurisdiction over an equal] 不存在司法权[国际公法] * pari passu 并行;以同一步调;同时;按同样比

[with equal pace; at the same rate; 例;齐头并进;并驾齐驱;同一 simultaneously] 步调;同一程度

* pari ratione 根据同样理由

[for the same reason; by the same mode of


* parium eadem est ratio, idem jus 对于相同的事,如理由相同,适用法

[of things equal, the reason is the same, 律也应相同

and the same is the law]

* par nobile fractrum 难兄难弟;一对

* par pari refertus [like for like; tit for tat]以牙还牙;以其人之道还治其人之身

* pars centralis 中心部分

* pars ejusdem negotii 同属一笔交易的一部分

[a part of the same transaction or business]

* pars horizontalis 水平部分

* pars inferior 下部

* pars libera 独立部分

* pars marginalis 边缘部分

* pars minima sui 残余

* pars obliqua 斜部

* pars posterior 后部

* pars prima 第一部

* pars pro toto [a part for the whole] 以部分代替整体;以点代面;举隅法; 以部分当作全部

* pars secunda 第二部

* pars superior 上部

* pars triangularis 三角部

* parte quacumque integrante sublata, tollitur 删除一个组成部分,即是整个删除 totum

[an integral part being taken away, the

whole is taken away]

* particeps criminis [an accomplice in a crime] 从犯;共犯;同谋;同谋者 * parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus 泰山分娩生小鼠;虎头蛇尾 * parva componere magnis 以小比大

* passim 各处;遍及

* pateat universis per praesentes 特此证明;特此公布

[know all men by these presents]

* pater familias [father of the household] 一家之父;家长;族长

* pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant 婚姻指出父亲 [产妇的丈夫即为生父]

[the father is he who the marriage points


* pater patriae [father of the country] 国父;开国元勋

* patientia 忍受

* patria potestas [paternal power or authority] 父权;家长权

* pauca sed bona 少而精;少而美

* Pax Dei (or Ecclesiae) 宗门和平律

[Peace of God (or Peace of the Church);

an attempt of the Church in the middle

ages to lessen the evils of private warfare]

* pax huic domui 愿这家平安

* pax orbis terrarum 世界和平;天下太平

[peace of the world; universal peace]

* pax paritur bello [peace is produced by war] 有战争才有和平

* pax regis 国家的治安

[peace of the king; the peace, good order,

and security for life and property which is

one of the objects of government to


* pax vobis (or vobiscum) 愿你(们)平安!

* peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima 违反自然(人性)的罪最为重大

[crimes against nature are the most


* peculium (罗马法中家属拥有的)特有财产

[small property owned by a member of a


* pecunia non numerata [money not paid] 未付款项;欠款

* pecunia non olit 钱无所谓香臭

* pendente bello 在战时;战争期间

* pendente lite 在诉讼中;待决案件;诉讼未决

[during the suit; while litigation continues]

* per 每

* per accidens 偶然

* per angusta ad augusta 经过困难达到胜利;苦尽甜来

* per annum [by the year; annually] 每年

* per anum 由肛门

* per ardua libertas 历尽千难万险获得自由;自由来之不 易

* per aspera ad astra 历经艰险终成大业;刻苦成功;吃得

[through hardship to the stars] 苦中苦,方为人上人;苦尽甜来 * per capita (or caput) 每人(平均);按人头计算

[by heads; for each individual]

* per centum (per cent.) 每百;百分之 .... ;百分率;百分比

[by the hundred; of each hundred]

* per contiguum 接触

* per continuum 连续

* per contra [on the contrary] 反之;相反地;另一方面

* perculum in mora 延迟的危险

* per curiam (or cure) 本院;全院;全体法官

[by the court (as a whole)]

* per cutem 经由皮肤

* per diem [(so much) by the day] 每日;按日津贴;日日;按日计算的 工资

* per essentiam [essentially] 本质上;基本上

* per fas aut nefas [through right or wrong] 不择手段地;无论如何;千方百计地 * per fas et nefas [through right or wrong] 不择手段地;无论如何;千方百计地 * per folio 每页

* per formula pretori 依照裁判官的程式

[by means of the magistrate's formula]

* per gradus [step by step] 逐步地

* periculum in mora 迟了就有危险;危险在于迟延

* periculum rei venditae, nondum traditae, est 货物已卖出,尚未交货,其危险由买 emptoris 货人负担

[the risk of a thing sold, and not yet

delivered, is the purchaser's]

* per incuriam [through inadvertence] 因不小心;出于不慎;因疏忽引起; 由于疏忽

* per infortunium [by misadventure] 过失;失误;意外之失

* per interim 同时;就在这期间;当其时;就在这

[in the interim; in the meantime] 期间

* per legem terrae 依国家法律;经适当法律程序

[by the law of the land; by due process

of law]

* per mare, per terras 经过海和陆地

* per mensem [by the month; monthly] 按月;每月;按月计算

* per mill [by the thousand; of each thousand] 每千;千分之 ....

* per my et per tout 按部分和全部

[by the half and by the whole]

* per os 口服;经口

* per pares [by one's peers] 同侪(审议或审判);

由同等的人(进行或组成) * per pedes apostolorum 沿着使徒的足迹;步行地

* perpetuatio fori 法院的继续性

* perpetuum mobile [in continuous motion] 永恒运动;永动

* per primam intentionem 由第一期愈合[医学]

* per procurationem (per pro.; per proc.; p.p.) 代理;由 .... 代办;由 .... 代理;代

[by proxy; by the action of] 行;由 .... 代表

* per quod [whereby] 因此

* per saecula saeculorum 世世代代;永远

[for generations and generations; for ages]

* per saltum [by a leap] 一跃;一下子;一蹴而就;一跃而上

* per se (or sees)[by(or in) itself; intrinsically]本身;本质上;本来;自身;性质上; 只因如此

* persona 人

* persona designata [a designated person] 指定人

* personae vice fungitur municipium et decuria 区镇具有法人地位

[a town or a borough acts as a person]

* persona grata [a person who is welcome] 讨人喜欢的人;受(驻在地政府)欢 迎的人

* persona non grata 不受欢迎的人;不受(驻在地政府)

[a person who is not welcome] 欢迎的人

* persona standi in judicio 诉讼权利;诉讼资格

[capacity of standing in court; capacity to


* persons non compotes mentis 精神不健全的人

[persons of unsound mind]

* perspicua vera non sunt probanda 明显的真理(事实)不必证明

[plain truths need not be proved]

* per stirpes 依照家系(分配财产);依照代表;

[by roots or stocks; by representation] [按照家系指按继承人的家系来 分配无遗嘱的遗产]

* per totam curiam 全体法官一致(判决)

[by the entire court; unanimously]

* per tot discrimina rerum 饱经沧桑

* per tubam 由管;由耳咽管

* per universitatem 全部

[by an aggregate; as a whole]

* per urethram 由尿道

* per vaginam 由阴道;循阴道

* per vias naturales 循自然路径

* pessimi exempli [of the worst example] 最坏的例子

* petitio principii [a begging of the question] 以争论点为论据;匿证详争;武断; (逻辑谬误之人)窃取前提;窃 取论点;臆说

* petitum 求偿标的

* pharmaciae baccalaureus (Phar. B.) 药学学士

* pharmaciae doctor (Phar. D.) 药学博士

* pharmaciae magister (Phar. M.) 药学硕士

* philosophiae baccalaureus (Ph. B) 哲学学士

* philosophiae doctor (Ph. D.) 哲学博士

* pia causa [a pious cause; charity] 慈善团体;慈善事业

* pia desideria [pious grief; honest desire] 虔诚的悔恨;良善的意向;善良的愿 望

* pignus [a pledge or pawn] 质权

* pirata non mutat dominium 海盗行为不变更所有权

* pium desiderium 善良的愿望

* placet 赞成

* placita communia [common pleas] 民事诉讼

* placuit gentibus 得到允许

* plena forisfactura 财产全部没收

[a forfeiture of all that one possesses]

* plena probatio [full proof] 充分证据

* plene administravit (遗产管理人提出的)遗产全部处理

[he has fully administered (all the assets 完毕的答辩

that have come into his hand)]

* pleno jure [with full right (or authority)] 全权

* plenum dominium [full ownership] 完全所有权;绝对所有权 * plenus venter non studet libenter 肚子太饱什么也学不好

* pluralia tantum 只用复数的名词

* plus peccat author quam actor 主使者的罪比犯罪者为重

[the originator or instigator of a crime is a

worse offender than the actual perpetrator

of it]

* plus petitio [excessive claim] 过分的请求

* poena 刑罚

* poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat 惩一儆百

[if punishment be inflicted on a few, a

dread comes to all]

* poena corporalis [corporal punishment] 体罚;体刑

* poena stipulatio 违约罚金

* poena suos tenere debet actores et non alios 应受惩罚的是实际犯罪的人,不是别

[the punishment ought to belong to the 人

actual perpetrators, and not the others]

* politiae legibus non leges politiis adaptandae政治必须适应法律,法律不必迁就政

[politics are to be adapted to the laws, and 治

not the laws to politics]

* pondere, non numero 按重量而不按个数

* positivi juris [of positive law] 成文法

* posse comitatus 应召壮丁;民兵队;一时能召集之兵

[the force or power of the county; the 力

entire population of the county above

the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may

summon to his assistance in certain cases;

as to aid him in keeping the peace, in

pursuing and arresting felons, etc]

* possessio 占有;拟据为己有的占有 * possessio ad interdicta (受大官法保护的)法定占有

[possession according to or protected by

the praetor's order]

* possessio civilis 合法占有

* possessio immemoralis 自古以来的占有

* possessio longi temporis 长期占有

* posse videor 我自以为能

* possunt quia posse videntur 他们能做到,因为他们有信心做到 * post 后;后面;在后

* post bellum [after the war] 战后;战后的

* post caenam stabis seu passus mille meabis 饭后走百步,胜似开药铺 * postea (初审的)起诉笔录;(初审的)正 式陈述

* post factum [after the deed] 事后;事实发生之后;在既成事实之 后

* post hoc [after this] 由;因此

* post hoc, ergo propter hoc 先在为因;因一事随另一事而发生,

[after this, therefore on account of this] 故后者为前者所造成 * post hominum memoriam 自远古以来

* postliminium 恢复权利

* post litem motam 起诉后;诉讼开始之后

* post meridiem (PM or pm) [after midday] 下午;午后;午后的

* post mortem [after death] 死后;身后;死后的;身后的 * post nubila, phoebus 云散日现

* post obitum 死后

* post postscriptum (PPS) (前后的)附加语

* post scriptum (PS) 再者;又及[用于信末];附录;结

[something written afterward; postscript] 束语;跋[用于书末] * post tenebras lux 黑暗之后有光明;苦尽甜来 * post tot naufragia portum 遇险之后得平安

* postulata [fundamental assumptions] 基本假定

* potentia debet sequi justitiam, non antecedere 权力必须遵守法律,不得超越法律

* potentia non est nisi ad bonum 凡非公共利益的事,不得授予权力;

[power is not conferred but for the public 权力只为公益而授予 good]

* potentia propinqua [common possibility] 可能性一般

* potentia remota [a remote possibility] 可能性不大

* potentia remotissima 可能性极小

[a remotest (or most improbable)


* potestas 权限

* potior est conditio defendentis 被告的地位(比原告)有利

[better is the condition of the defendant

(than that of the plaintiff)]

* potior est conditio possidentis 占有者的地位有利

[better is the condition of the possessor]

* potius mori quam foedari 宁死不受辱;宁死不屈

[death rather than disgrace]

* pourvoi en cassation [French] 向最高法院上诉

* praecipe 令状

* praedia bellica [booty; property seized in war] 战利品

* praemonitus, praemunitus 预先戒备,预先备军火

* praepositus 掌权者

* praescriptio 长期时效

* praesente medico nihil nocet 有备无患

* praestare 给付

* praestat cautela quam medela 预防胜于补救(医治)

[prevention is better than cure]

* praesumptio, ex eo quod plerumque fit 经常发生的情况可以作为推定的根据

[a presumption arises from that which

occurs many times]

* praesumptio juris et de jure 合法和依法的推定

[presumption of law and from law]

* praesumptio juris tantum 可用反证否定的法律推定 * praeter legem [beyond the law] 超越法律之外

* praetextus liciti non debet admitti illicitum 非法行为,纵然伪称合法,也不得容

[under pretext of legality, what is illegal 许

ought not to be admitted]

* praetor peregrinus 外事法官

* praxis judicum est interpres legum 法官的惯例即是法律的解释

[the practice of the judges is the interpreter

of the laws]

* precarium 无偿占有;随时可被收回的假占有 * pretium doloris [price of suffering] 痛苦的代价[痛苦的补偿];抚恤金 * pretium periculi 保险金;保险费

[the price of the risk; the premium paid

on a policy of insurance]

* primae impressionis 无先例可援用的案件;初次印象;初

[of the first impression; of a new kind, to 见案件

which no established principle of law of

precedent directly applies]

* primae viae 第一管;消化管

* prima facie [at first view] 显然;一见之下;乍看起来;表面上 证据确凿的(案件);乍一看


* primo intuitu 初看

* primo occupanti (占有权)归于先占者

* primum cognitum 学问的要道;知识的初步

* primum mobile 运动(或行为)的主动力;主要动机;

[the prime source of motion; mainspring] 起动点;主要推动力[指上帝、 造物主]

* primum vivere, deinde philosophari 以身作则;生活第一,哲学(争论)

[first live, then philosophize] 第二

* primus inter pares [first among his equals] 同辈中第一;侪辈之冠;出类拔萃; 鹤立鸡群;全国首创

* princeps legibus solutus est 国王不受法律约束

[the ruler or sovereign is exempt from the


* principiis obsta 违反原则;杜渐防微

* principiorum non est ratio 原则不须证明

[there is no reasoning of principles;

no argument is required to prove

fundamental rules]

* prior tempore potior jure 先到者有优先权;捷足先登者有优先

[he who first in time preferred in right] 权

* prior tempore, prior jure 先到者优先;先入为主

[first in time, first by right; first come,

first served]

* privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat 私人契约不得损害公共权利

[the agreement of private individuals does

not derogate from the public right]

* privatum commodum publico cedit 公益重于私利

[private good yields to public]

* privilegium non valet contra rempublicam 对国家有害的特权不得生效

[privilege is of no force against the


* pro 为了;由于

* pro aris et focis 为了保护祭坛和家灶;保家卫国 * pro auctore 自用[医生为自己开药方时,在处方


* probatio motua 物证;证件

[dead proof; proof by inanimate objects,

such as deeds or other written evidence

* probatio plena [fool proof] 充分证据

* probatio viva 人证

[living proof; proof by the mouth of living


* probatum est 已证实

* pro bono publico [for the public good] 为了公益;为了公共利益;为了公共 福利

* procedendo 催办令

* procedendo ad judicium 强制进行判决令

* pro centum 百分之 .... ,百分比

* pro domo sua 为了个人利益;替自己说话或辩护;

[in defense of one's home; in one's own 关于自己的问题


* pro domo sua (plea) [in his own cause] 自行辩护

* pro et contra (or pro et con) [for and against] 赞成与反对

* pro forma 形式上;估计的;假定的;循例;官

[for the sake of form; as a matter of form] 样文章;例行公事

* pro futuro 为了将来

* pro hac vice [for this occasion only] 只限这一次;只限于这种情形;下不 为例;只此一回;仅适用此场合 * pro indiviso 不可分开的;共同的;共有的;合租

[as undivided; in common (said of 的

possession of lands)]

* pro interesse suo 根据本身利益;在本身利益范围内

[according to his interest; to the extent of

his interest]

* prolem sine matre creatam 非出自母胎;非模仿抄袭的;非母所

[a child created without a mother] 生的孩子[没有先例] * pro majori cautela 为求格外谨慎起见

[for greater caution; by way of additional


* pro memoria 作为纪念;备忘;(数额)待定;备

[for the sake of memory; a formal note 忘录;

embodying the written record of a

diplomatic discussion; amount to be

determined (in a budget estimate)]

* pro mille 千分之 .... ,千分比

* promiscui usus 使用混乱

* pro narcosi 麻醉用[医学]

* pro nunc 现在;眼下;暂时

* pro obligatione habetur 视为债的关系

* pro patria 为了祖国

* pro possessione praesumitur de jure 占有即是法律上推定的根据

[a presumption of law arises from


* pro posse suo 在其权力(或能力)范围内;按自己

[to the extent of his power or ability] 能力

* propria manu 亲自

* proprietate probanda (下达给地方行政司法官要其)查清 扣押财物的物主的令状

* proprio motu [by one's own motion] 自行;自动

* proprio vigore 就本义而言;由本身的力量

[of one's own strength; by its own force]

* propter hoc 为了这一点

* pro rata 按 .... 比例;成比例地;大小适当地;

[according to rate (or proportion); 按比例地


* pro re 依照环境

* pro re nata 应付特别需要的;临时地;随机应变

[for the affair immediately in hand; for the

occasion as it may arise; adapted to meet

the particular occasion]

* prorogatio 延期;延长;缓期

* pro se 为自己;自行;亲自

[for himself; in his own behalf; in person]

* pro solido 整个;全体

[for the whole; as one; jiontly; without


* pro tanto [for so much; to that extent; so far]相当地;至此;到这个程度;相应地; 适当地

* protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio 保护导致服从,服从导致保护 protectionem

* pro tempore (pro tem) 临时;暂时;暂代;目下;于适当的

[for the time being; temporarily] 时候;及时地

* pro venia legendi 为了获得(在大学)授课的权利 * pro verbo [word-for-word] 逐字地

* pro veritate 为了真理

* pro virili parte 尽力;竭其所能

[for a man's part; to the utmost of one's


* provisio 附文;但书;条件

[provided (that); a condition in a contract

or other agreement]

* publica utilitas 公众的利益

[profits belonging to the public]

* pugnis et calcibus 拳足并用

* puis darrein continuance [French] 追加辩诉理由

[since the last continuance]

* punctum saliens 要点;重要情况;突出之点;最重要

[salient point; important feature] 之点

* punctum temporis 时间的一点;瞬间

[a point of time; an indivisible period of

time; the shortest space of time; an


* Punica fides 反复无常;背信弃义;不忠实;诡诈;

[Punic faith; fickleness; treachery] 无信义

* qua 作为;以 .... 的资格

* quae consistunt in jure 法律上拟制的关系

[things consistent with laws]

* quae fuerunt vitia, mores sunt 以前认为是恶习的现已成为风尚了 * quae medicamento non sanat, ferrum sanat; 药治不了的铁能治,铁治不了的火能 quae ferrum non sanat, ignis sanat 治[铁是指外科手术刀,火是指 烧灼术]

* quae nocent, docent 吃一堑,长一智;吃亏长见识 * quaere [query; it is a question] 疑问;有问题

* quaerens, quem devoret 择肥而噬;掠夺成性

* quaestio facti 事实问题

* quaestio juris 法律问题

* quaestio vexata 争执的问题;难解决的问题 * qualis ab incepto 像起初那样

* qualis rex, talis grex 有甚么样的领导,就有甚么样的群众; 上行下效

* quamdiu se bene gesserit 品行端正期间

* quando acciderint 等候得到财产时

[when they (assets) shall come in]

* quando aliquid prohibetur fieri, prohibetur ex凡法所禁止做的事,不论直接或间接 directo et per obliquum 均在禁止之列

[when the doing of anything is forbidden,

then the doing of it either directly or

indirectly is forbidden]

* quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus 智者千虑必有一失;虽圣贤亦难免有

[you can't win them all; sometimes even 错

good Homer sleeps]

* quanti est sapere 智慧为无价之宝

* quantum damnificatus 损害额;损害估计额

* quantum libet (q.l.) 要多少就用多少;所需之量;随意量 * quantum meruit 按照服务计值;按功行赏

[as much as he deserved (to have for his


* quantum mutatus ab illo 面貌全非;大变样

* quantum placet (q.p.; q.pl.) 随意量

* quantum satis 随意量;尽量

* quantum sufficit (q.s.) 足够的量;适量

* quamtum valebant 按货物价值计

[as much as they (goods sold and

delivered) were worth]

* quantum vis 随便你要多少

* quare clausum fregit 为什么侵入原告的围场;为何侵入他

[wherefore he broke the close (made an 人土地

unlawful entry upon land)]

* quare impedit 他为什么阻止

* quasi delictum 走私犯

* quater [four times] 四度;之四

* querela 诉状;诉讼

[an action preferred in any court of justice;

a bill of complaint]

* querenes 原告

* quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum 买主不可贸然误买别人的权利 emit

[he (the buyer) should not be ignorant that

he is buying the right of another]

* quia nominor leo 因我叫狮子

* quia timet [because he fears] 因为担忧(而诉请法院作公平裁决); 因为他(她)害怕

* qui bene amat, bene castigat 爱之弥深,责之弥笃;爱得深,责得

[he who loves well, chastises well] 严

* quicquid est contra normam recti est injuria 违反正当规则的行为,即是过失

[whatever is against the rule of right is a


* quicquid in excessu actum est, lege prohibetur 过分的行为,即是非法的行为

[whatever is done in excess is prohibited

by law]

* quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit 凡土地上的的定着物,归属于土地 * qui cum alio contrahit vel est, vel esse debet与他人订立契约者非不知也不应不知 non ignarus conditionis ejus 对方之地位

[he who enters into a contract with others

is not or should not be ignorant of the

conditions of the same]

* qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum 如果要和平,便须准备战争;居安思 危

* quid faciendum ? 怎么办呢?

* quid hoc sibi vult ? 这是什么意思?

* quid juris 合法的理由;正确的理由 * quid novi ? 有什么新闻?

* quid nunc ? 现在怎样?

* quid prodest ? 有何用处?

* quid pro quo 交换条件;交换物;同等物;赔偿; 等价交换;补偿;报酬;礼尚往 来;有来有往;一拳来一脚去

* quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem无论你作什么,都要作得合理,更不 要迷失方向;明智行事而顾其终 * quidquid est in territorio, est etiam de 领土内的一切都属于领土 territorio

* quidquid praecipies, esto brevis 无论教什么,要讲得简单 * quid rides ? 你笑什么?

* quid sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria, legis 法律的责任是判明善恶是非 est definire

[what constitutes right, and what injury,

it is the business of the law to declare]

* quieta non movere 勿扰乱和平;勿追念已往不愉快的事

[not to unsettle things which are 情


* qui facit per alium facit per se 托人做事,等于自己做事;代理人的

[he who acts through another acts himself; 行为由委托人负责

a man is legally responsible for his agent]

* qui habet aures audiendi, audiat 有耳者听着;听要听明白

* qui in territorio meo est, meus subditus est 在我的领土内的人都是我的臣民 * qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam 行使自己的合法权利不得损害别人 * quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se 人人可放弃有利于己的权利 introducto

* qui nimium probat nihil probat 举证过多等于没有举证

[he who proves too much proves nothing]

* qui non habet, ille non dat 非自己所有,不得让与他人

[he who has not, give not; a person cannot

convey a right that is not in him]

* qui non improbat, approbat 不责备即是赞成

[he who does not blame, approves]

* qui non negat fatetur 不否认等于承认

[he who does not deny, admits]

* qui non proficit, deficit 不进则退

* qui prodest ? [who will profit from it ?] 对谁有利?

* qui pro quo 张冠李戴;弄错;误会

* qui scribit, bis legit 笔记下来,等于读两次;读书不如抄 书

* quis custodiet ipsos custodes 谁看管看管者

* qui sentit commodum sentire debet et onus 得到好处就应承担责任;有权利就有

[he who receives the advantage ought also 义务

to suffer the burden]

* qui tacet, consentire videtur 沉默应视为同意;不作答复,即作默

[he who is silent, is understood to consent] 认

* qui tacet consentit [he who is silent consents] 沉默即是同意

* qui tacet consentire, si loqui debuisset ac 如果应该而且能够讲话,则沉默应视 protuisset 为同意

* quoad hoc [as to this; with respect to this 关于此事;关于这一点;单就这一点 来说

* quo animo ? [with what intention or motive] 动机何在?因什么缘故?是何居心? * quocunque nomine 用任何名义

* quod ab initio vitiosum est non potest tractu 自始即有缺陷(的事物),非时间所 temporis convalescere 能补救;自始即无效者,以后也

[what is defective (or void) from the 不得生效

beginning cannot improve (become

valid) in the course of time]

* quod bene notandum 应该特别注意之点;应特别注意

[which is to be well noted]

* quod constat clare non debet verificari 显而易见的事,不必加以证明

[what is clearly apparent need not be


* quod differtur non aufertur 迁延并非废止

* quod dixi, dixi 我说话算数;君子一言,快马一鞭 * quod erat demonstrandum (QED) 证毕;这就是要证明的

* quod erat faciendum (QEF) 这就是所要做的

* quod erat inveniendum (QEI) 这就是所要找的

* quod est (q.e.) 这就是

* quod est inconveniens aut contra rationem 不适当与不合理的事,法律也不许可 non permissum est in lege

[that which is inconvenient or against

reason is not permissible in law]

* quod est necessarium est licitum 需要即合法

* quod hoc sibi vult ? 这是什么意思?

* quod jure 依何权限;根据什么权利

[by what title; a writ compelling the

defendant to produce evidence of title]

* quod non agnoscit glossa, non agnoscit forum 注释家所不承认的原则,司法者必不

[that which the glossarist does not 予以考虑

acknowledge, is not acknowledged by the


* quod per me non possum, nec per alium 凡是我不能做的事,也不能通过他人

[what I cannot do by myself, I cannot do 去做

by another]

* quod petis, hic est 你所寻的东西在这里

* quod plerumque fit [which is mostly the case] 大致如此

* quodque dissolvitur eodem moto quo ligatur 缔约方式应与解约方式相同

[in the same manner that a thing is bound,

in the same manner it is unbound]

* quod scripsi, scripsi 我写的算数

* quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus 古今中外,人人相信;古今中外,毫 无例外

* quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri ne facias 己所不欲,勿施于人

* quod vide (q.v.) [which see] 参看 .... ,见 .... ,参阅 ....

* quo jure ? 凭什么权利?依什么法? * quo modo ? 什么情况?

* quomodo vales ? 你好吗?

* quorum 法定人数

* quoties in vervis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla文字上没有不明之处,不得作与文字 exposito contra verva fienda est 相反的解释

[when in the words there is no ambuiguity,

then no exposition contrary to the words

is to be made]

* quod homines (capita), tot sententiae 人多心多;有多少人就有多少主意 * quousque 多久;多远;直至

* quousque tandem ? 到什么时候为止呢?

* quo vadis ? 你到哪里去?往何处去? * quovis modo 无论何种形式

* quo warranto 凭何权利

* rara avis [rare bird; prodigy] 罕有的现象;少有的事;奇怪的现象; 奇怪的东西

* rara avis in terris 罕物;少有的事;奇怪的东西

* rari natantes in gurgite vasto 在广阔的大海中游泳,显得人少;有 的在此,有的在彼

* ratio conventionis 协定理由

* ratio decidendi 判决理由

[reason for deciding; grounds of decision]

* ratio in jure aequitas integra 法律的真谛是绝对公平

[reason in law is perfect equity]

* ratio in legis est anima legis 立法的理由是法律的灵魂

[the reason of law is the soul of law]

* ratio legis 法律理由;立法理由

* rationabile estoverium (离婚后或诉讼期间一方给另一方的) 合理赡养费

* ratio naturalis 自然理由

* ratione cessante 基于终止理由

* ratione domicilii [by reason of domicile] 基于住所理由;住所地的理由

* ratione loci 因所在地点;在地点上

[on account of the place; by reason of the


* ratione materiae [by reason of material] 本质上的理由

* ratione personae [by reason of person] 对人的理由

* ratione soli [by reason of the soil] 所在地的理由

* ratione temporis [by reason of time] 时间上的理由;在时间上 * ratione vis 依武力的理由

* ratio scripta 成文的理由

* re [concerning] 关于

* rebus sic stantibus 情势变迁(条款)

[as matters stand; in these circumstances;

a tacit condition, said to attach to all

treaties, that they shall cease to be

effective as soon as the state of facts

and conditions upon which they were

founded has substantial ly changed]

* receditur a placitis juris, potius quam injuriae宁可舍弃成文法规,不容罪行逃出法 et delicta maneant impunita 网

[positive rules of law will be receded from

(given up or dispensed with), rather than

that crimes and wrongs should remain


* receptum indebiti 不当得利

[receipt of something not due]

* receptus 仲裁人

* recognitio nil dat novi 承认并不产生新事物

[recognition produces nothing new]

* recte et suaviter 公正而温和

* recto de dote unde nihil habet 寡妇向亡夫的继承人要求全部应得三

[a writ of right of dower whereof the 分之一的房地产的权利状 widow had nothing, which lay where

her deceased husband, having divers

lands and tenements, had assured no

dower to his wife, and she thereby was

driven to sue for her thirds against the

heirs or his guardian]

* recuperatores 仲裁官

* recurrendum est ad extraordinarium quando 普通法律无效时,应采用特别法律 non valet ordinarium

[we must have recourse to what is

extraordinaries, when what is ordinary


* reddendo singula singulis 各对各;各从其文字的本义

[by referring each to each; referring each

phrase or expression to its appropriate

object (a rule of construction)]

* reddendum (写明租赁金额及付款期限的)租约 条款;应付租金 * redditus 租金;收入;利润

* reductio ad absurdum 归谬法;间接证明法;反论证法

[reduction to absurdity]

* refero relata 我说我听到的;据说 * regnant populi 民治

* regula pro lege, si deficit lex 如无法律,依法律格言裁决

[in default of the law, the maxim rules]

* re infecta [the business being unfinished]事情尚未解决;案件未了;事未完结 * remanent pro defectu emptorum 扣押物因无买者而未卖出 * remis velisque 用桨和帆;竭力;不遗余力 * remittitur (or remittit) damna 减免损害赔偿

* repetitio est mater studiorum 温故而知新

* requiescat in pace 让他安静地长眠吧!安息吧! * rerum universitas (or natura) [the universe] 宇宙

* res 物;事物

* res accessoria 附属物;从物

* res accessoria sequitur rem principalem 从物随主物;附属物随主物

[the accessory follows the principal]

* res alienae [things belonging to others] 属于他人之物

* res ancipitis usus [a thing of double use] 军民两用物;和战两用物 * res angusta domi 家境贫困

[straitened circumstances at home]

* res communes [things common to all] 人民公有物;公共财产 * res communis [a public thing] 公用物

* res communis omnium 公用物;公共之物

[a thing beloning to all]

* res consuntibiles 消费物

[things that can be consumed]

* res corporales 有体物;具体的物品

[tangible things; corporeal things]

* res derelicta [abadoned property] 弃物;抛弃的财物

* res divisibiles [divisible things] 可分物

* reservatio mentalis 内心保留;口是心非

* res extra commercium 非交易物;非流通物;非商品

[things not capable of being traded]

* res extra patrimonium 不可有物

[things not capable of being possessed]

* res fongibiles [things that can be replaced] 可代替物

* res gentum 万国之物

* res gestae 真事实[指案件的确切事实,与传闻

[things done; material facts; attending 的事实相对而言];有关事实; circumstances] 所讨论的事;史实[多指战争] * res immobiles [immovable things; real estate] 不动产

* res in commercio 交易物;流通物;商品

[things capable of being traded]

* res inconsuntibiles 非消费物

[things that cannot be consumed]

* res incorporales 无体物

[intangible things; incorporeal things]

* res indivisibiles [indivisible things] 不可分物

* res in patrimonio 可有物

[things capable of being possessed]

* res integra 未决事项;未决定的要点[指无法律

[a whole thing; a new or unopened thing; 根据,亦无先例可援只有用法理 a point of law which has not been 来解决的新事项]


* res inter alios acta 他人之间的行为(或宣告)

[things done between others]

* res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet 两者之间的行为,不应损及他人

[things done between strangers ought

not to injure others]

* res in transitu 运送中的物品

* res ipsa loquitur [the thing speaks for itself]事实本身的证明;免证自明;事实本 身非常清楚

* res judicata [a decided case] 已决案件;定案;已判决的案件 * res judicata pro veritate habetur 定案即视为事实

[a settled case is taken for truth]

* res mobiles [movable things; chattel] 动产

* res non fongibiles 不可代替物

[things that cannot be replaced]

* res, non verba [deeds, not words] 务求事实;勿作空论;事实胜于雄辩 * res novae 政治变化;革命

* res nullius [a thing which has no owner] 无主之物;无主地;无主物 * res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis 无主之物当属最先发现者所有

[a thing which has no owner naturally

belongs to the first finder]

* res omnium communis [a thing common to all] 大众共有之物;公物

* res petita 求偿物

* respice finem 注意结局

* respodeat superior 委托人应负担其代理人行为的责任

[let the principal answer (for the acts of his


* respondentia 船货抵押

[the hypothecation of the cargo or goods on board a ship as security for the repayment of a loan]

* res principales [principal things] 主物 * res privatae 私有物;私物;私产;私有财产 * res propria est quae communis non est [a thing which is private which is not common]

* res publica (or respublica) [the commonwealth]

* res publicae [public property] * res sic standibus [let the matter stand thus] * restitutio ad intergrum * restitutio ad pristinum * restitutio in integrum [the rescinding of a contract or transaction on the ground of fraud, etc., so as to restore to their original position] * restitutio in pristinum [reparation by equivalence] * res transit cum suo onere * res universitatis [things belonging to a community] * reus credendi [creditor] * reus debendi [debtor] * reus excipiendo fit actor * rex non potest peccare [the king can do no wrong] * ridendo castigant mores * ridere in stomacho * ride si sapis * rigor mortis [stiffness of death; stiffening of a dead body]

* risu inepto res ineptior nulla * risum teneatis, amici ! * Roma locuta, causa finita [Rome has spoken, the case is settled; with the pronounced from above, the matter is settled] * ruat caelum * rudis indigestaque moles * rus in urbe * rusticum [farm; farm land] 非公物即是私物 国家;共和国 公物;公有物;公共财产 保持原状 恢复其完整;全部偿还 恢复先前状态 回复原状 等价赔偿 债务随财产同时转移 公共财产;公物 债权人 债务人 被告由于提出抗辩而成为原告国王无过失 讥笑地抨击(某种)风俗 窃笑 只有聪明的人会笑 死后僵硬;尸僵 痴笑最可厌 朋友们,不要笑吧! 上级有指示;事情变成定局 让天塌下来 乱七八糟;横三竖四 城中的田地 耕作地

* saeva indignatio 极大的愤慨

* sal Atticum [Attic salt; dry, delicate wit] 文雅的机智;妙语;警语 * sal Atticus 机智;才智;非常诙谐

* salus populi suprema lex 人民的利益(安全)是最高的法规 * salus populi suprema lex esto 以人民的福利为最高的法律

[let the welfare of the people be the

highest (or supreme) law]

* salva conscientia 于心无愧地

* salvo jure 没有偏心;在法律许可的范围内;只 要不妨害别人

* salvo jure cujuslibet 任何人的权利不受损害;以不损害任

[without prejudice to the rights of any one] 何人的权利为原则

* sancta simplicitas [holy simplicity] 非常天真(的人);天真纯朴的人; 天真如圣;天真烂漫

* sanctum santorum 至圣所;私室[俗称]

[holy of holies; private retreat]

* sapere aude 敢做聪明的人

* sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probet 圣人对未经证明的事不加武断

[the sage does not affirm what he cannot


* sapienti sat [enough the wise] 智者一言已足;闻一而知十 * sapienti sat, verbum sat sapienti (est) 闻一而知十;明人不用细讲

* sapo durus 硬皂

* sapo medicatus 药皂

* sapo viridis 绿肥皂;软皂

* sarto resartus 从事补缀的裁缝

* satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum 言多智少;夸夸其谈

[enough eloquence, too little wisdom]

* satis quod sufficit [what suffices is enough] 凡事适可而止

* satis superque 绰绰有余

* satis verborum 话已说够了;不用多说了 * scandalum magnatum 诋毁权贵

[scandal (or slander) of great men]

* scientiae baccalaureus (S.B.) 理学士

* scientiae magister 理学硕士

* scire facias 告知令状;使人知道;通知;告诉

[cause to know; a writ renewing a

judgement that has expired]

* scripta manent 写下的东西是存在的[可作为证据的] * secta [followers; witnesses for the plaintiff] 随同(原告)作证者;原告的证人 * secundum artem 技术地;人工地;科学地;巧妙地;

[according to art (or rule); scientifically; 技术上;科学上 artifically]

* secundum bonos mores 依照历来惯例;照例

[according to good usages; according to

established custom; regularly; orderly]

* secundum formam statuti 依照法令规定

[according to the form of the stattuti]

* secundum juris 根据法律

* secundum legem [according to law] 根据法律

* secundum naturam 自然地;天然地;照自然之理

[according to nature; naturally; not


* secundum ordinem [in order; orderly] 依次;按次序地;秩序井然;有条不 紊

* secundum quid 只在某点上;局部地;不是一般的

[according to something; in someone

respect only]

* secundum regulam [according to the rule] 依照规则;按规则

* secundum usum 根据惯例;依照习俗

* secus [otherwise; to the contrary] 不是这样;与此相反

* se defendendo [in self-defense] 出于自卫

* sed haec hactenus [but so much for this] 这且不说;这事暂且不谈;到此为止; 够啦

* sed quaere 但尚待研究

* semble [it seems] 似乎是

* semel et simul 打一枪,换一地

* semel pro semper 一言为定;只此一回

* semper ad verentum festinat 向标杆看齐;依照规则行事 * semper avarus eget 贪食不知饱;贪得无厌

* semper eadem 往往相同;常常如此

* semper felix 幸福常在

* semper fidelis 永远诚实

* semper idem [always the same] 总是如此;老一套;老生常谈 * semper paratus [always prepared] 随时准备着;时刻准备着 * senium praecox 早衰;未老先衰

* sensu largo 广义

* sensu lato 广义上的

* sensu politico 政治意义上的

* sensus communis 常识

* sensu stricto 狭义上的;狭义地

* sensu verborum est anima legis 文字的意义是法律的精神

[the meaning of the words is the spirit

of the law]

* sensu verborum est duplex -- mitis et asper; 字有两义,一轻一重;始终应以其中 et verba semper accipienda sunt in mitiori 较轻的字义为准


[the meaning of words is twofolds -- mild

and harsh; and words are always to be

received in their milder sense]

* sequitur [it follows; a logical inference] 由此可见;足证;合理的推论 * seriatim 依次;逐条;顺次;连续

[serially; point by point; in regular order]

* sero sed serio 拖了时间,但态度认真

* servabo fidem 我将守信

* servitus in faciendo consister nequit 地役不包括作为在内

* servitus praediorum 地役权

[servitude of the land (or estate)]

* servitute juris gentium naturale 国际法上的自然地役

* servitate juris gentium voluntariae 国际法上的自愿地役

* sic [thus] 原文

* sic in originalis [thus in the original] 原文如此

* sic iter ad astra 这就是通向光荣的道路

* sic passim 各处都是这样;比比皆是 * sic transit gloria mundi 世间富贵,瞬息即逝;富贵等于浮云;

[so passes away the glory of the world] 世荣易逝

* sicut alias 第二次传票

[as at another time; a second writ sent out

when the first is not executed]

* sicut ante 如前

* sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas 使用自己的财产时,不得损害别人的

[use your own property in such a manner 财产

as not to injure that of another]

* sic volo, sic jubeo 我行我素

* sic vos, non vobis 要你们做,但不给你们报酬 * sic vos, non vobis mellificates apes 蜂采百花人食蜜

* si duo faciunt idem, non est idem 尽管两人做的事相同,但结果并不相 同

* silent leges inter arma 普通法律不适用于战时;普通法律在

[laws are silent in time of war; the power 战时失去效力;战时无法律;战 of law is suspended during war] 争不守法

* similia similibus curantur [fight fire with fire] 以毒攻毒

* similis simili gaudet 物以类聚,人以群分

* simplex commendatio non obligat 单纯的称许无拘束性

* simplex munditiis 简而雅

* simpliciter [absolutely; without reserve] 绝对地;纯然;完全

* simplum [a simple thing] 单一物

* sine animo belligerendi 无交战意向

* sine animo revertendi 无回返意向

* sine anno [without the date] (出版)日期不详;未注明年代

* sine cura 没有看守;没有照顾;草率了事 * sine die (s.d.) [without a day been appointed] 无期;无限期;不限期 * sine dubio 无疑

* sine loco (s.l.) 未注明(出版)地点

* sine loco, anno, vel nomine (slan) (出版)地点、日期及作者姓名不详

[without place, year, or name]

* sine mora [without delay] 立刻;毫不迟延;立即;没有迟延; 没有耽搁

* sine odio 无怨恨;无怨言

* sine praejudicio 没有偏见

* sine proba causa 没有证明的理由

* sine prole superstite (s.p.s.) 无后代;无子孙

* sine qua non 必要条件;非有不可的;先决条件;

[without which not; an indispensable 必不可少的


* sine spe 无希望

* sine spe redeundi 无回来的希望

* si omnes 普遍参加

* si opus sit (s.o.s.) 于需要时[医学]

* si parva licet componere magnis 如果可以以小比大

* si si ! prudentia 凡事须三思

* siste, viator 行人止步

* sit venia verbo 容许我这样说吧;如果可以这样说 * si vis pacem, para bellum 如要和平,必须备战;如果要和平,

[if you desire peace, prepare for war] 就要准备战争;居安思危 * societas [partnership; contract of partnership] 合伙;合伙契约

* societas leonina (or leonina societas) 与狮子合伙[某一合伙人只分担损失,

[partnership with a lion; a one-sided 不得分享利润]


* socius criminis [an associate in crime] 共犯

* sola nobilitas virtus 唯德为贵

* solatium 慰藉金;赔偿费

[solace; a sum paid to an injuried party

over and above the actual damages by

way of solace to his wounded feelings]

* sola virtus invicta 美德是永存的

* solidum [a whole] 合力负担

* sol lucet omnibus 普天之下,人人都有天赋的权利

[the sun shines on all; everyone is entitled

to enjoy certain natural advantages]

* solutionis causa [for the purpose of payment] 新债抵旧

* specialia derogant generalibus 特别规定较普通规定优先适用

[the special takes precedence of the


* species [a kind; species; things in particular] 特定物

* specificatio 加工

[a making of form; acquisition of

property by working up his materials into

a new species]

* spe recuperandi 收回的希望

* spero meliora 我在期望更美好的;否极泰来 * spes sibi quisque 要自力更生;人要奋斗 * sponsio 越权条件

* sponte sua [of one's own accord; unsolicited] 自别;自发;自愿地;出于自愿 * stadium acmes 极峰期

* stadium augmenti 进行期

* stadium caloris 热期

* stadium frigoris 寒期

* stadium sudoris 出汗期

* stare ad rectum 接受审判;受审

[to stand trial or abide by the sentence of

the court]

* stare decisis [to abide by decided cases] 依照先例;判例照援;遵照判例 * stare decisis et non quieta movere 遵照判例而不搅乱已确定的事情 * status belli 战争状态

* status civitatis [status of a citizen; citizenship] 市民权

* status familiae 家族权

[the status (or right) of a household]

* status in quo [the state in which (anyting is)] 现状;原状

* status in statu [state within a state] 国家内的国家;国中之国 * status juris 法律地位

* status libertatis [status of liberty] 自由权

* status mixtas 混合地位

* status nascendi 在萌芽状态

* status necessitatis 必要状态

* status praesens 现状;目前形势

* status quo [the state in which (anyting is)] 现状;原状;状态;目前状态 * status quo ante 原状;在 .... 之前的状态 * status quo ante bellum 战前状态

[the state existing before the war]

* status quo ante faedus 约前状态

* status quo post bellum 战后状态

* stet [let it stand] 不删;保留原文[校对用语] * stilo novo 新奇的意思

* stipulatio [verbal contract] 言词契约

* stipulatio poenae 违约金(的规定)

[stipulation on penalty or fine]

* stricti juris 严格意义;严格的说

* stricto sensu [in a strict sense] 狭义而言;狭义

* strictum jus 严格法;法律严格的规定

[strict law; the strict letter of the law]

* sua cuique sunt vitia 人人各有其短处

* sua cuique utilitas [to everything its own use] 凡物各有其用

* sua cuique voluptas 人各有志;各有所好 * sua sponte [of one's own will (accord)] 自愿;自由

* suaviter in modo, fortiter in re 态度温柔,行为果断;外柔内刚;举

[gentle in manner, resolute in deed] 止温和,临事勇敢 * sub colore juris [under colour of right] 伪装有权

* sub condicione 在(某种)条件下

* sub dio (or divo) [under the sky; in open air] 露天

* sub finem (s.f.) 参见本章末

* sub judice [under (or before) a judge] 在审讯中;在法院审理中;尚未解决 的;在考虑中的;等待研究的

* sublata causa, tollitur effectus 因除则果去;原因消除,后果便不存

[when the cause is removed, the effect 在;无风不起浪 ceases]

* sub modo 在某一条件或限制下;有条件的

[under a qualification; subject to a


* sub nomine [under the name; in the name of] 以 .... 的名义;在 .... 名下 * sub operatione 手术时

* sub poena [under penalty] 违者以 .... 罪论;否则按 .... 罪惩处; 严惩不贷

* subpoena ad testificandum 证人作证传票

[under penalty to testify]

* subpoena duces tecum 证人带同文件作证传票

[under penalty, you are to bring with you]

* sub rosa [under the rose; confidential(ly)] 秘密;暗中;秘密地 * sub sigillo 绝对秘密地

[under seal (of confession); in the strictest


* sub silentio [in silence; privately] 心中;私下;在心中;私下地 * sub specie [under the appearance of] 假装

* sub specie aeternitatis 从本质看;从永恒的观点上看来;在

[from the aspect of eternity] 自然情况下;在天然情况下 * sub spe rati [in the hope of a decision] 尚待判决(批准) * sub spe reconciliationes 尚待调停(和解)

[in the hope of recocilement]

* substantia alba 白质

* substantia corticalis 皮质

* substantia nigra 黑质

* substantia propria 固有质

* substantia spongiosa 松质

* sub vi [under compulsion] 在胁迫之下;被迫

* sub voce (or sub verbo; s.v.) 在 .... 字下;见 .... 条;在词典里;

[under the word (in reference to 参看该条

dictionaries, etc.)]

