

发布时间:2017-12-03 所属栏目:食品添加剂国家标准

一 : 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》 - 指标要求

1 铅

表1 铅限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

谷类及其制品(麦片、淀粉类制品、面筋除外) 0.2 GB 5009.12 麦片、淀粉类制品、面筋 0.5

蔬菜及其制品 GB 5009.12

蔬菜(球茎蔬菜、叶菜蔬菜、豆类蔬菜除外) 0.1

球茎蔬菜、叶菜蔬菜 0.3

豆类蔬菜 0.2

蔬菜制品 1.0


水果(浆果、葡萄除外) 0.1

浆果、葡萄 0.2

水果制品 1.0


食用菌 1.0

食用菌制品(干制食用菌除外) 1.0

干制食用菌 2.0

豆类及其制品 干豆、豆粉 0.2

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

豆类制品(豆浆除外) 0.5

豆浆 0.05


薯类 0.2

薯类制品 0.5

藻类 1.0(干重计)

坚果及籽类 0.2


肉类 0.2

肉制品 0.5

内脏及其制品 0.5


鱼类、甲壳类 0.5

贝类、头足类及其他水产品 1.0 GB 5009.12

水产品制品(干制海蜇、干制贝类除外) 1.0

干制海蜇、干制贝类 2.0


液态乳(生乳、巴氏杀菌乳、灭菌乳、发酵乳、调制乳等)、奶油 0.05 乳粉、非脱盐乳清粉 0.5

其他乳制品 0.3

蛋及蛋制品(皮蛋除外) 0.2

皮蛋 2.0

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

脂肪、油和乳化脂肪制品 0.1

调味品(食用盐除外) 1.0

食用盐 2.0


食糖、淀粉糖 0.5 花粉 0.5

蜂蜜 1.0

焙烤食品 0.5


包装饮用水 0.01 mg/L

果蔬汁(浓缩果蔬汁(浆)除外) 0.05 mg/L 浓缩果蔬汁(浆) 0.5 mg/L

碳酸饮料、茶饮料 0.3 mg/L

含乳饮料、乳酸菌饮料 0.05 mg/L

固体饮料 1.0

其他饮料 0.3 mg/L

酒类 0.2

可可制品、巧克力和巧克力制品以及糖果 1.0 冷冻饮品 0.3 GB 5009.12


婴儿配方食品 0.15(以粉状产品计)

婴幼儿谷类辅助食品(添加藻类的产品除外) 0.2

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

添加藻类的婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 0.3

婴幼儿罐装辅助食品(以水产及动物肝脏为原料的产品除外) 0.25 以水产及动物肝脏为原料的婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 0.3


膨化食品 0.5 咖啡 0.5 茶叶 5.0

果冻 0.5

2 镉


表2 镉限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

谷类及其制品(稻谷、大米除外) 0.1 GB/T 5009.15

稻谷、大米 0.2

蔬菜(叶菜蔬菜、豆类蔬菜、根茎类蔬菜除外) 0.05

叶菜蔬菜 0.2

豆类蔬菜、根茎类蔬菜(芹菜除外) 0.1

芹菜 0.2

水果 0.05


食用菌 0.2

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

干制食用菌 1.0

豆类 0.2

薯类 0.1 GB/T 5009.15

坚果及籽类 0.5

肉及肉制品(肝脏、肾脏除外) 0.1 肝脏 0.5

肾脏 1.0


鱼类及其制品(鱼罐头除外) 0.1 鱼罐头 0.2

甲壳类 0.5

贝类及头足类 2.0

蛋及蛋制品 0.05

调味品(食用盐除外) 0.1 食用盐 0.5


矿泉水 0.003 mg/L

瓶(桶)装饮用水 0.005 mg/L

3 汞

食品中汞限量指标见表3。(www.61k.com) 表3 汞限量指标

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法 总汞(以Hg计) 甲基汞

水产品(食肉鱼类除外) — 0.5(鲜重计) GB/T 5009.17 食肉鱼类(如鲨鱼、金枪鱼及其他) — 1.0(鲜重计) 谷类 0.02 —

蔬菜 0.01 —


食用菌 0.1 —

干制食用菌 0.2 —

薯类 0.01 — GB/T 5009.17

肉及肉制品 0.05 —


液态乳(生乳、巴氏杀菌乳、灭菌乳、调制乳、发酵乳等)蛋及蛋制品 0.05 —


食用盐 0.1 —


矿泉水 0.001 mg/L —


婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 0.02 —

4 砷 — 0.01

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

表4 砷限量指标为保证我国居民不受砷污染危害健康,研究了食品中无机砷的限量卫生标准,以总无机砷计(mg/kg),粮食:大米0.20、面粉0.10、杂粮0.20、蔬菜0.050、水果0.050、畜禽肉0.050、蛋类0.050、奶粉0.30、鲜奶0.05、豆类0.10、酒类0.050、淡水鱼(肌肉部分,鲜重计)0.10、海水鱼(肌肉部分,鲜重计)0.10、藻类(干重计)1.50、贝类及甲壳类(可食部,鲜重计)0.50、贝类及甲壳类(可食部,干重计)1.0、其他海产食品(可食部分,鲜重计)0.50),我国一般人群每人每日从膳食中摄入无机砷为75.45-100.66μg,不超这WHO建议的安全摄入量129μg。(www.61k.com) 食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

