

发布时间:2018-03-20 所属栏目:shall

一 : 漫谈商务英语:和合同中如何使用Shall和Should




Shall:必须。用来表达强制的,硬性的要求 (mandatoryrequirements)。不达标、不执行则被视为违规。

The device shall turn on within 200 milliseconds after receivingthe start command.

All reports shall be submitted to FDA in English.

Incoming materials shall be inspected.

Should: 应该。用来表达期望、建议,或指导性的要求(guidelines,recommendations or desireditems)。做到了,客户很感谢,做不到、不执行不被认为是违规。

The device should turn on within 200 milliseconds afterreceiving the start command. (200 ms只是用户的期望,实在做不了,250ms也没事)

All reports should be submitted to FDA in English. (英语最好,法语西班牙语也行)

Incoming materials should be inspected. (检查下最好,不检查也没人找茬)


二 : 情态动词的will?、would、shall?、should用法

情态动词的will 、would、shall 、should用法


1、will指主语的的一种有意识的行为,表示“意志、决心”等; would表示过去的意愿。如:

I will have you thrown out of the room if you don’t keep quite .如果你不安静下来,我就把你扔出窗外。

I meant to reason with you , but you won’t reason . 我本想和你讲道理,但是你不讲道理 。

Go where you will. 你愿到哪里就到哪里。

“Tell me the secret.” “I won‘t.”“把秘密告诉我。”“我才不哩。”

I won’t have anything said against her. 我绝不让谁说她的坏话。

I won’t do it any more , I promise you . 我向你保证,我再也不做这件事了

However I tried, he just wouldn't listen. 不管我怎样努力,他就是不听。

He wouldn’t help me yesterday. 他昨天不愿帮助我。

She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿同他们一起去。

He would do it, though I told him not to. 虽然我叫他不要做,可是他偏要做。

「注」(1) 表示“意愿”的 will 可用于条件句中。如:

If you will allow me, I will see you home. 如果你同意,我可以送你回家。

If you will read that book , I will read this one .

If you will help me now, I'll surely help you sooner or later. 要是你现在愿意帮我,我迟早也会帮你。

(2) would也可表示现在的意愿,语气较委婉。如:

I’d go there with you. 我愿同你去那儿。

I wouldn’t go. 我不会去。

2、表示推测“大概、想必” will用于谈论现在;would可用于谈论过去,也可用于谈论现在(语气较委婉)。如:

He will have got home by now , I think .我猜他现在已经到家了。

The man with the green umbrella will be our new president .拿着绿伞的那个人想必是我们的新任董事长。

It is his father, Professor Wang ——you’ll have heard of him . 那是他的父亲,王教授,想必你听说过他。

Ask him. He will know. 问问他吧,他大概知道。

Every family would have some sort of trouble. 家家都会有本难念的经。

The person you mentioned would be her father, is that right?你提的那个人想必是她的父亲,对吗?


You will have heard of it. 你已经听到那事了吧。

I thought you would have finished it by now. 我想你现在可能已经做完了吧。


This car will hold six people. 这辆小汽车可以坐六个人。

The room will(=can) seat 200 persons .这间屋子能容纳200人。

Oil will float on water. 油总是浮在水上。

This window won‘t open. 这扇窗户经常打不开。

He said the box wouldn't open. 他说那盒子打不开。

4、表示习惯性、倾向性,有“惯于或经常(做某事)” 之意。will表示现在的习惯、倾向;would表示过去的习惯、倾向。

Sometimes he will tell lies. 有时候他也会说谎。

He’ll talk for hours, if you let him. 你要让他讲,他会讲几个小时。

Every day he would get up at six o/'clock. (以前)他每天早晨六点钟起床。

When he was a child, he would often go skiing. 他小时候经常去滑雪。

He would sit there for hours sometimes doing nothing at all. 有时他在那里一坐几个钟头,什么也不做。


That‘s just like him—he would lose his keys! 他就是这样,老丢钥匙!