* successio ab intesta [intestate succession] 未立遗嘱的继承;法定继承 * successio ex testamento 遗嘱继承

[succession by virtue of will]

* successio in usucapionem 时效的继续

[succession in prescription]

* succus limonis 柠檬汁

* sudor algidus 冷汗

* suggestio falsi 伪证;证词不实;弄虚作假

[false suggestion or representation]

* sui generis [of its own kind; unique] 自成一格;独特;特殊;特有的;特 殊的;与众不同的

* sui juris 自主;自有行为能力;自由

[in one's own right; of full legal capacity]

* summa cum laude [with the highest praise] 以最优等

* summa potesta 主权;最高权力

* summa summarum 总计;合计;最后总结;最后的结果;

[the sum of sums; sum total] 约数

* summum bonum [the supreme good] 至善;最好的

* summum jus, summa injuria 法之极,害之极;法重害重

[extreme law is extreme injury]

* sumptibus publicis [at public expense] 由政府负担费用

* sum quod eris, fui quod es 我的今天,就是你的明天

* sunt certi denique finis 一切都有一定的界限

* sunt lacrymae rerum 眼泪因悲痛而产生

* suo marte 依靠自己的力量;自力更生 * suo moto [by one's owner motion] 自行

* suo periculo [at one's own risk] (如有损失)由自己负责

* suo tempore 适时;及时

* superficies 地上权

[surface; the alienation by the owner of

the surface of the soil of all rights

necessary for building on the surface]

* super vires 非力所能及的

* super visum corporis 验尸结果

[after viewing the body; term used at a

coroner's inquest]

* suppressio veri 隐瞒真相

* suppressio veri, suggestio falsi 隐匿真相,等于诈骗

[suppressing the truth, suggesting what is false]

* supra 在前

* supremum vale [farewell for the last time] 永别;诀别

* surgit amari aliquid 乐极生悲

* sursum corda ! [lift up your hearts !] 提起精神!不要灰心!

* suspensio per collum 绞刑

[suspension by the neck; execution by


* sustine et abstine 忍耐和节制

* sutor ne supra crepidam judicaret 各尽其职;安分守己

* suum cuique [to each his own] 各得其所应得

* suum cuique tribue ! 各取其所应得

* suus cuique mos 各人有各人的习惯(作风) * tabula rasa 纯洁的心;往事一笔勾销;一张白纸;

[an erased (or blank) tablet; clean state;

the mind at birth]

* tacitae magis et occultae inimicitiae timendae 明枪易躲,暗箭难防

sunt quam indictae atque apertae

[silent, hidden enmities are more to be

feared than those that are openly


* tacito consensu [by silent consent] 默许;默认

* taciturnitas et patientia consensum imitantur 沉默和容忍等于同意

* taedium vitae [weariness of living] 厌世;对于生命的厌恶

* taenia rationis 强词夺理

* tamquam alter idem [as if second self] 心腹之交;完全可以信赖的朋友 * tangere ulcus (or vulnus) 触到某人的痛处;揭人疮疤;触及痛

[to touch the sore spot] 处;打中要害

* tantum quantum 恰好如此

* tarde venientibus ossa 赴宴后到者只能啃骨头;事不宜迟; 坐失良机

* Te Deum (Laudamus) 谢恩颂歌;赞美颂歌

[(we praise) Thee, O Lord]

* te ipsum nosce 要有自知之明

* te judice 据你判断;依你之见

[with you as the judge; in your judgement]

* telum imbelle sine ictu 虚晃一枪;无的放矢

* temperamenta 折中;调和

* tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis 时代在变,我们也随着改变

[times change and we are changed in them]

* tempori parendum 我们必须跟随时代;我们必须跟上时

[we must move with the times] 代的步伐;随机应变 * tempus commissi delicti 犯罪时间;违法时间

[time the offense is committed]

* tempus continuum 继续时间

[a continuous period of time]

* tempus edax rerum 时间使万物变化;时间会改变一切 * tempus fugit 光阴飞驰

* tempus omnia revelat 水落石出;时间过去真情暴露 * tenax propositi [firm of purpose] 意志坚定;意志坚决

* ter [thrice] 三度;之三

* teres et rotundus 又光又圆的;完全

* ter in die (t.i.d.) 一日三次[医学]

* terma 词语

* terminus ad quem 归结点;终止日期;目标;终期;终

[the end (or limit) to which] 点;结局;归宿

* terminus a quo 出发点;开始日期;始期;起点

[the end (or limit) from which]

* terrae filius 平民;出身低微者

* terrae potestas finitur, ubi finitur armorum vis 陆地权力以其炮火所及范围为限

[the territorial limit is where a shot can [领海界线的沿岸炮弹距离说] reach]

* terra firma [solid earth; a firm footing] 陆地;稳固的地位;大陆;大地 * terra incognita [unknown land] 未知的土地;未知地;未知的领域 * terra japonica 棕儿茶;槟榔膏[原文之意:日本泥 土]

* terra nullius [land without owner] 无主地

* terra transit cum onere 土地与其负担一起转移

* territorium dominans 承役地

* territorium serviens 供役地

* tertii in favorem 为第三者的利益

* tertium genus 第三种

* tertium non datur 非此即彼;没有第三条路 * tertium quid [a third something] 第三者;介乎两者之间的东西;难形 容或难区别的人

* tertius gaudens [the third one who rejoices] 得渔翁之利的第三者;鹬蚌相争,渔 翁得利

* tertius quo 第三者

* testandibus actis [as the acts show] 实际行为证明

* testimonium 证词;口供;证据

* testimonium paupertatis 低能的征象;思想贫乏;才能低下;

[indication of (mental) poverty] 证据不足

* testis unus, testis nullus 一面之词,不足为凭;一个证人,等

[one witness is no witness; testimony of 于没有证人

a single person is not valid]

* therapia accessoria 辅助疗法

* therapia activa 积极治疗

* therapia biologia 生物学疗法

* therapia conservativa 保守疗法

* therapia domestica 家庭疗法

* therapia electromagnetica 电磁疗法

* therapia generalis 普通疗法;全身疗法

* therapia localis 局部疗法

* therapia operativa 手术疗法

* therapia praeventiva 预防法

* therapia protectiva 保卫疗法

* therapia rationalis 合理疗法

* therapia symptomatica 症状疗法

* timeo Danaos et dona ferentes 希腊人即使送礼时,我也怕他们

[I fear the Greeks even when they are

bringing gifts]

* timor mortis morte pejor 怕死比死还坏

* toga virilis 成年人的长袍[古罗马自由民年满十 六岁才有资格穿的白长袍] * tolle, lege ! 拿起来念!

* tonica generalis 一般补剂

* tonica haematica 补血剂

* tot homines, tot sententiae 人多心多;众说纷纭

* totidem verbis 正是如此;原文照抄;原话如此;如

[in so many words; in these very words] 此多言

* toties quoties 每次;常常;每回;往往如此

[as often as; on each occasion; repeatedly]

* totis viribus [with all one's strength] 出尽气力;竭力;全力以赴;用其全 力

* toto caelo 天南地北;天渊之别;有天壤之别;

[by the whole heaven; to be poles apart] 一在天之涯,一在地之角 * totum in eo est [all depends on this] 一切视此而定;一切以此为转移 * traditio [delivery; transfer of possession] 交付;引渡

* transeat in exemplum 记录此事,作为先例(或判例)

[let it be recorded as a precedent]

* transfusio sanguinis 输血

* transitio ad aliud genus 过渡到另一类

* trauma accidentale 意外伤

* tres faciunt collegium 三人成会[三个人开会作出的决定可 以有法律效力]

* Treuga Dei (or Treva Dei) [Truce of God](中世纪教会命令的暂时)停止私斗; 上帝休战

* tristes calendae [the unhappy calends] 悲惨的付息日[古罗马的欠债者要在 每月的第一天付利息] * tua res agitur 这是与你有利害关系的事

* tulit alter honores 功归别人

* tu ne cede malis 勿因患难而屈服;冲着困难上

* tu quoque [you too] 你也一样

* tu quoque, fili ! 你也在内,我的儿子!

* tutela legitima 法定监护

[legal trusteeship or guardianship]

* tutela testamentaria 遗嘱监护

[trusteeship (or guardianship) appointed

by a will]

* uberrima fides 完全坦白;出于至诚

[the most abundant good faith; absolute

and perfect candor and honesty]

* ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, ibi 普通办法不能补救者,应采用特别办 decurritur ad extraordinarium 法

[where the ordinary remedy fails, recourse

must be had to an extraordinary one]

* ubi concordia, ibi victoria 哪里协调一致,哪里便能胜利;团结 就是力量

* ubi culpa est, ibi poena subesse debet 罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚

[where the crime is committed, there

ought the punishment to be undergone]

* ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum sequitur 有罪必有害

[wherever there is wrong, there damage


* ubi homines sunt, ibi modi sunt 哪里有人,哪里就有歌声 * ubi jus, ibi officium 有权利即有义务

[where there is a right, there is also a duty]

* ubi jus, ibi remedium 有权利,就有补救办法;有权利就有

[where there is a right, there is a remedy] 补偿

* ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum 法律不明确等于没有法律;法不确定,

[where the law is uncertain, there is no law;虽有若无;法律不确切,虽有若 uncertainty destroys law] 无

* ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere 法律未明文区别者,不得加以区别 debemus

[where the law does not distinguish,

neither ought we distinguish]

* ubi major pars est, ibi totum 多数即是全体;多数决定

[where the greater part is, there the whole

is; the majorities govern]

* ubi mei, ibi apes 有蜜必有蜂;有烟必有火 * ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi non est 非法制定的规则,不必遵守 parendi necessitas

[where there is no authority for establishing

a rule, there is no necessity of obeying it]

* ubi non est directa lex, standum est arbitrio 凡无直接适用的法律,应以法官的意 judicis, vel procedendum ad similia 见为准,或参照类似的案件

[where there is no direct law, the opinion

of the judge is to be taken, or reference

to be made to similar case]

* ubi non est lex, ibi non est transgressio, 在世界上,凡无法律规定者,即非犯 quoad mundum 法

[where there is no law, there is no

transgression, so far as relates to the


* ubi non est principalis, non potest esse 无主犯即无从犯


[where there is no principal, there cannot

be a accessory]

* ubi pus, ibi incisio 有脓就有疮

* ubi quis delinquit, ibi punietur 罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚

[where a man offends, there he shall be


* ubi remedium, ibi jus 有补救办法,就有权利;有补偿就有

[where there is a remedy, there is a right] 权利

* ubi sunt qui ante no fuerunt ? 古人如今安在?

[where are those who lived before us ?]

* ubi supra 上面述及;上面提及之处;如上文所 提及

* ultima ratio [the last argument; force] 最后手段;武力;最后的谈判;最后 的论据

* ultima ratio regum 诉诸武力;战争

[last argument of kings; resort to arms;


* ultima remedium 最后的补救办法

* ultima Thule 天涯海角;最远的疆界

[the farthest Thule; the utmost frontiers]

* ultima victoria 最后胜利

* ultimum refugium 最后的庇护所

* ultimum supplicium 极刑;死刑

[the extreme punishment; the punishment

of death]

* ultimum vale [farewell for the last time] 诀别;永别

* ultimus haeres 最后的继承人;上帝

[the last or remote heir; the lord]

* ultra licitum 违法;不合法;超出合法范围

[beyond what is allowed or lawful]

* ultra posse nemo obligatur 不得强人所难

[no one is bound to do more than he can]

* ultra posse nemo tenetur 不要求人作其所不能

* ultra posse non potest esse, et vice versa 不可能者不存在,反之亦然

[what is beyond possibility cannot exist,

and the reverse]

* ultra valorem [beyond the value] 超过实际价值

* ultra vires [beyond one's authority] 越权;在权限以外;超出法定权限

* una salus victis 战败无选择的余地;战败者任人宰 割

* una voce [with one voice; unanimously] 一致;全体一致;众口同声;同声一 致地

* unguibus et rostro 用爪和啄;尽全力(抵抗);全力以

* unio civitatum 国家组合

* unio personalis 身合国

* unio realis 合国

* universitas juris 法律上的集合物[指全部动产和不动

[things taken as a whole in law] 产,如遗产]

* universitas rerum [things taken as a whole] 集合物

* universum jus 整体法

* uno actu 一次行动;由同一行动

[in a single act; by one and the same act]

* uno animo 同心协力;异口同声;一致

* unum et idem [one and the same] 同样的东西;没有区别;完全一样 * unumquodque principiorum est sibimetipsi 一般原则免证自明,明显事实也不须 fides; et persipicua vera non sunt probanda 证明

[every general principle is its own pledge

or warrant; and things that are clearly

true are not to be proved]

* urbi et orbi 教宗(对全世界颁布的)训谕[原文

[to the city (Rome) and to the world; 之意:对罗马城,对全世界] words accompanying papal bulls]

* usque ad caelum [up to the sky] (土地所有权)直达天空

* usque ad medium filum 直至中间线

* usque ad nauseam 使人呕吐为止

* usque ad sidera [up to the stars] 直上云霄

* usucapio [prescription] 取得时效

* usus 惯例;使用

* usus bellici [warlike uses or objects] 战争用途;战争用品

* usus est magister optimus 经验是最好的老师

* usus in bello 战争惯例

* usus loquendi [usage in speaking] 习惯的说法;口头语

* usus publicus 公共惯例

* ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas 尽管力量不足,愿意去做也值得赞扬; 力虽微,志可嘉

* utile dulci 愉快而有益的

* utile dulci miscere 把愉快的和有益的结合起来 * ut infra (u.i. or ut inf.) 如下

[as (shown or stated) below]

* ut initium, sic finis est 始终如一

* uti possidetis 按照已占有的;占领地保有原则[使

[as you (now) possess; a principle in 交战国于战争结束时以占领地为 international law that a treaty of peace 领土的原则];实际占领地保有 between belligerents vests in them 权原则

respectively as absolute property the

territory under their actual control, etc.]

* uti possidetis, ita possideatis 保持已占有的部分

* uti possidetis juris 按照法律上已占有的 * ut mos est [as the custom is] 依照惯例

* ut pictura poesis, sic poesis pictura 诗如画,画如诗

* ut pignus amicitiae 作为友谊的表示;借以表示友谊;作

[as a pledge (or token) of friendship] 为友谊的证据

* ut poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat 惩一儆百

[that the punishment may reach a few,

but the fear of it affect all]

* ut quocumque paratus 准备妥当,以应万变;为各种意外之

[prepared for any emergency whatever] 事而设

* ut res magis valeat quam pereat 宁使条款有效而不使其失去意义

[that the thing may rather have effect

than be destroyed; that the clause may

became operative than null (a principle

of legal interpretation)]

* utrum horum mavis accipe 任择其一;随意选取

[take whichever you prefer]

* ut sementem feceris, ita metes 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

[as you sow, so shall you reap]

* ut supra (u.s.) [as (shown or stated) above] 如上;如上所述

* vacatio legis 法律上的免除

* vaccinatio bovina 牛痘接种

* vade in pace 一帆风顺;一路平安;安然而去

* vade mecum 袖珍书;手册;便览;袖珍参考书

[go with me; a reference book intended

to be carried about; a manual]

* vade retro ! 滚开!

* vadium mortuum [a mortagage] 抵押品

* vae victis 败者遭殃

* valent erga omnes 对一切人有效

* variae lectiones 种种读法

* variorum notae 集各家注释;集注

[notes of various commentators]

* vectigal [revenue; tax] 税;地税

* velis et remis 桨和帆都用;全力以赴 * vel non 或者不是

* venditio bonorum [sale of goods] 财产的拍卖

* venditioni exponas 低价售卖令

[you expose to sale (name of a writ)]

* veniae facilitas incentivum est deliquendi 轻易赦免罪过,等于鼓励犯罪

[facility of pardon is an incentive to crime]

* venia necessitati datur 迫不得已的行为,情有可原

[indulgence is granted to necessity;

necessity knows no law]

* venienti occurite morbo 有病趁早就医;防患于未然

[meet the approaching disease; prevention

is better than cure]

* venire (facias juratores) 召集陪审团令

[(thou shall cause jurors) to come]

* venire contra actum proprium 与自己的行为相抵触

* venire contra factum 违反事实

* venire contra proprium 反对自己

* venire facias juratores 召集陪审团令

[thou shall cause jurors to come]

* veni, vidi, vici [I came, I saw, I conquered] 我来,我看,我征服[恺撒的名言]; 我无往而不胜

* ventis secundis 顺风

* verba docent, exampla trahunt 言语教训人,模范感动人;言教不如

[words teach, examples attract] 教身

* verba generalia generaliter sunt intelligenda 一般词语应按一般意义了解 * verba legis 法律词语

* verba magistri 权威的话;教师的话

[words of the master (or teacher)]

* verbatim et literatim 逐字逐句;完全照字面 * verba volant, scripta manent 口说无凭,立字为证 * verbis legis 法律词语

* verbis plane expressis omnino standum est 明白表示的文字应绝对遵守 * verbum sat sapienti (est) 对智者一言已足;聪明人一听就明白

[a word is enough for a wise man]

* vere scire est per causas scire 穷理是真知

[real knowledge lies in knowing]

* verita 真理

* veritas numquam perit [truth never dies] 真理不灭

* veritas odium parit [truth breeds hatred] 实话制造怨恨;真言逆耳 * veritas omnia vincit 真理征服一切

* veritas praevalebit 真理总会战胜

* veritas simplex oratio est 真理的言语是简单的

[the language of truth is simple]

* veritas vincit 真理一定胜利

* veritas vos liberabit 真理使你自由

[the truth shall make you free]

* veritatem dies aperit [times reveals the truth] 日久见真情

* veritatis simplex oratio est 真话容易说

[the language of truth is simple]

* ver non semper viret 春天不会持久;花无百日红

* versus 对;诉

* vexata quaestio 争论的问题

* via media 中庸之道

* via publica [a public road] 公路;公用道路

* via trita, via tuta 路平才会安全

* vicarius non habet vicarium 代理人不得请他人代理

[a deputy cannot have a deputy;

a delegated power cannot be again


* vice versa (v.v.) 反之亦然;反过来;反过来也是一样;

[with the order changed; conversely] 反之;反过来说

* victori honor 光荣归于胜利者

* victus, victori in expensis condemnatus est 败诉一方负担他方费用

[he who loses the suit pays costs to his


* vide [see] 见;参看

* vide ante [see above] 见前;见上文

* vide et crede 见了才会相信

* vide infra [see below] 见下文;见后;见下;参看下文

* videlicet (viz.) 即;就是说

* vide post [see below] 见后;见下文

* vide supra [see above] 见上文;见前;见上

* vide ut supra 见上文;参看上文

* vi dijectio 强暴行为

[a throwing down by force; an act of


* vi et armis [with force and arms] 用暴力;用武力

* vigilantibus, et non dormientibus jura 法律帮助的是警觉的人,不是疏忽的 subveniunt 人

[the law help those who are watchful and

not those who go to sleep]

* vigilantibus jura sunt scripta 明文规定权利,以资慎重

* vim vi repellere licet, modus fiat moderamine 用武力抵抗武力是合法的,但应以纯 inculpatae tutelae, non ad sumendam 粹自卫为限度,不为报复,而为 vindictum, sed ad propulsandum injuriam 防止损害

[it is lawful to repel force by force,

provided it be done with the moderation

of blameless defense, not for the purpose

of taking revenge, but to ward off injury]

* vincit amor patriae 爱国心必胜

* vincit omnia veritas 真理战胜一切

[truth conquers everything]

* vincit veritas 真理必胜

* vinculum juris [a bond of law] 法律义务;法律约束

* vinculum matrimonii [the bond of matrimony] 婚约

* violenta non durant [violence does not last] 暴力不能永久存在

* viribus unitis [with united strength] 共同努力地;齐心协力地;力量在于 团结

* vir sapit qui pauca loquitur 智者寡言

[he is a wise man who speaks but little]

* virtute officii [by virtue of office] 依据职权;当然

* vis a fronte 前面来的推动力;迎头痛击;阻力

[a propelling force from before; a frontal


* vis animi [strength of the soul] 勇气;意志力量

* vis armata 武力

[armed force; force exerted by means of

arms or weapons]

* vis a tergo [a propelling force from behind] 从后面来的推动力;推力 * vis comica 引人发笑的本领

* vis conservatrix 自卫能力

* vis consili expers mole ruit sua 有勇无谋,自己吃亏

[force devoid of counsel is crushed by its

own weight]

* vis elastica [elastic force] 弹力

* vis formativa 构成力

* vis inertiae 惰性;惰力;习惯势力

[the power of inertia; passive resistance

to force applied]

* vis in situ 静力

* vis legibus est inimica 暴力违背法律

[violence is inimical to the laws]

* vis major 不可抗力

[a greater or superior force; an irresistible

force; force majeure]

* vis medicatrix naturae 自然的治愈能力

[the healing power of nature]

* vis mortua [dead force] 死势

* vis motiva [motive power] 原动力

* vis obligandi 拘束力

* vis ratione 理智力

* vis unita fortior [united strength is stronger] 团结增加力量;团结起来力量更大 * vis vitae (or vitalis) [vital force] 生活力;活力

* vis viva [living force; kinetic energy] 活力;活势;工作能力;活劲 * vita brevis, ars longa 生命是短促的,艺术是永存的

* vitam impendere vero 为求真理,不惜牺牲生命;为真理而

[to risk one's life for the truth] 献身

* vita sine litteris mors est 生而不学等于死

[life without learning is death]

* vivat, crescat, floreat 祝(他)生存、发展、繁荣 * viva voce 口头

[with the living voice; by word of mouth]

* vixit 死于 .... 年[墓碑用语]

* vix ulla lex fieri potest quae omnibus 法律不能适用一切情况,如能适用大 commoda sit, sed si majori parti 多数情况,即是有用 prospiciat, utilis est

[scarcely any law can be made which is

adapted to all, but, if it provide for the

greater part, it is useful]

* vocare ad curiam [to summon to court] 法院传讯

* vocatio in jus [a summoning to court] 法院传讯

* volens nolens 不管愿不愿意;愿意也好,不愿意也

[willing or not willing; willy-nilly] 好

* volenti non fit injuria 同意即不构成侵害;出于自愿的事,

[he who consents cannot receive an injury] 不算侵害;周瑜打黄盖,一个愿 打,一个愿挨

* volo, non valeo [I am willing but unable] 我心有余而力不足

* voluntas et propositum distinguunt maleficia 有意图,有预谋的目的,就是犯罪

[the will and the proposed end distinguish


* voluntas habetur pro facto 意图即是行为

[the will is taken for the deed]

* voluntas in delictis, non exitus spectatur 犯罪行为,应追究其意图,不追究其

[in crimes, the will, and not the 结果

consequence, is looked to]

* voluntas reputatur pro facto 意图即是行为

[the intention is to be taken for the deed]

* vox audita perit, litera scripta manet 口说无凭,立约为据

[the voice that is heard perishes, the letter

that is written abides]

* vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet 口说无凭,立约为据

[the spoken flies, the written letter remains]

* vox populi 人民的声音;民意;舆论

* vox populi, vox Dei

[the voice of people is the voice of God] * vulnus combusti * vulnus contusum * vulnus electricum * vulnus glandis * vulnus morsum * vultus animi janua et tabula * vultus est index animi

[the face is the mirror of the soul]

民意即是天意 火伤;烧伤 打伤 电伤 弹创伤 咬伤 面孔反映心情 人面反映内心

四 : 拉丁文常用语中文翻译

* ab abrupto (= ex abrupto) [suddenly] 事前未经准备;即席

* ab absurdo [from the absurd] 依据荒谬的论点;归谬法[逻辑] * ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia 不正当使用得出无效结论

[a conclusion as to the use of a thing from

its abuse is invalid; the consequences of

abuse do not apply to general use]

* ab aeterno [since the beginning of time] 自从时间开始以来;自从有历史以来 * abalienatio 让渡;转让

* abalienatio mentis 精神错乱

* abandum 没收物;扣押物;遗弃物[有排除法 律保障之意]

* ab antiquo [from antiquity; from ancient time] 自古;自古以来

* ab asino lanam 从驴子身上拔羊毛;冷酷的人的同情

[wool from an ass; blood from a stone] [比喻]

* abatementum 横夺财产;强夺财产

* abeunt studia in mores 习由性成;习惯成自然;事业陶冶性

[studies change into habits; pursuits 格

assiduously followed become habits]

* ab extra [from outside] 从外部;外来;来自外部 * ab extrinseco [from the outside] 从外部;外来;外在

* ab hoc et ab hac 杂乱无章

* ab hoc et ab hac et ab illa 这个那个,说个不清

[from this man and this woman and

that woman; from here, there, and

everywhere; confusedly]

* ab hodierno [from today] 从今日起

* abiit ad majores (or plures) 他去世了

[he has gone to his ancestores (the

majority); he is dead]

* ab imo pectore 出自内心;出于肺腑;肺腑之言

[from the bottom of the heart]

* ab inconvenienti 反证;反证法[从反面证明];以不

[from inconvenience; designating an 便故

argument designed to show that the

opposite construction is untenable

because of the inconvenience or

hardship it would create]

* ab incunabulis 从襁褓中;自幼

[from cradle; from infancy]

* ab initio [from the beginning] 自始;从开头;从开始起;从头开始 * ab intestato 无遗嘱的继承[遗产]

[from or by a person dying without a

valid will]

* ab intra [from within] 从内部;自内

拉丁语翻译 拉丁文常用语中文翻译

* ab invito 非出于自愿;不情愿地

[by an unwilling person; unwillingly]

* ab irato 出于一时气愤;在愤怒之下

[from an angry man; in a fit of anger]

* ab limine [from the outset] 从开始;自始

* abnormis sapiens 无师自通的哲学家;天生的哲学家

[a philosopher of no particular school;

a natural-born philosopher]

* a bove majori discit arare minor 老牛耕小牛学;老公鸡怎么叫,小公

[from the older ox the younger learns 鸡怎么学;子学父样 to plow; as the old cock crows, the

young one learns]

* ab origine [from the origin] 自始;从头;从起源 * ab ovo 自始;从开始

[from the egg; from the beginning]

* ab ovo usque ad mala 自始至终

[from the egg to the apples; from

beginning to end]

* abscissio infiniti 排他法[逻辑]

[the cutting off of the infinite

(or negative part); the systematic

comparison and rejection of

hypotheses until the true conclusion

is reached]

* absens haeres non erit 不在场者不得为继承人

[the man who is absent will not be an heir]

* absens reo (abs re) 被告不在;被告未到庭

[the defendant being absent]

* absenti febri (abs febr) 不发烧时[医学]

* absente reo 在被告缺席的情况下

* absit invidia 请不要介意;请勿见怪;不是有意的

[let there be no ill will; take it not amiss;

no offence intended]

* absit omen [may this not be an omen] 但愿这不是恶兆

* absoluta sententia expositore non indiget 文字意义简明,无须解释

[an absolute sentence needs no expositor]

* absolvi animam meam 鞠躬尽瘁

* absque ulla conditione 无条件地

[without any condition]

* absurdum quippe est ut alios regat qui 不能管理自己,岂能管理别人;不能 seipsum regere nescit 治己,焉能治人

[it is certainly absurd that a man who

cannot rule himself should rule others]

* abundans cautela non nocet 尽量小心,总不会错

拉丁语翻译 拉丁文常用语中文翻译

[extreme care does no mischief]

* ab uno disce omnes [from one learn all] 由一斑而窥全豹;举一反三 * ab urbe condita (AUC) 罗马城建立后[罗马城约建于公元前

[from the founding of the city (ie Rome)] 七五三年];罗马纪元 * abusus non tollit usum 不正当用途不能取代正当用途

[abuse does not take away use; misuse

does not nullify proper use]

* abyssus abyssum invocat 一错再错;一误再误;一个错误引向

[one chasm leads to another; one mistake 另一个错误

leads to another]

* a capite ad calcem 从头到脚;彻头彻尾地

[from head to heel; completely;


* accedas ad curiam 准许上诉

[that you go to court; you may appeal

the case]

* acceptilatio 免除(债务)

* accessio [an increase or addition] 附属物;添附;进入

* accessio cedit principali 从物属于主物的所有人;附属物属于

[the accessory follows the principal] 主物

* accessio possessionis 财产的增加;财产的添附

[increase or addition of possessions]

* accessit 他(她)几乎得到(某种荣誉)

[he (or she) came near; honourable


* accessoriales [accessories] 从物

* accessorium sequitur suum principale 附属物随其主物

* accessorius sequitur naturam sui principalis 从犯的罪不能比主犯重

[an accessory follows the nature of his

principal; one who is accessory to a

crime cannot be guilty of a higher

degree of crime than his principal]

* accidentia 偶然因素

* accusare nemo se debet 谁都不须控告自己

[no one is obliged to incriminate himself]

* acervatim [in heaps; briefly] 简略地

* ac etiam [and also] 以及

* Acheruntis pabulum 注定要死的人;垂死的人

[food for Acheron; marked for death; food

for the gallows]

* a coelo usque ad centrum 土地所有者的权利范围[原意为从土

[from the heavens to the centre of the 地之上至上天,之下至地球中心, earth] 此原则已废];财产所有人的权 利范围

拉丁语翻译 拉丁文常用语中文翻译

* a contrarie 相反

* acribus initiis incurioso fine 虎头蛇尾;有始无终

* a cruce salus [salvation by the Cross] 靠十字架得救;十字架拯救世人 * acta est fabula [the play is over] 戏演完了;剧已终了;剧终 * acta jure gestionis [administrative acts] 行政法规

* acta sanctorum [deeds of the saints] 使徒言行录[记述基督教殉教者生平 的书]

* actio [action; suit; right of action] 诉讼;诉权

* actio conducti 承租人的控诉

[an action taken by the hirer of a thing

against the letter]

* actio de effusis vel de jectus 因自屋内抛弃东西致伤害他人而引起 的诉讼

* actio de pauperie 因动物加害于人而引起的诉讼 * actio depositis vel suspensi 因挂东西在街上致损害他人而引起的 诉讼

* actio doli 诈骗的诉讼

* actio in forma pauperis 贫困者取得法律援助的诉讼 * actio injurarium [action for injury] 对人格人体侵害的控诉

* actio in personam 对人的诉讼

* actio in rem 对物的诉讼

* actio negatoria 排除妨害所有权的诉讼

* actiones legis 合法行为

* actio pauliana 反对欺诈行为的诉讼

* actio personalis moritur cum persona 属人诉讼随当事人一起消灭;因当事

[a personal action dies with the person; 人死亡而结束的诉讼;人死罪不 a maxim meaning that rights of action 究;人死不起诉

arising out of torts are destroyed by the

death of the person injured or injuring]

* actio popularis 群众行动;共同行动

[common action; action of the people]

* actio pro socio 合伙人的控诉

[action of partnership (brought by one

partner against his associate)]

* actio quod metus causa 基于威胁行为的诉讼

* actore non probante reus absolvitur 原告不能证实案情,即应宣告被告无

[when the plaintiff does not prove his case, 罪

the defendant is acquitted]

* actori incumbit onus probandi 举证责任在于原告

[the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff]

* actori incumbit probatio 原告负举证的责任

[the burden of proof rests on the plaintiff]

* actor sequitur forum rei 原告随物所在地法院;原告应向被告

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[a plaintiff follows the court of the 的管辖法院提出控告


* actum Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不得归咎于人

[an act of God does wrong to no man;

an individual cannot be held responsible

for an act of God]

* actum est 一切都完了;终结

* actum ne agas 做过的事不要再做;不要重复

[don't do what has already been done]

* actus curiae nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[the act of the court does wrong to no


* actus curiae neminem gravabit 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[an act of the court shall prejudice no


* actus Dei nemini facit injuriam 自然灾害不是人的过错

[an act of God is prejudicial to no one;

the law holds no man responsible for the

act of God]

* actus injura (= actus injuria) 侵害行为;侵权行为;不当行为

[an act of injury]

* actus legis nemini facit injuriam 法院的行为不得损害任何一方

[the act of the court does wrong to no


* actus me invito factus, non est meus actus 非出于自愿的行为,不是本人行为

[an act I performed unwillingly is not my


* actus non facit reum nisi mens est rea 非有意犯罪的行为不算犯罪行为;无

[the act does not make a criminal useless 心之过不算犯罪

the intention is criminal]

* actus reus [wrongful act] 非法行为;犯罪行为;不正当的行为; 被告的行为

* a cuspide corona [from the spear a crown] 靠刀枪得天下;枪杆子出政权 * ad absurdum [to the absurd] 反证

* ad amussim 精确地;准确地

[according to a rule; accurately; exactly]

* ad aperturam libri 开卷第一章;书本打开的地方

[at the opening of the book; wherever the

book opens]

* ad arbitrium [at will; at pleasure] 随意;任意;随便地

* ad astra per aspera 刻苦成功;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人;

[to the stars through hardships] 苦尽甘来

* a dato [from the date] 从该日起

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* ad augusta per angusta 苦尽甘来;刻苦成功;不经困难,不

[to success through adversity; to honours 获胜利

through difficulties]

* ad baculum [(to appeal) to the rod] 威迫的(言论)

* ad calendas Graecas 决不会;永远不会;永远没有那么一

[on the Greek Calends; never] 天;束之高阁

* ad captandum vulgus 讨好群众的(言论);哗众取宠

[to please the crowd; in order to win over

the masses]

* ad cautelam [for caution's sake] 为谨慎起见

* ad clerum [to the clergy] (教会领袖)对神职人员的讲话[相 对于对一般信徒的讲话] * ad colaturam 一饮而尽

* ad crumenam 利诱的(话)

[(an appeal) to the purse or to one's

personal interests]

* ad curiam 在法庭上;上法院

* addendum [addition] 补遗;附录;增编

* adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit 积少成多;集腋成裘

[add little to little and there will be a great


* ad diem 至指定日期止

* a Deo et Rege [from God and the King] 出自上帝和国王[在中古时代,国王 自认为代表上帝行使职权,所以 一切圣旨都是上帝的意旨] * adeo in teneris consuescere multum est 习惯必须从幼年养成

[so imperative it is to form habits in early

years; as the twig is bent, the tree's


* a dessein (French) [intentionally] 故意地

* adeste, fideles [O come, all ye faithful] 来吧!所有信仰者[一首基督教赞 美歌的起首]

* ad eundem [to the same (degree)] 以同等程度;达到相同程度 * ad eundem gradum [to the same degree] 同样程度;相同程度

* ad extra [in an outward direction] 向外

* ad extremum [to the extreme; to the last] 到最后;毕竟;极端;后来;终于 * ad filum aquae 以河流中线为界

[to the thread (or centre) of the stream]

* ad filum viae [to the centre of the road] 以道路中线为界

* ad finem (ad fin) 至终;到最后

[to the end; at the end; finally]

* ad finem fidelis 忠心耿耿;忠贞不渝

* ad gloriam 为了荣誉

* ad gratam aciditatem (ad gra acid) 到适口的酸度[医学]

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* ad gustum [to one's taste] 合口味;投其所好;按自己喜欢的量 或样子

* ad hanc vocem (ahv) [at this word] 见此条[字典中参阅注]

* adhibenda est in jocando moderatio 开玩笑不可过分;谑而不虐

[moderatin is to be applied in jests; one

should employ restraint in his jests]

* ad hoc [for this (purpose)] 特设;专设;特别;临时;特设;专 案;为此;尤其

* ad hominem [to the man] 对人而不对事的;偏私的

[e.g. an argument ad hominem:


* ad honores [to one's honour; honorary] 名誉的;义务的

* adhuc sub judice lis est 案件未了;问题尚未解决

[the case is still before the judge]

* ad hunc locum (ahl) [at this place] 在此处

* ad idem [at the same (point); at one] 意见一致;协议;同一

* a die 即日起;从本日起

* a die confectionis [from the day of the making] 从缔约之日起

* a digniori fieri debet denominatio et resotio 一物的名称和说明应当根据或参照

[the title and exposition of a thing ought to 该物比较相称的等级、质量或 be derived from, or giving or made with 品种加以确定

reference to, the more worthy degree,

quality, or species of it]

* ad ignorantiam 迎合无知听众的(言论);强词夺理

[(an appeal) to one's ignorance] 的

* ad impossibilie nemo tenetur 任何人都不对不可能的事情负担责

[no one is held to the impossible] 任;不能强人所难

* ad infinitum (ad inf) 无限;无穷;永远

[to infinity; endlessly; without limit]

* ad initium [at the beginning] 在开端

* ad instar (ad inst) 仿效 ... ;类似 ...