总砷 无机砷

谷类及其制品(稻谷、大米除外) 0.2 — GB/T 5009.11 稻谷、大米 — 0.2


鱼类 — 0.1(鲜重计)

贝类、甲壳类、头足类及其他水产品 — 0.5(鲜重计) 蔬菜 0.5 —


食用菌 0.5 —

干制食用菌 1.0 —

肉及肉制品 0.5 —

乳及乳制品 GB/T 5009.11

液态乳(生乳、巴氏杀菌乳、灭菌乳、调制乳、发酵乳等)乳粉 0.5 —

脂肪、油和乳化脂肪制品 0.1 —

调味品 0.5 —


食糖 0.5 — — 0.1

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准


包装饮用水 0.01 —

可可制品、巧克力和巧克力制品 0.5 —


婴幼儿谷类辅助食品(添加藻类的产品除外) — 0.2

添加藻类的婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 — 0.3

婴幼儿罐装辅助食品(以水产及动物肝脏为原料的产品除外) — 0.1 以水产及动物肝脏为原料的婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 — 0.3

5 锡限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

罐装固体食品(除罐装婴幼儿配方及辅助食品外) 250 GB/T 5009.16 罐装饮料 150

罐装果酱 250 GB/T 5009.16

罐装婴幼儿配方及辅助食品 50


6 镍


表6 镍限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

人造奶油 1.0 GB /T 5009.138

7 铬


表7 铬限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法 谷类及其制品 1.5 GB/T 5009.123

蔬菜 0.5 水果 0.5

豆类 1.0

薯类 0.5

肉及肉制品 1.0

水产品 2.0


液态乳(生乳、巴氏杀菌乳、灭菌乳、调制乳、发酵乳等)乳粉 2.0

蛋类 1.0

8 亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐


表8 亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法 0.3

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

亚硝酸盐 硝酸盐

蔬菜及其制品 GB 5009.33 腌渍蔬菜 20 —

乳及乳制品 GB 5009.33

生乳 0.4 —

饮料类 GB/T 8538

矿泉水 0.1 mg/L —

瓶(桶)纯净水 0.002 mg/L — 瓶(桶)饮用水 0.005 mg/L — 特殊营养用食品 GB 5009.33 婴儿配方食品 2a 100

较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 2 a 100b 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 2c 100 b 婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 4c 200 b a仅适用于乳基产品。(www.61k.com]

b 不适合于添加蔬菜和水果的产品。 c不适合于添加豆类的产品。

9 苯并芘

食品中苯并芘限量指标见表9。 表9 苯并芘限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(μg/kg)检验方法

食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

稻谷、小麦 5 GB/T 5009.27

熏烤肉类 5

熏烤水产品 5

脂肪、油和乳化脂肪制品 10

10 N-亚硝胺


表10 N-亚硝胺限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(μg/kg) 检验方法


肉制品 3 GB/T 5009.26




11 多氯联苯限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法

水产品及其制品 0.5 GB/T 5009.190




食品添加剂国家标准 食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准

表12 3-氯-1,2-丙二醇限量指标

食品类别/名称 限量(MLs)/(mg/kg) 检验方法 液态调味品a 0.4 GB/T 5009.191


二 : 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


Voluntary -


Date: 7/15/2011

GAIN Report Number: CH11037

China - Peoples Republic of



Standards for Uses of Food Additives - Part I

Report Categories: FAIRS Subject Report Approved By: Scott Sindelar Prepared By:

Melinda Meador and Bao Liting

Report Highlights:

On August 2, 2010, China's Ministry of Health notified to the WTO the National Food Safety Standard on National Food Safety Standard - Standards for Uses of Food Additives as

G/SPS/N/CHN/308. The standard (GB2760-2011) specifies the principles for application of food additives, allowed food additive varieties, scope of application, and maximum level or residue

levels. The final version was published on April 20, 2011 and implemented on June 20, 2011. This report contains an UNOFFICIAL translation of the standard.


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

General Information:


National food safety standard

Standards for uses of food additives

Issued on April 20, 2011

Implemented on June 20, 2011 Issued by the Ministry of Health 2 GB2760-2011

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


The standard will replace GB2760-2007 Hygienic Standard for Use of Food Additive.