5、 will在陈述句中与第二、三人称连用,表示说话人的建议、命令、许诺、指示、叮嘱,有"应该、必须"之意。would还可用于评论某一特定的行为等。如:

You will not go out today : you’ll stay in and work . 你今天不准出去,就呆在家里学习。

You will report it to your head teacher right now . 你现在必须把这件事汇报给你的班主任。

You will have your share. 你会得到你那一份的。

You will do as I told you. 你得照我说的去做。

That’s just what he would say. 他就是爱那样讲话。

You would never do anything to hurt me. 你绝不会做伤害我的事的。

You will act at once. 你应该马上行动。


Won‘t you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉?

Will [would] you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗?

Would Sunday night suit you? 星期天晚上适合你吗?


(2) would有时用于提出想法,通常与like, love, hate, prefer, be glad, be happy等连用,若用于第一人称有时也可将would换成should.如:

I‘d like [love] to have a look at it. 我想看看它。

I would prefer not to go out today. 我今天不想出去。



If you get a full mark in this coming English test, you shall get a new computer , I promise. 如果你这次英语考试得满分,你会得到一台新电脑。

I shall write to you again at the end of the month. 月底我再给你写封信。

He shall be fired if he makes the same mistake. 如果他再犯同样的错误,他会被开除的。

You shall not leave school at this very time . 你目前不准离校。

He shall suffer a lot if he breaks the rules . 如果他违反了制度,就有他受的了。

You shall have it back next week. 下星期一定还你。

If you really want a puppy , you shall get one .如果你真想要一只宠物狗,你就会得到一只。

He shall stay in bed. 他必须躺在床上。

You shall give me a cigarette, or I shall tell the boss.你最好给我一颗香烟,否则我就告诉老板。


Each athlete shall wear a number in red print at the game .在这场比赛中每一位运动员必须佩戴红色的号码。

Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. 试卷收回后,应试人才能离开座位。


Shall I turn on the lights?我开灯好吗?

Shall he wait for you outside?要不要他在外面等你?


That day shall come. 那一天总会来的。



I won't see him again.我不愿意再和他见面。

Who will go and help that poor old man?谁愿意去帮助那个可怜的老人?


You shall not do that again.你不可以再做那样的事。

He shall return that book tomorrow.明天他必须把那本书归还。


Shall I call you a taxi?需要我替你叫一辆出租车吗?

Shall we tell her the truth?我们可以把实情告诉她吗?

4、问句是“Shall…?”,答句就用“shall”;问句用“Will …?”,答句就用“will ”。

Shall you go to school tomorrow? Yes,I shall. We'll have an exam. 你明天须要上学去吗?是的,我必须去。我们明天有考试。

Will you go to school with me tomorrow? No,I won't. I'm going on a picnic. 明天你要不要和我一道去学校?我不要。我已定好要去郊游。

注:Let's …的附加疑问通常使用“…,shall we ?”。

Let's have a rest,shall we?我们休息一下,怎样?


1、should 作为情态动词,可以表示谦逊、客气、委婉之意,译为“可……”、“倒……”。如:

I should say that it would be better to try it again.我倒是认为最好再试一试。

You are mistaken, I should say. 据我看,你搞错了。

He should expect their basketball team to win the match. 他倒是希望他们的篮球队赢得这场比赛的胜利。

I should be grateful to your help . 我由衷感激你的帮助。

I should be glad to have a talk with you . 和你聊天我真是太高兴了。

2、should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的。尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。如:

It does seem silly that I should have to learn how to walk ! 这真是太愚蠢了,我竟然得学习怎么走路!

I don’t know why you should think I did it .我不知道为什么你竟然认为是我做的那件事。

When I went out, whom should I meet but my old friend Xiao Li !当我出去时,想不到竟会碰见我的老朋友小李!

I don't see any reason why he shouldn't be happy.我不明白为什么他居然不愉快。

It’s strange that he should be late. 真奇怪,他竟会迟到。

3、should 作为情态动词,表示说话人根据自己以往的生活经验或常识,作出的有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常译为“可能”、“总该……吧”,相当于 be expected to .例如:

I should say she’s over 40 . 我猜她40多岁了。

I should imagine that it will take about 3 hours .我猜那会用去大约3个小时。

They should be home by now, I think. 我想现在他们总该到家了吧。

The report was written after a careful investigation, so it should be reliable. 这份报告是经过周密调查后才写成的,所以应该是可靠的。