[in the likeness of; resembling]

* ad instatiam partis [at the instance of a party] 经一方要求

* ad interim (ad int) 临时;暂时;暂行

[in the mean time; temporary]

* ad internecionem 诛灭净尽

* ad invitiam [to envy (or prejudice)] 偏私的;恶意的(辩论)

* adiratus 遗失;失物赔偿金

[strayed; lost; a price set upon a thing

stolen or lost, as a recompense]

* adjectus solutionis gratia 破产债务分配受领人

* ad judicium 合情合理的(辩论);出庭

[to common sense (said of an argument);

to court]

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* adjuvante Deo labor proficit 由于上帝的帮助,工作顺利进行

[with God's help, work propers]

* ad libitum (ad lib) 随意;按照自己的意志;无限制;悉

[at will; as one wishes; extemporaneously] 听尊便;随兴;任意[音乐] * ad limina (= ad limina apostolorum)

* ad limina apostolorum 到最高权威(那里解决)

[to the highest authority; to the thresholds

of the Apostles]

* ad litem [for the suit] 在诉讼上;诉讼的;关于诉讼的 * ad litteram (= ad literam) 照字句;逐字;照原文

[to the letter; to the last jot]

[to translate ad litteram: 直译]

* ad locum (ad loc.) [at or to the place] 在这里;现场[视察或表演] * ad majorem Dei gloriam (AMDG) 为上帝增光;愈显主荣

[to the greater glory of God: motto of the [耶稣会格言]

Society of Jesus]

* ad manum [at hand; ready for use] 在手边;准备妥当

* ad medium filum aqaue 以河流中间线为界的

* ad medium filum viae 以道路中间线为界的

* ad melius inquirendum 复验尸令

* ad misericordium 引人同情的(言论)

[to pity (said of an argument)]

* ad modum [in the manner of; like] 仿照;像;仿效

* ad multos annos [for many years] 多年以来;为了长久之计 * ad nauseam [to nausea; to the point of disgust] 讨厌;令人厌恶;令人作呕 * ad notam 请查照;备查

* ad notanda 请注意;应注意

* ad notata 附注;注释

* ad patres [gathered to his fathers; dead] 死亡;到祖先那里去;已故 * ad paucos dies [for a few days] 几天

* ad perpetuam rei memoriam 为了永久纪念这件事[教皇诏书开头

[for the perpetual remembrance of the 常用语]


* ad populum 讨好群众的(言论)

[to the people; to the passions and

prejudices of the people]

* ad praesens ovo cras pullis sunt meliora 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林

[eggs today are better then chickens

tomarrow; a bird in the hand is worth

two in the bush]

* adpromissiones 保证契约

* ad quaestionem facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决 ad quaestionem juris non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问 juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题

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* ad quaestiones facti non repondent judices; 法官不裁决事实问题,陪审员不判决 ad quaestiones legis non respondent 法律问题;法官无权决定案情问 juratores 题,陪审员无权决定法律问题

[in trial by jury, the judges do not decide [在陪审制度下]

questions of fact, nor the jury questions

of law]

* ad quem [for (or to) which (or whom)] 对此;对它;对他

* ad quod damnum [to what damage] 可能的损害调查令

* ad referendum 待请示;尚待核准;待进一步审议;

[for reference; for further consideration; 须进一步考虑;尚待复查 subject to approval]

* ad rem [to the matter in hand; to the point] 对物;贴切;中肯;得其要领;对事 而不对人

* ad respondendum 答辩

* ad respondendum quaestioni 答所问;答题似的

* adrogatio [adoption of a minor] 收养(儿童)

* ad saturationem 到饱和点

* adscriptus glebae 农奴

[(a person) bound to the soil; a serf]

* ad sectam (ads) [at the suit of] 在(某)案中;被 .... 控告

[B ads A: A控告B;A是原告,


* adstipulator 债权代理人

* adsum [I am here; present !] 在![点名被点到名时的回答] * ad summam [in a word; in short] 总之;简言之;简单地说 * ad summum 最高限度;到最高点;说到底

[to the highest point; to the utmost]

* ad unguem (factus) 精密;完美

[to a finger nail; to a nicety; accurately;


* ad unum omnes 全体;一致;异口同声

[all to one; to the last man; unanimously]

* ad usum [according to customs] 依照习惯;按照惯例

* ad usum Delphini 经过修订的

[for the Dauphin's use; expurgated]

* ad usum externum 外用[医学]

* ad usum internum 内服[医学]

* ad usum proprium 自用[医学]

* ad utrumque paratus 以防万一

[prepared for either eventuality; prepared

for the worst]

* ad valorem [according to the value] 按值;从价;照价

[ad valorem duty: 从价税]

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* ad verbum 逐字;一字不差地

[to a word; word for word; verbatim]

* adversa [things noted] 记下的事情

* adversaria 日记本;笔记簿

[that which has been turned to; a journal]

* adversa virtute repello 我鼓足勇气,排除万难

[I repel adversity by valor (or courge)]

* adversos etenim frangi non esse virorum 大丈夫不屈不挠

[real men are not vanquished by adversity]

* adversus solem ne loquitor 不要浪费时间与明显的事实争辩

[don't waste your time arguing the


* ad vitam 只要一息尚存;终身

[for life; for use during a person's life only]

* ad vitam aeternam [forever] 永远地;永生地

* ad vitam aut culpam 只要不犯错误,即可终身任职

[for life or until misbehavior]

* ad vivum [to the life; lifelike] 栩栩如生;逼真

* advocatus diaboli [devil's advocate] “魔鬼的辩护士”[指责圣列候补者的人]; 毁谤者;吹毛求疵的人;


* ad vocem 顺便地(提起、说说)

* aedificatum solo, solo cedit 土地上的建筑物是土地的一部分

[that which is built upon the land becomes

part of the land]

* aeger [sick; an invalid] 生病;病人

* aeger amore [lover's disease] 相思病

* aegrescit medendo 病情越医越坏;越弄越糟

[he grows worse with the treatment]

* aegra amans [lover's disease] 相思病

* aegri somnia [a sick man's dream] 痴心妄想

* aegri somnia vana [a sick man's idle dreams] 痴人说梦;痴心妄想

* aegrotat (病人要求请假用的)医生证明

[a note from the doctor; he (or she) is sick]

* aequabiliter et diligenter 稳而勤

* aequam memento rebus in arduis servare 危难时记得保持冷静


[remember to keep calm in time of trouble]

* aequam servre mentem 保持冷静

[to keep a unruffled mind; to keep one's


* aequitas est quasi aequalitas 顾名思义,公平即是平等

[equity is, as it were, equality]

* aequitas factum habet quod fieri opportuit 应该做的已经做了,便是公平

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[equity considers that to have been done

which ought to have been]

* aequitas non facit jus, sed juri auxiliatur 公平并非法律,而只是补充法律

[equity does not make law, but assists law]

* aequitas nunquam contravenit legis 公平从不违反法律

* aequitas sequitur legem 法律第一,公平第二

[equity follows the law (ie, follows

common-law principles, except where

injustice and fraud would ensue)]

* aequo animo [with a calm mind; calmly] 平心静气;处之泰然 * aequo pulsat pede 死无贵贱之分

[(Pale Death) knocks with equal foot]

* aequum et bonum est lex legum 公平和善良是法律的法律(法律的基

[what is equitable and good is the of law 本原则)

law of laws]

* aere perennius 永垂不朽

[more lasting than brass; everlasting]

* aes alienum [money beloning to other; debt] 债款;债务

* aes triplex 钢铁般的意志;不移的决心

[triple brass; strong defense; great courage]

* aetatis suae [of his (or her) age] 他(或她)的年纪

[died aetatis suae 37 (or AS 37): 享年37]

* aeternum servans sub pectore vulnus 永远怀恨在心;心怀宿怨

[nursing an everlasting wound within the


* aeternum vale [farewell forever] 永别;永诀

* aethiopem lavare 白费工夫;徒劳无功

* affectus punitur licet non sequatur effectus 意图犯法,虽未犯法也应惩罚

[the intention is punished, although the

consequence is does not follow;

a man may be punished for an attempt

to commit a crime]

* affines [connections by marriage] 姻亲

* affirmanti non neganti incumbit probatio 举证责任在确认事实者而不在否认事

[the burden of proof lies upon him who 实者;举证责任在控诉者,不在 affirms, not upon him who denies] 辩护者

* affirmatim [in the affirmative] 肯定

* affirmatio unius est exclusio alterius 肯定其一,便是排斥其他 * a fortiori 更加;尤其;何况;更有理由;更不

[with stronger reason; more conclusively] 必说

* a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi 前无去路,后有追兵

[between the devil and the deep blue sea;

a precipice in front, wolves behind]

* agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur 行为者与同意者应受同等惩罚

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[acting and consenting parties are liable to

the same punishment]

* agenti incumbit probatio 举证责任在于原告

[the burden of proof rests on the accuser]

* age quod agis 专心工作;做事留心;审慎将事

[do what you are doing; attend to the work

you have at hand; pay attention to what

you are doing]

* ager privatus 私人土地;私地

* ager publicus [public domain] 公共土地;公地

* aggregatio mentium 意见一致

* agnatio [relationship on the father's side] 父系血亲;宗族

* agnus Dei [lamb of God] 上帝的羔羊[指耶稣]

* a latere [from the side; collateral] 随从(使者)[宗教];旁系亲属 * albae gallinae filius 幸运儿

[a lucky devil; a son of a white hen]

* albo lapillo notare diem 当作快乐的日子;择为吉日

[to mark the day with a white stone;

to mark as a lucky day]

* alea jacta est [the die is cast] 事情已经决定;吾意已决;下定决心; 破釜沉舟

* a lemine 一开始就;马上就

* alere flammam [to feed the flame] 火上加油

* alias dictu [otherwise called] 又称为;别名

* alia tendanda via est 必须另寻途径;必须另外设法

[another way must be tried]

* alibi 不在现场(证据);借口;托辞

[elsewhere; in another place; an excuse]

* alienatio rei praefertur juri accrescendi 法律奖励物品的让与,重于物品的储

[alienation is favoured by the law rather 存

than accumulation]

* aliena vitia in oculis habemus; a tergo nostra只看见别人的缺点,看不见自己的缺

[another's faults are before our eyes; our 点;明于察人,暗于知己 our own are behind us]

* alieni appetens, sui profusus 觊觎他人财产,浪费自己财物

[covetous of another's possessions, lavish

of his own]

* alieni generis [of a different kind] 属于不同种类

* alieni juris 受监护人

[under another's authority; not possessing

full legal power]

* alieno nomine possidere 代理人代被代理人管理占有物 * alieno solo 在别人土地上

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[in the land of another; on other's land]

* a l'impossible nul n'est tenu (French) 任何人都不需承担责任去从事不可

[no one is bound to do what is impossible] 能的事情

* alio intuitu [from another point of view] 从另一角度来看;从另一观点来看 * aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus 智者千虑必有一失;虽圣贤亦难免有

[sometimes even the good Homer nods; 错

the greatest are sometimes caught

napping; you can't win them all]

* aliquis in omnibus, nullus in singulis 样样能却无一样精;杂而不精的人;

[a somebody in general, a nobody in 三脚猫

particular; Jack of all trades, but must

of none]

* alis volat propriis 鸟飞靠己翼;自力更生

[she (or he) flies on her (or his) own wings]

* aliter [otherwise] 另外;另有(规定或决定) * alitur vitium vivitque tegendo 隐恶就是纵恶

[vice is nourished and lives by secrecy]

* aliude corde premunt, aliud ore promunt 他们心里想的是一事,说出来的是另

[they hide one thing in their heart, but 一事;他们心口不一 another comes from their mouth]

* aliud est celere, aliud tacere 隐瞒不同于缄默

* aliud et idem 即此一物

* aliud pro alio 一个代替一个

* aliunde 从其他地方;自其他来源

* allegans contraria non audiendus est 自相矛盾的人不予听取;言语矛盾的

[a person making contradictory allegations 人,不可听信

is not to be listened to]

* allegans contraria non est audiendus 自相矛盾的人不予听取;言语矛盾的 人,不可听信

* allegari non debuit quod probatum non relevat 无关证据,不应提出

[that which, if proved, would not be

relevant ought not to be alleged]

* allegata et probata [things alleged and proved] 供词与证据

* allocutus 不服判罪理由的陈述

* allodium 绝对所有权

* alluvio 冲积

* alma mater [foster mother; nourshing mother] 母校;祖国

* alma parens 祖国;母校

* altera pars 另一方;对方

* alter ego [another self; bosom friend] 知己;心腹;亲信;密友;知交 * alter ego est amicus 朋友是第二个我

* alter idem [another eactly similar; another self] 酷似;又一个相似的

* alter ipse amicus [a friend is a second self] 朋友就像自己;待友如己;朋友是第二 个我;朋友是我的化身

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* alteri sic tibi [do to another as to thyself] 推己及人;己所不欲,勿施于人;待自 己像待别人一样

* alteri stipulari nemo potest 不论何人均不得替别人订约

[no one can make an agreement for others]

* alternis horis (a.h.) 每两小时;隔一小时

* alterum alterius auxilio eget 两者相辅相成;相互帮助;取长补短

[one thing needs the help of another]

* alterum tantum 两倍;加倍

[as much again; twice as much]

* altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi 本事越小,吹嘘越大

[still waters run deep; the deepest rivers

flow with the least sound]

* alto et basso [high and low] 大小(事情、争端)

* alumnus [nursling; foster child] 乳婴;养子;校友

* alveus derelictus 废河床

* amantes amentes [lovers are lunatics] 因爱成狂;情近乎痴

* amantes sunt amentes [lovers are lunatics] 陷入情网的人,都是疯子

* amantium irae 情人间的吵架

* amantium irae amoris integratio est 情人吵架,吵过就好

[lovers' quarrel is the renewal of love]

* amare et sapere vix deo conceditur 即使神陷入爱情的时候,也很难保持

[even a god finds it hard to love and be 清醒

wise at the same time]

* amari aliquid 略带苦味

[something bitter; a touch of bitterness]

* a maximis ad minima 从大到小;自最大的至最小的;事无

[from the greatest to the least] 巨细(他都关心)

* ambigendi locus [room for doubt] 尚有疑问;值得怀疑

* ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces 造谣惑众

* ambiguitas verborum latens verificatione 文字中不明确之处,可以举出证据来 suppletur, nam quod ex facto oritus 阐明;由于外在的事实引起的不 ambiguum verificatione facti tollitur 明确,可以由外在的证据来说明

[a latent ambiguity in the language may be

removed by evidence; for any ambiguity

arising from an extrinsic fact may be

explained by extrinsic evidence]

* ambiguitas verborum patens nulla verificatione显然不明确之处,不能举出外在证据 excluditur 来阐明

[a patent ambiguity cannot be cleared up by

extrinsic evidence]

* ambulatoria est voluntas defuncti usque ad 立遗嘱人临终前仍可变更其遗嘱 vitae supremum exitum

* a mensa et thoro (or toro) (夫妻的)分居;维持夫妻关系但分居

[from bed and board; legal separation] [原意为不共寝食]

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* amici probantur rebus adversis 患难之交才是真正的朋友

[friends are proved by adversity]

* amicitia sine fraude [friendship without fraud] 真挚的友谊

* amicus amico 热情待朋友;在友好的气氛中 * amicus certus in re incerta cernitur 患难之交,才是朋友;患难知朋友

[a sincere friend is discovered in an

uncertain issue; a friend in need is a friend


* amicus curiae 法庭之友;法院之友;法官的顾问;

[a friend of the court; a person appointed 协助法庭解释某种法律问题的人 by a judge to assist by giving advice in the

handling of a legal case; an impartial

spokesman in a court of law]

* amicus est tanquam alter idem 朋友就像自己;待友如己

[a friend is, as it were, a second self]

* amicus humani generis 人类之友;仁人;慈善家

[a friend of the human race; a


* amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas 我爱柏拉图,但我更爱真理

[Plato is dear to me, but truth is dearer


* amicus usque ad aras 言听计从的朋友;心腹之交

[a friend as far as altars (ie. in everything

but what is contrary to one's religion);

a friend to the last degree]

* a minori ad majus 从小到大 [推理]

[from the less to the greater]

* amissum quod nescitur non amittitur 不知道的损失,根本不算损失

[the loss that is unknown is no loss at all]

* amittere curiam 丧失出庭权利

[to loss the court; to be deprived of the

privilege of attending the court]

* amor [love] 爱

* amor gignit amorem [love begets love] 爱生爱;爱人者人亦爱之 * amor habendi [love of possessing] 占有欲

* amor magnus doctor est 爱能诲人

[love is a great teacher]

* amor nummi [love of money; cupitity] 贪财

* amor patriae 爱国心;爱国主义

[love of one's country; patriotism]

* amor proximi [love of one's neighbour] 睦邻

* amor sceleratus habendi 万恶的占有欲

[accursed love of possessing]

* amor vincit omnia [love conquers all] 爱情征服一切

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* amoto quaeramus seria ludo 闲话休说,言归正传

[setting raillery aside, let us now give

attention to serious matters]

* amo ut invenio 见一个爱一个;到处留情

[I love as I find (or light upon)]

* ancilla theologiae 神学的陪衬物[指哲学]

[the handmaid of theology; philosophy]

* anguillam cauda tenes 骑虎难下;吃力不讨好

[you hold an eel by the tail]

* anguis in herba 潜伏的敌人;隐藏的危险;内奸;

[a snake in the grass; an unsuspected 草中之蛇;隐伏的危机 danger; a disloyal friend; a hidden danger]

* aniles fabellae [old wives' tales] 荒唐故事;无稽之谈

* aniles fabulae 荒诞不经之谈

* anima in animicis una 朋友中只有一条心

* animal bipes implume 没有羽毛的两腿动物

[a two-legged animal without feather [柏拉图为人类下的定义] (Plato's definition of man)]

* animal disputans [an argumentative person] 好争论的人;好争论的人类 * animal rationale [a reasoning person] 会讲理的人;会讲理的人类 * animis opibusque parati 不惜一切;准备牺牲一切;预备舍命

[ready for anything; prepared in minds and 弃财


* animo et facto [in intention and fact] 在意图上和事实上

* animo et fide [with courage and faith] 以勇气和信心;从勇和信

* animo, non astutia [by courage, not by craft] 不靠诡计而靠勇气;恃勇不恃谋;从 勇不从诈

* animus [mind] 意图;意向;心智

* animus aggressionis 侵略意向;侵略的意图

* animus belligerendi 交战意向;开战的意图

* animus cancellandi [intention of canceling] 取消的意图;解除的意图;有废除的 意向;想要解除

* animus capiendi 取得的意向;取得的意图;想要取得

[the intention of taking or capture]

* animus contrahendi 订约的意向;想要订约

* animus delelinquendi 抛弃的意图

[the intention of abandoning]

* animus deserendi 有遗弃(配偶)的意向

* animus disponendi 处理的意向

* animus domini [intention to be the owner] 所有的意向;占有的意图 * animus et factum 意向和行动的结合

* animus furandi [the intention to steal] 劫夺的意向;劫掠意图;意图盗窃; 盗窃之心

* animus imponentis 著述之意;著作人的心

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* animus injuriandi [intention of injuring] 伤害的意图;意图伤害

* animus lucrandi [intention of making a profit] 图利之心

* animus manendi [the intention of remaining] 居留的意向;居留的意图;居住意思 * animus meminisse horret 回想起来,感觉恐怖;思之犹栗

[my soul shudders at the recollection]

* animus non deficit aequus 心神镇定,不会差错

[a well-balanced mind is not wanting;

equanimity does not fail us]

* animus occupandi 占领意向

* animus possidendi [the intention of possessing] 占有意向;占有意图;意图占有 * animus recipiendi [the intention of receiving]接受的意向;有意接受;接受的意图 * animus remanendi 居留的意向;居留的意图;居住意思

[the intention of remaining]

* animus revertendi 回归的意向;回归的意图;取回的意图

[intention of returning (for something left behind)]

* animus revocandi [intention of revoking] 废除的意向;有撤消的意图;废除的 意图;意图废除

* animus tenendi [intention to hold] 持有的意图

* animus testandi [intention of making a will] 立遗嘱的意图

* anni currentis 本年

* anni nubiles 婚年

* anno aetatis suae (AAS) 享寿[写在死者年龄后面];自他出

[in the year of his (or her) age] 世以来;当他有生以来 * anno ante Christum [in the year before Christ] 公元前;耶稣降生前


* anno Christi 公元 ..... 年;耶稣降生后

* anno Domini (AD) [in the year of our Lord] 公元;公元 ..... 年;耶稣降生后; 基督纪元

* anno Hegirae (AH) [in the year of hegira] 伊斯兰纪元[公元622年7月16日 为伊斯兰纪元元年1 月1 日]; 回历纪元

* anno mundi (AM) [in the year of the world] 上帝创造世界以来[基督教神学家认 为上帝创造世界于公元前四零零四年]; 开天辟地以来

* anno regni (AR) [in the year of the reign] 今上登基以来

* anno urbis conditae (cf: ab urbe condita) 在罗马建城那一年;罗马纪元[传说

[in the year of the founding of the city] 罗马建城于公元前七五三年] * annuit caeptis 他赞成我们的事业

* Annuit coeptis 神佑我邦

[He (God) has smiled on our undertakings

(motto on the Great Seal of the United


* annus luctus [year of mourning] 一年丧期

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* a novo 重新

* ante 前面

* ante barbam doces senes 少年而为老年的楷模;少年老成

[You teach old men before your beard

has come]

* ante bellum [before the war] 战前

* ante Christum (AC) [before Christ] 公元前

* ante cibos 饭前

* ante cibum [before meals] 饭前

* ante diem [before the appointed day] (ad) 在限期以前;到期以前;在这天以前 * ante factum 事前(行为);在事实发生之前

[before the fact; done before; a previous


* ante jentaculum (aj) 早饭前

* ante litem notam 在诉讼开始以前;诉讼前

[before litigation has commenced]

* ante lucem [before daybreak] 天亮以前;拂晓;黎明前 * ante meridiem (AM; am) [before noon] 上午;午前

* ante mortem [before death] 逝世前;死前

* ante omnia [before all things] 高于一切

* ante tubam trebidat 临阵战栗;临阵胆怯;闻号角声而发

[he trembles before the trumpet (battle)] 抖

* ante usum agitetur (a.u. agit.) 使用前振荡;用时摇匀

* ante victoriam ne canas triumphum 胜负未决,先别得意;不要过早乐观

[do not sing your triumph before the


* anti manifesto (交战国的)自卫宣言

[a term used in international law to denote

a proclamation or manifesto published by

one of two belligerent powers, alleging

reasons why the war is defensive on its


* antenatus 婚前所生子女

* antiqua homo virtute et fide 古道之人

* antiquo 照旧

* a parte ante 由前部;自前方

* aperto libro 流畅地;流利地;不用准备地 * aperto vivere voto 随心所欲地生活;纵情生活

[to live with unconcealed desire]

* apex juris 法律微妙之点

[the summit of the law; a legal subtlety;

close technicality]

* apologia pro vita sua [a defense of his life] 自辩书

* a posse ad esse [from possibility to reality] 从可能变为事实;从计划到实现;自

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* a posteriori 归纳的;自果溯因的;凭经验的;体

[from the latter; from effect to cause; 验出来的;逆推地;根据经验地; inductive; empirical] 后天地

* apparatus belli [material of war] 战争物质;军需品;军用品;军需 * apparatus criticus (书中的)研究材料

[reference books, text, etc. for use in

literary work; critical apparatus]

* apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto (文学作品)言中无物

[here and there, men are seen swimming

in the vast abyss]

* appetitus rationi pareat 应以理智克制欲望

[let your desires be governed by reason]

* applicatio 适用;申请

* applicatio est vita regulae 适用是规则的生命

* applicatio externa 外用法(药)

* applicatio interna 内用法(药)

* applicatio medica 用药法

* apprehensio 拘押

* apprenticii ad legem 见习律师

* a primo 从开始;从第一

* a primo ad ultimum [from first to last] 自始至终

* a principio [from the beginning] 自始;从开始

* a priori 演绎的;先验的;武断的;无理的;

[from the former; from cause to effect; 自因溯果的;先天的;一开始; deductive; presumptive] 刚接触时

* a propos [French] 适当地

* aqua (Aq or aq) 水

* aqua cedit solo 土地上的水属于土地

[what goes with the soil; the ownership of

water goes with that of the soil beneath]

* aqua currit et debet currere 流水无主权,只有使用权

[water flows and ought to flow; there is no

property in running water, only right to

use it]

* aqua ammoniae 氨水

* aqua destillata 蒸馏水

* aqua destillata sterilis 无菌蒸馏水

* aqua et igne interdictus 严禁接近水火

* aqua fortis 硝酸

* aqua pro injectione 注射用水

* aqua regia 王水

* aqua rosae 玫瑰水

* aqua vitae 酒精;烈性酒;烧酒;白兰地

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* aquilla non capit muscas 老鹰不捉苍蝇;强不凌弱;杀鸡不用

[an eagle does not catch flies] 牛刀;大人物不管小事 * a quo [from which] 开始;起

[court a quo: 原审法院]

* arbiter bibendi 宴会主持人;主祝酒者

[the judge of the drinking; toastmaster]

* arbiter elegantiae (or elegantiarum) 服饰风度鉴识家

[a judge of elegance; a supreme authority

in matters of taste]

* arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum 前人种树,后人吃果 adspiciet bacam ipse numquam

[the diligent farmer plants trees the fruit of

which he will never see]

* arbor vitae 常青树

* Arcades ambo 一丘之貉;一对傻瓜;两个同嗜好的

[both Arcardians; friends of similar tastes; 人;两个气味相投的人 jocosely, two simpletons]

* arcana caelestia 宇宙秘密;天机莫测;上天的秘密

[heavenly secrets; celestial mysteries]

* arcana imperii [state secrets] 国家机密

* ardentia verba 热烈赞扬的话;生动的语言

[words that burn; glowing words]

* arena sine calce 语无伦次

[sand without lime; incoherent speech]

* a retro [behind; in arrear] 延;拖欠

* argilla quidvis imitaberis uda 湿的黏土容易捏成任何形状

[you may easily model anything with moist


* arguendo 在辩论中

* argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur 论证贵精不贵多

* argumentum ad baculum 威迫的言论;诉诸棍棒;暴力主义

[an argument with a cane; an appeal to the


* argumentum ad crumenam 利诱的话;使对方注意到金钱利益的

[an appeal to one's purse] 言论

* argumentum ad hominem 对人的辩论方式[指出对方辩论者的 弱点而攻击之]

* argumentum ad ignorantiam 迎合无知听众的言论;根据对方不明

[an appeal to one's ignorance] 事实真相而发表的的言论 * argumentum ad invidiam 诉诸偏见

* argumentum ad misericordiam 乞怜的言论

[an appeal to one's sympathy]

* argumentum a simili valet in lege 根据类似案例提出的论点,在法律上

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[an argument from a like case is good in 是有效的


* argumentum baculinum 威迫的言论;诉诸棍棒;暴力主义;

[an argument with a cane; an appeal to the 用武力来证实;压服 stick]

* argumentum e contrario 反面的论证

* argumentum e fortiori 合理的论证;顺理成章的论证 * arma accipere 受封为骑士(或爵士);晋爵

[to receive arms; be made a knight]

* arma dare 封为骑士(或爵士)

[to receive arms; make a man a knight]

* arma pacis fulcra 军备是和平的支柱

[arms are the props of peace]

* arma tuentur paces [arms maintain peace] 武力维持和平

* arrectis auribus [with ears pricked up] 竖起耳朵来听;洗耳恭听 * arrha (= arrae) [earnest money] 定金

* arrhae 结婚时的赠品

* arrha poenalis 违约定金不归还

* ars est celare artem 有艺能而不露乃为真艺能;能鹰隐爪 * ars gratia artis 为艺术而艺术

* ars longa, vita brevis [art is long, life is shprt]人生短促,艺术不朽;人生有限而艺 术无穷

* arte perire sua 作法自毙;作茧自缚

[to perish by one's own cunning; be caught

in one's own trap]

* artes liberales [liberal arts] 文科;高等学艺;自由艺术 * artium baccalaureus (AB) 学士[学位]

* artium magister (AM) 硕士[学位]

* a sacris 禁止举行圣祭[宗教]

* a simili 类似

* asinus ad lyram 黔驴操琴;拙劣荒谬

* asinus asino, et sus sui pulcher 惺惺相惜;物以类聚

[an ass is beautiful to an ass and a pig to

a pig]

* asinus asinum fricat [asses rub each other] 互相标榜;相互吹捧;两人相互吹嘘; 驴与驴相争

* asinus in unguento 驴入香群;冒充;假充

* asportavit 窃取;窃走

* assignatus utitur jure auctoris 受让人享有让与人的权利

[the assignee is possessed of the rights of

his principal]

* assumpsit 要求赔偿违约所受损失的诉讼

[he undertook; a suit to recover damages

for breach of a contract or actionable

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* atra cura [black care] 忧郁症

* at spes non fructa [but hope is not broken] 希望没有完全破灭

* auctor pretiosa facit 礼轻人意重;物轻人重;物因馈而贵

[the giver makes (the gifts) precious]

* audaces fortuna juvat 勇敢的人运气好;英雄造时势;幸运

[fortune favours the brave] 帮助勇者

* audax et celer 勇敢敏捷

* audendo magnus tegitur timor 色厉内荏

[great fear is concealed by a show of


* audentes fortuna juva 胆子大,运气就好;幸运帮助勇者

[fortune favours the bold]

* audi alteram partem [hear the other side] 听取另一方的陈述;听取他方理由; 另一方的话也要听

* audiatur et altera pars 必须听取另一方;且听他方陈述;不

[let the other side also be heard] 要只听一面之词;兼听则明 * audita querella 准许被告上诉(令)

[the complaint having been heard; a

common law writ giving the defendant

leave to appeal]

* aura popularis 民望;众望

* aura populis [popular breeze; popular favour] 民心反复无常

* aurea mediocritas [the golden mean] 中庸之道;不富不贫胜于一切 * aurea rumpunt tecta quietem 贵为帝王者寝不安席

[golden palaces break (or disturb) one's


* auribus teneo lupum [I have a wolf by a ear] 骑虎难下

* auri sacra fames [accursed craving for gold] 财迷心窍;爱财如命;酷爱金钱;思 财若渴

* aurora australis [southern dawn] 南极光

* aurora borealis [nothern dawn] 北极光;极光

* aurora musis amica 一日之计在于晨

* auspicium meriolis aevi 好日子的先兆;吉兆

[an omen of a better age; a pledge of

better times]

* aut Caesar aut nihil (or nullus) 只要第一,不要第二

[either or nothing; either first or nowhere]

* aut dedere, aut judicare 或引渡或审判;不引渡即审判

[either extradite or judge]

* aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, 不求学就退学;既不求学又不退学, caedi 就要挨打

[either or leave; a third choice remains

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(or is open to you) - to be flogged]

* aut inveniam viam aut faciam 千方百计

[I will either find a way or make one]

* aut mors aut victoria [death or victory] 不成功便成仁

* aut non tentaris, aut perfice 凡事应该彻底;做事应该有始有终

[either don't attempt it, or go through

with it]

* aut punire, aut dedere 或处罪或引渡;不惩罚即引渡

[either punish or extradite]

* aut reddere, aut punire 或引渡或惩罚;不引渡即惩罚

[either punish or extradite]

* autrefois acquit [French] 前经宣告无罪,不应再受审判 * autrefois convict [French] 前经定罪,不应再受审判 * aut vincere aut mori [victory or death] 不成功便成仁

* auxilium non leve vultus habet 面貌秀丽占尽便宜

[the face affords no inconsiderable aid;

a good face is a good recommendation]

* a verbis ad verbera [from words to blows] 言语不合,打将起来;先动口,后动 手;因口角而斗殴

* a verbis legis non est recendendum 法律文字不容变更;法律文字不容违

[the words of a statute must not be 反[多指法院不得支持假定的意 departed from] 图而随意不顾法律的文字] * a vinculo matrimonii 解除婚姻约束;解除婚姻;离婚

[from the bonds of marriage; a divorce]

* avito viret honore 承祖先余荫

[he flourishes upon ancestral honors]

* avocando jus 召回权

* avulsio 土地转位

* baccalaureus agriculturae (B Ag or B Agr) 农学士

* baccalaureus legum (BL or BLL) 法学士

* baccalaureus litterarum (B Litt) 文学士

* baccalaureus medicinae (BM) 医学士

* baccalaureus Musicae (B Mus) 音乐学士

* balneum calidum (baln cal) 温水浴

* bancus communium placitorum 高等民事法庭

[court of common pleas]

* bancus Regis [King's bench] 高等法院[英国] * barbae tenus sapientes 不懂装懂的人;冒牌专家

[men wise as far as their beards; men

who pretend to knowledge they do not


* basis virtutum constantia 坚贞为道德之本

[constancy is the foundation of the virtues]

* beatae memoriae [of blessed memory] 已经去世的;先;故

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* beati pacifici [blessed are the peacemakers] 使人和睦的人有福了


* beati pauperes spiritu 虚心的人有福了

[blessed are the poor in spirit]

* beati possidentes 有财产的人有福了[谑]

[happy are those who possess]

* bella, horrida bella [wars, horrid wars] 战争!可怕的战争! 兵凶战恶 * bella matribus detestata 母亲们憎恶战争

* bello parta cedunt reipublicae 由于战争而取得的,属于国家 * bellum 战争

* bellum internecinum 毁灭性的战争;自相残杀的战争;内

[internecine war; war of extermination] 战

* bellum justum 正义战争

* bellum lethale [deadly war] 生死战

* bellum omnium contras omnes 针对一切人的全面战争

* bellum omnium in omnes 全面战争

[a war of all against all]

* bene decessit [he died well; he died naturally] 他得善终;寿终正寝;有个好的结果 * benedictus benedicat 愿幸福者幸福!

* bene est tentares [it is as well to try] 不妨一试

* bene exeat 品行优良证书

["let him (or her) go forth well"; certificate

of good character]

* beneficium cedendarum actionum 代位债权

* beneficium divisionis 分担的利益

* beneficium emigrandi 移民利益

* beneficium ordinis 后诉的利益

* bene qui latuit bene vixit 隐居者生活安适

[well has he lived who has lived retired life]

* bene vale [farewell] 再会;再见;别了

* bene vale vobis [good luck to you] 祝你好运

* benevole vobis 愿你幸运!

* benigno numine 靠上帝帮助;赖天之助

[with favouring providence; by the favour

of heaven]

* bibere venemum in auro 用金杯喝毒药;表面受宠,实际受害

[to drink poison from a golden cup] [比喻]

* bis [twice] 再;二度;之一

* bis dat qui cito dat 即施倍与;给得快等于加倍地给;帮

[he gives twice who gives quickly] 人要帮得快;要雪中送炭 * bis in die 一日两次

* bis peccare in bello non licet 战争中不容许有两次错误;军事不容

[there must be no second blunder in war] 一误再误

* bis pueri senes [old men are twice children] 返老还童;老年人是第二期的孩子

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* bis repetita placent 重复使人合意[讽刺拙劣的作品只有 抄袭剽窃的那一部分使人合意] * bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria 胜而不骄,等于征服两次;胜而不骄

[he conquers twice who conquers himself 等于胜了两次

in victory]

* bis vivit qui bene 生活得好,等于活两辈子

[he lives twice who lives well]

* blandae mendacia linguae 阿谀谄媚;奉承的话

[the lies of a flattering tongue]

* bonae notae [meritorious] 优秀;优良

* bona fide [in good faith; genuine] 善意的;诚实的;诚意的;直率的 * bona fides [good faith] 诚意;守信;善意;诚实 * bona fides exigit ut quod convenit fiat 守信即须履行契约

[good faith requires that what has been

agreed upon shall be done]

* bona fides non partitur, ut bis idem exigatur 守信即是不许要求支付两次代价

[good faith does not allow one to exact his

pay twice]

* bona fiscalia [fiscal (or public) property] 公共财产

* bona gestura [good behavior] 良好的行为

* bona gratia [in all kindness] 十分亲切;非常客气

* bona immobilia [immovable property] 不动产

* bona mobilia [movable goods] 动产;消费品

* bona notabilia [noteworthy things] 贵重物品

* bona peritura [perishable goods] 易于腐烂的物品;容易损害的物品 * bona vacantia [unclaimed goods] 无主之物;无主财物,政府接管;没 有人来取的东西

* bona waviata 遗弃的赃物;弃赃

[stolen goods thrown away by a thief in his

flight for fear of being apprehended]

* boni et legales homines 善良守法的人;合格陪审员

[good and lawful men; qualified jurors]

* boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem 好法官必要时可扩大其管辖权 * boni judicis est causas litium dirimere 好的法官应该消除诉讼的原因

[a good judge should dissipate the causes

of litigation]

* boni judicis est lites dirimere, et interest 好的法官应该结束诉讼,为了国家的 reipublicae ut sint fines litium 利益,诉讼应该结束

[a good judge should end litigation, and

it is of interest to the state that litigation

should end]

* bonis nocit quisquis pepercerit malis 纵容坏人,即损害好人;纵恶欺善;

[whoever spares the bad injures the good] 姑息坏人,好人受害 * bonis non amovendis 禁止搬移财产(令)

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[that the goods be not removed]

* bonis quod bene fit haud perit 帮助好人总是有益

[whatener is done for good men is never

done invain]

* bonum publicum 公益

* bonum venum laetificat cor hominum 佳酒悦人心

* bos in lingua 难言之隐

[an ox on the tongue; a weighty reason

for silence]

* breve judicialia [judicial wyits] 法院的令状;司法令

* breve originale [an original writ] 诉讼开始令

* brevi manu [with a short hand; immediately] 立刻;立即;简单地;不用什么手续 地

* brevis esse laboror, obscurus fio 语焉不详

[in trying to be concise, I become obscure]

* brutum fulmen 虚张声势;空洞的威吓

[a harmless thunderbolt; vain display of

force; empty threat]

* cacoethes carpendi [a passion for criticizing] 好批评人的习惯

* cacoethes loquendi [mania for talking] 爱说话的脾气;多言;多说 * cacoethes scribendi 写字狂;写字癖

* cadit quaestio 问题无继续讨论余地;理论不能成立;

[the argument collapses (for want of 辩论结束;辩论告终;问题无须 proof); the question admits of no further 再讨论


* caeca invidia est [envy is blind] 妒忌是盲目的(行为);猜忌是不分 青红皂白的举动

* caelitus mihi vires 天授神力

[my strength is from heaven]

* caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare 走遍海角天涯,本性不改 currunt

[those who cross the sea change only their

climate, not their mind]

* caeteris paribus (= ceteris paribus) 在其他条件相同的情况下;余者皆同;

[equal in all other respects; other things 在同等条件下;其余情况都相同 being equal]

* calceus major subverit 鞋大容易跌倒;计划太大,不易执行

[a shoe too large trips the wearer]

* callida junctura 妙语

[skillful joining; cunning workmanship]

* candide et caute 既诚实又谨慎

* candide et constanter 既诚实又坚定

* canis in praesepti [dog in the manger] 狗占马槽

* canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet 胆小的狗,叫的时候多,咬人的时候

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[a cowardly dog barks more than it bites] 少

* cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator 没钱不怕拦路贼

[the penniless wayfarer will sing in the

presence of the highwayman; a penniless

man has nothing to loss]

* capias [thou mayest take; writ of arrest] 逮捕令;拘捕令;拘票

* capias ad audiendum judicium 传唤被告出庭听候宣判令;被告出庭

[thou mayest bring (the defendant) to hear 聆听判决(的传票) judgement; a writ issued to bring a

defendant to the court to receive sentence]

* capias ad respodendum 拘捕被控轻罪人以便提审令;逮捕被

[thou mayest bring (the defendant) to 告令

answer (the plaintiff); a writ issued for

the arrest of a person against whom an

indictment for misdemeanor has been

found, so that he may be arraigned]

* capias ad satisfaciendum (ca sa) 对未依判决清付赔偿的民事被告所颁

[thou mayest seize to satisfy damages; 发的拘捕令;逮捕债务人令 a writ whereby a defendant in a civil

action is arrested and held in prison until

payment is made]

* capias extendi facias 拘捕政府债务人并扣押其财产令 * capias pro fine 追缴罚金令

* capiat qui capere possit [let him take who can] 有本领的尽管拿去

* capitalis justiciarius [chief justice] 首席法官;法院院长

* capitis deminutio 人格减等;权利能力的丧失;公权的

[a diminishing of personality; a loss of a 丧失

man's legal qualification]

* capitula 条款

* captantes capti sumus 作茧自缚;作法自毙

[we catchers have been caught; the biter is


* captatio benevolentiae 拍马屁;争宠取悦;奉承;阿谀;乞

[a reaching after good-will; a currying of 怜


* caput [the head; personality] 头;人格

* caput mortuum 残渣;废物

* caret initio et fine [it lacks beginning and end] 没头没尾;无始无终

* carmen triumphale 凯歌

* carpe diem 及时行乐;不失时机

* carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero 今朝有酒今朝醉,明日有事明日当;

[make the most of today and place no trust 把握今天,莫待明天 in tomorrow]

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* carpent tua poma nepotes 前人种树,后人吃果;前人种因,后

[your descendants will pluck your fruit] 人食果

* carpere et colligere 采集;搜罗

* carte blanche 全权;自由处理权

* cassetur billa [let the bill be quashed] 撤消诉状;撤消起诉书 * cassis tutissima virtus 道德是最坚固的盔甲;有德无惧

[virtue is the safest helmet; an honest man

need fear nothing]

* castella in Hispania 空中楼阁

[castles in Spain; castles in the air]

* castigat ridendo mores (喜剧)以笑谑的方式来移风易俗;

[it corrects manners by laughing at them] 警世喜剧

* castigo te non quod odio habeam, sed quod 我对你,爱之弥坚责之弥深 amem

[I chastise you not becouse I hate you but

because I love you]

* casus 场合;情况;事件

* casus belli 交战理由;战争的借口;宣战的原因;

[a occasion for war; an act regarded as 战争的原因;开战的借口 justifying war]

* cause conscientiae [a case of conscience] 良心问题;有关良心的问题 * casus foederis 履行盟约的场合;依盟约所规定者;

[a case of the treaty; a case or event 条约规定的情况;条约订明的情 covered by the provisions or stipulations 况;履行条约的要件 of a treaty or compact]

* casus fortuitus 意外事件;偶然事件

[an accident; a chance occurrence]

* casus non praestatur 场合未出现

* casus omissus 无明文规定者;法律未加规定的情况

[a case omitted or unprovided for as in a


* catalla 动产

* causa 原因;条件

* causa accessoria 次要的原因

* causa causans [the immediate cause] 直接原因;近因;原动力;原来的原 因

* causa causata 结果

[cause resulting from a previous cause;


* causa contributoria 辅因

* causa essendi [cause of being] 存在原因

* causa essentialis 主要的原因

* causa externa 外因

* causa finalis [final cause] 终极原因

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* causa inducens 诱因

* causa interna 内因

* causa latet, vis est notissima 原因不明,但影响很大

[the cause is hidden, but its force is very

well known]

* causa mali [cause of mischief] 灾祸的原因;祸根

* causa morbi 病因

* causa mortis (donatio) [in prospect of death] 临终的;遗赠

* causa petendi 求偿原因

* causa principalis 主因

* causa proxima [immediate cause] 近因;直接原因

* causa proxima et non remota spectatur 应考虑的是近因而不是远因 * causa remota [remote cause; mediate cause] 远因;间接原因

* causa secunda [secondary cause] 次要的原因;间接原因

* causa sine qua non 必要原因;必要条件;不可欠缺的原

[cause without which not; a necessary or 因;必然;不可避免;先决条件 inevitable cause; a cause without which

the effect in question could not have


* causa vera [true cause] 真正原因

* cauterisatio moxae 艾灸术

* cautio 费用担保

* cautio judicatum solvi [security for costs] 诉讼费用担保;诉讼费用保证金;庭 费保证金

* cave ab homine unius libri 当心只读一本书的人

[beware of the man of one book]

* caveant consules 需要谨慎;愿执政官们谨慎行事 * caveant consules ne quid detrimenti 当政者应小心(以免人民受害) respublica capiat

[let the consuls beware so that the people

will not suffer any damage]