- Compared with GB 2760—2007, the key changes in this Standard are as follows: ——Change to the name of the Standard; ——Addition of Food Additives Regulations announced in No.4 Proclamation of Ministry of Health 2007-2010; ——Adjustment of usage regulation for some of food additives; ——Removal of the additives allowed to be used in food and their dosage in Table A.2; ——Adjustment of the classification system for some food and adjusting the usage regulations for food additives according to the adjusted food classification; ——Addition of the usage principles for flavoring substances and essence

used in food and adjusting the classification of flavoring substances used in food;

——Addition of the usage principles for food processing aids used in food -

industry and adjusting the list of food processing aids used in food industry.


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

National Food Safety Standard

Standards for Uses of Food Additives

1. Scope

This standard specifies the principles for application of food additives, allowed food additive varieties, scope of application, and maximum level or residue levels.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1 Food additive

Refers to an artificially chemosynthetic or natural substance to be added to foods in

order to improve food quality, color, fragrance and taste, and for the purpose of preservation and processing technology. Nutrition enhancers, gum-based

substances in the Paste base candy, flavoring agents and processing aids in food industry are also included in food additives.

2.2 Maximum level

Refers to the maximum allowable adding level at the time of application of food


2.3 Residue level

Refers to permissible residual level of a food additive or its decomposition products

in final food products.

2.4 Processing aid

Refers to various kinds of substances to enable food processing to go smoothly,

irrelative to food itself, for example, filtration aids, clarifiers, absorbents,

lubricants, mold release agents, decoloring agents, peeling agents, extraction

solvents, and nutritional substances for fermentation, etc.

2.5 International Number System (INS)

Refers to the international numbering of food additives, which is used in lieu of the description of complicated chemical structure names.

2.6 Chinese Number System (CNS)

Refers to the Chinese numbering of food additives, which consists of category code of food additive functions (see Annex E) and its serial number under such function. 3



b) Principles for application of food additives The use of food additives should observe the following basic requirements: Not to harm human health in any form; Not to cover up putrefied and deteriorated foods;


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

c) Not to conceal quality defects or for the purpose of adulteration and


d) Not to reduce the nutrition value of food;

e) To reduce the level of use in foods as much as possible on the precondition of

reaching anticipated results;

f) Food processing aids should generally be removed before the finished products

are produced, unless a residue level is specified in the food product.




c) Food additives can be applied in the following cases: To keep or improve the nutrition value of food itself; To serve as essential ingredients or components in some special dietary foods; To improve the quality and stability of food, as well as its sensory properties; d) To facilitate production, processing, packaging, transport or storage of foods.

3.3 Quality standards of food additives

Food additives to be applied in accordance with this Standard shall comply with corresponding quality standards.

3.4 Carry-over principles

In the following cases, food additives can be introduced into foods through

ingredients (including food additives):

a) The food additive can be used in ingredients according to this standard; b) The level of the additive in food ingredients should not exceed the allowable

maximum level;

c) These ingredients shall be applied in the normal production process. The content

of this additive in the food should not exceed the level that is carried over by the ingredients;

d) The content of this additive introduced into the food by ingredients shall be

notably lower than the required level of such additive through direct adding into the food.

4. Food classification system

This food classification system is used for defining the application scope of food additives and is applicable to this standard only (see Annex F). If a food additive is allowed to be used in a certain food category, it is allowed in all types of foods under this category, unless otherwise specified.

5. Provisions for application of food additives


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

The application of food additives shall comply with the provisions specified in Annex


6. Nutrition enhancer

The application of nutrition enhancers shall comply with the provisions of GB14880 and relevant regulations.

7. Food flavoring

The application of food flavorings shall comply with the provisions of Annex B.

8. Food processing aid

The application of food processing aids shall comply with the provisions of Annex C.

9. Gum-based substance in Paste base candys and its ingredients

The application of gum-based substance in Paste base candy and its ingredients shall comply with the provisions in Annex D.


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Annex A

Provisions for Application of Food Additives

A.1 Table A.1 stipulates the allowable varieties of food additives, names (categories)

of applicable foods and maximum level (or residue level) in alphabetic order of food additives in Chinese Pinyin.

A.2 For food additives with the same function (colorings of same color, preservatives,

and antioxidant) as specified in Tables A.1, when used together, the sum of their respective ratios to the maximum level should not exceed 1.

A.3 Table A.2 lists all food additives that can be used in all types of foods with

appropriate dose as required in production.

A.4 The exceptional food classifications in Table A.2 are defined in Table A.3, the

additives used fro these food classifications shall comply with the regulations in Table A.1. At the same time, these food classifications shall not use the food

addictives specified in Table A.1 that can be used in the Previous Level.

A.5 Table A.1 and A.2 don’t include relevant regulations for the food addictives such

as the flavoring substances used in food, chewing gum bases and ingredients and food processing aids used in food industry.