He should arrive soon他可能很快就到了。

The train should have already left. 火车大概已经走了。

4、should与ought to的比较

(1)should强调主观看法,而ought to强调客观要求。如:

We ought to go and see my mother in hospital tomorrow, but I don’t think we will. 我们按理应当在明天去看看住院的母亲的,但我认为我们不会去。


You shouldn’t run alongside the swimming pool. 不准在游泳池边奔跑。

5、“ should have + - ed 分词”结构用来表达下述意义:

⑴ 表示“应该已经……”,“本来应该……”,即过去该做某事但实际没有做,其否定式“ shouldn't have + - ed 分词”意为“本来不应该……”。如:

These cells should have been kept in some dry places. 这些电池本来应该放(保存)在干燥的地方。(但实际上没有把它们放在干燥的地方。)

You shouldn't have dept those cells in the damp place. 你本来不该把那些电池放在潮湿的地方。(但实际上已经把它们放到潮湿的地方了。)

⑵ 表示“(估计)应该已经……”,“大概已经……”,即对过去情况的推测。例如:

They left at nine, so they should have arrived (= probably have arrived) home by now. 他们是九点钟走的,现在应该已经到家了。

They should have finished their work, for they began to do it so early. 他们很早就开始工作,现在大概已经干完了。

⑶ 意为“竟然已经……”,“居然已经……”,即表示说话人对已经出现的事态感到“惊奇、惊喜、怀疑”。例如:

I'm surprised that he should have been so foolish. 我很奇怪,他竟然会这么傻。

I'm amazed that Mr Harris should have said nothing about the matter. 这件事,哈里斯先生竟然只字未提,对此我大为惊异。

It is wonderful that you should have achieved so much these years.这几年你竟然取得如此大的成就,你真了不起。

此外, should 还可以出现在“ should be doing sth ”或“ should have been doing sth ”等句式中,表示“应该正在……”或表示说话人的某种不满情绪。例如:

Why should we be sitting here doing nothing? 我们干嘛坐在这里闲着?

You should be wearing a mask. 你应当戴着口罩。

She shouldn't be working like that. She is still so weak. 她不应当那样干。她身体还很虚弱。

You should have been waiting for us. Why haven't you?你应当等着我们的。怎么没有等?


1. — When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

— They be ready by 12:00.

A. can B. should C. might D. need

2. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ______ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

3. Mr. White_______ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up.

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

4. I___ such a mistake again.

A. will never make B. shall never make C. can never do D. need never do

5. — You must phone us every week.   — Yes, I _____.

A. must B. have to C. will D. should

6. I’ve decided to take the job and I ______ change my mind.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. may not

7. She ___ the hospital so soon, for she has not yet recovered.

A. wouldn't have left B. shouldn't have left C. mustn't have left D. didn't have to leave

8. — I promise her daughter ____ get a nice present on her birthday.

— Will it be a big surprise to her?

A. should B. must C. would D. shall

9. — What's wrong with your pen'?   — The ink ____ come out.

A. can't B. doesn't C. hasn't D. won' t

10. "Whatever you want, you ____ have it on condition that you get the best result." said the boss.

A. would B. ought to C. shall D. could

11. Tom, you are so lazy! This work ___ hours ago.

A. should finish B. must have finished C. should have been finished D. might have finished

12. There________ be any difficulty in passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.

A. mustn't B. shan't C. shouldn't D. needn't

13. "The interest ____ be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides," declared the judge.

A. may B. should C. must D. shall

14. ---- I'll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow. ---You _______ her last week.

A. ought to tell B. would have told C. must tell D. should have told

15. I ______ pay Tom a visit, but I'm not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.

A. should B. might C. would D. could

16. ----Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

----You________ have my computer if you don't take care of it.

A. shan't B. might not C. needn't D. shouldn't

17. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ___report it to the police?

A. should B. may C. will D. can

18. When the old man was alive, he ______ sit for hours at the door.

A. would B. could C. must D. might


三 : Shall和should的用法

1. shall在疑问句中的用法。在疑问句中用于征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称(在英国英语中,也用于第三人称),其意为“要不要”、“?好吗”:Shall I get you a chair for you? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来?What shall we do this evening? 我们今天晚上做什么呢?Shall the boy come at once? 要不要这孩子马上来?