* caveat [let him beware] 当心;警戒;预告;申请中止诉讼; 中止诉讼手续的申请

* caveat actor 请作者注意

* caveat emptor [let the buyer beware] 购者当心;顾客留心;货物出门不换 * caveat emptor, qui ignorare non debuit quod 买主应该当心,不可贸然误买别人的 jus alienum emit 权利

[let a buyer beware, who ought not to be

ignorant that he is buying the right of


* caveat venditor [let the seller beware] 卖主当心

* caveat viator [let the traveler beware] 路人当心;旅行者注意

* cave canem [beware of dogs] 当心恶狗;谨防恶犬

* cavendo tutus [safe by reason of caution] 小心留意,以策安全;谨慎自安

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* cave ne cadas (居高位者)慎防失足

[take care you do not fall; beware of

falling from your high position]

* cave quid dicis, quando et cui 说话应留心内容、场合和对象

[take care what you say, when and to


* cedant arma togae 重文轻武;偃武修文;轻武功而尚文

[let arms yield to the toga; let the military 治;要和平,不要战争 yield to the civil power]

* celsae graviore casu decidunt turres 楼盖得越高,塌下来就越响;爬得越

[lofty towers fall with a greater crash; 高,跌得越痛[喻] the bigger they come, the harder they


* cepi corpus (et paratus habeo) 罪犯已经逮捕

[I have taken the body (and have it ready);

the endorsement of a sheriff upon a writ

of arrest of a person]

* cercuitus verborum 说话兜圈子;说话婉转

* certiorari 调卷令;复审令;诉讼文件移交命令

[to be certified; a writ to call the certified

records of a lower court]

* certum est quia impossibile est 因不可能,所以真实

[it is true because it is impossible]

* certum est quod certum reddi potest 可能确定的,便可以当它是真实的

[that is certain which can be render-certain]

* certum voto pete finem 克制欲望;切勿纵欲

[set a definite limit to your desire]

* cessante causa, cessat effectus 原因消失,结果也就消失;因去则果

[when the cause ceases, the effect ceases] 除

* cessante ratione legis, cessat ipsa lex 法律的原因消失,法律本身随之消失

[the reason of the law ceasing, the law

itself ceases]

* cessat executio 缓刑;停止执行

* cessio bonorum 交出财产;放弃财产

[cession of goods; a surrender,

relinquishment, or assignment of all his

property and effects made by an insolvent

debtor for the benefit of his creditors]

* cessio legis [legal cession] 法定让与

* cetera desunt 以下缺;下文逸失;其余的都没有

[the rest are lacking (or missing)] [古书或手稿不全时,于末端注明] * ceteris paribus (= caeteris paribus) 在其他条件相同的情况下;余者皆同;

[equal in all other respects; other things 在同等条件下;其余情况都相同 being equal]

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* ceterum censeo 此外我认为;我仍然认为

* cineri gloria sera est (or venit) 死后表扬,为时已晚

[glory paid to ashes comes to late]

* circa [about] 大约;前后

* circiter [about] 大约

* circuitus verborum 委婉的说法;绕圈子说话;说话兜圈

[a circumlocution; a beating about the 子;迂回说法;赘述;遁词 bush]

* circulus in probando 循环论法;谬论

[a circle in the proof; reasoning in a circle]

* circulus vitiosus [a vicious circle] 恶性循环;循环论法;循环论证 * citato loco 在引证过的地方

* citius venit periculum cum contemnitur 不加防范,危险就到

[danger comes sooner when it is ignored]

* cito maturum, cito putridum 早熟早烂;早熟早衰

[soon ripe, soon rotten]

* civilis possessio 法定占有

* civilitas successit barbarum 由野蛮到文明;先野蛮后文明

* civitatas gentium maxima 世界国家

* clarum et venerabile nomen 著名而可敬的名字

* clausula generalis de residuo non ea 列举事项的末端所加的概括规定,不 complectitur quae non ejusdem sint generis 包括与列举事项所明示的事物性 cum iis quae speciatim dicta fuerant 质相异的事项

[a general clause of remainder does not

embrace those things which are not of the

same kind with those which had been

specially mentioned]

* clausula rebus sic stantibus 情势不变条款

* clausum 锁闭

* codominium 共同领有权

* cogito ergo sum [I think, therefor I am] 我思故我在[笛卡儿的哲学名言] * cognati 血亲;母系亲属[民法]

[persons related by blood; relations on the

mother's side]

* cognatio 血亲;母系血亲

[persons related by blood; relationship

through females]

* cognovit actionem 被告承认书

[he has acknowledged the action; [承认原告要求正当的具结] the defendant confesses that the plaintiff's

cause of action is just]

* coimperium 共同统治权

* colubrem in sinu fovere 姑息养奸;养虎遗患

[to cherish a snake in one's bosom]

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* comes jucundus in via pro vehiculo est 与风趣的人结伴走路,有如乘车

[a pleasant companion on the road is as

good as a carriage]

* comitas gentium 国际礼节;国际礼仪

* comitas inter gentes 国际礼节;两国之间的友谊

[courtesy between nations]

* commercia belli 交战者间的交往;交战者间的协定 * commodatum [a loan for use] 使用借贷

* commodum ex injuria sua nemo habere debet 任何人不得因自己的不法行为取得利

[no one ought to have advantage from his 益

own wrong]

* commune bonum 公益;公利

[common good; the good of all]

* commune periculum condordiam parit 共同危难使人团结

[a common danger begets unity]

* communibus annis 每年平均

[in common (or average) year; on the

annual average]

* communi consensu [by common consent] 根据共同意见;依公意;全体同意; 一致同意

* communis juris 共同管辖权

* communis opinio 共同意见

* compendia dispendia 欲速则不达

[shortcuts are roundabout ways]

* compesce mentem [control thy temper] 抑制情绪;忍住性子

* componere lites [to settle disputes] 解决争端

* compos mentis 心神正常;精神健全;头脑健全;精

[sound of mind; in one's right mind] 神正常

* compos sui [master of himself] 自制;克己

* compos voti [having obtained one's wish] 如愿以偿;心满意足

* conatus sese preservandi 生存的意志;求生的意志

[the effort to preserve oneself; the will to


* conclusum 结束;封锁

* condicio 条件;安排;解决

* condicio impossibilis 不能实现的条件

* condicio necessaria 必要条件

* condictio ob injustam causam 以不正当的理由将财产交与他人 * condictio rei furtivae 追还被窃财物的诉讼

* conditio sine qua non 必要条件;必不可少的条件;必需的

[condition without which not; an essential 条件;先决条件


* condominium 共管

* conducti actio 承租人的控诉

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[an action taken by the hirer of a thing

against the letter]

* confer (cf; Cf) [compare] (请)参照;(请)比较;(请)参 看;(请)对照

* confido et conquiesco [I trust and am at rest] 我深信不疑,安心无虑

* confiscatur ex navibus res, ex rebus navis 由于船而没收物,由于物而没收船 * conjunctis viribus [with strength united] 力量集中;力量团结;团结的力量; 齐心协力

* consanguineus frater 同父兄弟

* conscia mens recti 正义感;性情耿介;正直的人

[a mind conscious of integrity]

* conscientia mille testes

[conscience is as good as a thousand 良心是铁证


* consensus 一致意见;协商一致意见;协商一致 * consensus ad idem 共同意见;一致意见;公意;意见一

[consent to the same (point)] 致;

* consensus facit legem [consent makes law] 协议产生法律;法律基于公意 * consensus gentium 国际协商一致意见;万国同意 * consensus omnium [universal consent] 一致同意;公意;全体同意;公议 * consequitur quodcunque petit 他无往不利;他万事如意

[he attains whatever he attempts]

* consideranda 应予考虑的

* consilio et animis 智勇双全

* consilio et prudentia 聪明而谨慎

* consilio manuque 心灵手巧

* constantia et virtute 有恒心又勇敢;不畏艰险,坚持到底 * consuetudo 习惯;惯例

* consuetudo debet esse certa; nam incerta pro 惯例应该是确定的,因为不确定的惯 nulla habentur 例应视为无效

[a custom should be certain, for an

uncertain custom is considered null]

* consuetudo est altera natura 习惯是另一个本能;习惯成自然 * consuetudo fit altera natura 积习成性

[habit becomes second nature]

* consuetudo pro lege servatur (法律没有明文规定时)习惯即是法

[custom is to be held as law (if no specific 律;习惯与法律具有同等效力 law exists)]

* consul electi 选任领事

* consul missi 派任领事

* consummatum est 成了[耶稣临终的话];完了;大功

[it is finished; it is completed] 告成;完结了;一切了结了 * continuando 继续侵犯

[continuing; allegation that the defendant's

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trespass is a continuing one]

* contra [against; on the other hand] 反对;相反;另一方面

* contra bandum 禁制品

* contra bonos mores [against good morals] 违反良好风俗道德;违反道德;有伤 风化;伤风败俗;不道德

* contractus 契约合同

* contractus consensus 协商一致的契约

* contractus ex turpi causa, vel contra bonos 由于不正当原因而产生的契约或违反 mores, nullus est 道德的契约是无效的

* contractus litteris 书面契约

* contractus optimae fidei 最高度善意的契约

* contractus re [contract of things] 要物契约

* contractus specialis derogat generali 特别契约优于普通契约

[a special contract supersedes a general


* contractus verbis 口头契约

* contradictio in adjecto [contradiction in terms] 辞矛盾;言语矛盾;有矛盾的形容 法;术语的相互矛盾

* contra formam statuti 违反有关法令规定

[against the form of the statute]

* contra jus gentium [against the law of nations] 违反国际法

* contra legem [against the law] 违反法律

* contra natura 违反自然;违反本性

* contra pacem [against the peace] 破坏和平;破坏治安;破坏社会秩序 * contra proferentem 提出建议一方的反对;提出人的反对 * contraria contrariis curantur 以毒攻毒;相反相成

[opposites are cured by opposites]

* contrario sensus [opposite sense] 相反的意义

* contra spem 出乎意料;做梦也没有想到

* conventio 和约;条约;协定

* conventio et modus vincunt legem 合同与习惯比法律有效

* conventio facit legem 协议就是法律;协议产生法律

* conventio omnis intelligitur rebus sic standibus 一切条约都假定情势不变

* conventio vincit legem 约定优于法律;合同胜过法律

[the agreement of the parties overrides the


* convictio juris 法律信念

* copia fandi [abundance of talk] 滔滔不绝;口若悬河

* copia verborum [torrent of words; fluency] 言辞丰富;口若悬河;长篇大论;言 词流利;言论滔滔不绝

* coram (cor) 在(某人)面前

* coram judice [before a judge] 在法官面前;在审理中

* coram nobis 在我们面前;冤狱补救令

[before us (the king's bench); applied to

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writs of error directed to another branch

of the same court]

* coram non judice 不是在法官面前;由无管辖权的法官

[in the presence of a person not a judge; (或法院)审判 before a judge who does not have the


* coram populo [in public] 当众;公开地;在大众面前 * coram publico 当众;公开地;在大众面前 * coram vobis 本院复审令

[before you; a writ of error directed by a

court of review to the court which tried

the cause, to correct an error in fact]

* corpora lente angescunt cito extinguuntur 身体成长慢而死亡快;肢体难长易腐

[bodies grow slowly (and) die quickly;

bodies are slow in growth, rapid in decay]

* corpus 本体;总体

* corpus deliciti 罪状;罪行构成;犯罪事实

[the body of the crime; the substance or

fundamental facts of a crime or offence]

* corpus juris [a body of law] 法典;法律汇编;法令大全 * corpus juris civilis [the body of civil law] 民法典;民法法典

* corpus juris gentium 万国法法典;国际法法典 * corpus separatum 单独实体

* corpus vile 区区小事;微不足道 * corrigendum [to be corrected] 勘误;更正

* corroboratio 证实[最后条款]

* corrumpunt bonos mores colloquia mala 言语淫秽,伤风败俗

[evil communications corrupt good


* corruptio optimi pessima 好人变坏人,坏得没得比

[the corruption of the best is the worst]

* corruptissima re publica plurimae leges 政府越腐败,法律越多

[in the most corrupt state are the most


* cor unum et anima una 一心一德

* coe unum, via una 一人一条心;一人一条计 * cos ingeniorum [a whetstone for the wits] 激发才智之物;灵感泉源

* crassa negligentia 疏忽罪;重大过失

[culpable negligence; gross neglect]

* credat Judaeus 不信

* crede quod habes, et habes 相信会有,你就有;自求多福 * crescente malitia crescere debet et poena 罪恶增加,惩罚也应加重

[vice increasing, punishment ought also to

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* crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia 钱越多,越贪钱


[the love of money increases as the pile


* crescite et multiplicamini 兴旺发达吧;你们繁殖吧

* crescit eundo 日增月盛;日新月异

* crescit sub pondere virtus 压迫之下,美德滋长

[virtue grows under oppression]

* cribro aquam haurire 以筛汲水

[to draw water in a sieve]

* crimen 罪行

* crimen erga omnes 危害全人类罪行

[crime against all (mankind)]

* crimen falsi 伪证罪;伪造文书罪

[the crime of perjury; the crime of forgery]

* crimen furti [the crime of theft] 盗窃罪

* crimen incendii [the crime of burning] 纵火罪

* crimen laesae majestatis [high treason] 叛国罪;大逆不道;犯上作乱 * crimen trahit personam 犯人应在犯罪地点的法院受审

[the crime carries the person (ie., the

commission of a crime gives the courts

of the place where it is committed

jurisdiction over the person of the


* crimina morte extinguuntur 人死罪也消失

[crime are extinguished by death]

* crux criticorum 评阅人的困难

* crux medicorum 医生的难题

* cucullus non facit monachum 穿起袈裟不一定就是和尚;不可以外

[the cowl does not make the monk] 貌取人

* cui bono ? 对谁有利?为谁的利益?对什么人有

[who benefits by it ? for whose benefit ? ] 益?

* cuilibet in arte sua perito est credendum 专家的话应该相信

[whoever is skilled in his profession is to

be believed]

* cui malo ? [who will be harmed ? ] 对谁有害?

* cui prodest ? 对谁有益?

* cuique in sua arte perito credendum est 专家内行的话,可以置信

[to each one skilled in his own art credence

should be given]

* cuique suum [to each one his own] 各得其所应得;赏罚分明;各得己物; 物各归主

* cujus est commodum, ejus est onus 享受利益的人,就有责任负担损失;

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[he who has the benefit has also the 利之所在,损之所归 burden]

* cujus est solum, ejus est summitas usque ad 谁有土地,就有土地的无限上空 coelum

* cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum et 谁有土地,就有土地的上空和底下; ad inferos 土地所有权上至天空,下至地心

[he who owns the soil owns also to the sky

and to the depths]

* cujus est solum, ejus est usque ad coelum et 谁有土地,就有土地的上空而且直至 ad sidera 星空

* cujus est solum est usque ad coelum 土地所有者也拥有土地上面的空间

[the owner of the soil owns to the heavens] 直至天空

* cujus regio, ejus religio 统治某地,也就控制了某地的宗教;

[whoever governs the region control the 统治一地者,亦控制其宗教;各 religion] 地都有自己的宗教信仰

* culpa 罪过;过失;违约

* culpa caret qui scit sed prohibere non potest 随知而无力阻止,并非过失

[he is clear of blame who knows, but

cannot prevent]

* culpa levis 不大的罪过;可原谅的疏忽 * culpae poena part esto 罪行应按轻重惩罚

[let the punishment be proportioned to the


* culpa est immiscere se rel ad se non pertinenti 干涉他人事务,即是过失

[it is a fault for any one to meddle in a

matter not pertaining to him]

* culpa in concreto [a concrete fault] 个性过失;具体过失

* culpa in contrahendo [a contractual fault] 契约过失

* culpa in eligendo 挑选上的过失

* culpa in vigilando 监督上的过失

* culpa lata [gross negligence] 严重疏忽罪;严重过失;重大过失 * culpa lata dolo aequiparatur 重大过失以故犯论;重大过失相当于

[a gross fault is held equivalent to 蓄意

intentional wrong]

* culpa levis [ordinary negligence] 普通疏忽罪;普通过失

* culpa levissima [a very slight negligence] 轻微疏忽罪;轻微过失

* culpam majorum posteri luunt 祖宗有过,祸延子孙

[descendants pay for the shortcomings of

their ancestors]

* culpam poena premit comes 罪不可逭,有罪必有罚

[punishment follows at the heels of crime]

* cum grano salis 有保留态度;打个折扣

[with a grain of salt; to be taken with


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* cum hoc, propter hoc 接踵而来的事并不一定互为因果 * cum laude [with praise] 优等;以优等学业成绩 * cum licet fugere, ne quaere litem 法律诉讼,可避免则避免

[when you can get off, do not seek a

contest with the law]

* cum notis variorum 附各家评注;集注本

[with the notes of various commentators]

* cum onere 连同负担

* cum privilegio 按特权;有特权

* cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum 独家出版权

[the privilege of exclusive right to


* cum tacent, clamant 无言的抗议,等于大声的谴责

[when they are silent they cry loudest; their

silence speaks louder than words]

* cuneus cuneum trudit 楔与楔相逐;后浪推前浪;狗咬狗 * curia 法院

* curia advisari vult (CAV; cur adv vult) 延期判决

[the court wishes to be advised; the court

needs time to deliberate (before

delivering judgement)]

* curiosa felicitae 措辞恰当;用字严谨

[careful felicity; a felicity of expression

that is the result of careful, studied effort

to find the right phrasing]

* currente calamo 纵笔(直书);即席;草草成章;匆

[with a running pen; a free style] 匆成文

* curriculum vitae [biographical data] 简历;履历表;传略;履历 * currus bovem trahit praepostere 本末颠倒

[the wagon drags the ox behind it;

to put the cart before the horse]

* cursus curiae est lex curiae 法院的诉讼程序等于法院的法律

[the practice of the court is the law of the


* curta supellex 知识贫乏;学识浅薄

[scanty supply of furniture; meager stock

of knowledge]

* custodia legis [in the custody of law] 依法保管的(财产);合法拘押 * custos morum 保护道德的人;维护道德的人 * custos privati sigilli [keeper of the privy seal] 掌玺大臣

* custos rotulorum [keeper of the rolls] 掌管档案的法官

* dabit qui dedit [he will give who gave] 给一次就会给二次

* da fidei quae fidei sunt 信仰归信仰

[give to faith that which belongs to faith]

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* damnant quod non intelligunt 他们谴责自己不懂的东西 * damnosa haereditas [unprofitable inheritance] 债务的继承

* damnum 损害

* damnum absque injuria 不能依法获得补救的损失;合法竞争

[loss without legal wrong; damage done 造成的损失;无意的损害 intended wrong; loss due to lawful


* damnum fatale 不可避免的意外损害;自然灾害造成

[damage from fate; loss happening from a 的损害

cause beyond human control]

* damnum injuria datum 非法损害他人财物

* damnum sine injuria 非错误引起的损失;无错的损失;无

[damage without injustice] 侵害行为的损失

* damnum sine injuria esse potest 损害不一定是由不法行为造成的

[there may be damage inflicted without

any act of injustice]

* dare pondus idonea fumo 毫无价值;不值一笑(的批评)

[fit only to give weight to smoke;

absolutely worthless]

* data et accepta [expenses and receipts] 支出与收入;收支

* date et dabitur vobis 对别人施舍,别人也会对你施舍

[give and it shall be given unto you]

* datio in solutum [a giving in payment] 代物清偿

* de auditu [from rumor] 风闻;道听途说;传闻;谣传 * debellare superbos [to overthrow the proud] 打倒妄尊自大的人

* debellatio 征服

* de bene esse 有条件的;临时的;先行录取证供;

[conditionally; provisionally; in anticipation 暂先处理;暂定为可应用 of future need]

* debitor non praesumitur donare 债务人无权馈赠 [一切财产只供偿债]

[the presumption is that a debtor is not

making gifts]

* debitum [debt] 债务

* debitum naturae [the debt of nature; death] 死亡

* de bonis asportatis [of goods carried away] 盗取的财物

* de bonis non (administratis) 尚未管理的财产;未指定管理人的财产

[of goods not (yet administered)]

* de bonis propriis 自己支付费用;自己负责赔偿

[out of his own goods (or pocket)]

* de bono et malo 好歹;不论后果如何

[come what may; of good and bad]

* deceptio visus [optical illusion] 光幻视;视错觉

* decessit sine prole [he died without issue] 他死后无子女

* decessit vita patris (dvp) 死在他(她)的父亲前面

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* decies repetita placebit 百看不厌;百听不厌

[it pleases, although repeated ten times]

* decipimur specie rect 虚伪的外表使人受骗

[we are deceived by what appears virtuous]

* decipit frons prima multos 初时印象往往错误;以貌取人,失之

[the first appearance deceives many] 子羽

* de commodo et incommodo 利弊得失;优劣;权衡利弊

[to advantage and disadvantage]

* decori decus addit avito 他荣宗耀组;他光耀门楣

[he adds honor to the ancestral]

* decretum [decree; ordinance] 法令;政令;教令

* de cujus 关于某人的继承权

* de die in diem [from day to day; continuously] 按日计;天天;逐日;日复一日 * de duobus mali, minus est semper eligendum 两害择其轻

[of two evils, the lesser is always to be


* de facto [in fact] 事实上;实际的;实际上 * defectus sanguinis [failure of issue] 无子嗣

* defensores legis 法定辩护人

* deficit omne quod nascitur 万物有生必有死

[everything which is born passes away]

* de fide 信仰上的;应作信条遵守的

[of the faith; required to be held as an

article of faith]

* de fide et officio judicis non recipitur quaestio 法官的公正和职权毋容置疑

[concerning the good faith and duty of the

judge, no question is allowed]

* defluxio capillorum 脱发

* defluxio ciliorum 睫毛脱落

* de fumo in flammam 避坑落井;越来越糟;每况愈下

[out of the smoke into the flame; out of the

frying pan into the fire]

* de gratia [by favour] 施与;惠给

* de gustibus et coloribus non (est) disputandum嗜好不能争辩;各有所好;嗜欲不同 * de gustibus non est disputandum 鉴赏力各有不同;人各有所好

[there is no disputing about tastes]

* Dei judicium 神裁判法

[the judgement of God; trial by ordeal]

* de integro [afresh; anew] 重新;从头;再;另行

* de internis non judicat praetor 法庭不根据被告的意图(只根据他的

[the court does not pass judgement on a 行为)审判

defendant's intention]

* Dei plena sunt omnia 神明无所不在;万物都有神明在

[all things are filled with divinity]

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* de jure [by law; rightfully] 法律上;合法的;依法;根据法律 * de lana caprina 鸡毛蒜皮;无关宏旨(的事)

[about goats' wool; hence, about any

worthless object]

* de lana caprina rixari 为鸡毛蒜皮小事争吵

* delectando pariterque monendo 快乐与教诲同施;恩威并济;宽大与 严格相结合

* delegatus non potest delegare 受权者不能授权于人;代理人不能委

[a delegate cannot delegate; the person to 托他人为代理;受委托者,不能 whom an office or a duty is delegated, eg., 授权别人

an attorney, director, or trustee, cannot

lawfully devolve the duty upon another,

unless he is expressly authorized to do so]

* de lege ferenda 根据拟议法;根据应有法

[by means of a law to be made; on the basis

of new law]

* de lege lata [by means of an existing law] 根据现行法

* deliberando saepe perit occasio 议论太久,往往错过时机

[opportunity is often lost by too long


* delictum 不法行为;侵权行为

* delictum jure gentium 国际法上的不法行为

* deliquium animi 失神

* delirant reges, plectuntur Achivi 国王有过,人民受罚(遭殃)

[kings make mistakes, and the Greeks

(people) are punished]

* delirium senilis 老年性谵妄

* delirium tremens 震颤性谵妄

[mental disorder, characterised by

uncontrollable trembling, climaxing

excessive consumption of alcohol]

* delit complexe [French] 俱发罪

* delphinum natare doces 班门弄斧

[you are teaching a dolphin to swim;

you are teaching your grandmother to

suck eggs]

* de lunatico inquirendo 检查精神状况令

[a writ to inquire into the sanity of a


* delusio systematisata 系统化妄想

* de maximis non curat praetor 法官不问大事

* dementia paranoides 妄想;痴呆

* dementia praecox [a form of early insanity] 早发性痴呆

* de minimis non curat lex 法律不问小事;法律不管琐事

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[the law does not concern itself with trifles]

* de minimis non curat praetor 法官不问小事;大人物不管小事 * de mortuis nil nisi bonum 对死人只能赞扬;不记死人过

[of the dead (say) nothing but good]

* denegatio justitiae 拒绝司法

* de nihilo nihil 无中不能生有

[from nothing nothing (can come)]

* de nihilo nihil flit 无中不能生有

* denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque 人的爱好各不相同

[all men, in short, do not admire and love

the same things]

* de non apparentibus, et de non existentibus, 不明确的事物应与不存在的事物一般 eadem est ratio 看待

[as to things not apparent and things

non-existent, the conclusion is the same]

* de novo [anew] 重新;再次;从头;再

* dentariae medicinae doctor (DMD) 齿科医学博士

* deo dignus vindice nodus 神仙才解得开的结;难解死结;难办

[a knot worthy of a god to unloose; 的事

a crucial difficulty]

* de omni re scibili, et equibusdam aliis 无事不通;万事通;万能

[concerning everything knowable and a

few other things besides]

* de omni scibili 关于可知的东西

* deo volente 若承天意;若一切顺利

* de pilo pendet [it hangs by a hair] 千钧一发

* de plano [on the ground; on a level] 当场;随便地;非正式地;轻而易举 * depositum [a thing deposited] 寄存物

* de praesenti [of (or for) the present] 现在的;用现在时态的

* de profundis 从悲痛之中;绝望之余;从内心里;

[out of the depths (of sorrow, despair)] 从深处;从心底

* de proprio motu [of one's own volition] 出于自愿;自动

* derelictio 废弃

* desideratum 愿望;希望

* desinit in piscem 虎头蛇尾

* desipere in loco [to play the fool on occasion] 在适当的时候轻松自己

* de son tort demesne [French] 自己导致的侵权责任;咎由自取 * desuetudo 废用

* desunt caetera (or cetera) 以下缺;下文逸失[古书或手稿残缺

[the remainder is wanting] 时于末尾注明]

* desunt inopiae multa, avaritiae omnia 穷人想要的东西很多,但是贪婪的人

[poverty wants many things, but avarice 每样都要

wants everything]

* desunt multa [many things are wanting] 缺漏很多

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* de te fabula narratur 关于你的故事(传记)

* detinet 收回非法占有动产的诉讼

[he detains; a legal action to regain

possession of specific property]

* deus est in pectore nostro 心中有神明

[there is a divinity in our hearts]

* deus ex machina (小说、戏剧情节中)意外的救星、

[a god from the machine; a contrived 奇遇、解围的神力等;牵强的结 ending] 局

* devastavit 怠忽管理遗产的责任;浪费所管理的

[he has wasted; the act of an executor or 遗产

administrator in wasting the goods of the


* de visu [by sight; seen] 目睹;亲眼看见

* dextro tempore 适时;及时

[at the right time; at the opportune


* dictis facta suppetant 言行应一致

[let deeds correspond to words]

* dictum 言词[判决中无拘束力的言词] * dictum de dicto 道听途说;人云亦云

[report upon hearsay; second-hand story]

* dictum et factum 说了就做;即说即做

[said and done; no sooner said than done]

* dictum sapienti 对聪明人一点即明

* dictum sapienti sat est 聪明人一说就懂

[a word to the wise is enough]

* diem perdidi 浪费时日

* dies 期限

* dies ad quem [day to which; terminating date] 到期日;终止日期;截止日期 * dies a quo 生效日;起算日期;开始日期

[day from which; commencing date]

* dies cedit 权利义务成立期

* dies certus [fixed date] 期限

* dies datus 指定的日期;开庭日;审讯日

[a day given; a day appointed for the

hearing of a lawsuit]

* dies faustus 吉日良辰;有幸之日;吉日

[a day of good omens; a favourable day]

* dies gratiae 宽限

* dies infaustus 不吉利的日子;不幸之日

[a day of bad omens; a unfavourable day]

* dies irae 忿怒之日

* dies juridicus [a day on which the court sits] 开庭日

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* dies natalis [birthday] 生日

* dies non (juridicus) 停审日;休庭日;不开庭的日子;法

[a day on which the court does not sit] 庭休假日

* dies non juridicus 停审日;休庭日;不开庭的日子;法

[a day on which the court does not sit] 庭休假日

* dies venit 义务履行期

* differentia specifica 特点;特殊的象征

* difficiles nugae [laborious triffles] 费力而无价值的东西

* difficilia quae pulchra 好东西不容易获得;难能可贵

[things which are excellent are difficult

(of attainment)]

* digito monstrari 著名的

[to be pointed at with the fingers;

be famous]

* dignus est intrare 适宜参加

* dignus vindice nodus 这样的难事只有这人来解决 * dii minores 次要的人物;次要人才 * diligentia quam in suis 如在自己的事情中所具有的注意

* diminium facti qui coepit habet 开始做事,即是成功一半;好的开始,

[he who has begun has his work half dine; 就是成功的一半

a thing well begun is half done]

* dis aliter visum 天不从人愿;天意使然;谋事在人成

[the god decreed otherwise; man proposes 事在天

and God disposes]

* discere docendo [to learn through teaching] 教学相长

* disjecta membra 残肢;残体;残余;片断;不连贯的 引文

* disponendo me, non mutando me 头可断,志不可夺 * dispositio 处分;安排

* diverso intuitu 不同看法;不同意图

* divide et impera [divide and rule] 分而治之

* divide ut regnes [divide in order to rule] 分而治之

* divinae particula aurae 人类的一点灵性

[a particle of the divine in human]

* divitiae virum faciunt [riches make the man] 财富使人贵

* divortium aquarium [watersed] 分水岭

* dixi 我说完了[演说者用的结束语] * dixi et animam meam salvari (or levavi) 我已作忠告不要怪我没有说 * docendo discimus [we learn by teaching] 教学相长;教者自学;由教而学 * doctus cum libro [doctor with a book] 书呆子;按图索骥

[不能独立思索的人] * doli capax 有犯罪能力;应负责任的

[capable of malice or criminal intention]

* doli incapax 无犯罪能力;不应负责任的

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[incapable of malice or criminal intention]

* dolus [guile; malicious fraud] 欺诈;故意(犯罪)

* dolus auctoris non nocet successori 被继承人的欺诈不损害继承人 * dolus bonus [permissible deceit] 合法的欺骗;被允许的欺诈 * dolus dans locum contractui 诱骗他人订约

[fraud giving rise to the contract;

fraudulent misrepresentation by which

one person induces another to enter into

a contract]

* dolus directus 直接欺诈行为

* dolus eventualis 间接欺诈行为

* dolus malus [unlawful deceit] 非法欺骗

* dolus non purgatur circuitu 迂回不能免欺诈之罪

* dominium 领有权;财产权;所有权 * domus [house; home] 家;家族;住所

* donatio ante nuptias 婚前赠与

* donatio inter vivos 生前赠与

* donatio mortis causa 临终遗赠物;临终前的赠与

[a gift in prospect of death]

* donatio testamento 遗赠

* donec eris felix multos numerabis amicos 富贵朋友多;富在深山有人识

[as long as you are prosperous, you will

number many friends]

* dono dedit [gave as a gift] 赠与;赠送;送给

* do ut des 互惠;相互;平等交换契约

[I gave that you may give; a form of

commutative contract]

* do ut facias 双务契约

[I give that you may do; a form of [原义是“我付钱,你办事”] commutative contract]

* dramatis personae [characters of the drama] 剧中人;登场人物;角色 * duabus sellis sedere [to sit in two saddles] 一人骑两马;脚踏两只船 * dubitante 可疑

* duces tecum [you shall bring with you] 带同证物出庭令;命令携带证明文件 出庭(的传票)

* ducit amor patriae 爱国是我的目标;我为爱国之心所驱

[love for my country is my guide] 使

* dulce bellum inexpertis 未经战祸的人才喜欢战争

[war is sweet to those who have never

tried it]

* dulce domum 天伦之乐;家庭之乐

* dulce est desipere in loco 笑语合时实有趣味

* dulce et decorum est pro patria mori 为国捐躯是光荣的事;为国捐躯,名

[it is sweet and honourable to die for one's 垂不朽

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* dulce quod utile [what is useful is sweet] 物以有用为贵;物贵有用 * dulcis amor patriae 爱国是愉快的

* dum bene se gesserit 在品行端正期间;只要行为正当,可

[as long as he conducts himself properly] 以永远任职

* dum casta [as long as she remains chaste]以不再嫁为原则[寡妇所得遗产往往 附有这个条件]

* dum casta vixerit 贞居期内

* dum fervet opus 在紧迫必要时

* dum fuit non compos mentis 在心神不健全期间

* dum sola [while single; while unmarried] 独身时期;在未婚期间

* dum spiro, spero 一息尚存,希望不灭

* dum vita est, spes est 活着就有希望;留得青山在,哪怕没

[while there is life, there is hope] 柴烧

* dum vivimus, vivamus 活着的时候,就要生活得痛快;人生

[while we live, let us live] 如寄,惟当行乐;生时且做生时 的事

* duobus certantibus tertius gaudet 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利

* duos qui sequitur lepores neutrum capit 一人追求两个目标,结果一个也不能

[he who chases two rabbits catches neither 实现;两头落空


* dura lex, sed lex 法律虽然苛刻,仍应遵守;法律严厉,

[the law is hard. but it is the law] 然而是法律(不管法律多么严厉, 仍然必须遵守)

* dura necessitas 非常必要

* durante absentia 在缺席期间

* durante bello 在战争中

* durante beneplacito 当欢悦时;当乐意时

* durante lite 诉讼进行期间

* durante minore aetate 在未成年期间

[as long as the subject is a minor]

* durante viduitate 孀居期间

* durante vita [during life] 终身;平生

* durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis 忍辱求生,寄望将来

[carry on and preserve yourselves for

better times]

* durum et durum non faciunt murum 严厉措施不能保障安全

[stern measures do not build a protecting

wall; harsh measures do not insure


* dux femina facti 妇女曾做过事业的

* dux gregis [leader of the flock (or herd)] 群众的领袖

* eat inde sine die 出庭无期;被告可免再出庭;无庸再

[that he may go thence without a day; 到庭

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ie., be dismissed without any further

continuance or adjournment]

* ecce homo 正是此人

* ecce signum [here is the proof] 有此为证;这就是证据

* e contra [on the other hand] 在另一方面;反之

* e contrario [on the contrary] 相反地;反之

* e converso [conversely] 反过来说;反之

* edicta magistratum [decree of magistrate] 裁判官的告示

* edicta perpetuum [general decree] 一般告示

* edicta repentina [special decree] 特别告示

* editio princeps [the first edition (of a book)] 初版;第一版

* effectus sequitur causam 效果随着原因

* e flamma cibum petere 在火焰中寻求食物;山穷水尽 * e flamma petere cibum 冒险生涯

[to snatch (or fetch) food out of the

flame; to live by desperate means]

* ego libido 自爱欲

* egomet mihi ignosco [I myself pardon myself] 自我宽恕

* ego spem pretio non emo 我不瞎买东西

[I do not purchase hope for a price; I do

not buy a pig in a poke]

* eheu! fugaces labuntur anni 唉!光阴似箭;哎呀!飞驰的岁月悄

[alas! the fleeting years slip by] 悄地过去了;时光易逝

* ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat 举证责任在于控诉的人,不在辩护的

[the burden of proof lies upon him who 人;举证责任在原告,不在被告 affirms, not him who denies]

* ejusdem farinae [of the same flour (or sort)] 一丘之貉;同样的麦粉

* ejusdem generis [of the same kind] 同样;类推;同类;同样货色;一丘 之貉

* ejusdem modi 同式

* ejus est interpretari legem cujus est 有权制订法律的人就有权解释法律 condere

* ejus nulla culpa est, cui parere necesse sit 被迫服从的人的行为,不能当作他的

[the man who is forced to obey is not at 罪过

fault for what he does]

* elapso tempore 经过若干时日之后;时间已过去;随

[after a certain amount of time has 着时间的推移


* electa una via non datur recursus ad alteras 既已选定一条路,即不得利用另一条

[he who has chosen one way cannot have 路

recourse to another]

* electio semel facta non patitur regressum 一经选定,不得变更

[election once made cannot be recalled]

* elegit 扣押令;扣押权

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[he has chosen; a writ giving possession

of the lands of the debtor, until full

payment of debt]

* elephantem ex musca facis 你真是小题大做

[you are making an elephant out of a fly;

you are making a mountain out of a


* elixir vitae 长生不老者

* emenctae naris homo 聪明的人

* emphyteusis (jus emphyteuticum) 永佃(权)

[a lease of land in perpetuity]

* empta dolore docet experientia 痛苦经验永志不忘;吃一次亏,学一

[experience bought with pain teaches 次乖;一次被火烧,见火就害怕 effectually; a burnt child dreads the fires]

* emptio et venditio [purchase and sale] 买卖

* emunctae naris esse 观察入微;明察秋毫;眼光老练

[to be of wiped nose; to have

discriminating taste or matured


* en autre droit [French] 运用他人权力

* en bloc [French] 整体地;整批地;全部地;大体地 * ense et aratro [by the sword and the plow] 战时当兵,平时耕田;用剑和犁 * en masse [French] 大量地;大批地;全部地 * en route [French] 正进行;正在路上

* en ventre de sa mere [French] 在娘胎中

* eo animo [with that intention] 蓄意;有意;有企图的

* eo instanti [at the moment; immediately] 当时;立刻;即时

* eo intuitu 为此目的

[with that view; with that intent or object]

* eo ipso [for the very fact; on that account] 这样;因而;从而;因此 * eo loci [at that very place] 在当地;当场

* eo nomine 以此为名;假借这个名义;因此;用

[by (or under) that name; on this account] 他的名义

* e pluribus unum [one out of many] 合众为一[美国国训]

* e re nata 因目前情况而产生;根据情况需要;

[arising from the present circumstances; 在目前情况下

according to the exigencies of the case;

as matters stand]

* erga omnes [to all; against all] 对所有国家;普遍适用;对一切人; 危害全人类的;普遍

* ergo [therefore; hence] 因此

* errare humanum est [to err is human] 人皆有错;人非圣贤,孰能无过;人 不会没有错误的

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* error communis facit jus 将错就错

[a common error makes right (or law)]

* errata 勘误

* error in corpore 对于目的物的错误

* error in substantia 对于实质的错误

* esprit de corps [French] 团队精神;团体精神

* esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas 人应为生而食,不应为食而生

[one shoud eat to live, not live to eat]

* essentialia negotii 要件

* esse quam videri [to be rather than to seem] 实际重于外表

* est modus in rebus 凡事都有尺度(分寸);欲速则不达;

[there is a medium (or due measure) in all 凡事必有中道;物有度量,事有 things] 限度

* esto perpetua 愿此永存

* esto quod esse videris 外表与实际应该一致

[be what you seem to be]

* est quaedam flere voluptas 苦中作乐

* et alia (et al) 及其他;等等

* et alibi [and elsewhere] 以及其他地方

* et alii (et al) [and others] ... 等(合著);等等;及其他

* et alius 及其他

* et cetera (etc) 等等;其他

* et hoc genus omne 诸如此类;及其同类

[and everything of this kind] [作为et cetera的装饰性代用语] * etiam atque etium [again and again] 一再

* et nunc et semper [now and always] 现在以至永远

* et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum 一言既出,驷马难追

[and a word once uttered flies onward

never to be recalled]

* et sequentia (or sequentes; et seq) 及其后;及以下各页(各段);及以

[and the following] 下诸项;..... 页(段)起;等等 * et sic de ceteris [and similarly as to the others] 其余类推;以此类推

* et sic de similibus 以此类推;照此类推

[and in the same way about similar matters]

* et sic porro [and so on] 等等

* et similia [and the like] 等等;诸如此类

* e verbo, de verbo [word-for-word] 逐字地

* ex abrupto (= ab abrupto) [suddenly] 事前未经准备;即席;突然;没有准 备地;一下子

* ex abundante cautela [from excessive caution] 为格外谨慎起见;由于充分注意;由 于过度谨慎

* ex abundantia 绰绰有余

* ex abusu non arguitur in usum 不正当用途不得作为反对正当用途的

[from the abuse of a thing there is no 理由

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arguing against its use]

* ex adverso 反证;反面;从反面证明

[from the opposite side; in opposition]

* ex aequo [according to what is right; in equity] 平等地;公平地;按公理 * ex aequo et bono 根据公正和善良的原则;以公正善良

[according to what is right and good] 为原则;公允及善良;公平合理 地

* ex animo [from the heart; sincerely] 全心全意地;诚心诚意地;出于善意; 衷心地

* ex animo effluere 遗忘;记不得

[to escape from the minds; be quite


* ex ante 根据推断

* ex auctoritate mihi commissa 依据本人所得权力;依据职权

[by virtue of the authority intrusted to me]

* ex bene placito 任意

* ex bona fide [in good faith; on one's honor] 出于至诚;以名誉担保

* ex capite [out of the head; from memory] 凭记忆;背诵;想出;想起来

* ex cathedra [from the chair; authoritatively] 根据职权;用权威方式;依据职权; 权威地;无可争辩地;用权威的 口吻(说话)

* exceptio 例外;抗辩;异议

* exceptio confirmat legem derogatam 例外证实法律有变更

* exceptio doli [an exception (or plea) of fraude] 诈欺的抗辩

* exceptio domini [a claim of ownership] 所有权的抗辩

* exceptio non adimpleti contractus 未履行契约的抗辩

[exception for not performing the contract]

* exceptio pacti conventi 违约的抗辩

[an exception of compact; a plea that the

plaintiff has agreed not to sue]

* exceptio probat regulam 例外情形足以证明规则存在;有例外

[the exception proves the existence of the 必有规则;惟有例外故知规则的 rule] 存在;例外证明规则 * exceptio quod metus causa 以被威迫为理由的抗辩

* exceptio rei judicatae 案件已经判决的抗辩

* exceptis excipiendis 除了例外情况以外;扣除应扣除的以

[after exception have been made] 后

* ex comitate [out of courtesy] 礼貌上的

* ex commodo 便利地;适宜地

* ex concesso [from what has been conceded] 根据承认的理由;根据已承认的;承 认;根据许可

* ex consensu advenit vinculum 同意发生拘束力

* ex contractus 依据契约;由于合同

* ex curia [out of court] 法院之外;庭外

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* excusatio non petita fit accusatio manifesta 拆穿谎话;罪证昭彰