A.6 The column “function” in above tables refers to the main functions of the additive

for reference during application


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Table A.1:

The varieties of food additives permitted to use, the use scope and the max

dosage and max residue limit


Number of CNS: 12.007 Number of INS: 640 Function: Flavor enhancer Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 08.02 Pre-processed meat product 3.0 08.03 Cooked meat, poultry and 3.0

game product

12.0 Condiment 1.0 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 1.0

(nectar) drink (including fermented product)

14.03.02 Plant protein containing 1.0


Ammonium phosphatide


Number of CNS: 10.033 Number of INS: 442 Function: Emulsifier Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 05.01.02 Chocolate and product, 10.0

cocoa product other than 05.01.01

Carnauba wax

Number of CNS: 14.008 Number of INS: 903 Function: Coating agent, anti-caking agent Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 04.01.01 Fresh fruit 0.0004 05.0

Cocoa product, chocolate 0.6

and product (including chocolate imitation and chocolate substitutes), and candy

Mineral oil, white (liquid paraffin)

Number of CNS: 14.003 Number of INS: 905 a Function: Coating agent Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category




Measured as per residue levels


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


Other candies except for 5.0 Gum-based candy

10.01 Fresh egg 5.0

L-cysteine and its hydrochlorides-sodium and potassium salts

Number of CNS: 13.003 Number of INS: 920 Function: Flour treatment agent Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Fermented pastas and similar 0.06


06.08 Frozen rice and wheat 0.6 Measured as per L-product cysteine and its

hydrochlorides-sodium and potassium salts

Benzoic acid, sodium benzoate

Number of INS: 210, 211

Number of CNS: 17.001, 17.002

Function: Preservative Number of Food name Maximum level g/kg food

category 03.03 Flavored ice, ice bar product 1.0 Jam (exclusive of cans) Preserved fruit Pickled vegetable 05.02.01 05.02.02 11.05 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.10 12.10.02 12.10.03


Measured as per

benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per

1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.5 1.0


Gum-based candy Other candies except for Gum-based candy Seasoning syrup Vinegar Soy sauce

Bean paste and derivative Blended condiment Semi-solid blended condiment

Liquid blended condiment

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

14.02.02 14.02.03

(exclusive of 12.03 and 12.04)

Concentrated fruit and vegetable juice (pulp) (limited to food industry) Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented products)

benzoic acid

2.0 1.0

Measured as per benzoic acid

Measured as per benzoic acid; for

concentrated fruit and vegetable drink, level to increase by times of dilution

Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid Measured as per benzoic acid

14.03 14.04.01

Protein containing drink Carbonated drink

1.0 0.2 1.0 Flavored drink (including

fruit-flavor drink, milk-flavor, tea-flavor and other flavor drinks)

14.05 Tea, coffee, and plant drink 15.02 15.03.03

Integrated alcoholic

beverage (limited to pre-mixed liquor ) Fruit wine

1.0 0.4 0.8

Number of CNS: 17.024 Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Surface-treated fresh fruit 1.0

(limited to citrus)

Sodium 2-Phenylphenol

Number of CNS: 17.023 Number of INS: Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Surface-treated fresh fruit 0.95

(limited to citrus)

Ice structuring protein

Number of CNS: 00.020 Number of INS: - Function: Other Number of Food name Maximum level g/kg



Number of INS:


Residue level ≤ 12 mg/kg


Residue level ≤12mg/kg


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Frozen beverage (exclusive of Appropriate level as

03.04 edible ice) required in production


Number of CNS: 12.006 Number of INS: - Function: Flavor enhancer

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category

12.0 Condiment Appropriate level as

required in production

Propylene glycol

Number of CNS: 18.004 Number of INS: 1520

Function: Stabilizer and coagulator, anti-caking agent, antifoaming agent, emulsifier, water retention agent, thickener

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Fresh pastas and noodles and 1.5

similar products (e.g. unboiled

noodles, and “skins” or crusts

for dumplings, wontons, shuo


07.2 Pastries 3.0

Propylene glycol esters of fatty acid food category 03.0

Number of CNS: 10.020 Number of INS: 477 Function: Emulsifier, Stabilizer

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg


01.0 Milk and dairy products 5.0

(excluding foods under

01.01.01, 01.01.02 ,13.0)

02.0 Fats and oils and fat 10.0


03.0 Frozen drinks (exclusive of 5.0

03.04 edible ice) Cooked nuts and seeds 2.0

(limited to fired nuts and

seeds only) Fried Flour Products 2.0

07.02 Pastries 3.0

12.10 Blended condiment 20.0

16.06 Puffed food 2.0 Note


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Propionic acid, sodium propionate, calcium propionate

Number of CNS: 17.029, Number of INS: 280, 281, 282 17.006, 17.005

Function: Preservative Number or food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 04.04 Bean product 2.5 06.01

Crude grain

1.8 Note

Measured as per

proionic acid Measured as per proionic acid proionic acid Measured as per proionic acid Measured as per proionic acid Measured as per proionic acid Measured as per proionic acid proionic acid

“skins” or crusts for

dumplings, wontons, shuo mai)

07.01 Bread 07.02 12.03 12.04 Pastries Vinegar Soy sauce

2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

processing )