2. shall在陈述句中的用法。在陈述句表示说话者的允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等,主要用于第二、三人称:You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)That day shall come.那一天一定会来。That day shall come(表必然性)Tell him that he shall have the book tomorrow. 告诉他这本书明天给他。(表允诺)Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work.不满十八岁的人不得雇佣干夜间工作。(表规定)【注】有时用于第一人称,表示决心[好文章]:【注】有时用于第一人称 I shall return. 我一定回来。(表示决心) 。

3. should表示义务或责任。其意为““”:We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相帮助。We should help the aged. 我们应该帮助老人。You should pay your debts. 你应该还债。You should pay your debts.

4. should 表示建议或劝告。其意为“应该”:You should give up

smoking. 你应该戒烟。You should go and ask your teacher. 你应该去问问老师。【注】有时语气较强,含有命令的意味:You should leave at once. 你应该马上离开。

5. should 表示推断。表示推断。意为“应该”、“可能”:They should be there by now, I think. 我想现在他们都已经到了。The concert should be great fun. 音乐会应该很有意思。The poems should be out in a month or so. 个把月之后这些诗估计就可以出版了。With an early start he should be here by noon. 动身得早,他中午就该到这里了。

【注】should表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常是指非常可能的事(因为暗示有一定的事实依据或合乎常理),而may, might, could等表示推测时,则语气较不肯定,尤其是might, could。


"When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon." "They _____ be ready by 12:00."

A. can B. should C. might D. need


6. should 用于征求意见。主要用于第一人称的疑问句形式:Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?Where should I meet you tonight? 我今晚该到哪儿与你见面?What should we do now? 我们现在该干什么呢?

【注】该用法与Shall I (we)??的用法相似。

7. should 表示谦逊或委婉。通常与like, love, think, say, imagine等动词连用:: 'Times NI should like to know why. 我想知道这是为什么。I should say she’s over forty. 我想他有40多岁了。I should think it’s too expensive. 我看这太贵了。I should imagine it will take about three hours. 我想得花大约三个小时。

8. should表示意外或惊讶It’s strange that he should come so late. 他竟然来这么迟真是奇怪。I’m sorry that this should have happened. 我很遗憾竟然发生这种事。I’m surprised that he should say so. 他竟这样说,这使我很惊讶。有时与why, who, how 等疑问词连用:Why should you think that way? 你为什么会那样想?How should I know? 我怎么会知道?How should I know? Who should come in but my old friend Betty!我当是谁进来时,原来是我的老朋友贝蒂呀!

9. should后所接动词形式。根据不同情况should后可接不同的动词形式:(1) 接动词原形,用于谈论现在或将来的情况。(见上例)(2) 接进行式,用于谈论正在进行的事:He should be working now. 他现在应该在工作。

【注】有时表示将要发生的事(与进行式表示将来意义相似):We should be leaving soon. 我们应该马上走。(比用should leave 委婉)(3) 接完成式,用于过去的情况,可指过去已经发生的情况,也可接本该发生而实际上未发生的情况:The train should have already left. 火车大概已经开走了吧。You should not have left so soon. 你本不该那么早就走的。You are right; I should have thought of that. 你说得对,我本应当想到这一点的。(4) 接完成进行式,表示过去正在进行或一直在进行的情况:Why weren’t you

helping Tom? You should have been helping him. 你为什么不在帮助汤姆?你是应当在帮助他的。有时也表示本来应该做而未做的情况:I should have been leaving Lon don before 9. 我本应该在九点以前离开伦敦的。

四 : Shall和should的用法

1. shall在疑问句中的用法。(www.61k.com]在疑问句中用于征求对方意见,主要用于第一人称(在英国英语中,也用于第三人称),其意为“要不要”、“?好吗”:Shall I get you a chair for you? 要不要我给你拿把椅子来?What shall we do this evening? 我们今天晚上做什么呢?Shall the boy come at once? 要不要这孩子马上来?