[an excuse given when unmasked betrays

clear guilt]

* ex debito justitiae 应得权利

[from what is due as of right; by reason of

a just debt]

* ex definitione 依据定义

* ex delicto [of an actionable wrong] 因过失;由于不法行为;由于侵权 行为

* ex delicto jus non oritur 法律不源于不法行为

* ex dequo et bono 公允及良善

* ex desuetudine amittuntur privilegia 特权不使用,即告丧失

[privileges are lost through disuse]

* ex dolo malo non oritur actio 欺诈行为不得为诉讼权利的根据;诈

[no right of action arises out of a fraud] 欺不产生诉讼权

* ex dono [as a gift] 赠予

* executio est finis et fructus legis 一经执行判决,法律诉讼即告终结

[execution is the end and fruit of the law]

* executio juris non habet injuriam 执法(者)无过

[the execution of law does no injury]

* exempli gratia (e.g.) 例如;譬如;比喻;举例来说

[for (the sake of) example]

* ex ephebis 刚刚成年

[out of the ranks of youths; just arrived at


* exequatur 领事证书

[let it be executed; the permission given

by a government to the consul of another

state to enter on his appointment]

* exercitatio optimus est magister 熟能生巧

[practice is the best master]

* exeunt omnes 大家都出来

* ex facto jus oritur 法律源于事实;法律在实践中产生

[the law arises out of the fact]

* ex fide fortis [strong through fath] 因信仰而坚强

* ex fumo dare lucem 照明;以烛照明

* ex granis fit acervus [many grain make a heap] 积谷成堆;积少成多;集腋成裘 * ex gratia [of or by favor] 惠给;特准;特惠;恩恤;作为优惠 地;通融地

* ex hypothesi [by hypothesis] 假定的;在理论上;假定;根据假定 * ex imo corde [from the bottom of the heart] 出自内心;出于肺腑

* ex injuria jus non oritur 不法行为不得产生权利 * ex injuria non oritur jus 侵权行为不得产生权利

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[a right does not arises out of a wrong]

* exitus acta probat 一切行为都看结果;结果好就一切都

[the issue proves (justifies) the deeds; all's 好;结果证实事实 well that ends well]

* ex lege 法律上的;根据法律的

[arising from the law; as a matter of law]

* ex libris (ex lib.) 藏书签;(某人)藏书之一

[from the books of; a book plate] [写在书上表示书属于他所有] * ex longinquo [from a distance] 从远处

* ex maleficio 由于不法行为

* ex maleficio non oritur contractus 契约不能产生自不法行为;违法行为 的契约不能生效

* ex malis moribus bonae leges natae sunt 良好的法律起源于不良的风俗

[good laws have come about because of

bad customs]

* ex mero motu [of one's own free will] 出于自愿

* ex more [according to custom] 根据习惯;按风俗;照例;照惯例 * ex necessitate 由于必要;出于需要;不得已 * ex necessitate legis 由于法律的需要

* ex necessitate rei 因情况紧急;由于情况的需要;因案

[arising from the urgency of the case] 情的需要

* ex nihilo 从来也没有

* ex nihilo nihil [nothing comes out of nothing] 无因便无果;无中不能生有 * ex nihilo nihil fit 无中不能生有;无风不起浪;无风不

[from nothing, nothing is made] 起尘

* ex nomine [by that name] 在此名下;在此项下

* ex nudo pacto non oritur actio 无约因的契约无诉权;无偿契约不能

[no action arises from a naked contract] 诉请履行

* ex nunc 从现在起

* ex officio [by virtue of one's office] 依据职权;当然;职务上;有责任 * ex opere operato 就事实而论;因表面的举动 * ex opinione obligationis 由于认为受拘束的意见 * ex ore infantium [out of the mouths of infants] 童稚之言

* ex ore parvulorum veritas 儿童口中露真情;小孩说实话

[out of the mouths of little children (comes)


* ex oriente lux 光明来自东方

* ex pacto illicito non oritur actio 不得根据非法契约提出诉讼;非法契

[no action arises on an illegal agreement] 约无起诉权

* ex parte 片面;单方面;偏于一方;偏重

[from one party (or side); in the interest of

one side only]

* ex pede Herculem 窥一斑而知全豹;一叶知秋;由小见

[from the foot (we may judge the size) of 大;举一反三

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Hercules; from a part we may divine the


* expedit reipublicae ut finis sit litium 为了公共利益该判决应是肯定的 * expensae litis 诉讼费

* experientia docet [experience teaches] 前事不忘,后事之师;经一事,长一 智

* experientia docet stultos 经一事,长一智;经验能教导笨人 * experientia est optima rerum magistra 经验是最好的老师

* experimentum crucis 决定性的实验

* experto crede 相信我;信任有经验者的话

[trust me; believe one who has experience]

* expertus metuit 曾经沧海难为水;他因为有经验而产

[the person with experience is fearful] 生恐惧之心;再学三年寸步难行 * expletiae 不动产的生息

* explorant adversa viros [misfortune tries men]灾难考验人;吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 * ex post facto 事后;追溯既往;有追溯效力的;溯

[after the deed is done; retrospective] 及既往

* expressio unius est exclusio alterius 指明其一,即排除其他

[the expression of one thing is the

exclusion of another]

* expressis verbis [in express terms] 明文;用确切的词句

* expressum facit cessare tacitum 明示即终止默示;业已明示的使默示 不复存在

* ex professo [openly; professedly] 公然;直言不讳;明示地;公开地; 坦率地;明确地;十分内行地;


* ex proposito [by design; of set purpose] 故意地;有目的地

* ex propriis [out of one's own resources] 自己负担费用;由于自己的资财 * ex proprio motu 出自自愿的;出自本意的

* ex proprio vigore 由于本身的力量

* ex quocunque capite [from whatever reason] 不论何种理由;无论如何;不管从何 而来

* ex relatione (ex rel) [on the report of] 根据 .... 告发

* ex tacito [tacitly] 默示;默认的;默许的;不发表意见


* ex tempore [impromptu; improvised] 临时;即席;即时

* extractum 正本

* extra modum [beyond measure] 过度;极;非常;浪费

* extra muros 城外;墙外

* extra ordinem 处于不适当的地位

[outside of its natural order; out of its

proper place]

* extra situm [away from its natural setting] 离开原来环境

* extra territorium 领土外

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* extra vires 越权;权力以外的

* extrema ratio 终极理由

* ex tunc 从当时

* ex turpi causa non oritur jus 不正当的行为不能构成权利;不正当

[from a shameful cause no right arises] 原因不产生权利

* ex ungue leonem 窥一斑而知全豹

[(one can sketch) a lion from its claw]

* ex ungue leonem cognoscimus 见其一举可知其人;见其一斑可窥全 貌

* ex undo disce omnes 举一反三

[from one learn all; from one judge of the


* ex uno disce omnes 以一窥全;推一知百

* ex usu [of use; advantageous] 有用;有益

* ex utraque parte [on either side] 任何一方;在任何一边;从两方面; 从各方面

* ex vi termini 在本义上;顾名思义;根据词意

[from the force or meaning of the term;

by definition]

* ex voto 根据誓言;履行诺言

[according to (in fulfillment of) one's vow]

* faber est quisque fortunae suae 命运要靠自己创造;自己的路自己开

[everyone is the architect of his own


* faber quisque fortunae suae 人人都是自己命运的建筑师;各人的


* faber suae fortunae 自寻祸福的人

* facies anterior 前面

* facies non omnibus una 人的面貌各不相同

* facies posterior 后面

* facile criteria 适当标准;便利标准 * facile est inventis addere 锦上添花容易

[it is easy to add to what has already been


* facile est inventis addere 改进已发明的东西是容易的 * facile largire de alieno 慷他人之慨是轻易的事

[it is easy to be generous with what is


* facile princeps [easily the leader] 毫无问题是第一的;公认的领导者; 出类拔萃的人;动辄就是第一 * facilis descensus 堕落容易;顺水行舟易

* facilis descensus Averno 下地狱容易

[the descent to hell is easy]

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* facio ut des 双务契约

[I do that you may give; a form of [原义为“我办事,你付钱”] commutative contract (law)]

* facit indignatio versum 心中愤怒歌韵激昂;愤怒中作出的诗 * fac simile 帖;楷模

* facta infecti non fieri prosunt 未完成的事实不成为有利的事实 * facta, non ficta ! 真的假不了!

* facta non verba [deeds, not words] 凭行动,别说空话;实事求是勿讲空 话;看行为而不听空话

* facta sunt potentiori verbis 行为比言词更为有利;事实胜于雄辩 * factio testamenti 立遗嘱的能力

[the right, power or capacity of making

a will]

* factum 行为;证书;事实

* factum est 事已完毕了

* factum probanda [the fact to be proved] 待证事实

* factum probantia (or probans) 举证事实

[a probative or evidentiary fact; a fact

tending to prove the principal fact in

issue; a piece of circumstancial evidence]

* factum valet 事实不可改变

[a fact prevails; a fact cannot be altered]

* facultas bellandi 交战国资格

* fait [French] 证书;契据

* fait accompli [French] 既成事实

* falsa demonstratio non nocet 错误叙述不影响文件效力 * falsa grammatica non vitiat chartam 文法错误不影响契据效力 * falsa lectio [a false reading] 抄错;误植

* falsi crimen [the crime of falsification] 伪证罪;窜改罪;假冒的罪 * falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus 证词如有一处不实,即全部推翻;一

[false in one, false in all] 伪全伪

* fama clamosa 广为传播的丑闻

* fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum 谣言传得最快

[nothing travels faster than scandal]

* fama nihil est celerius 传播之速没过于谣言

* fama semper vivat ! 愿他(她)流芳百世!

* fama volat [rumour travels fast] 谣言传得很快

* fames est optimus coquus 肚子饿,样样东西都好吃;饥不择食

[hunger is the best cook]

* famosus libellus 损害名誉的毁谤

* fari quae sentiat 畅所欲言

* fas est et ab hoste doceri 敌人可做你的反面教员

* feci quod potui 尽力而为

* feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes 尽力而为

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* felicitas multos habet amicos 富贵时朋友多

[prosperity has many friends]

* felix culpa [fortunate fault] 因祸得福

* felix qui nihil debet 无债一身轻

[happy is he who owes nothing]

* felo de se 自杀者

* feme covert 已婚妇女

* feme sole 独身妇女

* ferae naturae 野生的;野性未驯的;本性凶恶的

[of a wild nature; not domesticated] (动物);野性;没有驯养的 * feriunt summos fulgura montes 树大招风

[lightning strikes the mountain tops]

* ferme accerima proximorum odia 至亲骨肉之间的仇恨往往最深

[hatred among close relatives is generally

the bitterest]

* ferrum, dum in igne candet, cudendum est tibi 打铁要趁热

[you must strike the iron while it is

glowing hot]

* festina lente [hasten slowly] 急事慢慢做;欲速则不达;抓紧时间, 但不要着急

* fiat justitia [let justice be done] 恳求伸张正义

[误判案件诉请再审时的用语] * fiat justitia, pereat mundus 虽然地塌,也伸正义

[let justice be done, though the world


* fiat justitia, ruat caelum 虽然天崩,也伸正义;即使天崩亦应

[let justice be done, though the heaven 行义


* fiat lux [let there be light] 望光明来临

* fiat voluntas Tua [Thy will be done] 希望你的愿望得以实现 * fictio juris 法律拟制

* fidei commissaria hereditas 遗产信托

* fidei commissum [a thing entrusted to faith] 信托遗赠;托付

* fidei defensor 保护信仰者

* fideli certa merces 忠诚的人必有好报

[there is a certain reward for the man who

is faithful]

* fidelis et fortis 忠实而勇敢

* fide, sed cui vide 信任之,惟须辨别其人 * fides etiam hosti servanda 对敌人也必须守信

* fides punica 无信;诡诈;狡猾

* fides servanda est [faith must be kept] 必须守信用;必须守秘密 * fiducia [trust; pawn] 信托;典当

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* fidus Achates [faithful Achates; a trusty friend] 忠心朋友;心腹之交;忠实朋友 * fidus et audax 忠诚而勇敢的

* fieri facias (fi. fa.) 财物扣押令;扣押并拍卖债务人动产

[that you cause to be made; a writ of 以抵偿债务的执行令;扣押债务 execution to levy and make the amount 人动产令

of a judgement from the goods and

chattels of the judgement debtor]

* fieri feci 扣押债务人动产令的执行报告 * filius nullius [nobody's son; an illegitimate son] 私生子

* filius populi [a son of the people; a bastard] 私生子

* filius terrae [a son of the earth; a peasant] 农夫

* finem respice [look to the end] 善终;必思其终

* finis coronat opus [the end crowns the work] 凡事贵于完成;工作必须完成,才有 价值;事贵有始有终;结局为事 业之冠

* finis litium [an end of lawsuits] 案件终结

* finis origine pendet 结果要看开端而定;好结果必须有好

[the end depends on the beginning] 开端

* flagrante bello 在战争状态中;在战争期间;在战争

[while the war is blazing; during hostilities] 中

* flagrante delicto (犯罪)当场;现行(犯);现行不

[while the crime is blazing; in the very act]法行为;作案时;当场捕获;在 犯罪时(被捕)

* flamma fumo est proxima 有烟必有火;无风不起浪;有烟的地

[flame is very close to smoke; where there's 方就有火

smoke, there's fire]

* flebile ludibrium 嘲弄

* flecti, non frangi 可屈而不可断

* floruit [he flourished] 全盛时期

* flosculi sententiarum 智慧的花朵;珠玑集

[flowerets of thought; an anthology of

beautiful thoughts]

* fluctuat nec mergitur 败而不馁

* foenus nauticum [nautical or maritime interest] 船舶抵押利息

* folio verso (f. v.) [on the back of the page] 在一页的背面;在反面

* fons et origo [fountain and source] 本源;泉源

* fons et origo mali [fountain and origin of evil] 罪恶的根源

* fons et origo malorum 祸根;痛苦的根源

* forensis strepitus 在法庭上吵闹

[the noisy turmoil of the court]

* forma bonum fragile 美色易衰

[beauty is a fragile possession]

* forma flos, fama flatus 美貌如花朵,名声如气息

[beauty is a flower, fame a breath]

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* forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit 回首往事眉开眼笑

* fortes fortuna adjuvat (or juvat) 勇敢的人运气好;勇往直前,无往不

[fortune helps the brave] 利;幸运帮助勇敢的人

* forti et fideli nihil difficile 勇敢而忠诚的人没有难事;世上无难

[nothing is difficult for the brave and royal] 事,只怕有心人;有志者事竟成 * fortis cadere, cedere non potest 勇敢的人宁死不屈

[the brave man may fall, but he cannot


* fortiter, fideliter, feliciter 勇敢地,忠诚地,成功地

* fortiter in re 遇事要有勇气

* fortiter et recte 既勇且义

* fortuna belli semper ancipiti in loco est 战争永远难分胜败

[the fortunes of war are always in doubt]

* fortuna favet fatuis [fortune favors the fools] 傻人有傻福

* fortuna fortibus favit 勇敢的人运气好

[fortune favors the brave]

* fortuna multis dat nimium nulli satis 得到幸福的人很多,但知足者甚少; 得陇望蜀

* fortuna nimium quen fovet, stultum facit 傻人运气好;傻人有傻福

[fortune often makes her darling a fool]

* fortuna sequatur 愿吉祥伴随

* forum competens 管辖法院

[the forum or court that has jurisdiction]

* forum contentiosum 诉讼法庭;普通法院

[a contentious court; the ordinary court

of justice]

* forum contractus 订约地法院;契约缔结地(法院)

[the place where a contract is made; the

court of the place where a contract is


* forum conveniens 便于审理的法院

* forum domicilii 被告居住地法院

[the court of the domicile of the defendant]

* forum ecclesiasticum [ecclesiastic court] 宗教法庭

* forum non conveniens 不便于审理的法院;不便利地点法院

[inconvenient court or jurisdiction the

doctrine is patterned upon the right of the

court in the exercise of its equitable

powers to refuse the imposition upon its

jurisdiction of the trial of cases even

though the venue is properly laid if it

appears that for the convenience of

litigants and witnesses and in the interest

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of justice the action should be instituted

in another forum where the action might

have been brought]

* forum originis 出生地法院;原籍国法院

[the forum or court of the place where the

act originated]

* forum prorogatum 当事人同意的法院

* forum rei 被告居住地法院;财产所在地法院;

[the court of the defendant's domicile; 物所在地法院

the court of the place where the property

in controversy is situated]

* frangas, non flectes 头可断,志不屈;头可断而志不可屈;

[you may break, you will not bend (me)] 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 * frangenti fidem, fides non est servanda 对毁信者不必守信

* fraus est celare fraudem 隐瞒欺诈,等于欺诈

[to conceal a fraud is fraud]

* fraus omnis corrupsit 欺诈毁灭一切

* fronti nulla fides 不要相信外表;不可以貌取人;人不

[there is no trusting to appearances] 可以貌相

* fructus [fruit; produce; profits] 果实;收获;利润;孳息 * fructus civiles 法定孳息(如租金、利息)

[profits or revenues recognized by the law]

* fructus industriales 劳动成果;劳动收获(如谷物)

[fruits of industry; fruits of a thing, as of

land, which are produced by the labour

and industry of the occupant, as crops of


* fructus legis 法律的执行;法律的效果

[the fruit of the law; i.e., execution]

* fructus naturales [products of nature] 天然孳息;自然收获(如羊毛、金属) * fruges consumere nati 不劳而获;寄生虫

* frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet 讨好众人的事是白费力气的

[he labours in vain who strives to please


* fuga ad salices 矫饰;伪托

* fugit hora 光阴飞逝

* fugit irreparabile tempus 光阴一去不回头;时间飞去不再来;

[irrecoverable time flies away] 光阴一去不复还

* fulmen brutum 虚张声势;虚声恫吓

[a harmless thunderbolt; empty threat]

* functus officio 任务完成;卸任;失效

[a task performed; a function fulfilled]

* furor arma ministrat 愤怒增加力量

* furor loquendi 喜欢讲话的脾气;话匣子

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[an uncontrollable desire to talk]

* furor poeticus [the inspired frenzy of the poet] 诗人的灵思;诗人的狂想

* furtum 盗窃犯;盗窃罪

* furtum conceptum 赃物

* furtum manifestum 人赃俱获的盗窃犯

* furtum non manifestum 非现行盗窃犯

* furtum oblatum 窝赃

* gabella emigrationis 移民出境税

* gamalis [a legitimate child] 婚生子;合法子女

* gaudeamus igitur 所以让我们高兴

* gaudeamus, igitur, juvenes dum sumus 年青时当行乐

[let us rejoice, therefore, while we are


* gaudet temtamine virtus 美德不怕考验

[virtue rejoices in trials]

* genera [things in general] 不特定物

* generale dictum generaliter est interpretandum 一般性用语应作一般的解释

[a general statement should be interpreted


* generalia [things in general; general principles] 一般规定;一般原则

* generalia praecedunt, specialia sequuntur 一般规定在前,特别规定在后;

[general matters precede, special matters 一般条款在前,特别条款在后 follow]

* generalia specialibus non derogant 一般法规不得减损特别法规

[generalities do not derogate from special


* generalia verba sunt generaliter intelligenda 一般的用语应作一般的解释

[general words are to be understood in a

general sense]

* generalibus specialia derogant 特别优于普通;特别法损害普通法 * genius loci [the protecting deity of a place] 地方的守护神

* gens [a tribe or clan] 民族;宗族

* genus homo [the human race] 人类

* genus vivendi 生活方式

* gloria victis! [glory to the vanquished] 虽败犹荣

* glossatores 罗马法注释家

* gradatim vincimus 我们逐渐克服

* gratia gratiam parit [kindness begets kindness] 对别人好,别人对你也好;礼尚往来 * gratia placendi [for the sake of pleasing] 为了讨好别人;为了取悦的缘故 * gratias agere [to give thanks] 感谢;表示谢意

* gratis dictum 自愿的供词;未经证实的话;只不过

[a voluntary statement; a mere assertion] 是意见

* graviora manent 最坏的还在后头

[more grievous perils remain; the worst is

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yet to come]

* graviora quaedam sunt remedia periculis 治不得法,越治越糟

[some remedies are worse than the disease]

* gravior manent 厄运就要降临

* gravissimum est imperium consuetudinis 风俗的力量,其大无比

[the power of custom is most weighty]

* grosso modo [in gross; roughly] 大概地;大约地;大体上;概括地 * gutta cavat lapidem 水滴石穿;铁杵磨成针 * gutta cavat lapidem, consumitur annulus usu 滴水穿石,戒指日久磨损

[dripping water hollows the rock, the ring

is worn away by use]

* habeas corpora juratorum 强迫陪审员到庭令

[a writ commanding the sheriff to bring up

the persons of jurors]

* habeas corpus 人身保护令;人身保障法

[you should have the body; a writ of [1679年英国会通过] personal freedom exercised when a

prisoner posts bail]

[Habeas Corpus Act: 人身保障法]

* habeas corpus ad subjiciendum 人身交释令

[you should produce the body to submit

to; a writ for inquiring into the lawfulness

of the restraint of a person who is

imprisoned or detained in another's


* habeas corpus ad testificandum 传讯被扣押者出庭作证令 * habemus confitentem reum 被告认罪

[we have a confessing defendant]

* habemus papam [we have a pope] 新教宗已选出

* habendum et tenendum [to have and to hold] 契据的物权条款;享有;永远持有 * habent et musca spelem 苍蝇也会生气

[even a fly will show anger]

* habere facias possessionem 自由保有土地收回占有令

[that you cause to have possession;

the name of the process commonly

reported to by the successful party in an

action of ejectment, for the purpose of

being placed by the sheriff in the actual

possession of the land recovered]

* habitatio [the right of dwelling] 居住权

* hac lege 依此法律;据这项规定;在这样情况

[with (under) this law (or condition); 下

with this proviso]

* hac mercede placet [I accept the terms] 我接受这些条件

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* haereditas jacens 没有继承人的遗产

[an inheritance lying in abeyance;

a prostate or vacant inheritance]

* haereditas nunquam ascendit 继承权不向上溯

[an inheritance never ascends]

* haeres legitimus est quem nuptiae demonstrant 婚生子女方为合法继承人

* Hannibal ad portas 大敌当前;大难临头;兵临城下

[Hannibal is at the gates; a cry of alarm]

* haud longis intervallis 每隔不久;不时

[at intervals by no means long; at frequent


* haud passibus aequis 脚步不稳;蹒跚

[not with equal steps; with unequal steps]

* helluo librorum [a devourer of books] 博览群书的人;书呆子;极爱读书者 * heres [pl. heredes] [heir] 继承人

* hiatus valde deflendus 可悔可恨的短处

* hic et nunc [here and now] 此时此地;立刻

* hic et ubique [here and everywhere] 四处;处处;随处;各处 * hic finis fandi 话说完了

[here was an end of the speaking; here the

speech ended]

* hic funis nihil attraxit 计划失败

[the line has taken no fish; the scheme is a


* hic jacet [here lies] 永眠于此;.... 之墓;墓志铭;葬此; 墓碑

* hic labor, hoc opus est 这是劳动,这是工作

* hic sepultus 葬于此

* hinc illae lacrimae 这是困难的根源;这是祸根 * his non obstantibus 尽管如此

[not withstanding these things; nevertheless]

* hoc age 做事要留心;注意;做这事要当心

[do this; mind what you are about; attend]

* hoc anno [in this year] 今年;在这一年;本年 * hoc erat in votis 此乃我所愿

* hoc genus omne 这类人

* hoc indictum volo 我收回这句话

[I wish this unsaid; I withdraw the


* hoc loco [in this place] 在此地

* hoc mense [in this month] 在这个月;本月

* hoc mihi non est negotium 这不关我的事;不在其位,不谋其政 * hoc opus, hic labor est 这是工作,这是劳动

* hoc quaere [look for this] 查看此条

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* hoc sensu [in this sense] 在这种意义上;本乎此义

* hoc sustinete, majus ne veniat malum 小不忍则乱大谋;小事不忍,大祸临 [endure this evil, lest a greater come upon 头


* hoc tempore [at this time] 在这个时候;此时;此时此刻

* hoc titulo [under this title] 根据这种权限;在这个名义下

* hodie mihi, cras tibi 今天是我,明天就轮到你[指死亡]

* homines dum docent, discunt 人类教学相长

[men learn while they teach]

* homo homini lupus [man is a wolf to man] 人对人为狼;人对待人如豺狼;人互


* homo mensura [man is the measure] 人是一切的标准

* homo multarum litterarum 博学的人;有文学修养的人

[a man of many letters; a very learned


* homo novus [self-made man; an upstart] 暴发户;白手成家的人

* homo proponit, sed Deus disponit 谋事在人,成事在天

[man proposes but God disposes]

* homo sapiens [the thinking man] 智人;人类;现代人

* homo semper aliud, fortuna aliud cogitat 不如意事常八九;天不从人愿

[man always has one thing in mind, fortune


* homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto 人类的一切特性,我并不陌生,因为 我是人

* homo trium litterarum 三个字母的人[即fur贼]

* homo unius libri 读死书的人;坐井观天的人;刻舟求


* honesta mors turpi vita potior 恶生不如好死

* honoris causa (or gratia) 名誉的;荣誉的[头衔、学位]

[as a recognition of honor due]

* honos habet onus 有荣誉就负有责任;位高者责任重;

[honors carry the burden of responsibility] 望重任亦重

* hora decubita (hd) 睡觉时;就寝时

* horae subsicivae [leisure hours; spare time] 空闲时间;闲暇

* hora fugit [the hour flies] 光阴似箭;时光飞逝;岁月如流

* hora somni sumendus 睡觉时服用

* horresco referens 我谈虎色变;言之战栗;说起来真可

[I shudder to relate it (generally used in a 怕

playful sense)]

* horribile dictu [horrible to relate] 言之可怖;谈虎色变;惨不忍睹;说


* horribile visu [horrible to see] 惨不忍睹;言之可怖;谈虎色变

* hortus siccus 一堆干草;植物标本;一堆乏味的事

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* hostis 民族的敌人[区别于私人的仇人] * hostis humani generis 人类公敌

[an enemy of the hman race]

* hujus anni [of this year] 今年的

* hujus mensis [of this month] 本月的

* hunc tu caveto 你要注意他

* hypotheca [pledge; mortage] 抵押权;抵押

* ibidem (ibid) 同上(所引之处);在同处

[in the same place (in a book)]

* ictus sanguinis 中风;半身不遂

* ictus solis 中暑

* idem (id) [the same; the same as above] 同;同上;同前

* idem genus 同类

* idem modi 同式

* idem quod (i.q.) 相同

* idem sonans 同音姓名;有同样的发音

[sounding the same or alike; having the

same sound]

* idem velle atque idem nolle 莫逆之交;同甘共苦

* id est (i.e.) [that is; that is to say] 就是;换言之;即;就是说

* id facere laus est quod decet, non quod licet 做事尽责而不随便的人,值得赞扬

[he deserves praise who does what he

ought to do, not what he may do]

* id genus omne 凡是这样的

* ignis fatuus [pl. ignes fatui] 磷火;鬼火;空中楼阁;妄想;幻想

[foolish fire; misleading light;

will-o'-the wisp]

* ignoramus 不合控诉;[俗] 无知的人;笨蛋

[we are ignorant; words used by the grand

jury on bills of indictment when, after

having heard the evidence, they thought

the accusation against the prisoner was


* ignorantia 不知情

* ignorantia facti excusat 不知情者可以免责

* ignorantia juris non excusat 不知法律也不能免除责任

* ignorantia legis neminem excusat 不知法律,不可以抗辩;不知法律并 (= ignorantia legis naud excusat; 不能免罪;不知法律也不能免除 ignorantia legis non excusat) 责任

[ignorance of law excuses no one;

ignorance of law is no excuse]

* ignoratio elenchi 异议的虚伪[逻辑:以与命题无关之

[ignorance of proof; a fallacy of supposing 事物为证据的谬误];用歪曲对 a point proved or disproved by an 方论点的手法驳斥对方;文不对

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argument proving or disproving something 题;张冠李戴

not at issue]

* ignoscito saepe alteri, numquam tibi 常恕人,勿恕己

[often pardon others but never youself]

* ignoti nulla cupido 不知则不贪;不知者不贪;眼不见,

[no body desires what he does not know] 心不想

* ignotum per ignotius 用更难懂的道理,解释人所不懂的道

[the unknown through the more unknown] 理;解释得比原来更难懂;越解 释越难懂

* illotis manibus 没有准备

* immedicabile vulnus 一个不可医治的创伤

* immedicabile vulnus ense recidendum est ne 恶疮必须割除,以免蔓延 pars sincera trahatur

[an incurable wound must be cut out lest

the sound part be infected]

* immobilia situm sequuntur 不动产依所在地法

* imo pectore 出于肺腑

* imperium 统治权

* imperium cupientibus nihil medium inter 追求权利的人,不是飞黄腾达,就是 summa aut praecipitia 一败涂地

[for those seeking power there is no

middle course between the depths and

the heights]

* imperium in imperio 国家内的国家;国中之国;主权内的

[empire within an empire; government 另一主权;政府中的政府 within a government]

* impos animi 没脑筋的;痴呆

[having no power over the mind; imbecile]

* impossibilis condicio 不可能的条件

* impossibilis est quod societas delinquat 社会不可能犯罪

[it is impossible that society commits a


* impotens sui [lacking self-control] 无自制力

* imprimatur 出版许可;出版执照

[it may be printed; a license to publish,

given by a bishop of the Roman Catholic


* imprimi permittitur (or potest) 准许出版

[permission to print is granted]

* impubes 未成年者

* in absentia [in the absence of] 缺席;不在;当.....不在时;缺席时 * in abstracto [in the abstract] 抽象的;理论上;意念上

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* in actu [in actual existence] 实际存在;实在;其实 * inadimplenti non est adimplendum 不守约者不得要求践约

[one who does not fulfill obligations cannot

demand fulfillment by the other]

* in aeternum [for ever] 永远;永久

* in alio loco 在别的地方

* in ambiguo 可疑

* in animam malevolam sapientia haud intrare 恶意的人很难明白事理 potest

[wisdom can hardly enter the soul of an

ill-willed man]

* in anima vili 用微量;干小事

* in armis 武装;准备临阵

* in articulo mortis [at the point of death] 临终;临终时;将死;最后一关 * in autre droit [French] 凭他人权力;作为他人代表 * in brevi [in short] 简言之;简略地;简短地 * in caelo quies 安息在天;已死

* in camera [in chamber; in private] 秘密;不公开;禁止旁听; 在(法官)私人办公室中 * in capite 其中大的

* in casu 这里指的是在 .... 的情况下

* in cauda venenam [sting in the tail] 尾巴带刺;话中带刺;蝎尾有毒;图 穷匕首见

* in claris non fit interpretatio 明白的不需解释

* inclusio unius exclusio alterius 有其一不能有其二

[the inclusion of one is the exclusion of

the other]

* in commendam 代为保管

* in concreto [in substance] 具体的;事实上

* in consimili casu 在同类案件中

* in contumaciam [in defiance] 藐视法庭;侮辱法官;拒不出庭 * in conventionibus contrahentium voluntas 在协定中,应注意当事各方的意思, potius quam verba spectari placuit 而非实际使用的字句 * in corpore [in a body; as a whole] 全体

* incredibile dictu [incredible to relate] 说起来叫人不信的;不可思议的;说 起来很难令人相信;不像真实的 * in curia 在法庭上;在公开审讯中 * in custodia legis 在法律保护下

* inde irae 因此发怒

* inde irae et lacrimae 因此发怒而流泪

* in delicto 有过失

* in deposito [in deposit; in custody] 保存;作为抵押

* index expurgatorius 禁书目录

* Index Librorum Prohibitorum 《禁书目录》[天主教会公布的]

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* index locorum [index of places] 地名索引

* index nominum [index of names] 人名索引;名录

* index rerum [a list of references] 参考书名;参考资料一览表 * indicia 标志

* indivisum 共有的

* in dubiis 在疑惑中

* in dubio [in doubt] 可疑

* in dubio lex fori 遇有疑义,依法院所在地法 * in dubio mitius 遇有疑义,从轻解释

* in dubio, pars mitior est sequenda 有疑义时从宽

* in dubio pro reo 遇有疑义,作有利于被告的解释 * industriae nil impossibile 天下无难事,只怕有心人 * in equilibrio 平均;不偏

* in esse [in being; actually existing] 实在的;确实存在的;实际存在的 * in extenso [at full length] 全部;全文;完全照原文[引证]; 详尽地

* in extremis [in the last moment of life] 临终;临死的时候;在最后的时刻; 到最后的关头

* in facie curiae 出庭;到庭;在法庭前

[in the face (or presence) of the court]

* in facto 事实上

* in favorem 为了 ..... 的利益

* infectio aerialis 空气传染

* infectio contacta 直接传染

* infectio cruciata 相互传染

* infectio cryptogenica 潜伏传染

* infectio directa 直接传染

* infectio indirecta 间接传染

* infectio localis 局部传染

* infectio mixta 混合传染

* infectio per aquam 水传染

* infectio per cibum 食物传染

* insectio per insectum 昆虫传染

* infectio per lacteum 乳传染

* infectio per solum 土壤传染

* infectio puerperalis 产后传染

* infectio secundaria 继发传染

* in fieri 在审理中;未决

[in being made; in the process of


* in fine [at the end] 末尾[指书页或书的章篇]

* in flagrante delicto 当场;在犯罪现场;现行(犯);

[while the crime is blazing; in the very act] 在作案中;当犯罪的时候 * in folio 对开本的(书)

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* in forma pauperis 以贫民身分诉讼[免交庭费];因贫

[in the manner of a pauper; describes 穷准其免付诉讼费用;作为一个 permission given to a poor person to sue 穷人

without liability costs]

* in foro conscientiae 在道德法庭上;接受良心谴责;从道

[in the court of conscience; considered 德立场而言;在良心的法庭前; from a moral point of view] 为天良所审判;从良心上讲 * in foro domestico [in a domestic court] 在本国法院

* infortunium 过失致死;横祸

* infra 在下;以下

* infra annos nubiles 未满结婚年龄

* infra dignitatem (infra dig.) 有损尊严;有失体统;有碍观瞻;降

[beneath one's dignity] 低威信

* infra metas 在范围内

* infra praesidia 完全在拿捕者的权力之下 * in futuro 未来;将来;以后

* ingenium mala saepe movent 患难往往激发才智

[bad luck often stirs genius]

* ingenium res adversae nudare solent, celare 富贵使人鲁钝;患难中方显才智 secundae

[adversity reveals genius; prosperity

conceals it]

* ingenui [person born free; free-born] 生来自由人

* in gremio legis 在法律保护下;在法律保障下

[under the bosom (i.e. protection) of the


* in hac parte 在这部分;在这方面

* in haec foedera non venimus 我们未曾订立这项契约[否认契约关

[we did not conclude this contract] 系]

* in hoc statue 在此状况下

* in infinitum 无限制

* in initio 在开始

* in integrum 原有状态;以前的地位

* in integrum restitutio 恢复原有地位;恢复原状

[restoration to the original state]

* in invitum [against an unwilling party] 和对方意见相反;对付不肯同意的一 方;强制

* in judicio 在审讯中;复审

[before a judge; in the seconde stage of


* in jure 在法律上;预审

[in law; according to law; in the

preparatory stage of trial]

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* in jure, non remota causa sed proxima 法律审究近因,不远远因 spectatur

[in law, the proximate and not the remote

cause is regarded]

* injuria [injury; wrongful act] 侵害;伤害;不当行为;不法行为 * injuria absque damno 虽不正当但未造成损失的行为

[injury without damage; an infringement

of a right without causing damage]

* injuria non excusat injuriam 受害人不能做害人的辩护

[one wrong does not justify another]

* injuria non praesumitur 侵害是不能假定的

* injuria sine damno 虽不正当但未造成损失的行为

[injury without damage; an infringement

of a right without causing damage]

* in limine [on the threshold; at the outset] 在开端;开始;入门

* in limine litis 在争端开始时;在诉讼开始时

* in loco [in the place; in the place of] 在原地;在适当的地方;在当地;凑 巧

* in loco citato 在提及过的地方

* in loco parentis [in the place of a parent] 处于父母的地位;代替父母;为人父 母

* in media res [into the middle of things] 在事物中心;在事件中;在事情的中间; (小说、史诗等)从中间热闹关头开始; 开门见山;直说事物本体;在正中 * in medio stat virtus 凡事应有分寸;凡事适可而止;中庸

[virtue exists in the middle (between two 即是美德;中庸之道 extremes)]

* in medio tutissimus ibis 中间路线最安全

* in memoriam [in memory of] 为了纪念;以为纪念;献给 .... 之灵 * in mora [in delay; in default] 违约;失约;未履行义务 * in motu 在行动中

* in natura [in essence] 实在;按其真实形状;按其自然状态 [不经加工]

* in naturalibus [in the state of nature; naked]一丝不挂;全身赤裸;赤裸裸地;毫 无遮盖地

* in nomine 以 .... 的名义

* in nubibus 含糊;不明;尚未判定;不切实际

[in the clouds; confused; in abeyance]

* in nuce [in a nutshell; briefly] 概括地;简略地;撮要;简单 * in octavo 八开[纸]

* in oculis civium 在大庭广众之下;公开

[in tbe eyes of citizens; in public]

* in omnia paratus [prepared for all things] 以防万一;准备应付一切

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* in omnibus [in all things; on all points] 在各方面;在总的方面;在所有方面 * inops consilii 没有得到指导;未经律师指导(而立

[destitute of council; without legal counsel] 的遗嘱)

* in optima forma 形状最佳;以最好形式;依照正规 * in pacato solo [in a country which is at peace] 在非交战国境内

* in pace [in peace] 太平;平安;在和平中;在安静状态 中

* in pari delicto 互有过失

* in pari delicto potior est conditio possidentis两方过失相等时,持有人(或被告) (or defendentis) 的地位占优胜

[in a case of equal fault (between two

parties) the condition of the party in

possession (or defending) is the better


* in pari materia 在类似情况下;在类似事件中;属于

[upon the same matter or subject] 同一问题的;相关的

* in partibus (= in partibus infidelium) 没有教区的(主教);有名无实的;

[in the region of the infidels; a phrase used 在非教徒区

in the Roman Catholic to indicate the see

over which a titular bishop is said to rule]

* in pectore judicis 由法官酌定的(判决)

[in the breast of the judge (said of a


* in perpetuum [for ever] 永久;永远;永恒

* in personam [against the person] 对人;控诉一人;人身攻击 * in pleno 全体;完全;不折不扣

* in pleno lumine 公开;公然

[in public; in common knowledge; in the

light of day]

* in plus stat minus 多包括少

* in posse [potentially; in possibility] 可能的;可能存在着;有可能 * in praesenti 现在

* in principio [in the beginning] 最初;在开始

* in promptu 有准备地;立即;准备就绪;现成; 就在手头

* in propria causa nemo judex 任何人不得审理自己当事的案件

[no one can be judge in his own cause]

* in propria persona 亲自[指无律师帮助];他自己;亲

[in one's own person (or character)] 身;本人

* in proprio 自己

* in proverbium cessit, sapientiam vino 俗语说,酒令智昏


[it has became a proverb that wisdom is

clouded by wine]

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* in puris naturalibus [starked naked] 赤裸;一丝不挂;全裸

* in quarto 四开[纸]

* in re [in the matter of; concerning] 关于;案由

* in rem [in or against a thing] 对物的[诉讼]

* in rerum natura 实际存在;按事物本性

[in the nature of things; in the realm a

actuality; in existence]

* in saecula saeculorum 永垂万世;永久无穷;世世代代

[for ages and ages; forever and ever]

* in se 在其自身;自在的[阶级]

* insignia 勋章;徽章

* in situ [in its (original) place] 在原来位置;在原处;在原位;在原 地;在当地;在出事之所

* in solidum (or solido) 全部;全体;就整体而言;完全地

[for the whole; as a whole]

* in spe 期望;在期待中

* in specie 以其真正形式及本质

* instans est finis unius temporis et principium 瞬息是一个时间的终结,也是另一时 alterius 间的开始

* instar omnium 与众不同;为众人的榜样

* in statu nascendi 在新生状态中;在初生状态中;在起


* in statu pupillari 处于被监护人的地位

[in the position of a ward or orphan]

* in statu quo [in the same place as formerly] 按原样;维持原状;原状;照旧;在 原来状态

* in statu quo ante ..... 恢复 ..... 以前的状态

* in statu quo ante bellum 照战前原状

[in the same state as before the war]

* in substantia [in substance] 实质上;实体上

* insula nata 新生岛屿

* intelligenti pauca 聪明的人,一说就懂;明人不必细说

[to a person of understanding, a few

words (suffice)]

* in temporalibus [in things temporal] 世俗事务

* in tempore opportuno [in appropriate time] 及时;在适当时机

* in tenebris [in darkness; in a state of doubt]未见分晓;未决;未定;在黑暗中; 在怀疑中

* inter alia [among other things] 除其他事项外;除了别的以外;尤其; 此外;特别

* inter alios [among other persons] 除其他人员外

* inter arma caritas 战争中有尊重

* inter arma leges silent 普通法律不适用于战时

[in time of war, the laws are silent]

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* inter arma silent leges 战争的时候无法律可言;战时法律暂


* inter bellum et pacem nihil est medium 战争与和平之间无中间状态

* inter caecos luscus rex 山中无虎,猴子称王;在盲人之间,


* inter canem et lupum 进退维谷;进退两难

[caught between a dog and a wolf;

between the devil and the deep blue sea]

* interdictum uti possidetis 禁止妨害不动产占有

* inter fauces terrarum 在地峡之间

* interim 临时

* in terminis [in express terms; definitely] 明白地;明确地

* inter nos [between ourselves] 你我之间的秘密;不要告诉别人 * inter partes 在当事人之间

* inter pocula 酒后失言

[in one's cups; a time of revelation]

* interpretatio authentica 权威解释

* interpretatio doctrinalis 学理解释

* in terra pax hominibus sancti habentur legati 在人民有和平的国家里使节不受侵犯 * interregnum 中间期;空位期

* in terrorem 以为警告;作为威胁

[in terror or warning; by way of threat]