Unsaturated fatty acid of monoglycerides

Number of CNS: 10.036 Number of INS: - Function: Emulsifier Number or food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 02.02 Emulsified fat product in 10.0

liquid oil form

Tea polyphenol (TP)

Number of INS: -

Maximum level g/kg

0.4 0.2


Number of CNS: 04.005 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Food name category 02.01 Fats and oils essentially free

from water Cooked nuts and seeds

(limited to fired nuts and seeds only) Fried Flour Products


Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

06.06 06.07 07.02 07.04 08.02.02

Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Pre-cooked (instant) noodles and rice Pastries

Baked food stuffing and food flour batter (limited to the stuffing with fats only) Cured meat product (brined meat, preserved pork,

preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage, sausage)

Thick gravy cooked meat Smoked, baked or grilled

Fried meat product Western ham (smoked and cooked) Sausages

Fermented meat product Semi-preserved fish and fishery products, including mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms

Pre-cooked fish and fish product Canned fish product Blended condiment

Plant protein containing drink Protein containing powdered drink

Puffed food

0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.4

Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat

08.03.01 08.03.02 08.03.03 08.03.04 08.03.05 08.03.06 09.03

0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat Measured as per catechin in fat

09.04 09.05 12.10 14.03.02 14.06.02 16.06

0.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.2

Tea yellow pigment, tea green pigment

Number of CNS: 08.141, 08.142 Number of INS: - Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Fruit and vegetables for

decoration purposes

05.02 Candy 07.02.04 14.02.03

Decorating on pastries

Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drinks (including Fermented products, etc.) Flavored drinks, including Appropriate level as

fruit flavor, milk flavor, tea required in production flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drinks, (limited to fruit flavor drinks)

14.05.01 Tea drink Appropriate level as

required in production 15.02

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution; For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution

Integrated alcoholic Appropriate level as beverages required in production

Erythrosine, erythrosine aluminum lake

Number of CNS: 08.003 Number of INS: 127 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category surface-drying 0.05 02 fruits Fruit and vegetable for 0.1

decoration Cooked nuts and seeds

(limited to fired nuts and 0.025 seeds only)

05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and 0.05

chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy

(05.01.01 excluding cocoa

07.02.04 08.03.05 12.05


Decoration on pastries Sausage derivatives



Measured as per erythrosine

Measured as per erythrosine

Measured as per erythrosine Measured as per erythrosine

0.05 0.015 0.05

Measured as per erythrosine

Measured as per erythrosine


Measured as per erythrosine

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

12.10 14.02.03

Blended condiment Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented product etc.) Carbonated drink

0.05 0.05

14.04.01 0.05 0.05 Flavored drink (including

fruit flavor, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drink) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

15.02 Integrated alcoholic


16.06 Puffed food Number of CNS: 18.010 Function: Stabilizer Number of

Food name

food category 01.01.03 Recombined milks

0.05 0.025

Measured as per


Measured as per erythrosine; for powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution; Measured as per erythrosine

Measured as per erythrosine; for powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution Measured as per erythrosine

Measured as per erythrosine

Karaya gum

Number of INS: 416

Maximum level g/kg


Appropriate level as required in production

02.02 Fat emulsions mainly of Appropriate level as

water-in-oil type required in production

Tara gum

Number of CNS: 20.041 Number of INS: 417 Function: Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category 01.06 Cheese 8.0 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 5.0

03.04 edible ice) Jam 5.0 07.0 Baked food 1.5 08.02 Pre-cooked meat product 10.0 08.03 Cooked meat product 10.0 14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 2.5

packaged drinking water)

16.01 Jelly 5.0 If used for jelly

powder, the dosage is increased according to

preparing multiple

Starch acetate


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Number of CNS: 20.03 Number of INS: 1420 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Fresh pastas and noodles and Appropriate level as

similar products (e.g. required in production unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings,

wontons, shuo mai) (Raw

and wet flour products)

Mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids

Number of CNS: 10.006 Number of INS: 471 Function: Emulsifier Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 01.02.01 Fermented milk 5.0 01.05.01 Cream Appropriate level as

required in production Flour dough (e.g. noodles, Appropriate level as

“skin” or crust of dumping, required in production wonton, shao-mai) Dried noodles 30.0 11.01.02 Other sugars and syrups (e.g., 6.0

brown sugar, maple syrup)

12.09 Spices 5.0 13.01 Infant formulae food Appropriate level as

required in production

13.02 Supplementary foods for Appropriate level as

infants and young children required in production

14.05.02 Coffee drink Appropriate level as

required in production

Capryl monoglyceride

Number of CNS: 17.031 Number of INS: Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Flour dough (e.g. noodles, 1.0

“skin” or crust of dumping, wonton, shao-mai)

07.02 Pastries 1.0





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1.0 Baked food stuffing and food

flour batter

(limited to bean fillings)

08.03.05 Sausages 0.5

Sodium starch phophate

Number of CNS: 20.013 Number of INS: Function: Thickener Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 02.02.01 Emulsions containing at least Appropriate level as