2. shall在陈述句中的用法。在陈述句表示说话者的允诺、告诫、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等,主要用于第二、三人称:You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)That day shall come.那一天一定会来。That day shall come(表必然性)Tell him that he shall have the book tomorrow. 告诉他这本书明天给他。(表允诺)Persons under 18 shall not be employed in night work.不满十八岁的人不得雇佣干夜间工作。(表规定)【注】有时用于第一人称,表示决心:【注】有时用于第一人称 I shall return. 我一定回来。(表示决心) 。

3. should表示义务或责任。其意为““”:We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相帮助。We should help the aged. 我们应该帮助老人。You should pay your debts. 你应该还债。You should pay your debts.

4. should 表示建议或劝告。其意为“应该”:You should give up

smoking. 你应该戒烟。You should go and ask your teacher. 你应该去问问老师。【注】有时语气较强,含有命令的意味:You should leave at once. 你应该马上离开。

5. should 表示推断。表示推断。意为“应该”、“可能”:They should be there by now, I think. 我想现在他们都已经到了。The concert should be great fun. 音乐会应该很有意思。The poems should be out in a month or so. 个把月之后这些诗估计就可以出版了。With an early start he should be here by noon. 动身得早,他中午就该到这里了。

【注】should表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常是指非常可能的事(因为暗示有一定的事实依据或合乎常理),而may, might, could等表示推测时,则语气较不肯定,尤其是might, could。


"When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon." "They _____ be ready by 12:00."

A. can B. should C. might D. need

shall的用法 Shall和should的用法


6. should 用于征求意见。主要用于第一人称的疑问句形式:Should I open the window? 我可以打开窗户吗?Where should I meet you tonight? 我今晚该到哪儿与你见面?What should we do now? 我们现在该干什么呢?

【注】该用法与Shall I (we)??的用法相似。

7. should 表示谦逊或委婉。通常与like, love, think, say, imagine等动词连用:: 'Times NI should like to know why. 我想知道这是为什么。I should say she’s over forty. 我想他有40多岁了。I should think it’s too expensive. 我看这太贵了。I should imagine it will take about three hours. 我想得花大约三个小时。

8. should表示意外或惊讶It’s strange that he should come so late. 他竟然来这么迟真是奇怪。I’m sorry that this should have happened. 我很遗憾竟然发生这种事。I’m surprised that he should say so. 他竟这样说,这使我很惊讶。有时与why, who, how 等疑问词连用:Why should you think that way? 你为什么会那样想?How should I know? 我怎么会知道?How should I know? Who should come in but my old friend Betty!我当是谁进来时,原来是我的老朋友贝蒂呀!

9. should后所接动词形式。根据不同情况should后可接不同的动词形式:(1) 接动词原形,用于谈论现在或将来的情况。(见上例)(2) 接进行式,用于谈论正在进行的事:He should be working now. 他现在应该在工作。

【注】有时表示将要发生的事(与进行式表示将来意义相似):We should be leaving soon. 我们应该马上走。(比用should leave 委婉)(3) 接完成式,用于过去的情况,可指过去已经发生的情况,也可接本该发生而实际上未发生的情况:The train should have already left. 火车大概已经开走了吧。You should not have left so soon. 你本不该那么早就走的。You are right; I should have thought of that. 你说得对,我本应当想到这一点的。(4) 接完成进行式,表示过去正在进行或一直在进行的情况:Why weren’t you

helping Tom? You should have been helping him. 你为什么不在帮助汤姆?你是应当在帮助他的。有时也表示本来应该做而未做的情况:I should have been leaving London before 9. 我本应该在九点以前离开伦敦的。

shall的用法 Shall和should的用法


五 : shall的用法和例句



shall的用法1:shall表示单纯的将来,用于第一人称; 第二人称只用于问句; 口语中常以will代替,作“将要,会”解。







1. I shall have words with these stupid friends of mine!


2. I shall be 26 years old on Friday next.


3. Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.


4. I know I shall feel for ever in her debt.


5. I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits.


6. "I shall go, leave him." Laura Stebbing stopped, her eyes glistening.


7. The editor's decision is final and shall evermore remain so.


8. We shall be landing in Paris in sixteen minutes, exactly on time.


9. We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.


10. We shall be skirting the island on our way.


11. It's not a very good line. Shall we call you back Susan?


12. We shall see that this is not entirely true.


13. Shall I telephone her and ask her to come here?


14. I have started planning out what I shall be doing next week.


15. We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.


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