* in terrorem populi 以一儆百;以儆效尤

[as a warning to the people (in the hope of

gianing obedience)]

* in territorio alieno 在外国领土上

* inter se [between (or among) themselves] 彼此之间;互相;在其自身;在其相 互间

* inter vivo [among the living] 生者所给的(赠与物);生前给予的 * interdictum adipiscendae possessionis 占有权证明书

* interdictum recuperandae possessionis 恢复占有的令状

* interpretatio 解释

* interpretatio extensiva 广义解释

* interpretatio restrictiva 狭义解释

* inter spem et metum 在希望与恐怖之间

* inter vivos 在生活中

* intestabilis 无资格作证;不诚实;无信用

[incompetent to testify as a witness;


* intestimonium 作为证明

* in totidem verbis 依照原文;原文照抄

[in so many words; in precisely the same

words; words for words]

* in toto [in the whole; entirely] 全然;全部;总括;一概;整个地;

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* in toto et pars continetur 部分也包含于总体之中 * intra muros 城内;墙内

* in transitu 在途中;经过;在 ..... 过程中 * intra parietes 和解

[between walls; among friends; out of

court; without litigation]

* intra vires [within the powers] 在权限以内

* in usu [in use] 在使用中;通用

* in utero 在子宫内

* in utramque fortunam paratus 准备两手

* in utroque fideis 忠于两方

* in utrumque paratus 随机应变;准备应付任何情况

[prepared for either event]

* in vacuo 空处;在真空中

* inverso ordine [in inverse order] 按相反次序;翻转过来

* invia virtute nulla est via 勇士面前无绝路;车到山前必有路 * in vili veste nemo tractatur honeste 只重衣衫不重人

[no one in shabby clothes is treated fairly]

* in vino veritas [there is truth in wine] 酒后见本性;酒后吐真言;酒后说实 话

* invito beneficium non datur 不得强迫接受恩惠

[no one is obliged to accept a benefit

against his consent]

* in vitro 在试管中;体外;在实验中

[within glass; observable as in a test tube]

* in vivo [living; alive] 活的;在生物体中(进行实验);在

[e.g. experiment in vivo: 活体实验; 活体内(试验)


* ipse dixit 一面之词;武断的话;有人这么说

[he himself said it; a dogmatic statement

supported by bare authority; dictum]

* ipissima verba [the very words] 原文;原话

* ipsissimis verbis [in the very words] 原文照录

* ipso facto [by the very fact] 依照事实;当然;根据事实本身;根 据行为本身

* ipso jure [by the law itself] 依照法律;根据这项法律;根据法律 * ira furor brevis est [anger is brief madness] 发怒是一时的疯狂;愤怒是短时间的 疯狂

* is fecit cui prodest 犯罪的人往往即是从罪行中得到利益

[he is the doer who profits from it; the 的人;做这事的人就是这事对他 criminal is nearly always the one who 有利的人;这事对谁有利,就是 prifits from the crime] 谁做的

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* ita diis placuit 事情做得完美

* ita lex scripta est [thus the law is written] 法律规定如此;法律就是这样规定的; 法律是这么写的

* iterum [again; anew] 再

* jacta alea est [the die is cast] 木已成舟;大势已定;已下决心 * januis clausis [behind closed doors] 秘密;不公开;闭门;不准人入内 * joci causa 因为开玩笑的缘故

* judex damnatur cum nocens obsolvitur 罪犯省释,法官判刑

[the judge is condemned when the guilty is


* judex non potest esse testis in propria causa 法官不能为自己案件作证人 * judicatum solvi [the guilty one to pay] 败诉一方负担费用 * judicis est jus dicere, non dare 法官宣示法律而不制订法律 * judicium capitale 判处死刑;宣判死刑

* judicium finium regundonum 确定疆界的判决

* judicium legitima 合法诉讼

[legitimate proceeding before a judge]

* jura in re aliena (对别人财产的)限制物权

[rights in a thing beloning to another


* jura naturae sunt immutabilia 自然法则是不变的

* jura novit curia 法院应了解法律;法庭承认权利 * jura quaestia 法律上的既得权利

* jura regalia [royal rights or privileges] 王权;君权

* jurare in verbis magistri 盲目听教师的话;没有自己的观点; 人云亦云

* jure et facto [by law and in fact] 名符其实的

* jure gentium 按国际法

* jure gestionio 管理权

* jure humano [by human law] 根据人类法律(或法则) * jure imperii 统治权

* jure mariti [by a husband's right] 根据夫权

* jure uxoris [by a wife's right] 根据妻权

* jurisdictionis fundandae causa (or gratia) 为了建立管辖权

[for the sake of establishing jurisdiction]

* juris et de jure 合法和依法(推定)

[of law and from law, said of a conclusive


* juris peritus 精通法律

* juris possessio [possession of right] 权利占有

* juris privatum 私权的

* jurisprudentia 法学

* juris tantum 法律上的推定,可举证予以反驳者 * juris vinculum 法律的连锁关系

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* jus [law; legal; right; rule; principle] 法;法律;合法权利;法规;原则; 权;权利;法则 * jus abutendi (or abusus) (财产)处分权

[the right to abuse or do whatever one likes

with property]

* jus abutendi aut abusus (财产)处分权 * jus accrescendi 得来的权利

[the right by survivorship peculiar to joint

ownership, joint rights and joint liabilities]

* jus activum 积极权利

* jus ad bellum 诉诸战争权

* jus ad praeteritum trahi nequit 法律不溯既往

* jus ad rem [right to possess a thing] 物权;占有权;有权占有 * jus aequumjus albinagii 外侨遗产没收权 * jus albinatus 外侨遗产没收权

* jus angariae 非常征用权;占用中立财产权 * jus avocandi 召返权

* jus belli [law of war] 战争法

* jus bellum dicendi 宣战权

* jus canonicum [canon law] 宗教法规;寺院法;教会法 * jus civile [civil law] 民法;市民法(罗马法);民律 * jus civitatus 公民权

* jus cloacae 引水权

* jus cogens [binding law] 强制性法规;强制法;绝对法 * jus commercii [the right to trade] 贸易权

* jus commune [common law] 普通法

* jus connubu (or connubi) 婚姻权;通婚权

[the right to intermarry]

* jus constitutum 立约权

* jus contra bellum 反战权

* jus contrahendi [right to contract] 立约权

* jus criminale [crimonal law] 刑法

* jus detractus 外侨遗产出境征收税 * jus disponendi (财产)处分权

[the right of disposing (of property)]

* jus dispositivum [dispositive law; flexible law] 柔性法;酌定法;任意法 * jus divinum [divine law; divine right] 神法;神权

* jus emphyteuticum (emphyteusis) 永佃(权)

[a lease of land in perpetuity]

* jus erga omnes 对一切人的权利

* jus est ars boni et aequi 法律者,判断善良与公平的技术也;

[law is the science of what is good and just] 法律乃善良公平之道;法律就是 善良和正义的艺术 * jus est norma recti [law is a rule of right] 法律乃权利的准绳

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* jus est norma recti; et quicquod est contra 法律是正义的准则;违反正义准则的 normam recti est injuria 事,就是不当(伤害)行为

[law is a rule of right; and whatever is

contrary to the rule of right is an injury]

* jus et fraus niquam cohabitant 正义与欺诈绝不相容

[right and fraud never dwell together]

* jus et norma loquedi 语法;语言的规则

* jus ex injuria non oritur 侵权行为不得产生权利;不法行为是

[a right does not rise out of a wrong] 不会产生权利的 * jus fetiale 祭司法

* jus fruendi (or fructus) [the right to enjoy] 收益权

* jus gentium [law of nations] 国际法;万国法;万民法;罗马人为 外地人订的法律 * jus gestionis 管理权

* jus gladii 最高管辖权;司法权

[the right of the sword; supreme

jurisdiction; the executory power of the


* jus hereditatis [right to inherit] 继承权

* jus honorarium 大官法;大法官法;裁判官法;

[the body of Roman law which was made [罗马法]

up of edicts of supreme magistrates]

* jus honorum [the right of holding offices] 荣誉权;担任公职权;任职权 * jus imperii 统治权;主权权利

* jus in bello 战时法

* jus in personam 对人权

[a right against a person (to oblige him to

do or not to do an act)]

* jus in re [right in a thing] 物权;实际占有权

* jus in re aliena 他物权;对他人财产的权利

[right in the property of another]

* jus in rem 绝对物权

[a right against a thing; a right enforceable

against anyone in the world]

* jus in re propria [right in one's own property] 自物权;对自己财产的权利 * jus in res [right in a thing] 物权

* jus inter gentes [law between nations] 国际法

* jus legitimum 合法权利

* jus maritii 丈夫(对妻子财产)的权利

[the right of a husband (to his wife's property)]

* jus naturae [law of nature] 自然法

* jus navigandi 航行权

* jus neutralitatis 中立法;中立权

* jus non scriptum [unwritten law] 不成文法

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* jus omnimandae representationis 全权代表权

* jus passivum 消极权利

* jus personarum 个人权利;个人法

[rights of persons; the law of persons]

* jus possessionis [right of possession] 所有权;占有权

* jus postliminii 公民资格恢复权;战后财产恢复权

[the right to return home and resume

one's right; postliminium]

* jus praedae [right of booty] 捕获权;战利品权

* jus privatum 私法

[the civil or municipal law of Rome;

private law]

* jus proprietatis [right of property] 财产权

* jus publicum [public law] 公法

* jus publicum civitatum 万国公法

* jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non 私人契约不得变更公共权利 potest

[a public right cannot be altered by the

agreements of private persons]

* jus quaesitum 询问权

* jus quarteriorum 住区权

* jus regium [right of the crown; royal right] 王权

* jus relictiae (or relicti) 寡妇的权利

[the right of the widow (to the property of [尤指继承亡夫财产的权利] a husband)]

* jus representationis omnimodae 全权代表权

* jus rerum [the law of thing] 物权法

* jus respondendi 解答法律的权力;法律解释权 * jus retentionis [the right of retention] 留置权

* jus sacrum [holy law] 宗教法

* jus sanguinis 血统主义;血统制;儿童国籍决定于

[law or right of consanguinity; the rule of 父母国籍的惯例;根据血统决定 law that the citizenship of the parents 国籍的原则

determines that of the child]

* jus scriptum [written law] 成文法;指定法

* jus singulare [a peculiar or individual rule] 特别法

* jus soli [the law of the place of one's birth]出生地主义;儿童国籍决定于他的出 生地的惯例;根据出生地决定国 籍的原则

* jus speciale [special law] 特别法

* jus standi 出庭权;诉讼权利;确认的权利;适

[recognized right (lit. "right of standing")] 格权利

* jus strictum [strict law] 严格法

* jus suffragii [right of suffrage] 选举权

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* jus summum saepe summa malitia est 极端的法律往往极为不当;法之极,

[extreme law is often extreme wrong] 害之极

* justa causa 正当原因;合法的依据

* justae nuptiae [in legal marriage] 合法婚姻

* jus talionis 以眼还眼,以牙还牙

* jus tertii [the right of a third person] 第三者权利;第三当事人的权利 * justitia communtativa 交换的公平

* justitia distributiva 分配的公平

* justitia non novit patrem nec matrem; solam 审判的公平是不认父母而只看真理的 veritatem spetat justicia

[justice knows neither father nor mother,

justice looks to truth alone]

* justitia omnibus [justice to all] 大公无私;公正

* justitia suum cuique distribuit 法律使人人得所应得;司法应该赏罚

[justice gives every one his due] 分明

* jus tollendi [the right to remove] 拆除权

* justo tempore 在适当的时候

* jus transitus innoxii 无害通行权

* justum bellum 正义战争

* justum et tenacem 正直而意志坚定(的人) * justum et tenacem propositi virum 性情耿介信心坚定的人

[a man who is upright and firm of purpose]

* justus titulus [just title] 正当名义

* jus utendi [the right of use] 使用权

* jus udendi et abutendi 使用与滥用权

* jus voluntarium 意志法

* juxta 根据;靠近

* juxta formam statuti 根据法律形式

* labore et honore 勤劳和荣誉

* labores pariunt honores 劳动产生光荣

* labor ipse voluptas 苦中自乐

* labor omnia vicit improbus 勤劳克服一切困难;有志者事竟成; (= labor omnia vincit) 有恒为成功之母

[persistent labour conquers everything]

* lac defloratum 脱脂奶

* lac vaccinum 牛奶

* laesa majestas [lese majesty; treason] (对君主)不敬罪;叛逆罪;大逆不 道

* lapis philosophorum [the philosopher's stone] 点金石

* lapsus calami [a slip of the pen] 笔误;写错;误写

* lapsus linguae [a lip of the tongue] 失言;说错

* lapsus memoriae [a lip of memory] 记错;忘却

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* lares et penates 家神们;家中财物

[lares et penates; household goods;

household or personal effects]

* larga manu 很慷慨地;毫不吝惜地 * largo sensu 广义

* lata culpa dolo aequiparatur 重大疏忽等于诈骗

[gross negligence is equivalent to fraud]

* latet anguis in herba

* latifundium [a great landed estate]

* latine dictum

* lato sensu [in a broad sense]

* laudari a viro laudato

* laudator temporis acti

[one who praises times past]

* laudum immensa cupido

* laus propria sordet

* lector benevole!

* legalis homo [a man of full legal rights]

* legatum

* legatum liberationis

* legatum per damnationem

* legatum per vindicationem

* legatus a latere

[a legate from the side (of the pope);

a special papal envoy]

* lege artis

* legem facere [to make law]

* legem ferre

[to propose a law to the people for


* legem jubere [to pass law]

* leges (or lex) [law]

* leges imperfectae [incomplete laws]

* leges minus quam perfectae

[laws less than complete]

* leges mori serviunt

[laws are subservient to custom]

* leges perfectae [complete laws]

* leges plus quam perfectae

[laws more than complete]

* leges suum legent latorem

[laws should bind their own maker]

* legitima portio 草中有蛇伏;暗中有敌人 大地主领地;大片土地 讲拉丁语 广义来说;引申而言;广义 相互吹捧 厚古薄今的人;今不如昔论者 贪得无厌;要求表扬 称赞自己的人是可鄙的 善良的读者;亲爱的读者 享有充分法律权利的人;自由人;有 合法地位的人;守法的人 遗赠 免除债务的遗赠 间接遗赠 直接遗赠 教宗特使 艺术精巧 制定法律;立法 提出法案 通过法律 法律;法 不完全的法律 次完全的法律 法律应符合习惯 完全的法律 最完全的法律 立法者应守法 特留分

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* legitimi 婚生子女

* legitimi haeredes 合法继承人

* legum baccalaureus (LL. B.) 法学士

* legum doctor (LL. D.) 法学博士

* leonina societas (or societas leonina) 与狮子合伙[某一合伙人只分担损失,

[partnership with a lion; a one-sided 不得分享利润]


* levari facias 扣押财产令;拍卖财产抵偿债务执行

[cause to be levied; an order to an official 令

to seize a debtor's property]

* lex (or leges) [law] 法律;法

* lex citationis [law of citations] 引证法

* lex causae 法律关系本身准据法

* lex communis 普通法

* lex contractus 契约准据法

* lex delicti commisi 犯罪地法

* lex domicilii 住所地法;定居地法

[the law of the country of domicile]

* lex est quod notamus 我们制订的法律

* lex ferenda 应有法;拟议法

* lex fori 审判地法;法院地法;诉讼地法

[the law of the country where an action is


* lex generalis 普通法;一般法

* lex imperfecta 不完全法

* lex in casu [law for the case] 适用本案的法律

* lex incerta [uncertain law] 不确定法

* lex inter partes 当事者之间的法律

* lex jurisdictionis ubi sita aunt 物所在地管辖法

* lex lata [existing law] 现行法

* lex loci [the law of the place] 当地法;地方法律;所在地法 * lex loci actus [the law of the place of the act] 行为地法

* lex loci celebrationis 仪式举行地法

* lex loci commissi 不法行为发生地法

* lex loci contractus 订约地法;合同缔结地法;契约地法

[the law of the place where the contract

was made]

* lex loci delicti 不法行为地法

[the law of the place where a tort or

offence has been committed]

* lex loci delicti commissi 不法行为地法;侵权行为地法 * lex loci domicilii 居住地法

[the law of the place of domicile]

* lex loci rei sitae (= lex situs) 物所在地法

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[the law of the place where the thing

is situated]

* lex loci solutionis 履行义务地方的法律;合同履行地法

[the law of the place of solutions; the law

of the place where payment or

performance of a contract is to be made]

* lex mercatoria 商法;商业习惯法

[the body of law dealing with commercial

traders and their transactions;

law merchant]

* lex non curat de minimis 法律不管小事

[the law does not regard small matters]

* lex non scripta [unwritten law] 不成文法;普遍法;习惯法 * lex ordinandi [the law of the court] 诉讼地法

* lex orginis 原籍法;本地法

* lex patriae [national law] 当事人本国法;本国法;国内法 * lex personalis 属人法

* lex posterior derogat priori 后法废止前法;后法胜于前法

[a later statute takes aways the effect of a

prior one]

* lex posterior generalis non derogat legi priori 新的普通法不能使旧的特别法失效 speciali

[a later general statute does not take away

the effect of a prior special statute]

* lex prospicit non respicit 法律不追溯既往

* lex rei sitae 物所在地法

* lex Rhodia de jactu 海上弃物法

[the Rhodian law of jetsam]

* lex scripta [written law; statute law] 成文法

* lex situs (= lex loci rei sitae) 物所在地法

[the law of the place where this thing is


* lex societas 结社法

* lex specialis 特别法

* lex specialis derogat generalis 特别法优于普通法

* lex successionis 继承法

* lex talionis [the law of the retaliation] 同态复仇法;报复性法律 * lex terrae [the law of the land] 当地法;本国法

* lex ultimi domicilii 最后居住地法

* lex uno ore omnes alloquitur 法律大公无私

[the law addresses all with one mouth or


* liberi justi 婚生子女

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* liberi non justi 非婚生子女

* libertas in legibus [liberty under the laws] 合法的自由;法律下的自由 * libertinis [freedmen] 自由民[获得自由的奴隶] * liberum arbitrium [free will; free choice] 自由意志;任意;选择自由;自愿; 随心所欲

* liberum tenementum 自由保有的地产

* liberum veto [free, unrestricted veto] 自由否决权;无限制否决权 * licentia poetica [poetic license] 诗词之破格;诗中的不合规律 * limae labor (作品的)润饰;推敲

[the labour of the file; the polishing of a

literary work]

* limae labor et mora 完成;埋头纸堆中

* lingua alba 白舌[医学]

* lingua franca 通用语言

* lis 诉讼事件

* lis litem generat 斗争产生斗争

* lis mota 诉讼进行中;已经开始的诉讼 * lis pendens [a pending suit] 未决案件;有待法律解决的案件 * lis seriatim 分诉诉讼

* lis sub judice [a suit before the judge] 未决案件;审理中案件;尚未判决的 案件

* lite pendente 在审理中;在诉讼期间

[during the trial; pending the suit]

* litem lite resolvere 斗争解决斗争

* literae humanitores 人文学

[humane or polite literature]

* literae patentes [letters patent] 专利权证

* literae recognitionis [bill of lading] 提货单

* litera legis 法规的文字

* literarum obligatio 书面义务

[obligation based on written instruments]

* litera scripta manet 白纸黑字永远存在;空口无凭立字为 证

* litis contestatio 讼争

* litus est quousque maximus fluctus a mari 海水高潮所达之处为海岸 pervenit

[the shore is where the highest wave from

the sea has reached]

* locatio conductio [letting for hire] 租赁

* locatio conductio operarum 雇佣

* locatio conductio rei 物品的租赁

* locatio operis 雇用契约

[the contract of hiring labour and services]

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* locatio operis faciendi 托管

* locatio rei 物品的租赁;租借

* loco citato (loc cit; l.c.) 在上述引文中;见上引;见前

[in the place cited; in the passage already


* locum tenens 代理人;代表;替手;代替者

[holding the place; a deputy, substitute or


* locus classicus [standard passage] 常引的章句;标准句;经典语句;古 文;古句

* locus communis 平凡的事物

* locus contractus 订约地

* locus contractus regit actum 行为应该遵守契约缔结地点的规定

[the place of the contract governs the act]

* locus criminis 犯罪地

[the place where the crime was committed]

* locus delicti 不法行为地;犯罪地

[the place where an offence was


* locus delicti commissi 不法行为发生地

* locus in quo [the place in which (or where)] 现场;所在地;出处

* locus minoris resistentiae 抵抗力较弱的地方

* locus poenitentiae 反悔的机会;退约的权利;悔恨的地

[a place for repentance; an opportunity for 方

changing one's mind; a right to withdraw

from an incompleted transaction]

* locus regit actum [the place governs the act] 行为依行为地法[国际私法];“场 所支配行为”[原则];地点支





* locus rei sitae 物所在地

[the place where a thing is situated]

* locus sigilli (L.S.) [the place of the seal] 盖印处;(文书副本上标明正本上) 盖印地方

* locus solutionis 合同履行地

* locus standi 确认的地位;诉讼地位;出庭资格;

[a place of standing; recognized standing 发言权;立足点;陈述权;地位; or position; right to appear before a court] 职位

* longa possessio est pacis jus 长期占有构成和平权利 * longa possessio jus parit 长期占有产生权利

* longe absit 让他远离

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* longi temporis praescriptio 长期时效

[long-term prescription]

* longo intervallo 相隔甚久

* longum iter est per precepta, breve et efficax 言教不如身教

per exempla

* lucidus ordo 布置清楚

* lucri causa [for the sake of gain] 为图利;唯利是图

* lucrum cessans [a ceasing gain] 消极损害;丧失的利益

* lues venerea 梅毒

* lupus in fabula 口蜜腹剑的人;阳善阴恶的人 * lupus pilum mutat, non mentem 豺狼外表会变,但本性不改;江山易

[the wolf changes his coat, but not his 改,本性难移;万变不离其宗 disposition]

* lusus naturae [a freak of nature] 天生畸形的人;丑八怪;畸形物;怪 物;怪人

* lux in tenebris 黑暗中的光明

* lux mundi 世界之光

* macte animo! [courage!] 鼓起勇气来!勇敢些!加油! * macte nova virtute 加油干;好极了

* magister ceremoniarum 典礼官;司仪

* magister dixit [the master has said so] 圣人说;子曰;(亚里士多德)老师 说过(的话)

* Magna Charta (英国)大宪章

* magna culpa dolus est 重大过失即成欺诈

* magna cum laude [with great praise] 以高级优等;以特优等

* magna est veritas et praevalet 真理必胜

* magna est veritas et praevalebit 真理力量很大,必定胜利

[truth is mighty and will prevail]

* magna est vis consuetudinis 习惯势力很大

* magna negligentia 重大过失

* magnum bonum 大福;大善

* magnum est vectigal parsimonia 节约致富

* magnum in parvo 言简意赅

[a great deal in a small space]

* magnum opus [a great work] 大作;杰作;主要作品;大事业;重 要工作;名著;代表作;伟大事业 * magnum vectigal est parsimonia 节约致富

[economy is a great revenue]

* majestas 统治权

* majora regalia 王权

[the king's dignity, power and royal

prerogative, as opposed to his revenue,

which is comprised in the minor regalia]

* major e longinquo reverentia 久别增加敬爱

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* mala fide [bad faith] 恶意;欺诈;不真诚;不诚实;背信 弃义;不守信义

* malae fidei [in bad faith] 不诚实;欺诈;恶意

* mala grammatica non vitiat chartam 文法不通不影响契据效力 * mala in se 自然犯;自然罪行;本质不合法 * mala praxis 医疗不当;治疗错误[受害者有权要

[malpractice; unskillful management or 求赔偿]

treatment, particularly applied to the

neglect or unskillful management of a

physician, surgeon, or apothecary]

* mala prohibita 禁止的恶事;法律禁止的行为 * malesuada fames 饥饿是反面启迪者

* malo animo 居心不良;恶意

[with an evil mind; with a bad purpose or

wrongful intention; with malice]

* mali exempli 坏的榜样

* mali principii malus finis 自食其果

* malis avibus 遇凶兆;不吉利

* malo grato [in spite; unwillingly] 不乐意地;非自愿地 * malo modo 不好的状况

* malum in se 本质邪恶行为;本质不好的

[a wrong in itself; an act or case involving

illegality from the very nature of the

transaction, upon principles of natural,

moral and public law]

* malum prohibitum 违禁行为;法律禁止的罪恶

[a wrong prohibited; a thing which is

wrong because prohibited]

* malus usus abolenidus est 不良惯例应该废除

[a bad or invalid custom ought to be


* mandamus (上级法院对下级法院或官员)发出

[we order; a writ issued by superior court (履行责任的)命令(、训令或 commanding the performanceof a specific 执行令)

official act or duty]

* mandatum [mandate; a contract of mandate] 委任;托管;委任书[大陆法] * mania a potu 醉狂

* manibus pedibusque 手足并用

* manifestum non eget probatione 明显的事用不着证明

* manu brevi 立即;直接

[with a short hand; shortly; directly]

* manu forti 用暴力;强行闯入;用大力;用强力

[with a strong hand; by main force;

forcible entry]

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* manu militari [by military force] 以军事力量;使用武力

* manu propria 亲手

* manus 手;权力;夫权;宣誓

[hand; power; power over persons (as that

of a husband over his wife); an oath]

* manu sinistra 左手

* manus manu lavat 互助

* manus mortua [a dead hand; mortmain] (教会、学校或社团等的)永久管业; 永久营业权;不可转让的法人财 产;社团的土地所有权

* mare clausum 领海;闭海;内海

[closed sea; a sea within the jurisdiction of

a particular country]

* mare liberum 公海;自由海洋

[the open sea; the sea open to all]

* mare nostrum [our sea] 我们的海[即地中海]

* margaritas ante porcos 明珠暗投;对牛弹琴

[(to throw) pearls before swine]

* materia medica 药物学;药材

* mater terra firma 祖国大地

* matrimonium cum manu 有夫权的婚姻

* matrimonium sine connubio 非正式的婚姻

* matrimonium sine manum 无夫权的婚姻

* maxime paci sunt contraria vis et injuria 武力和侵害行为是和平的最大敌人

[the greatest enemies to peace are force

and wrong]

* maximus in minimis 山中无老虎,猴子称大王;矮子里面 拔将军

* mea culpa [through my fault] 由于我的过失;(是)本人过失;我 的罪

* media concludendi 推理的步骤;判决的依据

[the steps of an argument; the theory or

basis of facts upon which a legal

conclusion is reached]

* medianto altero [mediate through another] 间接(继承)

* medice, cura te ipsum [physician, cure thyself] 以身作则;正人先正己

* medicina clinicalis 临床医学

* medicinae doctor (M.D.) 医学博士

* medicinae experimentalis 实验医学

* medicinae militaria 军事医学;军医

* medicinae publica 公医制度;公费医疗

* meditatio fugae 逃罪的意图;意图逃逸

[contemplation of flight; intention to


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* medium filum aquae 中航道

* me judice [I being judge; in my opinion] 依我的意见;依我判断;据我看来; * mel depuratum 纯蜜;纯净蜂蜜

* melius est in tempore occurrere, quam post事情及时处理,胜于造成损害后设法 causam vulneratum remedium quaerere 弥补;预防胜过弥偿

[it is better to meet a thing in time than

after an injury inflicted to seek a remedy]

* melius est jus deficiens quam jus incertum 不严密的法律胜过不明确的法律;法

[law that is deficient is better than law that 律宁可不严密,不可不明确 is uncertain]

* memento mori 要记住死亡;死的警告;死的象征 * me miserum o! 咳,我太不幸了!我真倒霉! * memor et fidelis 谨慎而忠实

* memoria in aeterna 永远铭记

* mens agitat molem 精神主宰物质;精神推动万物;精神

[the mind moves the mass (or matter)] 胜于物质

* mens coscia recti 坦然的心;无愧的心

* mens legis [the spirit of the law] 法律的精神;法律的真意 * mens qua nihil est celerius 没有一样东西比思想更敏锐 * mens rea 犯罪意图;犯罪之心

[guilty mind; guilty or wrongful purpose;

criminal intent]

* mens sana in corpore sano 身心健全;健全的精神寓于健全的身

[a sound mind in a sound body] 体;身健则心明

* mens sibi conscia recti 一个感觉主义的精神

* meo periculo 我冒险

* meo voto 照我的意见

* metus [fear; terror; dread] 恐惧;忧虑

* meum et tuum 我的和你的

* mihi cura futuri 着眼于未来;防患于未然

* minatur innocentibus qui parcit nocentibus 纵容罪犯,危害无辜;纵恶即害良

[he threatens the innocent who spares the


* minima de malis 挑选缺点最少的;劣中择优 * minimum sensibile 最不敏感的事物

* mirabile dictu 说起来很奇怪;言之惊人 * mirabile visu 看起来很奇妙的

* miseris succurrere disco 我知道如何帮助苦人

* missio in bona [seizure of property] 财产的扣押

* mittimus 徒刑执行令;收监令;免职;解雇

[we send; a warrant of commitment to


* mobile perpetuum 永动不息的东西

* mobilia sequuntur personam 动产跟随所有人;动产依照所有人居

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[movables follow the (law of the) person] 住地的法律

* modo et forma [in manner and form] 在方法上和形式上;形式上 * modus 办法;方法;方式;习惯;协定

* modus et conventio vincunt legem 习惯和契约比法律有效;惯例和协议

[custum and agreement overrule the law] (在一定限度内)可不受法律限 制

* modus habilis [a proper a valid manner] 适当方式;有效方式

* modus injuriae [the means of injury] 损害(或伤害)方式

* modus operandi 做事方法;作法;作案手法;惯技;

[manner of operating (or working)] 运用(或工作)方式;运用法 * modo praescripto 依照指定的方法

* modus infectionis 传染方式

* modus operandi 手术法;实行的方法

* modus procedenti [manner of proceeding] 工作程序

* modus transferrendi 转让方式

[the manner of transferring]

* modus vivendi 生活方式;临时办法;过渡办法;权

[manner of living; a temporary working 宜之计;临时协定;暂订条约; agreement or compromise between 暂行办法;妥协

disputants, pending a settlement of the


* monstrum horrendum 怪物

* monstrum nulla virtute redemptum a vittis 恶贯满盈;人面兽心

* monumentum aere perennius 永久的纪念碑

* mora 疏忽;延迟

* mora creditoris [delay of the creditor] 债权人的迟延

* mora debitoris [delay of the debtor] 债务人的迟延

* mora perpetuam facit obligationem 债务不因迟延而消灭

* mora restituendi [delay of the restoration] 迟延归还

* morbus abortivus 顿挫性病

* morbus acquisitus 后天性病

* morbus acutus 急性病

* morbus aerialis 航空病;航空晕;晕机

* morbus annuus 季节病;时令病

* morbus chronicus 慢性病

* morbus climaticus 气候病

* morbus congenitus 先天病

* morbus constitutionalis 体质病

* more majorum 遵照祖宗成法;依照祖先的习惯

[according to the customs of one's


* mores 风俗;习惯;不成文法

[customs; traditional rules of conduct;

unwritten laws]

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* mors omnibus communis 人一定会死;有生必有死;凡人必死 * mortis causa 由于死亡

* mortmain (教会、学校或社团等的)永久管业; 永久营业权;不可转让的法人财


* mortuum vadium 典质权

* mos pro lege 习惯即是法律;惯例等于法律

[custom for law; usage has the force of


* motu proprio [by one's own motion] 自行;自动;自愿;出于本意 * mulier 妇女;女性

* multa gemens 呻吟

* multa paucis (= multa in parvo) 纸短情长;言简意赅

* multum in parvo [much in little] 言简意赅;小而俱全;大寓于小;小 中见大

* mutatis mutandis 作必要的更改;准用;加以必要的变

[necessary changes being made] 更;必当改的改之

* mutato nomine 名义上的改变;改名换姓;偷梁换柱 * mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur 仅易其名,即为己事;只把名字改变,

[with a mere change of name, the story 便成为自己的故事

applies to yourself]

* mutum est pictura poema 画为无声的诗

* mutuum 用物品还债契约;实物借贷;消费借

[mutual exchange; a loan for consumption; 贷

a loan of chattels, upon an agreement

that the borrower may consume them,

returning to the lender an equivalent in

kind and quantity]

* mutuus consensus [mutual consent] 双方同意;协议;互相允诺

* naam (= nam; namium) 扣押(别人的物品);动产扣押 * narratio 叙述;陈述;原告陈述事实 * natal solum 出生的地方

* naturales liberi 非婚生子女

* naturalia 要素;要件

* naturalis obligatio [natural obligation] 自然债务

* natura maris 海的本性;海洋本性

* ne admittas 不许入场

* ne bis in idem 一罪不二审;一事不再理

[not twice for the same (offense)]

* nec cupias nec metuas 不贪也不惧

* ne cede malis 无为患难所屈

* necessarii heredes 当然继承人

* necessitas non habet legem 必须的情况下考虑不到法律;紧急的 时候无暇顾及法律

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* necessitas publica major est quam privata 公共需要优于私人需要

* necessitas vincit legem 需要之前无法律;迫不得已不算犯法

[necessity overrules the law]

* nec mora, nec requies 不缓也不停

* nec pluribus impar 高于一切;不比别的差

* nec plus ultra (= non plus ultra) 无以复加;到极点;无匹的;尽善尽

[no more beyond; unsurpassed] 美;至高无上

* nec veniam effuso sanguine casus habet 流血案件不可饶恕

[where blood is spilled, the case is


* ne exeat 不让他外出;不外借[图书、文件等] * ne exeat republica (or regno) 不准离开国境;禁止(债务人)出境

[he shall not leave the country 令

(or kingdom)]

* ne fronti credere 勿以貌取人;勿信外貌

* negligentia 过失

* negotia inter vivos 生时行为

* negotia juris [legal actions; matters in law] 法律行为

* negotia mortis causa 死后行为

* negotiorum gestio 未经授权的代理;无因管理(指他人

[a doing of business; interference in the 不在时,出于好意代为管理) affairs of another, in his absence, from

benevolence or friendship, and without


* negotiorum gestor 未受委托的代理人

* negotium nullum 无效的法律行为

* ne impediatur legatio 使馆不受妨碍

* ne judex ultra petita partum 法官不判给超过当事人本身的要求

* nemine contradicente (nem. con.) 无人反对;全体一致;一致同意;无

[no one contradicing; unanimously] 异议;全场一致;无异议的人 * nemine dissentiente [no one dissenting] 无(人提出)异议;全场一致;无一 抗议者

* nemo auditur propriam culpam allegans 谁都不可以其过失作为自己辩护的理 (or nemo auditur turpitudinem suam 由


[no one is heard by the court when he

makes a plea based on his own illegal


* nemo bis punitur pro eodem delicto 同一罪行不得惩罚两次;一罪不二罚

[no one is to be punished twice for the

same crime]

* nemo contra factum suum venire potest 谁都不能出尔反尔

[no one can contravene or contradict his

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own deed]

* nemo dare potest quod non habet 任何人不得给予其所未有的

* nemo dat qui non habet 不是自己的东西,不能给予别人

[no one can give what he does not have]

* nemo debet bis puniri pro uno delicto 同一罪行不受两次刑罚

* nemo debet esse judex in propria causa 法官无权审理与其有利害关系的案件 * nemo judex in re sua 任何人不得审判自己;当事者不得自 己审判

* nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit 人不常智;智者千虑必有一失 * nemo patriam exuere potest 任何人均不得抛弃祖国

* nemo plus juris ad alium transferre potest 任何人不得转让超过自己原有的权利 quam ipse haberet

[one cannot transfer to another a larger

right than he himself has]

* nemo plus juris transferre potest quam ipse 任何人不得转让超过自己原有的权利 habet

* nemo potest capere commodum ex injuria 任何人不得从其自己的侵害行为取得 sua propria 利益

* nemo potest esse simul actor et judex 法官不能同时为原告

* nemo potest exuere patriam 谁都不能擅自抛弃国籍

[no one can renounce his own country]

* nemo potest facere per alium, quod per se 任何人不得通过他人做自己所不可以 non potest 做的事

* nemo potest plus juris ad alium transferre 任何人不得向他人转让超出自己所拥 quam ipse habet 有的范围的权利

* nemo prohibetur pluribus defensionibus uti 不得禁止任何人利用几种辩护理由

[no one is prohibited from making use of

several defences]

* nemo repente fuit turpissimus 没有人会突然变成一个坏人 * nemo tenetur ad impossibilia 谁都没有责任做不可能做的事

[no one is bound to an impossibility]

* nemo tenetur seipsum accusare 谁都不须控告自己

[no one is bound to accuse himself]

* nemo turpitudinem suam invocare potest 谁都不能以自己过失作为申辩的理由

[no one can make a plea on the ground of

his own fault]

* ne nimium 不要偏激

* ne plus ultra 尽善尽美;最好不过的;不能超越

* ne quid nimis [nothing in excess] 凡事不可过分;不要超过限度;不要 过分;过犹不及;不要过多

* ne quis invitus civitate mutetur, neve in civitate不得强迫任何人放弃国籍,也不得强 manere invitus 迫其保留国籍

* nervos belli pecuniam 金钱是战争是命脉;战争非金钱不行 * ne sutor supra (or ultra) crepidam 鞋匠不离鞋模;人各守其职

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* ne varietur [not to be altered] 不得更改;不可改变

* nient comprise 无所依据;未列入

* nient dedire 无答辩(的判决)[因未加否认或未 提出答辩而受到不利的判决] * nihil 无;无物

* nihil ad rem 不切实际的;牛头不对马嘴的;不适 用

* nihil dicit (or dixit) 被告没有答辩;无答辩;他不回答

[he (the defendant) says nothing; he has no


* nihil obstat 无障碍;毫无阻碍

* nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum 不合理的事即是不合法

[nothing that is against reason is lawful]

* nihil semper manet suo statu 无论什么事物都不会永远保持其原状 * nil 无;无物

* nil admirari [to be astonished at nothing] 对任何事都不惊奇的态度;泰然自若; 冷漠;对任何事不要惊慌失措; 不要大惊小怪

* nil conscire sibi 自觉无过

* nil consuetudine majus 习惯势力大无比

* nil desperandum 从不绝望

* nil dicit (= nihil dicit) 被告没有答辩;无答辩;他不回答 * nil magnum nisi bonum 只有好的才伟大

* nil medium est 没有中间的办法;无妥协办法 * nil novi sub sol 太阳下面没有新东西;月下无新闻 * nimium ne crede colori 不可因貌取人

* nisi 除非 .... 否则

* nisi prius 有陪审团和一位法官的民事审判;初

[the trial of issues of fact before a jury 审;法庭之令

and one presiding judge]

* nitor in adversum 我与困难作斗争

* nobilitatis virtus non stemma character 尊贵者应视其德行不应视其出身;英 名在德不在位

* nocturna versate manu, versate diurna 你日夜诵读之

* nolens volens 不论愿意与否;不管愿不愿意;强迫

[willing or unwilling; willy-nilly; perforce]

* noli me tangere [do not touch me] 不要触犯我;不要碰我;别搅乱我; 别动我的

* nolle prosequi [to be unwilling to prosecute] 不起诉;撤回起诉

* nollo prosequi (nol. pros.) 原告中止诉讼;原告(或检察官)给

[he (the plaintiff) will not prosecute] 法庭部分(或全部)撤回起诉的 通知

* nolo contendere 不予争辩;刑事诉讼中被告表示不愿

[I will not contest it; in criminal cases, 进行辩护但不承认有罪的申诉

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a plea by the defendant equivalent to that

of "guilty" without admitting guilt]

* nomen generalissimum 最普通的名称;最普通用语 * nomen juris 法律用语

[a name of the law; a technical legal term]

* nomen nescio (N.N.) 不知其名;某人;某某

* nomina sunt odiosa 不提他的名字;不必指出名字;姑隐 其名

* non acceptavit 不接受

* non adimplete contractus 不履行契约

* non assumpsit 被告并未违约[原告要求赔偿违约的

[he did not undertake; a general denial in 损失时,被告提出的答辩]; an action of assumpsit] 提出未作承诺或否认有契约上的 义务的答辩

* non bis in idem 一事不再理;一罪不二审;同一罪行

[not twice (tried) for the same (offence)] 不得审判两次;一事不重罚;一 次罪过不作两次处罚

* non cepit [he did not take] 无扣留动产答辩[指收回非法扣留诉 讼中被告人作没有扣留如原告人 所说的东西的答辩]

* non compos 脑力失健;精神不健全;精神错乱 * non compos mentis 精神不健全;神经错乱;精神失常

[not sound of mind; insane]

* non constat 尚未向法院提出证据;不明显;非顺

[it does not appear; the evidence is not 理成章

before the court]

* non culpabilis (non cul) 无罪

* non decet 不相称;不合适

* non detinet [he does not detain] 未拘留;无扣留*

* non ens [the non-existent; nonentity] 不存在的事物;乌有之物;虚构 * non esse [non-existence] 不存在

* non est 他尚未被寻到;本人住址不明

* non est certaindum de regulis juris 法律规则不容争辩

[there is no disputing about rules of law]

* non est factum 否认订立契约(或合同)的答辩

[it is not done; it is not his deed; a plea

denying execution of instrument sued on]

* non est inventus (被告)地址不明;下落不明

[he (the defendant) has not been found]

* non generant aquilae columbas 猛鹰不生怯鸠;有其父必有其子 [褒意]

* non haec in foedera veni 我未曾同意过这些条件;未成为同盟

[I did not agree to these terms]

* non judex in sua propria causa 不得在自己的诉讼中充当法官

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* non libet 这不能使我快乐

* non licet (n.l.) 不准许的;不合法的

* non liquet (n.l.) 案情不明[(诉讼有疑问时陪审员所

[it (i.e., the case) is not clear; not proven] 作的)延期审判的裁决];不明 显;不清楚

* non longe (n.l.) 不远

* non multa, sed multum 字少含义多;求精不求博;言简意赅 * non nova, sed nove 旧酒新瓶;非新事情,乃新方法

[not new, but in a new manner]

* non obstante (non obst.) 纵使;纵然;虽然(有法律的规定);

[notwithstanding (any statute to the 特别许可;虽然如此 contrary)]

* non obstante veredicto 尽管作出裁决

[notwithstanding the verdict]

* non omne quod licet honestum est 法律所容许者未必尽合乎道德

[it is not everything which is permitted that

is honourable]