80% fat required in production

03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of Appropriate level as

03.04 edible ice) required in production Jams, marmalades Appropriate level as

required in production

06.0 Cereals and cereal products Appropriate level as

including rice, flours, required in production miscellaneous grain crops and starches from roots and tubers, maize and legumes, (exclusive of 06.01 crude cereals and 07.0 bakery product)

12.0 Condiment Appropriate level as

required in production

14.0 Beverages (exclusive of 14.01 Appropriate level as

packaged drinking water) required in production

Indigotine, indigotine aluminum lake

Number of CNS: 08.008 Number of INS: 132 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category surface-drying 0.1 01 fruits fruit 0.1 02 Fruit preparations, fruit 0.2

toppings/sauces (e.g. colored cherry, Sugared dried

shredded orange peel in red and green Vegetables in 0.01

vinegar/oil/brine or soy sauce



Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


05.02.02 07.02.04 07.04 14.02.03

Cooked nuts and seeds (limited to fired nuts and seeds only)

Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate product (including imitation chocolate, and chocolate substitutes) and candy

Other candies except for Gum-based candy Decoration on pastries Pastry fillings (limited to fillings for biscuits

Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drinks (including fermented product etc.) Carbonated drink

0.05 0.1

Measured as per indigotine Measured as per indigotine

0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1

14.04.01 0.1 0.1 Flavored drink (including fruit

flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drinks) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

15.02 16.06

Puffed food

0.1 0.05

Measured as per


Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine; for powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine; for powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution Measured as per indigotine

Measured as per indigotine

Number of CNS: 04.001 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Food name category 02.0 Fats, oils and fat-emulsified


02.01 Fats and oils essentially free

from water Cooked nuts and seeds

(limited to fired nuts and seeds only) Canned nuts and seeds 05.02.01

Gum-based candy

Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)

Number of INS: 320

Maximum level g/kg

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4


Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Fried Flour Products 06.04.01 06.06 06.07 07.03 08.02.02

Flour of other sources (corn, soybean, barley, oats, sorghum etc.)

Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Pre-cooked (instant) noodles and rice

Biscuit, cookies, crackers Cured meat product (brined meat, preserved pork,

preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage etc.) Dried fish and fishery products Puffed food

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

09.03.04 16.06

0.2 0.2

Methyl p-hydroxyl benzoate and its salts (sodium methyl p-hydroxyl benzoate,ethyl p-hydroxyl benzoate,sodium ethyl p-hydroxyl benzoate)

Number of CNS: 17.032, 17.007 Number of INS: 219, 214, 215 Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Surface-treated fresh fruit 0.012 Measured as per


hydroxybenzoic acid Jams (exclusive of canned 0.25 Measured as per

fruit) para

hydroxybenzoic acid Surface-treated fresh 0.012 Measured as per

vegetable para

hydroxybenzoic acid

07.04 Baked food stuffing and food 0.5 Measured as per

flour batter (limited to fillings para for pastries) hydroxybenzoic acid

10.03.02 Heat-clotted egg products 0.2 Measured as per

(e.g. yolk cheese, sausage para with alkaline preserved eggs) hydroxybenzoic acid

12.03 Vinegar 0.25 Measured as per


hydroxybenzoic acid

12.04 Soy sauce 0.25 Measured as per


hydroxybenzoic acid


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


Bean paste, wheat paste and derivatives

0.25 0.25 0.25 0.2 Oyster oil, shrimp oil, fish

gravy 14.02.03 14.04.01

Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented product) Carbonated drink

fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor and other flavor drinks) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

Tanoak brown

Number of CNS: 08.128 Number of INS:- Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive 03.04 0.4

edible ice)

05.02 Candy 0.4 Cola type carbonated drink 1.0 15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverages 0.4 Butylated hydroxy Toluene (BHT)

Number of CNS: 04.002 Number of INS: 321 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 02.0 Fats, oils and fat emulsions 0.2 02.01

Fats and oils essentially free

from water Dried vegetables (limited to

dehydrated potato powder) Cooked nuts and seeds

(limited to fired nuts and seeds only) Canned nuts and seeds 05.02.01

Gum-based candy

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4

Measured as per para

hydroxybenzoic acid Measured as per para

hydroxybenzoic acid Measured as per para

hydroxybenzoic acid Measured as per para

hydroxybenzoic acid para

hydroxybenzoic acid



Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Fried flour product 06.06 06.07 07.03 08.02.02

Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Pre-cooked (instant) noodles and rice

Biscuits, cookies, crackers Cured meat product (brined meat, preserved pork,

preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage etc.) Dried fish and fishery products Puffed food

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat Measured as per level in fat

Measured as per level in fat

09.03.04 16.06

0.2 0.2

Number of CNS: 17.033 Function: preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.25

(nectar) drink (including fermented product etc.)

