
letter of guarantee-祝贺信 A Letter of Congratulations

发布时间:2017-08-18 所属栏目:祝贺短信

一 : 祝贺信 A Letter of Congratulations



I’mwriting this letter to express my congratulations that you are going to getmarried. You can’t imagine how excited I am when I hear the news. I’m just ashappy as you, so I’d like to send my hearty congratulations to you.



Pleaseaccept my warmest regards, “ I hope your future will be glorious. I hope yourlove will be sweet. I hope your happiness will be eternal. I hope your dreamwill come true.”


Yours Sincerely,



二 : 保函(Letter of Guarantee,L/G )

保函(Letter of Guarantee,L/G )又称保证书,是指银行、保险公司、担保公司或个人(保证人)应申请人的请求,向第三方(受益人)开立的一种书面信用担保凭证。(www.61k.com)保证在申请人未能按双方协议履行其责任或义务时,由担保人代其履行一定金额、一定期限范围内的某种支付责任或经济赔偿责任。


1.见索即付保函(Demand Guarantees)

国际商会《见索即付保函统一规则》第2条规定:见索即保函“意指任何保证、担保或其它付款承诺,这些保证、担保或付款承诺是由银行、保险公司或其它组织或个人出具的,以书面形式表示在交来符合保函条款的索赔书或保函中规定的其它文件(诸如:工艺师或工程师出具的证明书、法院判决书或仲裁裁定书)时,承担付款责任的承诺文件。据此,见索即付保函的担保人承担的是第一性的、直接的付款责任。所以,这种保函又称无条件保函(Unconditional L/G)。

2.有条件保函(Conditional L/G)

参考资料 www.61k.com www.61k.com .asp?ClassID=2125&action=%C9%CC%CE%F1%D6%AA%CA%B6

三 : Letter of Guarantee Revise

Date 日期:

be submitted on a supplier’s company headed paper. 递交此保证书必需使用有供货商(贵公司)名称之信纸。[www.61k.com]

Supplier name 供货商名称:

Item code货品编号:

Product description产品名称:

Order number订单号码:


This Letter of Guarantee serves as official confirmation that the merchandise detailed above has been manufactured and inspected by us to meet the agreed Mcpherson’s quality standards and sealed samples specification.


In the event of a post shipment failure upon receipt of the merchandise by Mcpherson’s, we will undertake in a timely manner at our own cost to resolve the failed consignment by the method deemed most appropriate by Mcpherson’s, e.g. outsort, rework, free of charge replacement, etc.


Signed 签署: _____________________

Position职位: _____________________ Date日期: ____________________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Name of Manufacturer 制做商名称: _____________________________________

Address 地址: ______________________________________________________


Shipment origin 原货物装载地 (country国家): ______________________________

Contact 联络人: __________________ Tel No. 电话号码: ____________________

四 : Letter of Guarantee Revise

Date 日期:

be submitted on a supplier’s company headed paper. 递交此保证书必需使用有供货商(贵公司)名称之信 纸。

Supplier name 供货商名称:

Item code货品编号:

Product description产品名称:

Order number订单号码:


This Letter of Guarantee serves as official confirmation that the merchandise detailed above has been manufactured and inspected by us to meet the agreed Mcpherson’s quality standards and sealed samples specification.


In the event of a post shipment failure upon receipt of the merchandise by Mcpherson’s, we will undertake in a timely manner at our own cost to resolve the failed consignment by the method deemed most appropriate by Mcpherson’s, e.g. outsort, rework, free of charge replacement, etc.


Signed 签署: _____________________

Position职位: _____________________ Date日期: ____________________

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Name of Manufacturer 制做商名称: _____________________________________

Address 地址: ______________________________________________________


Shipment origin 原货物装载地 (country国家): ______________________________

Contact 联络人: __________________ Tel No. 电话号码: ____________________

本文标题:letter of guarantee-祝贺信 A Letter of Congratulations
本文地址: http://www.61k.com/1109191.html

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