* non omnia possumus omnes 人非万能;一人不能做万事;人的能

[we cannot all do everything] 力有大小

* non omnis moriar 人死功绩在

* non placet 不赞成;投反对票

[it does not please; a negative vote]

* non placuit gentibus 未经国家许可

* non plus ultra (= nec plus ultra) 无以复加;极点;绝顶;极致

[not more beyond; the uttermostpoint

attained or attainable; acme; culmination]

* non possessori incumbit necessitas probandi 所有者无须证明自己为物主 possessiones ad se portinere

* non possumus 声明不能;拒绝行动;不行(坚决拒

[we cannot; an expression indicating 绝的表示);不能;声明不可能 inability to act or move in a matter]

* non prosequitur (non pros.) 原告未出庭,宣告败诉;因缺席败诉

[he does not prosecute; a judgement where

the plaintiff does not appear]

* non quieta movere 定案不得再审

[not to disturb what is settled]

* non quis, sed quid 只问品行不问人;对事不对人 * non quo, sed quomodo 不问谁做的,但问做得怎样;对事不 对人

* non remota causa sed proxima spectatur 考虑的是近因,而不是远因 * non sanae mentis [of unsound mind] 精神不健全

* non sequitur (non seq.) 不合理的推论;结论不合逻辑;前后

[it does not follow; an illogical inference] 不符;不符合逻辑

* non sibi, sed patriae 为国不为己;谋国不谋身

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* non sub homine sed sub lege 不从人而从法

* non sum qualis eram 我非昔日之我

* non tenure 否认占有

* non ultra petita 不超出诉讼请求

* non valentia agere [inability to sue] 无诉讼能力

* non veritate 不真实

* non videntur qui errant consentire 错误行为者不应视作同意

[they are not considered to consent who

commit a mistake]

* nosce te ipsum [know thyself] 自知之明;人贵有自知之明 * noscitur a sociis 物以类聚;(法律)字义不明,从上

[a man known from his associates; the 下文推定

meaning of a word is or may be known

from the accompanying words]

* noscitur ex socio, qui non cognoscitus ex ce 对某人不能了解,可以凭其关系人物

[he who cannot be known from himself 推定

may be known from his associate]

* nota bene (N.B. or n.b.) [note well] 注意;请注意

* nova constitutio futuris formam imponere 法律不溯既往

debet, non praeteritis

[a new state of the law ought to affect the

future, not the past]

* novatio 债务的变更;更改

* novissima verba [parting words] 临别的话;临终遗言;临终的话 * novus actus interveniens 新行为的介入

[a new act intervenes]

* novus homo 自力更生的人

* nuda pactio obligationem non parit 无偿协定不产生义务

[a naked agreement does not beget an


* nuda veritas 一目了然;真相大白

* nudis verbia 用简明的话;直言

* nudum pactum 无偿契约;无约因合同;无报酬合约;

[a nude pact; a naked contract without 非正式协定;临时协定 consideration or a cause

* nugae canorae 谐音;叮当的声音;开玩笑的话 * nulla dies sine linea 没有一天不画线;不虚度年华 * nulla regula sine exceptione 没有无例外的规则

* nulla poena sine lege 未经法律明文规定的事,不得惩罚;

[no punishment without (a previous) law] 法无明文者不罚

* nulli desperandum quamdiu spirat 有生命即有希望

* nulli secundus [second to none] 不落人后;最好的;第一的;名列前 茅

* nullius filius 私生子

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[nobody's son; an illegitimate child]

* nullius juris [of no legal force] 无法律效力;无法律约束力

* nullum crimen sine lege 未经法律明文规定,不算犯罪;法无

[no crime without (a previous) law] 明文不为罪

* nullum crimen sine lege praevia 行为时无法律不为罪

* nullum crimen sine poena 无罪名不罚

* nullum simile est idem 类似者未必即为相同者

* nullum tempus occurrit regi 对国王无时效

* nullus jus alienum forisfacere potest 任何人不得剥夺别人的权利

[no man can forfeit another's right]

* nunc aut nunquam [now or never] 时不可失;时不再来;机不可失 * nunc dimittis [permission to leave] 允许离开

* nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine 永别;去世[原意:上帝,请允许你 的仆人离开]

* nunc pro tunc 追溯既往;现在代替过去;事后补正

[now for then; a term applied to acts

allowed to be done after the time when

they should be done, with a retroactive


* nunquam aliud natura aliud sapientia dicit 自然界的安排没有不合理的 * nunquam non paratus 无时不在准备中

* nuptias non concubitus sed consensus facit 婚姻须双方同意始构成,不仅同居而 已

* obiter dictum 附论;(法官在判决中表示的)附带

[a saying by the way; incidental remark] 意见;附言;余论;非正式的意 见;顺便讲的话

* obiter scriptum 附注;附带文字

[something written by the way;

an incidental composition]

* obligatio alternativa 选择之债

* obligatio certa 特定之权[以特定物作为标的之债] * obligatio ex contractu 契约的义务

[an obligation arising from contract]

* obligatio ex delicto (or maleficio) 罪行(或过失)的责任

[an obligation founded on wrong or tort]

* obligatio generis 种类之债(以种类物为标的之债) * obligationes ex lege 依法律规定而产生的债务;法定债务

[obligations arising from law]

* obligationes odiosae 恶债

* obligatio quasi ex contractus 基于准合同(契约)的债权 * obligatus 债务;义务

* obscuritas pacti neocent ei qui apertius loqui 约定含糊不利于原来能说清楚的人 potuit

* obscurum per obscurius 用晦涩的语言解释难懂的问题

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* observandum [a thing to be observed] 应注意的事;要点

* ob turpem causam [with bad motive] 动机不良;恶意

* occupatio 占领

* occupatio bellica 军事占领;交战占领

* occupatio non procedit nisi in re terminata 无限的东西是不能占领的

* occupatio pacifica 和平占领

* octavus subscriptor 签名的证人

* oculus dexter (O.D.) 右眼

* oculus sinister (O.S.) 左眼

* oderint dum metuant 让他们又怕又恨吧

* oleum addere camino 火上加油

[to pour oil upon fire; aggravate an evil]

* oleum et operam perdidi 徒劳无功

* omen faustum 好的朕兆;吉兆

[an auspicious omen; a lucky sign]

* omne ignotum pro magnifico 未知的东西总以为是宏丽的

* omne initium difficile est 万事开头难

* omnem movere lapidem 不遗余力

* omne nimium nocet 凡事过度必有害;过犹不及

* omne simile claudet 譬喻必然失真

* omne tulit punctum, qui miscuit utile dulci 能把愉快和有益结合起来的人是值得


* omne vivum ex ovo 生命起源于卵子

* omnia mea mecum porto 我所有的东西都带在身边;所有的财



* omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis 万物都在变化中,我们也随之变化

* omnia praeclara rara 一切美好的东西都是难得的;少为贵

* omnia praesumuntur legitime facta donec 一切事情在未证明不合法前,均应推

probetur in contrarium 定为合法

* omnia praesumuntur rite et solenniter esse 既成的事实应推定为合理的和正常的


* omnia vincit amor 爱情征服一切

* omnibus idem [the same to all men] 一视同仁;人人一律看待

* omnis cautio abesse a legati debet 使节无提供担保的义务

* omnis consensus tollit errorem 同意即免除过错

[every consent removes error]

* omnis definitio in jure periculosa, parum es 法律的每项规定都是有危险的,因为

enim ut non subverti possit 很少有规定不可能被推翻

[every definition in the law is dangerous,

for there is very little that cannot be


* omnis definitio in lege periculosa 法律上的任何定义都是危险的

[all definitions in law are dangerous]

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* omnis exceptio est ipsa quoque regula 每一例外情况本身就是一项规定

[every exception is itself also a rule]

* omnis indemnatus pro innoxis legibus habetur 未经判罪的人在法律上应视为无罪

[every uncondemned person is held by the

law as innocent]

* omnis nova constitutio futuris formam 新订法规应规定未来行为,不应规定 imponere debet, non praeteritis 过去行为

[every new statute ought to prescribe a

form to future, not to past, acts]

* omnis privatio praesupponit hahitum 剥夺就是假定以前享有(或拥有)

[every deprivation presupposes a prior

enjoyment (or possession)]

* omnis ratihabitio retro trahitur 任何批准都有追溯力

* omnis regula suas patitur exceptiones 一切规则皆有其例外;凡是规则都各

[every rule is liable to its own exceptions] 有其例外情形

* omnis rex imperio possidet, singuli domino 君主拥有统治权,而私人享有领有权 * omnium consensu 全体赞成;公意

[in the opinion of all; by general consensus]

* omnium rerum principia parva sunt 万事都是从小做起

[the beginnings of all things are small]

* onus probandi [the burden of proof] 举证责任;有责任提出证据 * operae pretium est 值得

* opera et studio 通过劳动和努力

* operatio cosmetica 美容手术

* operatio emergenta 急救手术

* operatio externa 外部手术

* operatio interna 内部手术

* operatio major 大手术

* operatio minor 小手术

* operatio obstetrica 产科手术

* operatio plastica 矫形手术

* operatio praeliminaria 初步手术

* operatio radicalis 根治手术

* operatio specialis 特种手术

* opere citato (op cit; o.c.) [in the work quoted] 前引书;同前[引用文中];见前 * opere in medio [in the midst of the work] 在工作过程中;工作尚未完成 * opinio 意见;见解

* opinio juris [legal opinion] 法律意见;法律见解

* opinio juris communis 共同法律见解

* opinio juris generalis 一般法律见解

* opinio juris sive necessitatis 法律或必要的见解

* opinio necessitatis 必要意见

* oplima legum interpres est consueludo 习惯是对法律最好的解释

* oplimus interpres rerum usus 对事物最好的解释是惯例

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* opposuit natura 违反自然

[nature has opposed; it is contrary to


* opprobrium medicorum 群医束手之症;不治之症;绝症

[the reproach (or disgrace) of doctors:

said of incurable diseases]

* optima est lex quae minimum relinquit arbitrio不需法官斟酌的法律,才是最佳的法 judicis; optimus judex qui minimum sibi 律;不凭私意的法官,才是最佳

[that law is the best which leaves least to 的法官

the discretion of the judge; that judge is

the best who leaves the least to his own]

* optimum medicamentum quies est 安静是最好的药品;三分吃药七分养 * optimus interpres rerum usus 凡事宜按习惯解释

[usage is the best interpreter of things]

* optimus legum interpres consuetudo 习惯是法律的最好解释者;法律宜按习

[custom is the best interpreter of the laws] 惯解释

* opus magnum 主要著作;杰作

* opus operatum [a task performed; work done] 工作完成;已成的工作

* orbis terrarum 地球

* orbus 无子嗣者

* ordinandi lex [law of procedure] 程序法;诉讼法

* ore rotundo [polished, well-rounded speech] 措词圆滑;言词委婉;和谐声 * ore tenus [by word of mouth] 口头;口证;口头上

* origo mali [the origin of evil] 罪恶的根源;祸根

* origo rei inspici debet 凡事必须究其根源

[the origin of a thing ought to be regarded]

* o! si sic omnia 他们常作如此言行

* o tempora, o mores! 人心不古,世风日下

[alas for the times, alas for the manners]

* otia dant vitia 懒惰产生恶事;懒为恶之因 * otium cum dignitate 悠然自得;闲情逸致

* otium post negotium 工作后的休息

* otium sine dignitate 游手好闲;失业

* ovem lupo committere 把羊委托给狼;认贼作父 * pabulum animi 精神食粮;学问

* pace 经 .... 许可

* pace tua 得到你的允许

* pacem in maribus 海洋和平

* pacem in terris [peace on earth] 天下太平;世上和平

* paci sunt maxime contraria vis et injuria 暴力和伤害是和平的主要祸患

[violence and injury are the things chiefly

hostile to peace]

* pacta conventa [the conditions agreed uopn] 约定条款;协定;约定的款子

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* pacta conventa quae neque contra leges, 契约若非违法,亦非以欺诈方式订立, neque dolo malo inita sunt, omni modo 即应严格遵守

observanda sunt

[agreements which are neither contrary to

the laws, nor fraudulently entered into,

should be adhered to in every manner]

* pacta dant legem contractui 协定构成契约法

* pacta de contrahendo 预约

* pacta in favorem tertii 对第三者有利的约定

* pacta non obligant nisi gentes inter quas initia 条约只在缔约者之间才有拘束力 * pacta privata juri publico derogare non 私人契约不得损害公共法律 possunt

[private contracts cannot impair public


* pacta quae contra leges constitutionesque, 违反法律或道德的契约不得生效 vel contra bonos mores fiunt, nullam

vim habere

[contracts which are made against law or

against good morals have no force]

* pacta quae turpem causam continent non sunt 以不道德理由为依据的契约不应予以 observanda 遵守

* pacta sunt servanda [pacts must be observed] 条约必须遵守[有拘束力] * pacta tertiis 对第三者的约定

* pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prossunt 协定不得使第三者负担义务,也不得

[pacts neither harm nor benefit third 给予利益;条约不损害第三国利 parties] 益(原则);合同(契约)不损


* pactum [treaty; agreement] 协定;条约;协议

* pactum accessorium 附属协定

* pactum de contrahendo [promise to contract] 缔约的承诺;预约

* pactum de negotiando 事务性约定

* pactum illicitum [an unlawful agreement] 非法协定;违法合同;非法协议;非 法条约

* pactum vestitum [an enforceable pact] 有效契约

* paedagogiae baccalaureus (Pd. B.) 教育学士

* paedagogiae doctor (Pd. D.) 教育博士

* palmam qui meruit ferat 全胜的人获此荣誉;有功受奖 * palma non sine pulvere 名非虚附必有由来

* panem et circenses 面包和马戏;吃与娱乐;吃喝玩乐

[bread and the circuses; food and [古罗马政党吸引民众的口号] entertainment]

* paria copulantur paribus 同类相聚;物以类聚

[like things unite with like]

* paribus sententiis reus absolvitur 如双方法官人数相等,被告应无罪省

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[where the opinions are equal (where the 释

court is equally divided), the defendant

is acquitted]

* pari causa 权利平等;地位平等

[with equal right; upon an equal footing;

equivalent in rights or claims]

* pari delicto 罪过相等;过失相当

[in equal fault; in a similar offence or crime;

equal in guilt or in legal fault]

* pari materia 性质相同的;相关的

[of the same matter; on the same subject]

* par in parem imperium non habet 地位平等,互不支配

[an equal has no dominion over an equal]

* par in parem non habet imperium 地位平等,互不支配

* par in parem non habet jurisdictionem 地位平等,彼此无管辖权;各国之间

[an equal has no jurisdiction over an equal] 不存在司法权[国际公法] * pari passu 并行;以同一步调;同时;按同样比

[with equal pace; at the same rate; 例;齐头并进;并驾齐驱;同一 simultaneously] 步调;同一程度

* pari ratione 根据同样理由

[for the same reason; by the same mode of


* parium eadem est ratio, idem jus 对于相同的事,如理由相同,适用法

[of things equal, the reason is the same, 律也应相同

and the same is the law]

* par nobile fractrum 难兄难弟;一对

* par pari refertus [like for like; tit for tat]以牙还牙;以其人之道还治其人之身

* pars centralis 中心部分

* pars ejusdem negotii 同属一笔交易的一部分

[a part of the same transaction or business]

* pars horizontalis 水平部分

* pars inferior 下部

* pars libera 独立部分

* pars marginalis 边缘部分

* pars minima sui 残余

* pars obliqua 斜部

* pars posterior 后部

* pars prima 第一部

* pars pro toto [a part for the whole] 以部分代替整体;以点代面;举隅法; 以部分当作全部

* pars secunda 第二部

* pars superior 上部

* pars triangularis 三角部

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* parte quacumque integrante sublata, tollitur 删除一个组成部分,即是整个删除 totum

[an integral part being taken away, the

whole is taken away]

* particeps criminis [an accomplice in a crime] 从犯;共犯;同谋;同谋者 * parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus 泰山分娩生小鼠;虎头蛇尾 * parva componere magnis 以小比大

* passim 各处;遍及

* pateat universis per praesentes 特此证明;特此公布

[know all men by these presents]

* pater familias [father of the household] 一家之父;家长;族长

* pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant 婚姻指出父亲 [产妇的丈夫即为生父]

[the father is he who the marriage points


* pater patriae [father of the country] 国父;开国元勋

* patientia 忍受

* patria potestas [paternal power or authority] 父权;家长权

* pauca sed bona 少而精;少而美

* Pax Dei (or Ecclesiae) 宗门和平律

[Peace of God (or Peace of the Church);

an attempt of the Church in the middle

ages to lessen the evils of private warfare]

* pax huic domui 愿这家平安

* pax orbis terrarum 世界和平;天下太平

[peace of the world; universal peace]

* pax paritur bello [peace is produced by war] 有战争才有和平

* pax regis 国家的治安

[peace of the king; the peace, good order,

and security for life and property which is

one of the objects of government to


* pax vobis (or vobiscum) 愿你(们)平安!

* peccata contra naturam sunt gravissima 违反自然(人性)的罪最为重大

[crimes against nature are the most


* peculium (罗马法中家属拥有的)特有财产

[small property owned by a member of a


* pecunia non numerata [money not paid] 未付款项;欠款

* pecunia non olit 钱无所谓香臭

* pendente bello 在战时;战争期间

* pendente lite 在诉讼中;待决案件;诉讼未决

[during the suit; while litigation continues]

* per 每

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* per accidens 偶然

* per angusta ad augusta 经过困难达到胜利;苦尽甜来

* per annum [by the year; annually] 每年

* per anum 由肛门

* per ardua libertas 历尽千难万险获得自由;自由来之不 易

* per aspera ad astra 历经艰险终成大业;刻苦成功;吃得

[through hardship to the stars] 苦中苦,方为人上人;苦尽甜来 * per capita (or caput) 每人(平均);按人头计算

[by heads; for each individual]

* per centum (per cent.) 每百;百分之 .... ;百分率;百分比

[by the hundred; of each hundred]

* per contiguum 接触

* per continuum 连续

* per contra [on the contrary] 反之;相反地;另一方面

* perculum in mora 延迟的危险

* per curiam (or cure) 本院;全院;全体法官

[by the court (as a whole)]

* per cutem 经由皮肤

* per diem [(so much) by the day] 每日;按日津贴;日日;按日计算的 工资

* per essentiam [essentially] 本质上;基本上

* per fas aut nefas [through right or wrong] 不择手段地;无论如何;千方百计地 * per fas et nefas [through right or wrong] 不择手段地;无论如何;千方百计地 * per folio 每页

* per formula pretori 依照裁判官的程式

[by means of the magistrate's formula]

* per gradus [step by step] 逐步地

* periculum in mora 迟了就有危险;危险在于迟延

* periculum rei venditae, nondum traditae, est 货物已卖出,尚未交货,其危险由买 emptoris 货人负担

[the risk of a thing sold, and not yet

delivered, is the purchaser's]

* per incuriam [through inadvertence] 因不小心;出于不慎;因疏忽引起; 由于疏忽

* per infortunium [by misadventure] 过失;失误;意外之失

* per interim 同时;就在这期间;当其时;就在这

[in the interim; in the meantime] 期间

* per legem terrae 依国家法律;经适当法律程序

[by the law of the land; by due process

of law]

* per mare, per terras 经过海和陆地

* per mensem [by the month; monthly] 按月;每月;按月计算

* per mill [by the thousand; of each thousand] 每千;千分之 ....

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* per my et per tout 按部分和全部

[by the half and by the whole]

* per os 口服;经口

* per pares [by one's peers] 同侪(审议或审判);

由同等的人(进行或组成) * per pedes apostolorum 沿着使徒的足迹;步行地

* perpetuatio fori 法院的继续性

* perpetuum mobile [in continuous motion] 永恒运动;永动

* per primam intentionem 由第一期愈合[医学]

* per procurationem (per pro.; per proc.; p.p.) 代理;由 .... 代办;由 .... 代理;代

[by proxy; by the action of] 行;由 .... 代表

* per quod [whereby] 因此

* per saecula saeculorum 世世代代;永远

[for generations and generations; for ages]

* per saltum [by a leap] 一跃;一下子;一蹴而就;一跃而上

* per se (or sees)[by(or in) itself; intrinsically]本身;本质上;本来;自身;性质上; 只因如此

* persona 人

* persona designata [a designated person] 指定人

* personae vice fungitur municipium et decuria 区镇具有法人地位

[a town or a borough acts as a person]

* persona grata [a person who is welcome] 讨人喜欢的人;受(驻在地政府)欢 迎的人

* persona non grata 不受欢迎的人;不受(驻在地政府)

[a person who is not welcome] 欢迎的人

* persona standi in judicio 诉讼权利;诉讼资格

[capacity of standing in court; capacity to


* persons non compotes mentis 精神不健全的人

[persons of unsound mind]

* perspicua vera non sunt probanda 明显的真理(事实)不必证明

[plain truths need not be proved]

* per stirpes 依照家系(分配财产);依照代表;

[by roots or stocks; by representation] [按照家系指按继承人的家系来 分配无遗嘱的遗产]

* per totam curiam 全体法官一致(判决)

[by the entire court; unanimously]

* per tot discrimina rerum 饱经沧桑

* per tubam 由管;由耳咽管

* per universitatem 全部

[by an aggregate; as a whole]

* per urethram 由尿道

* per vaginam 由阴道;循阴道

* per vias naturales 循自然路径

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* pessimi exempli [of the worst example] 最坏的例子

* petitio principii [a begging of the question] 以争论点为论据;匿证详争;武断; (逻辑谬误之人)窃取前提;窃 取论点;臆说

* petitum 求偿标的

* pharmaciae baccalaureus (Phar. B.) 药学学士

* pharmaciae doctor (Phar. D.) 药学博士

* pharmaciae magister (Phar. M.) 药学硕士

* philosophiae baccalaureus (Ph. B) 哲学学士

* philosophiae doctor (Ph. D.) 哲学博士

* pia causa [a pious cause; charity] 慈善团体;慈善事业

* pia desideria [pious grief; honest desire] 虔诚的悔恨;良善的意向;善良的愿 望

* pignus [a pledge or pawn] 质权

* pirata non mutat dominium 海盗行为不变更所有权

* pium desiderium 善良的愿望

* placet 赞成

* placita communia [common pleas] 民事诉讼

* placuit gentibus 得到允许

* plena forisfactura 财产全部没收

[a forfeiture of all that one possesses]

* plena probatio [full proof] 充分证据

* plene administravit (遗产管理人提出的)遗产全部处理

[he has fully administered (all the assets 完毕的答辩

that have come into his hand)]

* pleno jure [with full right (or authority)] 全权

* plenum dominium [full ownership] 完全所有权;绝对所有权 * plenus venter non studet libenter 肚子太饱什么也学不好

* pluralia tantum 只用复数的名词

* plus peccat author quam actor 主使者的罪比犯罪者为重

[the originator or instigator of a crime is a

worse offender than the actual perpetrator

of it]

* plus petitio [excessive claim] 过分的请求

* poena 刑罚

* poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat 惩一儆百

[if punishment be inflicted on a few, a

dread comes to all]

* poena corporalis [corporal punishment] 体罚;体刑

* poena stipulatio 违约罚金

* poena suos tenere debet actores et non alios 应受惩罚的是实际犯罪的人,不是别

[the punishment ought to belong to the 人

actual perpetrators, and not the others]

* politiae legibus non leges politiis adaptandae政治必须适应法律,法律不必迁就政

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[politics are to be adapted to the laws, and 治

not the laws to politics]

* pondere, non numero 按重量而不按个数

* positivi juris [of positive law] 成文法

* posse comitatus 应召壮丁;民兵队;一时能召集之兵

[the force or power of the county; the 力

entire population of the county above

the age of fifteen, which a sheriff may

summon to his assistance in certain cases;

as to aid him in keeping the peace, in

pursuing and arresting felons, etc]

* possessio 占有;拟据为己有的占有 * possessio ad interdicta (受大官法保护的)法定占有

[possession according to or protected by

the praetor's order]

* possessio civilis 合法占有

* possessio immemoralis 自古以来的占有

* possessio longi temporis 长期占有

* posse videor 我自以为能

* possunt quia posse videntur 他们能做到,因为他们有信心做到 * post 后;后面;在后

* post bellum [after the war] 战后;战后的

* post caenam stabis seu passus mille meabis 饭后走百步,胜似开药铺 * postea (初审的)起诉笔录;(初审的)正 式陈述

* post factum [after the deed] 事后;事实发生之后;在既成事实之 后

* post hoc [after this] 由;因此

* post hoc, ergo propter hoc 先在为因;因一事随另一事而发生,

[after this, therefore on account of this] 故后者为前者所造成 * post hominum memoriam 自远古以来

* postliminium 恢复权利

* post litem motam 起诉后;诉讼开始之后

* post meridiem (PM or pm) [after midday] 下午;午后;午后的

* post mortem [after death] 死后;身后;死后的;身后的 * post nubila, phoebus 云散日现

* post obitum 死后

* post postscriptum (PPS) (前后的)附加语

* post scriptum (PS) 再者;又及[用于信末];附录;结

[something written afterward; postscript] 束语;跋[用于书末] * post tenebras lux 黑暗之后有光明;苦尽甜来 * post tot naufragia portum 遇险之后得平安

* postulata [fundamental assumptions] 基本假定

* potentia debet sequi justitiam, non antecedere 权力必须遵守法律,不得超越法律

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* potentia non est nisi ad bonum 凡非公共利益的事,不得授予权力;

[power is not conferred but for the public 权力只为公益而授予 good]

* potentia propinqua [common possibility] 可能性一般

* potentia remota [a remote possibility] 可能性不大

* potentia remotissima 可能性极小

[a remotest (or most improbable)


* potestas 权限

* potior est conditio defendentis 被告的地位(比原告)有利

[better is the condition of the defendant

(than that of the plaintiff)]

* potior est conditio possidentis 占有者的地位有利

[better is the condition of the possessor]

* potius mori quam foedari 宁死不受辱;宁死不屈

[death rather than disgrace]

* pourvoi en cassation [French] 向最高法院上诉

* praecipe 令状

* praedia bellica [booty; property seized in war] 战利品

* praemonitus, praemunitus 预先戒备,预先备军火

* praepositus 掌权者

* praescriptio 长期时效

* praesente medico nihil nocet 有备无患

* praestare 给付

* praestat cautela quam medela 预防胜于补救(医治)

[prevention is better than cure]

* praesumptio, ex eo quod plerumque fit 经常发生的情况可以作为推定的根据

[a presumption arises from that which

occurs many times]

* praesumptio juris et de jure 合法和依法的推定

[presumption of law and from law]

* praesumptio juris tantum 可用反证否定的法律推定 * praeter legem [beyond the law] 超越法律之外

* praetextus liciti non debet admitti illicitum 非法行为,纵然伪称合法,也不得容

[under pretext of legality, what is illegal 许

ought not to be admitted]

* praetor peregrinus 外事法官

* praxis judicum est interpres legum 法官的惯例即是法律的解释

[the practice of the judges is the interpreter

of the laws]

* precarium 无偿占有;随时可被收回的假占有 * pretium doloris [price of suffering] 痛苦的代价[痛苦的补偿];抚恤金 * pretium periculi 保险金;保险费

[the price of the risk; the premium paid

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on a policy of insurance]

* primae impressionis 无先例可援用的案件;初次印象;初

[of the first impression; of a new kind, to 见案件

which no established principle of law of

precedent directly applies]

* primae viae 第一管;消化管

* prima facie [at first view] 显然;一见之下;乍看起来;表面上 证据确凿的(案件);乍一看


* primo intuitu 初看

* primo occupanti (占有权)归于先占者

* primum cognitum 学问的要道;知识的初步

* primum mobile 运动(或行为)的主动力;主要动机;

[the prime source of motion; mainspring] 起动点;主要推动力[指上帝、 造物主]

* primum vivere, deinde philosophari 以身作则;生活第一,哲学(争论)

[first live, then philosophize] 第二

* primus inter pares [first among his equals] 同辈中第一;侪辈之冠;出类拔萃; 鹤立鸡群;全国首创

* princeps legibus solutus est 国王不受法律约束

[the ruler or sovereign is exempt from the


* principiis obsta 违反原则;杜渐防微

* principiorum non est ratio 原则不须证明

[there is no reasoning of principles;

no argument is required to prove

fundamental rules]

* prior tempore potior jure 先到者有优先权;捷足先登者有优先

[he who first in time preferred in right] 权

* prior tempore, prior jure 先到者优先;先入为主

[first in time, first by right; first come,

first served]

* privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat 私人契约不得损害公共权利

[the agreement of private individuals does

not derogate from the public right]

* privatum commodum publico cedit 公益重于私利

[private good yields to public]

* privilegium non valet contra rempublicam 对国家有害的特权不得生效

[privilege is of no force against the


* pro 为了;由于

* pro aris et focis 为了保护祭坛和家灶;保家卫国 * pro auctore 自用[医生为自己开药方时,在处方

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* probatio motua 物证;证件

[dead proof; proof by inanimate objects,

such as deeds or other written evidence

* probatio plena [fool proof] 充分证据

* probatio viva 人证

[living proof; proof by the mouth of living


* probatum est 已证实

* pro bono publico [for the public good] 为了公益;为了公共利益;为了公共 福利

* procedendo 催办令

* procedendo ad judicium 强制进行判决令

* pro centum 百分之 .... ,百分比

* pro domo sua 为了个人利益;替自己说话或辩护;

[in defense of one's home; in one's own 关于自己的问题


* pro domo sua (plea) [in his own cause] 自行辩护

* pro et contra (or pro et con) [for and against] 赞成与反对

* pro forma 形式上;估计的;假定的;循例;官

[for the sake of form; as a matter of form] 样文章;例行公事

* pro futuro 为了将来

* pro hac vice [for this occasion only] 只限这一次;只限于这种情形;下不 为例;只此一回;仅适用此场合 * pro indiviso 不可分开的;共同的;共有的;合租

[as undivided; in common (said of 的

possession of lands)]

* pro interesse suo 根据本身利益;在本身利益范围内

[according to his interest; to the extent of

his interest]

* prolem sine matre creatam 非出自母胎;非模仿抄袭的;非母所

[a child created without a mother] 生的孩子[没有先例] * pro majori cautela 为求格外谨慎起见

[for greater caution; by way of additional


* pro memoria 作为纪念;备忘;(数额)待定;备

[for the sake of memory; a formal note 忘录;

embodying the written record of a

diplomatic discussion; amount to be

determined (in a budget estimate)]

* pro mille 千分之 .... ,千分比

* promiscui usus 使用混乱

* pro narcosi 麻醉用[医学]

* pro nunc 现在;眼下;暂时

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* pro obligatione habetur 视为债的关系

* pro patria 为了祖国

* pro possessione praesumitur de jure 占有即是法律上推定的根据

[a presumption of law arises from


* pro posse suo 在其权力(或能力)范围内;按自己

[to the extent of his power or ability] 能力

* propria manu 亲自

* proprietate probanda (下达给地方行政司法官要其)查清 扣押财物的物主的令状

* proprio motu [by one's own motion] 自行;自动

* proprio vigore 就本义而言;由本身的力量

[of one's own strength; by its own force]

* propter hoc 为了这一点

* pro rata 按 .... 比例;成比例地;大小适当地;

[according to rate (or proportion); 按比例地


* pro re 依照环境

* pro re nata 应付特别需要的;临时地;随机应变

[for the affair immediately in hand; for the

occasion as it may arise; adapted to meet

the particular occasion]

* prorogatio 延期;延长;缓期

* pro se 为自己;自行;亲自

[for himself; in his own behalf; in person]

* pro solido 整个;全体

[for the whole; as one; jiontly; without


* pro tanto [for so much; to that extent; so far]相当地;至此;到这个程度;相应地; 适当地

* protectio trahit subjectionem, et subjectio 保护导致服从,服从导致保护 protectionem

* pro tempore (pro tem) 临时;暂时;暂代;目下;于适当的

[for the time being; temporarily] 时候;及时地

* pro venia legendi 为了获得(在大学)授课的权利 * pro verbo [word-for-word] 逐字地

* pro veritate 为了真理

* pro virili parte 尽力;竭其所能

[for a man's part; to the utmost of one's


* provisio 附文;但书;条件

[provided (that); a condition in a contract

or other agreement]

* publica utilitas 公众的利益

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[profits belonging to the public]

* pugnis et calcibus 拳足并用

* puis darrein continuance [French] 追加辩诉理由

[since the last continuance]

* punctum saliens 要点;重要情况;突出之点;最重要

[salient point; important feature] 之点

* punctum temporis 时间的一点;瞬间

[a point of time; an indivisible period of

time; the shortest space of time; an


* Punica fides 反复无常;背信弃义;不忠实;诡诈;

[Punic faith; fickleness; treachery] 无信义

* qua 作为;以 .... 的资格

* quae consistunt in jure 法律上拟制的关系

[things consistent with laws]

* quae fuerunt vitia, mores sunt 以前认为是恶习的现已成为风尚了 * quae medicamento non sanat, ferrum sanat; 药治不了的铁能治,铁治不了的火能 quae ferrum non sanat, ignis sanat 治[铁是指外科手术刀,火是指 烧灼术]

* quae nocent, docent 吃一堑,长一智;吃亏长见识 * quaere [query; it is a question] 疑问;有问题

* quaerens, quem devoret 择肥而噬;掠夺成性

* quaestio facti 事实问题

* quaestio juris 法律问题

* quaestio vexata 争执的问题;难解决的问题 * qualis ab incepto 像起初那样

* qualis rex, talis grex 有甚么样的领导,就有甚么样的群众; 上行下效

* quamdiu se bene gesserit 品行端正期间

* quando acciderint 等候得到财产时

[when they (assets) shall come in]

* quando aliquid prohibetur fieri, prohibetur ex凡法所禁止做的事,不论直接或间接 directo et per obliquum 均在禁止之列

[when the doing of anything is forbidden,

then the doing of it either directly or

indirectly is forbidden]

* quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus 智者千虑必有一失;虽圣贤亦难免有

[you can't win them all; sometimes even 错

good Homer sleeps]

* quanti est sapere 智慧为无价之宝

* quantum damnificatus 损害额;损害估计额

* quantum libet (q.l.) 要多少就用多少;所需之量;随意量 * quantum meruit 按照服务计值;按功行赏

[as much as he deserved (to have for his

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* quantum mutatus ab illo 面貌全非;大变样

* quantum placet (q.p.; q.pl.) 随意量

* quantum satis 随意量;尽量

* quantum sufficit (q.s.) 足够的量;适量

* quamtum valebant 按货物价值计

[as much as they (goods sold and

delivered) were worth]

* quantum vis 随便你要多少

* quare clausum fregit 为什么侵入原告的围场;为何侵入他

[wherefore he broke the close (made an 人土地

unlawful entry upon land)]

* quare impedit 他为什么阻止

* quasi delictum 走私犯

* quater [four times] 四度;之四

* querela 诉状;诉讼

[an action preferred in any court of justice;

a bill of complaint]

* querenes 原告

* quia ignorare non debuit quod jus alienum 买主不可贸然误买别人的权利 emit

[he (the buyer) should not be ignorant that

he is buying the right of another]

* quia nominor leo 因我叫狮子

* quia timet [because he fears] 因为担忧(而诉请法院作公平裁决); 因为他(她)害怕

* qui bene amat, bene castigat 爱之弥深,责之弥笃;爱得深,责得

[he who loves well, chastises well] 严

* quicquid est contra normam recti est injuria 违反正当规则的行为,即是过失

[whatever is against the rule of right is a


* quicquid in excessu actum est, lege prohibetur 过分的行为,即是非法的行为

[whatever is done in excess is prohibited

by law]

* quicquid plantatur solo, solo cedit 凡土地上的的定着物,归属于土地 * qui cum alio contrahit vel est, vel esse debet与他人订立契约者非不知也不应不知 non ignarus conditionis ejus 对方之地位

[he who enters into a contract with others

is not or should not be ignorant of the

conditions of the same]

* qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum 如果要和平,便须准备战争;居安思 危

* quid faciendum ? 怎么办呢?

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* quid hoc sibi vult ? 这是什么意思?

* quid juris 合法的理由;正确的理由 * quid novi ? 有什么新闻?

* quid nunc ? 现在怎样?

* quid prodest ? 有何用处?

* quid pro quo 交换条件;交换物;同等物;赔偿; 等价交换;补偿;报酬;礼尚往 来;有来有往;一拳来一脚去

* quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem无论你作什么,都要作得合理,更不 要迷失方向;明智行事而顾其终 * quidquid est in territorio, est etiam de 领土内的一切都属于领土 territorio

* quidquid praecipies, esto brevis 无论教什么,要讲得简单 * quid rides ? 你笑什么?

* quid sit jus, et in quo consistit injuria, legis 法律的责任是判明善恶是非 est definire

[what constitutes right, and what injury,

it is the business of the law to declare]

* quieta non movere 勿扰乱和平;勿追念已往不愉快的事

[not to unsettle things which are 情


* qui facit per alium facit per se 托人做事,等于自己做事;代理人的

[he who acts through another acts himself; 行为由委托人负责

a man is legally responsible for his agent]

* qui habet aures audiendi, audiat 有耳者听着;听要听明白

* qui in territorio meo est, meus subditus est 在我的领土内的人都是我的臣民 * qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam 行使自己的合法权利不得损害别人 * quilibet potest renunciare juri pro se 人人可放弃有利于己的权利 introducto

* qui nimium probat nihil probat 举证过多等于没有举证

[he who proves too much proves nothing]

* qui non habet, ille non dat 非自己所有,不得让与他人

[he who has not, give not; a person cannot

convey a right that is not in him]

* qui non improbat, approbat 不责备即是赞成

[he who does not blame, approves]

* qui non negat fatetur 不否认等于承认

[he who does not deny, admits]

* qui non proficit, deficit 不进则退

* qui prodest ? [who will profit from it ?] 对谁有利?

* qui pro quo 张冠李戴;弄错;误会

* qui scribit, bis legit 笔记下来,等于读两次;读书不如抄 书

* quis custodiet ipsos custodes 谁看管看管者

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* qui sentit commodum sentire debet et onus 得到好处就应承担责任;有权利就有

[he who receives the advantage ought also 义务

to suffer the burden]

* qui tacet, consentire videtur 沉默应视为同意;不作答复,即作默

[he who is silent, is understood to consent] 认

* qui tacet consentit [he who is silent consents] 沉默即是同意

* qui tacet consentire, si loqui debuisset ac 如果应该而且能够讲话,则沉默应视 protuisset 为同意

* quoad hoc [as to this; with respect to this 关于此事;关于这一点;单就这一点 来说

* quo animo ? [with what intention or motive] 动机何在?因什么缘故?是何居心? * quocunque nomine 用任何名义

* quod ab initio vitiosum est non potest tractu 自始即有缺陷(的事物),非时间所 temporis convalescere 能补救;自始即无效者,以后也

[what is defective (or void) from the 不得生效

beginning cannot improve (become

valid) in the course of time]

* quod bene notandum 应该特别注意之点;应特别注意

[which is to be well noted]

* quod constat clare non debet verificari 显而易见的事,不必加以证明

[what is clearly apparent need not be


* quod differtur non aufertur 迁延并非废止

* quod dixi, dixi 我说话算数;君子一言,快马一鞭 * quod erat demonstrandum (QED) 证毕;这就是要证明的

* quod erat faciendum (QEF) 这就是所要做的

* quod erat inveniendum (QEI) 这就是所要找的

* quod est (q.e.) 这就是

* quod est inconveniens aut contra rationem 不适当与不合理的事,法律也不许可 non permissum est in lege

[that which is inconvenient or against

reason is not permissible in law]

* quod est necessarium est licitum 需要即合法

* quod hoc sibi vult ? 这是什么意思?

* quod jure 依何权限;根据什么权利

[by what title; a writ compelling the

defendant to produce evidence of title]

* quod non agnoscit glossa, non agnoscit forum 注释家所不承认的原则,司法者必不

[that which the glossarist does not 予以考虑

acknowledge, is not acknowledged by the


* quod per me non possum, nec per alium 凡是我不能做的事,也不能通过他人

[what I cannot do by myself, I cannot do 去做

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by another]

* quod petis, hic est 你所寻的东西在这里

* quod plerumque fit [which is mostly the case] 大致如此

* quodque dissolvitur eodem moto quo ligatur 缔约方式应与解约方式相同

[in the same manner that a thing is bound,

in the same manner it is unbound]

* quod scripsi, scripsi 我写的算数

* quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus 古今中外,人人相信;古今中外,毫 无例外

* quod tibi fieri non vis, alteri ne facias 己所不欲,勿施于人

* quod vide (q.v.) [which see] 参看 .... ,见 .... ,参阅 ....

* quo jure ? 凭什么权利?依什么法? * quo modo ? 什么情况?

* quomodo vales ? 你好吗?

* quorum 法定人数

* quoties in vervis nulla est ambiguitas, ibi nulla文字上没有不明之处,不得作与文字 exposito contra verva fienda est 相反的解释

[when in the words there is no ambuiguity,

then no exposition contrary to the words

is to be made]

* quod homines (capita), tot sententiae 人多心多;有多少人就有多少主意 * quousque 多久;多远;直至

* quousque tandem ? 到什么时候为止呢?