14.04.01 Carbonated drink 0.25 Flavored drink (including fruit 0.25

flavor, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drink) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

14.05.01 Tea drink 0.25

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

Number of CNS: 17.027 Number of INS:- Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Surface-treated fresh fruit 0.01 Surface-treated fresh

vegetables Number of CNS: 02.004 Function: Anti-caking agent


Silicon dioxide

Number of INS: 551

Dimethyl dicarbonate

Number of INS: 242



Residue level ≤ 2.0mg/kg

Residue level ≤ 2.0mg/kg


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Number of food

category 01.03

Food name

Milk powder (including sweetened milk powders), cream powder and powder analogues

Other fat or fat products

(limited to non-dairy creamer) Frozen drinks (except for 03.04 edible ice)

Cocoa product (cocoa-based butter, powder, syrup, sauce, and filling etc.) Crude cereal

Dehydrated egg product (e.g., egg powder, egg white or yolk powder)

Other sweeteners (limited to sugar powder)

Salt and salt substitutes Spices

Solid blended condiment Powdered drink

Other composition food (for processing of soybean product)

Maximum level g/kg



02.05 03.0 05.01.01 06.01 10.03.01 11.06 12.01 12.09 12.10.01 14.06 16.07

15.0 0.5 15.0 1.2 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 15.0 0.025

Used with

antifoaming agent, measured in 1,000g soybean

Sulfur dioxide, potassium metabisulphite, sodium metabisulphite, sodium sulfite, sodium hydrogen sulfite, sodium hyposulfite

Number of CNS: 05.001, 05.002, 05.003, Number of INS: 220, 224, 223, 221, 222 05.004, 05.005, 05.006

Function: Bleaching agent, preservative, antioxidant Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Surface-treated fresh fruit 0.05 Maximum level is

measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Dried fruits 0.1 Maximum level is

measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Candied and preserved fruits 0.35 Maximum level is

measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Dried vegetable (limited to

dehydrated potato) Dried vegetable Pickled vegetable


0.2 0.1 Canned vegetable (limited to

bamboo shoots and sour vegetable) Dried edible fungi and algae


0.05 Canned edible fungi and

seaweeds (limited to canned mushroom and fungi) Bean curd sticks (including

bean curd sticks and soybean milk film etc.) Canned nut and seed product





Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy

rice flour cake ) Edible starch powder


Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

06.05.01 0.03 Noodles and vermicelli made

from bean or sweet potato starch 06.08

Frozen rice or wheat product (limited to flavored pie)




添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 0.1

11.01 Sugars refined and raw sugar 0.1

11.02 Starch sugar (fructose,

dextrose, cereals, partially

inverted sugar, etc.)

Flavoring syrup 0.04 11.05 0.05

12.10.02 Semi-solid blended condiment 0.05

14.02.01 Fruit or vegetable juice (pulp) 0.05

14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drink (including

fermented product) 0.05

15.03.01 Grape wine 0.25g/L

15.03.03 Fruit wine 0.25g/L Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide; for concentrated fruit and vegetable juice (pulp), measured based on concentration times Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide; for sweet wine and fruit wine, maximum level is 0.4g/L Maximum level is

measured as residue

level of sulfur

dioxide; for sweet

wine and fruit wine,

maximum level is



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

15.03.05 Beer and malt beverages 0.01

Maximum level is measured as residue level of sulfur dioxide

Number of CNS: 08.011 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Jam 5.0 02 products (e.g. 10.0 04 preserved plum, preserved

prune, nine-fold processed sugared dried orange peel) Dried vegetables (limited to 0.5

dehydrated potato powder) Cooked nuts and seeds 10.0

(limited to fired nuts and seeds only)

05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and 2.0

chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy

05.02.01 Gum-based candy 5.0 05.02.02 Other candies except for 10.0

Gum-based candy

05.03 Candy and chocolate product Appropriate level as

coating required in production

5.0 05.04 Decorations (e.g., for fine

bakery wares), toppings

sweet sauces

11.05 Flavoring syrup 5.0 Mayonnaise, salad dressing 0.5 required in production

16.01 Jelly 10.0

Titanium dioxide

Number of INS: 171


For jelly powder, the level of use will be increased by times of preparation

16.06 16.06 16.07

Puffed food Puffed food

Other composite foods

(clouding agent for beverage)


10.0 10.0 10.0 g/L

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


Other (limited to konjak gelatin product)

Carbon dioxide

Number of INS: 290


Number of CNS: 17.014 Function: Preservative Number of food Food name category 05.02.02 Other candies except for

Gum-based candy

14.0 Beverage 15.03.06

Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as

required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Tomato red

Number of INS: -

Maximum level g/kg

0.006 0.006


Other fermented alcoholic beverages(carbonating)

CNS number: 08.150 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01

packaged water)


The dosage is

increased according to the dilution

multiple of the solid beverage

CNS number: 08.017 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 05.02 Candy

Lycopene (synthetic)

Number of INS: 160d (i)