* quo vadis ? 你到哪里去?往何处去? * quovis modo 无论何种形式

* quo warranto 凭何权利

* rara avis [rare bird; prodigy] 罕有的现象;少有的事;奇怪的现象; 奇怪的东西

* rara avis in terris 罕物;少有的事;奇怪的东西

* rari natantes in gurgite vasto 在广阔的大海中游泳,显得人少;有 的在此,有的在彼

* ratio conventionis 协定理由

* ratio decidendi 判决理由

[reason for deciding; grounds of decision]

* ratio in jure aequitas integra 法律的真谛是绝对公平

[reason in law is perfect equity]

* ratio in legis est anima legis 立法的理由是法律的灵魂

[the reason of law is the soul of law]

* ratio legis 法律理由;立法理由

* rationabile estoverium (离婚后或诉讼期间一方给另一方的) 合理赡养费

* ratio naturalis 自然理由

* ratione cessante 基于终止理由

* ratione domicilii [by reason of domicile] 基于住所理由;住所地的理由

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* ratione loci 因所在地点;在地点上

[on account of the place; by reason of the


* ratione materiae [by reason of material] 本质上的理由

* ratione personae [by reason of person] 对人的理由

* ratione soli [by reason of the soil] 所在地的理由

* ratione temporis [by reason of time] 时间上的理由;在时间上 * ratione vis 依武力的理由

* ratio scripta 成文的理由

* re [concerning] 关于

* rebus sic stantibus 情势变迁(条款)

[as matters stand; in these circumstances;

a tacit condition, said to attach to all

treaties, that they shall cease to be

effective as soon as the state of facts

and conditions upon which they were

founded has substantial ly changed]

* receditur a placitis juris, potius quam injuriae宁可舍弃成文法规,不容罪行逃出法 et delicta maneant impunita 网

[positive rules of law will be receded from

(given up or dispensed with), rather than

that crimes and wrongs should remain


* receptum indebiti 不当得利

[receipt of something not due]

* receptus 仲裁人

* recognitio nil dat novi 承认并不产生新事物

[recognition produces nothing new]

* recte et suaviter 公正而温和

* recto de dote unde nihil habet 寡妇向亡夫的继承人要求全部应得三

[a writ of right of dower whereof the 分之一的房地产的权利状 widow had nothing, which lay where

her deceased husband, having divers

lands and tenements, had assured no

dower to his wife, and she thereby was

driven to sue for her thirds against the

heirs or his guardian]

* recuperatores 仲裁官

* recurrendum est ad extraordinarium quando 普通法律无效时,应采用特别法律 non valet ordinarium

[we must have recourse to what is

extraordinaries, when what is ordinary


* reddendo singula singulis 各对各;各从其文字的本义

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[by referring each to each; referring each

phrase or expression to its appropriate

object (a rule of construction)]

* reddendum (写明租赁金额及付款期限的)租约 条款;应付租金 * redditus 租金;收入;利润

* reductio ad absurdum 归谬法;间接证明法;反论证法

[reduction to absurdity]

* refero relata 我说我听到的;据说 * regnant populi 民治

* regula pro lege, si deficit lex 如无法律,依法律格言裁决

[in default of the law, the maxim rules]

* re infecta [the business being unfinished]事情尚未解决;案件未了;事未完结 * remanent pro defectu emptorum 扣押物因无买者而未卖出 * remis velisque 用桨和帆;竭力;不遗余力 * remittitur (or remittit) damna 减免损害赔偿

* repetitio est mater studiorum 温故而知新

* requiescat in pace 让他安静地长眠吧!安息吧! * rerum universitas (or natura) [the universe] 宇宙

* res 物;事物

* res accessoria 附属物;从物

* res accessoria sequitur rem principalem 从物随主物;附属物随主物

[the accessory follows the principal]

* res alienae [things belonging to others] 属于他人之物

* res ancipitis usus [a thing of double use] 军民两用物;和战两用物 * res angusta domi 家境贫困

[straitened circumstances at home]

* res communes [things common to all] 人民公有物;公共财产 * res communis [a public thing] 公用物

* res communis omnium 公用物;公共之物

[a thing beloning to all]

* res consuntibiles 消费物

[things that can be consumed]

* res corporales 有体物;具体的物品

[tangible things; corporeal things]

* res derelicta [abadoned property] 弃物;抛弃的财物

* res divisibiles [divisible things] 可分物

* reservatio mentalis 内心保留;口是心非

* res extra commercium 非交易物;非流通物;非商品

[things not capable of being traded]

* res extra patrimonium 不可有物

[things not capable of being possessed]

* res fongibiles [things that can be replaced] 可代替物

* res gentum 万国之物

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* res gestae 真事实[指案件的确切事实,与传闻

[things done; material facts; attending 的事实相对而言];有关事实; circumstances] 所讨论的事;史实[多指战争] * res immobiles [immovable things; real estate] 不动产

* res in commercio 交易物;流通物;商品

[things capable of being traded]

* res inconsuntibiles 非消费物

[things that cannot be consumed]

* res incorporales 无体物

[intangible things; incorporeal things]

* res indivisibiles [indivisible things] 不可分物

* res in patrimonio 可有物

[things capable of being possessed]

* res integra 未决事项;未决定的要点[指无法律

[a whole thing; a new or unopened thing; 根据,亦无先例可援只有用法理 a point of law which has not been 来解决的新事项]


* res inter alios acta 他人之间的行为(或宣告)

[things done between others]

* res inter alios acta alteri nocere non debet 两者之间的行为,不应损及他人

[things done between strangers ought

not to injure others]

* res in transitu 运送中的物品

* res ipsa loquitur [the thing speaks for itself]事实本身的证明;免证自明;事实本 身非常清楚

* res judicata [a decided case] 已决案件;定案;已判决的案件 * res judicata pro veritate habetur 定案即视为事实

[a settled case is taken for truth]

* res mobiles [movable things; chattel] 动产

* res non fongibiles 不可代替物

[things that cannot be replaced]

* res, non verba [deeds, not words] 务求事实;勿作空论;事实胜于雄辩 * res novae 政治变化;革命

* res nullius [a thing which has no owner] 无主之物;无主地;无主物 * res nullius naturaliter fit primi occupantis 无主之物当属最先发现者所有

[a thing which has no owner naturally

belongs to the first finder]

* res omnium communis [a thing common to all] 大众共有之物;公物

* res petita 求偿物

* respice finem 注意结局

* respodeat superior 委托人应负担其代理人行为的责任

[let the principal answer (for the acts of his


* respondentia 船货抵押

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[the hypothecation of the cargo or goods on board a ship as security for the repayment of a loan]

* res principales [principal things] 主物 * res privatae 私有物;私物;私产;私有财产 * res propria est quae communis non est [a thing which is private which is not common]

* res publica (or respublica) [the commonwealth]

* res publicae [public property] * res sic standibus [let the matter stand thus] * restitutio ad intergrum * restitutio ad pristinum * restitutio in integrum [the rescinding of a contract or transaction on the ground of fraud, etc., so as to restore to their original position] * restitutio in pristinum [reparation by equivalence] * res transit cum suo onere * res universitatis [things belonging to a community] * reus credendi [creditor] * reus debendi [debtor] * reus excipiendo fit actor * rex non potest peccare [the king can do no wrong] * ridendo castigant mores * ridere in stomacho * ride si sapis * rigor mortis [stiffness of death; stiffening of a dead body]

* risu inepto res ineptior nulla * risum teneatis, amici ! * Roma locuta, causa finita [Rome has spoken, the case is settled; with the pronounced from above, the matter is settled] * ruat caelum * rudis indigestaque moles * rus in urbe * rusticum [farm; farm land] 非公物即是私物 国家;共和国 公物;公有物;公共财产 保持原状 恢复其完整;全部偿还 恢复先前状态 回复原状 等价赔偿 债务随财产同时转移 公共财产;公物 债权人 债务人 被告由于提出抗辩而成为原告国王无过失 讥笑地抨击(某种)风俗 窃笑 只有聪明的人会笑 死后僵硬;尸僵 痴笑最可厌 朋友们,不要笑吧! 上级有指示;事情变成定局 让天塌下来 乱七八糟;横三竖四 城中的田地 耕作地

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* saeva indignatio 极大的愤慨

* sal Atticum [Attic salt; dry, delicate wit] 文雅的机智;妙语;警语 * sal Atticus 机智;才智;非常诙谐

* salus populi suprema lex 人民的利益(安全)是最高的法规 * salus populi suprema lex esto 以人民的福利为最高的法律

[let the welfare of the people be the

highest (or supreme) law]

* salva conscientia 于心无愧地

* salvo jure 没有偏心;在法律许可的范围内;只 要不妨害别人

* salvo jure cujuslibet 任何人的权利不受损害;以不损害任

[without prejudice to the rights of any one] 何人的权利为原则

* sancta simplicitas [holy simplicity] 非常天真(的人);天真纯朴的人; 天真如圣;天真烂漫

* sanctum santorum 至圣所;私室[俗称]

[holy of holies; private retreat]

* sapere aude 敢做聪明的人

* sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probet 圣人对未经证明的事不加武断

[the sage does not affirm what he cannot


* sapienti sat [enough the wise] 智者一言已足;闻一而知十 * sapienti sat, verbum sat sapienti (est) 闻一而知十;明人不用细讲

* sapo durus 硬皂

* sapo medicatus 药皂

* sapo viridis 绿肥皂;软皂

* sarto resartus 从事补缀的裁缝

* satis eloquentiae, sapientiae parum 言多智少;夸夸其谈

[enough eloquence, too little wisdom]

* satis quod sufficit [what suffices is enough] 凡事适可而止

* satis superque 绰绰有余

* satis verborum 话已说够了;不用多说了 * scandalum magnatum 诋毁权贵

[scandal (or slander) of great men]

* scientiae baccalaureus (S.B.) 理学士

* scientiae magister 理学硕士

* scire facias 告知令状;使人知道;通知;告诉

[cause to know; a writ renewing a

judgement that has expired]

* scripta manent 写下的东西是存在的[可作为证据的] * secta [followers; witnesses for the plaintiff] 随同(原告)作证者;原告的证人 * secundum artem 技术地;人工地;科学地;巧妙地;

[according to art (or rule); scientifically; 技术上;科学上 artifically]

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* secundum bonos mores 依照历来惯例;照例

[according to good usages; according to

established custom; regularly; orderly]

* secundum formam statuti 依照法令规定

[according to the form of the stattuti]

* secundum juris 根据法律

* secundum legem [according to law] 根据法律

* secundum naturam 自然地;天然地;照自然之理

[according to nature; naturally; not


* secundum ordinem [in order; orderly] 依次;按次序地;秩序井然;有条不 紊

* secundum quid 只在某点上;局部地;不是一般的

[according to something; in someone

respect only]

* secundum regulam [according to the rule] 依照规则;按规则

* secundum usum 根据惯例;依照习俗

* secus [otherwise; to the contrary] 不是这样;与此相反

* se defendendo [in self-defense] 出于自卫

* sed haec hactenus [but so much for this] 这且不说;这事暂且不谈;到此为止; 够啦

* sed quaere 但尚待研究

* semble [it seems] 似乎是

* semel et simul 打一枪,换一地

* semel pro semper 一言为定;只此一回

* semper ad verentum festinat 向标杆看齐;依照规则行事 * semper avarus eget 贪食不知饱;贪得无厌

* semper eadem 往往相同;常常如此

* semper felix 幸福常在

* semper fidelis 永远诚实

* semper idem [always the same] 总是如此;老一套;老生常谈 * semper paratus [always prepared] 随时准备着;时刻准备着 * senium praecox 早衰;未老先衰

* sensu largo 广义

* sensu lato 广义上的

* sensu politico 政治意义上的

* sensus communis 常识

* sensu stricto 狭义上的;狭义地

* sensu verborum est anima legis 文字的意义是法律的精神

[the meaning of the words is the spirit

of the law]

* sensu verborum est duplex -- mitis et asper; 字有两义,一轻一重;始终应以其中 et verba semper accipienda sunt in mitiori 较轻的字义为准


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[the meaning of words is twofolds -- mild

and harsh; and words are always to be

received in their milder sense]

* sequitur [it follows; a logical inference] 由此可见;足证;合理的推论 * seriatim 依次;逐条;顺次;连续

[serially; point by point; in regular order]

* sero sed serio 拖了时间,但态度认真

* servabo fidem 我将守信

* servitus in faciendo consister nequit 地役不包括作为在内

* servitus praediorum 地役权

[servitude of the land (or estate)]

* servitute juris gentium naturale 国际法上的自然地役

* servitate juris gentium voluntariae 国际法上的自愿地役

* sic [thus] 原文

* sic in originalis [thus in the original] 原文如此

* sic iter ad astra 这就是通向光荣的道路

* sic passim 各处都是这样;比比皆是 * sic transit gloria mundi 世间富贵,瞬息即逝;富贵等于浮云;

[so passes away the glory of the world] 世荣易逝

* sicut alias 第二次传票

[as at another time; a second writ sent out

when the first is not executed]

* sicut ante 如前

* sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas 使用自己的财产时,不得损害别人的

[use your own property in such a manner 财产

as not to injure that of another]

* sic volo, sic jubeo 我行我素

* sic vos, non vobis 要你们做,但不给你们报酬 * sic vos, non vobis mellificates apes 蜂采百花人食蜜

* si duo faciunt idem, non est idem 尽管两人做的事相同,但结果并不相 同

* silent leges inter arma 普通法律不适用于战时;普通法律在

[laws are silent in time of war; the power 战时失去效力;战时无法律;战 of law is suspended during war] 争不守法

* similia similibus curantur [fight fire with fire] 以毒攻毒

* similis simili gaudet 物以类聚,人以群分

* simplex commendatio non obligat 单纯的称许无拘束性

* simplex munditiis 简而雅

* simpliciter [absolutely; without reserve] 绝对地;纯然;完全

* simplum [a simple thing] 单一物

* sine animo belligerendi 无交战意向

* sine animo revertendi 无回返意向

* sine anno [without the date] (出版)日期不详;未注明年代

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* sine cura 没有看守;没有照顾;草率了事 * sine die (s.d.) [without a day been appointed] 无期;无限期;不限期 * sine dubio 无疑

* sine loco (s.l.) 未注明(出版)地点

* sine loco, anno, vel nomine (slan) (出版)地点、日期及作者姓名不详

[without place, year, or name]

* sine mora [without delay] 立刻;毫不迟延;立即;没有迟延; 没有耽搁

* sine odio 无怨恨;无怨言

* sine praejudicio 没有偏见

* sine proba causa 没有证明的理由

* sine prole superstite (s.p.s.) 无后代;无子孙

* sine qua non 必要条件;非有不可的;先决条件;

[without which not; an indispensable 必不可少的


* sine spe 无希望

* sine spe redeundi 无回来的希望

* si omnes 普遍参加

* si opus sit (s.o.s.) 于需要时[医学]

* si parva licet componere magnis 如果可以以小比大

* si si ! prudentia 凡事须三思

* siste, viator 行人止步

* sit venia verbo 容许我这样说吧;如果可以这样说 * si vis pacem, para bellum 如要和平,必须备战;如果要和平,

[if you desire peace, prepare for war] 就要准备战争;居安思危 * societas [partnership; contract of partnership] 合伙;合伙契约

* societas leonina (or leonina societas) 与狮子合伙[某一合伙人只分担损失,

[partnership with a lion; a one-sided 不得分享利润]


* socius criminis [an associate in crime] 共犯

* sola nobilitas virtus 唯德为贵

* solatium 慰藉金;赔偿费

[solace; a sum paid to an injuried party

over and above the actual damages by

way of solace to his wounded feelings]

* sola virtus invicta 美德是永存的

* solidum [a whole] 合力负担

* sol lucet omnibus 普天之下,人人都有天赋的权利

[the sun shines on all; everyone is entitled

to enjoy certain natural advantages]

* solutionis causa [for the purpose of payment] 新债抵旧

* specialia derogant generalibus 特别规定较普通规定优先适用

[the special takes precedence of the


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* species [a kind; species; things in particular] 特定物

* specificatio 加工

[a making of form; acquisition of

property by working up his materials into

a new species]

* spe recuperandi 收回的希望

* spero meliora 我在期望更美好的;否极泰来 * spes sibi quisque 要自力更生;人要奋斗 * sponsio 越权条件

* sponte sua [of one's own accord; unsolicited] 自别;自发;自愿地;出于自愿 * stadium acmes 极峰期

* stadium augmenti 进行期

* stadium caloris 热期

* stadium frigoris 寒期

* stadium sudoris 出汗期

* stare ad rectum 接受审判;受审

[to stand trial or abide by the sentence of

the court]

* stare decisis [to abide by decided cases] 依照先例;判例照援;遵照判例 * stare decisis et non quieta movere 遵照判例而不搅乱已确定的事情 * status belli 战争状态

* status civitatis [status of a citizen; citizenship] 市民权

* status familiae 家族权

[the status (or right) of a household]

* status in quo [the state in which (anyting is)] 现状;原状

* status in statu [state within a state] 国家内的国家;国中之国 * status juris 法律地位

* status libertatis [status of liberty] 自由权

* status mixtas 混合地位

* status nascendi 在萌芽状态

* status necessitatis 必要状态

* status praesens 现状;目前形势

* status quo [the state in which (anyting is)] 现状;原状;状态;目前状态 * status quo ante 原状;在 .... 之前的状态 * status quo ante bellum 战前状态

[the state existing before the war]

* status quo ante faedus 约前状态

* status quo post bellum 战后状态

* stet [let it stand] 不删;保留原文[校对用语] * stilo novo 新奇的意思

* stipulatio [verbal contract] 言词契约

* stipulatio poenae 违约金(的规定)

[stipulation on penalty or fine]

* stricti juris 严格意义;严格的说

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* stricto sensu [in a strict sense] 狭义而言;狭义

* strictum jus 严格法;法律严格的规定

[strict law; the strict letter of the law]

* sua cuique sunt vitia 人人各有其短处

* sua cuique utilitas [to everything its own use] 凡物各有其用

* sua cuique voluptas 人各有志;各有所好 * sua sponte [of one's own will (accord)] 自愿;自由

* suaviter in modo, fortiter in re 态度温柔,行为果断;外柔内刚;举

[gentle in manner, resolute in deed] 止温和,临事勇敢 * sub colore juris [under colour of right] 伪装有权

* sub condicione 在(某种)条件下

* sub dio (or divo) [under the sky; in open air] 露天

* sub finem (s.f.) 参见本章末

* sub judice [under (or before) a judge] 在审讯中;在法院审理中;尚未解决 的;在考虑中的;等待研究的

* sublata causa, tollitur effectus 因除则果去;原因消除,后果便不存

[when the cause is removed, the effect 在;无风不起浪 ceases]

* sub modo 在某一条件或限制下;有条件的

[under a qualification; subject to a


* sub nomine [under the name; in the name of] 以 .... 的名义;在 .... 名下 * sub operatione 手术时

* sub poena [under penalty] 违者以 .... 罪论;否则按 .... 罪惩处; 严惩不贷

* subpoena ad testificandum 证人作证传票

[under penalty to testify]

* subpoena duces tecum 证人带同文件作证传票

[under penalty, you are to bring with you]

* sub rosa [under the rose; confidential(ly)] 秘密;暗中;秘密地 * sub sigillo 绝对秘密地

[under seal (of confession); in the strictest


* sub silentio [in silence; privately] 心中;私下;在心中;私下地 * sub specie [under the appearance of] 假装

* sub specie aeternitatis 从本质看;从永恒的观点上看来;在

[from the aspect of eternity] 自然情况下;在天然情况下 * sub spe rati [in the hope of a decision] 尚待判决(批准) * sub spe reconciliationes 尚待调停(和解)

[in the hope of recocilement]

* substantia alba 白质

* substantia corticalis 皮质

* substantia nigra 黑质

* substantia propria 固有质

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* substantia spongiosa 松质

* sub vi [under compulsion] 在胁迫之下;被迫

* sub voce (or sub verbo; s.v.) 在 .... 字下;见 .... 条;在词典里;

[under the word (in reference to 参看该条

dictionaries, etc.)]

* successio ab intesta [intestate succession] 未立遗嘱的继承;法定继承 * successio ex testamento 遗嘱继承

[succession by virtue of will]

* successio in usucapionem 时效的继续

[succession in prescription]

* succus limonis 柠檬汁

* sudor algidus 冷汗

* suggestio falsi 伪证;证词不实;弄虚作假

[false suggestion or representation]

* sui generis [of its own kind; unique] 自成一格;独特;特殊;特有的;特 殊的;与众不同的

* sui juris 自主;自有行为能力;自由

[in one's own right; of full legal capacity]

* summa cum laude [with the highest praise] 以最优等

* summa potesta 主权;最高权力

* summa summarum 总计;合计;最后总结;最后的结果;

[the sum of sums; sum total] 约数

* summum bonum [the supreme good] 至善;最好的

* summum jus, summa injuria 法之极,害之极;法重害重

[extreme law is extreme injury]

* sumptibus publicis [at public expense] 由政府负担费用

* sum quod eris, fui quod es 我的今天,就是你的明天

* sunt certi denique finis 一切都有一定的界限

* sunt lacrymae rerum 眼泪因悲痛而产生

* suo marte 依靠自己的力量;自力更生 * suo moto [by one's owner motion] 自行

* suo periculo [at one's own risk] (如有损失)由自己负责

* suo tempore 适时;及时

* superficies 地上权

[surface; the alienation by the owner of

the surface of the soil of all rights

necessary for building on the surface]

* super vires 非力所能及的

* super visum corporis 验尸结果

[after viewing the body; term used at a

coroner's inquest]

* suppressio veri 隐瞒真相

* suppressio veri, suggestio falsi 隐匿真相,等于诈骗

[suppressing the truth, suggesting what is false]

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* supra 在前

* supremum vale [farewell for the last time] 永别;诀别

* surgit amari aliquid 乐极生悲

* sursum corda ! [lift up your hearts !] 提起精神!不要灰心!

* suspensio per collum 绞刑

[suspension by the neck; execution by


* sustine et abstine 忍耐和节制

* sutor ne supra crepidam judicaret 各尽其职;安分守己

* suum cuique [to each his own] 各得其所应得

* suum cuique tribue ! 各取其所应得

* suus cuique mos 各人有各人的习惯(作风) * tabula rasa 纯洁的心;往事一笔勾销;一张白纸;

[an erased (or blank) tablet; clean state;

the mind at birth]

* tacitae magis et occultae inimicitiae timendae 明枪易躲,暗箭难防

sunt quam indictae atque apertae

[silent, hidden enmities are more to be

feared than those that are openly


* tacito consensu [by silent consent] 默许;默认

* taciturnitas et patientia consensum imitantur 沉默和容忍等于同意

* taedium vitae [weariness of living] 厌世;对于生命的厌恶

* taenia rationis 强词夺理

* tamquam alter idem [as if second self] 心腹之交;完全可以信赖的朋友 * tangere ulcus (or vulnus) 触到某人的痛处;揭人疮疤;触及痛

[to touch the sore spot] 处;打中要害

* tantum quantum 恰好如此

* tarde venientibus ossa 赴宴后到者只能啃骨头;事不宜迟; 坐失良机

* Te Deum (Laudamus) 谢恩颂歌;赞美颂歌

[(we praise) Thee, O Lord]

* te ipsum nosce 要有自知之明

* te judice 据你判断;依你之见

[with you as the judge; in your judgement]

* telum imbelle sine ictu 虚晃一枪;无的放矢

* temperamenta 折中;调和

* tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis 时代在变,我们也随着改变

[times change and we are changed in them]

* tempori parendum 我们必须跟随时代;我们必须跟上时

[we must move with the times] 代的步伐;随机应变 * tempus commissi delicti 犯罪时间;违法时间

[time the offense is committed]

* tempus continuum 继续时间

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[a continuous period of time]

* tempus edax rerum 时间使万物变化;时间会改变一切 * tempus fugit 光阴飞驰

* tempus omnia revelat 水落石出;时间过去真情暴露 * tenax propositi [firm of purpose] 意志坚定;意志坚决

* ter [thrice] 三度;之三

* teres et rotundus 又光又圆的;完全

* ter in die (t.i.d.) 一日三次[医学]

* terma 词语

* terminus ad quem 归结点;终止日期;目标;终期;终

[the end (or limit) to which] 点;结局;归宿

* terminus a quo 出发点;开始日期;始期;起点

[the end (or limit) from which]

* terrae filius 平民;出身低微者

* terrae potestas finitur, ubi finitur armorum vis 陆地权力以其炮火所及范围为限

[the territorial limit is where a shot can [领海界线的沿岸炮弹距离说] reach]

* terra firma [solid earth; a firm footing] 陆地;稳固的地位;大陆;大地 * terra incognita [unknown land] 未知的土地;未知地;未知的领域 * terra japonica 棕儿茶;槟榔膏[原文之意:日本泥 土]

* terra nullius [land without owner] 无主地

* terra transit cum onere 土地与其负担一起转移

* territorium dominans 承役地

* territorium serviens 供役地

* tertii in favorem 为第三者的利益

* tertium genus 第三种

* tertium non datur 非此即彼;没有第三条路 * tertium quid [a third something] 第三者;介乎两者之间的东西;难形 容或难区别的人

* tertius gaudens [the third one who rejoices] 得渔翁之利的第三者;鹬蚌相争,渔 翁得利

* tertius quo 第三者

* testandibus actis [as the acts show] 实际行为证明

* testimonium 证词;口供;证据

* testimonium paupertatis 低能的征象;思想贫乏;才能低下;

[indication of (mental) poverty] 证据不足

* testis unus, testis nullus 一面之词,不足为凭;一个证人,等

[one witness is no witness; testimony of 于没有证人

a single person is not valid]

* therapia accessoria 辅助疗法

* therapia activa 积极治疗

* therapia biologia 生物学疗法

* therapia conservativa 保守疗法

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* therapia domestica 家庭疗法

* therapia electromagnetica 电磁疗法

* therapia generalis 普通疗法;全身疗法

* therapia localis 局部疗法

* therapia operativa 手术疗法

* therapia praeventiva 预防法

* therapia protectiva 保卫疗法

* therapia rationalis 合理疗法

* therapia symptomatica 症状疗法

* timeo Danaos et dona ferentes 希腊人即使送礼时,我也怕他们

[I fear the Greeks even when they are

bringing gifts]

* timor mortis morte pejor 怕死比死还坏

* toga virilis 成年人的长袍[古罗马自由民年满十 六岁才有资格穿的白长袍] * tolle, lege ! 拿起来念!

* tonica generalis 一般补剂

* tonica haematica 补血剂

* tot homines, tot sententiae 人多心多;众说纷纭

* totidem verbis 正是如此;原文照抄;原话如此;如

[in so many words; in these very words] 此多言

* toties quoties 每次;常常;每回;往往如此

[as often as; on each occasion; repeatedly]

* totis viribus [with all one's strength] 出尽气力;竭力;全力以赴;用其全 力

* toto caelo 天南地北;天渊之别;有天壤之别;

[by the whole heaven; to be poles apart] 一在天之涯,一在地之角 * totum in eo est [all depends on this] 一切视此而定;一切以此为转移 * traditio [delivery; transfer of possession] 交付;引渡

* transeat in exemplum 记录此事,作为先例(或判例)

[let it be recorded as a precedent]

* transfusio sanguinis 输血

* transitio ad aliud genus 过渡到另一类

* trauma accidentale 意外伤

* tres faciunt collegium 三人成会[三个人开会作出的决定可 以有法律效力]

* Treuga Dei (or Treva Dei) [Truce of God](中世纪教会命令的暂时)停止私斗; 上帝休战

* tristes calendae [the unhappy calends] 悲惨的付息日[古罗马的欠债者要在 每月的第一天付利息] * tua res agitur 这是与你有利害关系的事

* tulit alter honores 功归别人

* tu ne cede malis 勿因患难而屈服;冲着困难上

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* tu quoque [you too] 你也一样

* tu quoque, fili ! 你也在内,我的儿子!

* tutela legitima 法定监护

[legal trusteeship or guardianship]

* tutela testamentaria 遗嘱监护

[trusteeship (or guardianship) appointed

by a will]

* uberrima fides 完全坦白;出于至诚

[the most abundant good faith; absolute

and perfect candor and honesty]

* ubi cessat remedium ordinarium, ibi 普通办法不能补救者,应采用特别办 decurritur ad extraordinarium 法

[where the ordinary remedy fails, recourse

must be had to an extraordinary one]

* ubi concordia, ibi victoria 哪里协调一致,哪里便能胜利;团结 就是力量

* ubi culpa est, ibi poena subesse debet 罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚

[where the crime is committed, there

ought the punishment to be undergone]

* ubicunque est injuria, ibi damnum sequitur 有罪必有害

[wherever there is wrong, there damage


* ubi homines sunt, ibi modi sunt 哪里有人,哪里就有歌声 * ubi jus, ibi officium 有权利即有义务

[where there is a right, there is also a duty]

* ubi jus, ibi remedium 有权利,就有补救办法;有权利就有

[where there is a right, there is a remedy] 补偿

* ubi jus incertum, ibi jus nullum 法律不明确等于没有法律;法不确定,

[where the law is uncertain, there is no law;虽有若无;法律不确切,虽有若 uncertainty destroys law] 无

* ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere 法律未明文区别者,不得加以区别 debemus

[where the law does not distinguish,

neither ought we distinguish]

* ubi major pars est, ibi totum 多数即是全体;多数决定

[where the greater part is, there the whole

is; the majorities govern]

* ubi mei, ibi apes 有蜜必有蜂;有烟必有火 * ubi non est condendi auctoritas, ibi non est 非法制定的规则,不必遵守 parendi necessitas

[where there is no authority for establishing

a rule, there is no necessity of obeying it]

* ubi non est directa lex, standum est arbitrio 凡无直接适用的法律,应以法官的意 judicis, vel procedendum ad similia 见为准,或参照类似的案件

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[where there is no direct law, the opinion

of the judge is to be taken, or reference

to be made to similar case]

* ubi non est lex, ibi non est transgressio, 在世界上,凡无法律规定者,即非犯 quoad mundum 法

[where there is no law, there is no

transgression, so far as relates to the


* ubi non est principalis, non potest esse 无主犯即无从犯


[where there is no principal, there cannot

be a accessory]

* ubi pus, ibi incisio 有脓就有疮

* ubi quis delinquit, ibi punietur 罪犯应在犯罪地点受惩罚

[where a man offends, there he shall be


* ubi remedium, ibi jus 有补救办法,就有权利;有补偿就有

[where there is a remedy, there is a right] 权利

* ubi sunt qui ante no fuerunt ? 古人如今安在?

[where are those who lived before us ?]

* ubi supra 上面述及;上面提及之处;如上文所 提及

* ultima ratio [the last argument; force] 最后手段;武力;最后的谈判;最后 的论据

* ultima ratio regum 诉诸武力;战争

[last argument of kings; resort to arms;


* ultima remedium 最后的补救办法

* ultima Thule 天涯海角;最远的疆界

[the farthest Thule; the utmost frontiers]

* ultima victoria 最后胜利

* ultimum refugium 最后的庇护所

* ultimum supplicium 极刑;死刑

[the extreme punishment; the punishment

of death]

* ultimum vale [farewell for the last time] 诀别;永别

* ultimus haeres 最后的继承人;上帝

[the last or remote heir; the lord]

* ultra licitum 违法;不合法;超出合法范围

[beyond what is allowed or lawful]

* ultra posse nemo obligatur 不得强人所难

[no one is bound to do more than he can]

* ultra posse nemo tenetur 不要求人作其所不能

* ultra posse non potest esse, et vice versa 不可能者不存在,反之亦然

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[what is beyond possibility cannot exist,

and the reverse]

* ultra valorem [beyond the value] 超过实际价值

* ultra vires [beyond one's authority] 越权;在权限以外;超出法定权限

* una salus victis 战败无选择的余地;战败者任人宰 割

* una voce [with one voice; unanimously] 一致;全体一致;众口同声;同声一 致地

* unguibus et rostro 用爪和啄;尽全力(抵抗);全力以

* unio civitatum 国家组合

* unio personalis 身合国

* unio realis 合国

* universitas juris 法律上的集合物[指全部动产和不动

[things taken as a whole in law] 产,如遗产]

* universitas rerum [things taken as a whole] 集合物

* universum jus 整体法

* uno actu 一次行动;由同一行动

[in a single act; by one and the same act]

* uno animo 同心协力;异口同声;一致

* unum et idem [one and the same] 同样的东西;没有区别;完全一样 * unumquodque principiorum est sibimetipsi 一般原则免证自明,明显事实也不须 fides; et persipicua vera non sunt probanda 证明

[every general principle is its own pledge

or warrant; and things that are clearly

true are not to be proved]

* urbi et orbi 教宗(对全世界颁布的)训谕[原文

[to the city (Rome) and to the world; 之意:对罗马城,对全世界] words accompanying papal bulls]

* usque ad caelum [up to the sky] (土地所有权)直达天空

* usque ad medium filum 直至中间线

* usque ad nauseam 使人呕吐为止

* usque ad sidera [up to the stars] 直上云霄

* usucapio [prescription] 取得时效

* usus 惯例;使用

* usus bellici [warlike uses or objects] 战争用途;战争用品

* usus est magister optimus 经验是最好的老师

* usus in bello 战争惯例

* usus loquendi [usage in speaking] 习惯的说法;口头语

* usus publicus 公共惯例

* ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas 尽管力量不足,愿意去做也值得赞扬; 力虽微,志可嘉

* utile dulci 愉快而有益的

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* utile dulci miscere 把愉快的和有益的结合起来 * ut infra (u.i. or ut inf.) 如下

[as (shown or stated) below]

* ut initium, sic finis est 始终如一

* uti possidetis 按照已占有的;占领地保有原则[使

[as you (now) possess; a principle in 交战国于战争结束时以占领地为 international law that a treaty of peace 领土的原则];实际占领地保有 between belligerents vests in them 权原则

respectively as absolute property the

territory under their actual control, etc.]

* uti possidetis, ita possideatis 保持已占有的部分

* uti possidetis juris 按照法律上已占有的 * ut mos est [as the custom is] 依照惯例

* ut pictura poesis, sic poesis pictura 诗如画,画如诗

* ut pignus amicitiae 作为友谊的表示;借以表示友谊;作

[as a pledge (or token) of friendship] 为友谊的证据

* ut poena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat 惩一儆百

[that the punishment may reach a few,

but the fear of it affect all]

* ut quocumque paratus 准备妥当,以应万变;为各种意外之

[prepared for any emergency whatever] 事而设

* ut res magis valeat quam pereat 宁使条款有效而不使其失去意义

[that the thing may rather have effect

than be destroyed; that the clause may

became operative than null (a principle

of legal interpretation)]

* utrum horum mavis accipe 任择其一;随意选取

[take whichever you prefer]

* ut sementem feceris, ita metes 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

[as you sow, so shall you reap]

* ut supra (u.s.) [as (shown or stated) above] 如上;如上所述

* vacatio legis 法律上的免除

* vaccinatio bovina 牛痘接种

* vade in pace 一帆风顺;一路平安;安然而去

* vade mecum 袖珍书;手册;便览;袖珍参考书

[go with me; a reference book intended

to be carried about; a manual]

* vade retro ! 滚开!

* vadium mortuum [a mortagage] 抵押品

* vae victis 败者遭殃

* valent erga omnes 对一切人有效

* variae lectiones 种种读法

* variorum notae 集各家注释;集注

[notes of various commentators]

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* vectigal [revenue; tax] 税;地税

* velis et remis 桨和帆都用;全力以赴 * vel non 或者不是

* venditio bonorum [sale of goods] 财产的拍卖

* venditioni exponas 低价售卖令

[you expose to sale (name of a writ)]

* veniae facilitas incentivum est deliquendi 轻易赦免罪过,等于鼓励犯罪

[facility of pardon is an incentive to crime]

* venia necessitati datur 迫不得已的行为,情有可原

[indulgence is granted to necessity;

necessity knows no law]

* venienti occurite morbo 有病趁早就医;防患于未然

[meet the approaching disease; prevention

is better than cure]

* venire (facias juratores) 召集陪审团令

[(thou shall cause jurors) to come]

* venire contra actum proprium 与自己的行为相抵触

* venire contra factum 违反事实

* venire contra proprium 反对自己

* venire facias juratores 召集陪审团令

[thou shall cause jurors to come]

* veni, vidi, vici [I came, I saw, I conquered] 我来,我看,我征服[恺撒的名言]; 我无往而不胜

* ventis secundis 顺风

* verba docent, exampla trahunt 言语教训人,模范感动人;言教不如

[words teach, examples attract] 教身

* verba generalia generaliter sunt intelligenda 一般词语应按一般意义了解 * verba legis 法律词语

* verba magistri 权威的话;教师的话

[words of the master (or teacher)]

* verbatim et literatim 逐字逐句;完全照字面 * verba volant, scripta manent 口说无凭,立字为证 * verbis legis 法律词语

* verbis plane expressis omnino standum est 明白表示的文字应绝对遵守 * verbum sat sapienti (est) 对智者一言已足;聪明人一听就明白

[a word is enough for a wise man]

* vere scire est per causas scire 穷理是真知

[real knowledge lies in knowing]

* verita 真理

* veritas numquam perit [truth never dies] 真理不灭

* veritas odium parit [truth breeds hatred] 实话制造怨恨;真言逆耳 * veritas omnia vincit 真理征服一切

* veritas praevalebit 真理总会战胜

* veritas simplex oratio est 真理的言语是简单的

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[the language of truth is simple]

* veritas vincit 真理一定胜利

* veritas vos liberabit 真理使你自由

[the truth shall make you free]

* veritatem dies aperit [times reveals the truth] 日久见真情

* veritatis simplex oratio est 真话容易说

[the language of truth is simple]

* ver non semper viret 春天不会持久;花无百日红

* versus 对;诉

* vexata quaestio 争论的问题

* via media 中庸之道

* via publica [a public road] 公路;公用道路

* via trita, via tuta 路平才会安全

* vicarius non habet vicarium 代理人不得请他人代理

[a deputy cannot have a deputy;

a delegated power cannot be again


* vice versa (v.v.) 反之亦然;反过来;反过来也是一样;

[with the order changed; conversely] 反之;反过来说

* victori honor 光荣归于胜利者

* victus, victori in expensis condemnatus est 败诉一方负担他方费用

[he who loses the suit pays costs to his


* vide [see] 见;参看

* vide ante [see above] 见前;见上文

* vide et crede 见了才会相信

* vide infra [see below] 见下文;见后;见下;参看下文

* videlicet (viz.) 即;就是说

* vide post [see below] 见后;见下文

* vide supra [see above] 见上文;见前;见上

* vide ut supra 见上文;参看上文

* vi dijectio 强暴行为

[a throwing down by force; an act of


* vi et armis [with force and arms] 用暴力;用武力

* vigilantibus, et non dormientibus jura 法律帮助的是警觉的人,不是疏忽的 subveniunt 人

[the law help those who are watchful and

not those who go to sleep]

* vigilantibus jura sunt scripta 明文规定权利,以资慎重

* vim vi repellere licet, modus fiat moderamine 用武力抵抗武力是合法的,但应以纯 inculpatae tutelae, non ad sumendam 粹自卫为限度,不为报复,而为 vindictum, sed ad propulsandum injuriam 防止损害

[it is lawful to repel force by force,

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provided it be done with the moderation

of blameless defense, not for the purpose

of taking revenge, but to ward off injury]

* vincit amor patriae 爱国心必胜

* vincit omnia veritas 真理战胜一切

[truth conquers everything]

* vincit veritas 真理必胜

* vinculum juris [a bond of law] 法律义务;法律约束

* vinculum matrimonii [the bond of matrimony] 婚约

* violenta non durant [violence does not last] 暴力不能永久存在

* viribus unitis [with united strength] 共同努力地;齐心协力地;力量在于 团结

* vir sapit qui pauca loquitur 智者寡言

[he is a wise man who speaks but little]

* virtute officii [by virtue of office] 依据职权;当然

* vis a fronte 前面来的推动力;迎头痛击;阻力

[a propelling force from before; a frontal


* vis animi [strength of the soul] 勇气;意志力量

* vis armata 武力

[armed force; force exerted by means of

arms or weapons]

* vis a tergo [a propelling force from behind] 从后面来的推动力;推力 * vis comica 引人发笑的本领

* vis conservatrix 自卫能力

* vis consili expers mole ruit sua 有勇无谋,自己吃亏

[force devoid of counsel is crushed by its

own weight]

* vis elastica [elastic force] 弹力

* vis formativa 构成力

* vis inertiae 惰性;惰力;习惯势力

[the power of inertia; passive resistance

to force applied]

* vis in situ 静力

* vis legibus est inimica 暴力违背法律

[violence is inimical to the laws]

* vis major 不可抗力

[a greater or superior force; an irresistible

force; force majeure]

* vis medicatrix naturae 自然的治愈能力

[the healing power of nature]

* vis mortua [dead force] 死势

* vis motiva [motive power] 原动力

* vis obligandi 拘束力

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* vis ratione 理智力

* vis unita fortior [united strength is stronger] 团结增加力量;团结起来力量更大 * vis vitae (or vitalis) [vital force] 生活力;活力

* vis viva [living force; kinetic energy] 活力;活势;工作能力;活劲 * vita brevis, ars longa 生命是短促的,艺术是永存的

* vitam impendere vero 为求真理,不惜牺牲生命;为真理而

[to risk one's life for the truth] 献身

* vita sine litteris mors est 生而不学等于死

[life without learning is death]

* vivat, crescat, floreat 祝(他)生存、发展、繁荣 * viva voce 口头

[with the living voice; by word of mouth]

* vixit 死于 .... 年[墓碑用语]

* vix ulla lex fieri potest quae omnibus 法律不能适用一切情况,如能适用大 commoda sit, sed si majori parti 多数情况,即是有用 prospiciat, utilis est

[scarcely any law can be made which is

adapted to all, but, if it provide for the

greater part, it is useful]

* vocare ad curiam [to summon to court] 法院传讯

* vocatio in jus [a summoning to court] 法院传讯

* volens nolens 不管愿不愿意;愿意也好,不愿意也

[willing or not willing; willy-nilly] 好

* volenti non fit injuria 同意即不构成侵害;出于自愿的事,

[he who consents cannot receive an injury] 不算侵害;周瑜打黄盖,一个愿 打,一个愿挨

* volo, non valeo [I am willing but unable] 我心有余而力不足

* voluntas et propositum distinguunt maleficia 有意图,有预谋的目的,就是犯罪

[the will and the proposed end distinguish


* voluntas habetur pro facto 意图即是行为

[the will is taken for the deed]

* voluntas in delictis, non exitus spectatur 犯罪行为,应追究其意图,不追究其

[in crimes, the will, and not the 结果

consequence, is looked to]

* voluntas reputatur pro facto 意图即是行为

[the intention is to be taken for the deed]

* vox audita perit, litera scripta manet 口说无凭,立约为据

[the voice that is heard perishes, the letter

that is written abides]

* vox emissa volat, litera scripta manet 口说无凭,立约为据

[the spoken flies, the written letter remains]

* vox populi 人民的声音;民意;舆论

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* vox populi, vox Dei

[the voice of people is the voice of God] * vulnus combusti * vulnus contusum * vulnus electricum * vulnus glandis * vulnus morsum * vultus animi janua et tabula * vultus est index animi

[the face is the mirror of the soul]

民意即是天意 火伤;烧伤 打伤 电伤 弹创伤 咬伤 面孔反映心情 人面反映内心

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