Maximum level g/kg

0.06 0.39 0.04 0.015


Measured as per pure lycopene

Measured as per pure lycopene

Measured as per pure lycopene

Calculated by pure lycopene, the dosage is increased according to the dilution multiple of the solid beverage Solid mixes for soups and


12.10.02 Semi-solid blended


14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01

packaged water)

CNS number: 14.013 Function: Coating agent Number of Food name


Number of INS: 901

Maximum level g/kg



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

food category 05.02

Appropriate level as required in production

05.03 Candy and chocolate products Appropriate level as

coating required in production

Fumaric acid

Number of CNS: 01.110 Number of INS: 297 Function: Acidity regulator Number of

Food name food Maximum level g/kg

category 05.02.01 Gum-based candy 8.0 Fresh pastas and noodles and 0.6

similar products (e.g. unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai)

07.01 Bread 3.0 07.02 Pastry 3.0 07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 3.0 07.04 Baked food stuffing and food 2.0

flour batter

07.05 Other bakery food 2.0 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.6

(nectar) drinks (including fermented product)

14.04.01 Carbonated drink 0.3

Monosodium fumarate

CNS number: 01.311 Number of INS: 365 Function: Acid regulator Number of

Food name food Maximum level g/kg

category 05.02.01 Gum-based candy Appropriate level as

required in production Fresh pastas and noodles and Appropriate level as

similar products (e.g. unboiled required in production noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai)

07.0 Bakery food Appropriate level as

required in production

08.0 Meat and meat product Appropriate level as

(exclusive of 08.01 fresh required in production meat)

09.0 Fish and fishery products, Appropriate level as

including mollusks, required in production





添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

crustaceans and echinoderms,

etc. (exclusive of 09.01 fresh

fishery product)

14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 Appropriate level as

packaged water) required in production

Glycyrrhiza, ammonium glycyrrhizinate, monopotassium and tripotassium glycyrrhinate

Number of CNS: 19.009, Number of INS: 958 19.012, 19.010

Function: Sweetener

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Preserved fruit Appropriate level as

required in production

05.02 Candy Appropriate level as

required in production

07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers Appropriate level as

required in production

08.03.08 Canned meat product Appropriate level as

required in production

12.0 Condiment Appropriate level as

required in production

14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 Appropriate level as

packaged drinking water) required in production

Antioxidant of glycyrrhiza

Number of CNS: 04.008 Number of INS:- Function: Antioxidant

Number of Food name Maximum level g/kg Note



02.01 Fat, d oils essentially free 0.2 Measured as per

from water glycyrrhetic acid Cooked nuts and seeds 0.2 Measured as per

(limited to fired nuts and glycyrrhetic acid

seeds only) Fried Flour Products 0.2 Measured as per

glycyrrhetic acid

and rice glycyrrhetic acid

07.03 Biscuit, cookies, crackers 0.2 Measured as per

glycyrrhetic acid

08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined 0.2 Measured as per

meat, preserved pork, glycyrrhetic acid

preserved duck, Chinese-style

ham, Chinese sausage)

08.03.01 Thick gravy cooked meat 0.2 Measured as per

glycyrrhetic acid


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

08.03.02 08.03.03 08.03.04 08.03.05 08.03.06 09.03.02 16.06

Smoked, baked or grilled meat product

Fried meat product Western ham Sausage

Fermented meat product Fish and fish product, pickled and/or in brine Puffed food


0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid Measured as per glycyrrhetic acid

Number of CNS: 19.017 Number of INS: 421

Function: Sweetener, anti-caking agent, emulsifier, bulking agent, stabilizer, thickeners Number of

Food name food Maximum level g/kg Note

category 05.02 Candy Appropriate level as

required in production Orange yellow

Number of CNS: 08.143 Number of INS:- Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category Raw and dry flour products Appropriate level as

required in production

Potassium permanganate

Number of CNS: 00.001 Number of INS:- Function: other Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg Note category 06.05.01 Edible starch powder 0.5 15.0 Alcoholic drink 0.5 Residue level in

alcoholic drink is measured as per

manganese ≤ 2mg/kg

Glutamine transaminase

CNS number: Number of INS: - Function: Stabilizer and coagulator


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Number of food Food name category 04.04 Bean products

Maximum level g/kg


Guar gum

Number of INS: 412


CNS number: 20.025 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 01.05.01 Cream 1.0 13.01.02 Formula food for older infants 1.0g/L

and young children

Sodium aluminosilicate

Number of CNS: 02.002 Number of INS: 554 Function: Anti-caking agent Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 01.03 Milk powders (including Appropriate level as

sweetened milk powders) and required in production cream powders and powder analogues

required in production

02.05 Other fat or fat products ( 5.0

limited to non-dairy creamer)

05.01.01 Cocoa product (including Appropriate level as

Cocoa-based butters, powders, required in production syrups, spreads and fillings, etc.)

06.05 Starch and its products Appropriate level as

required in production

11.01 Sugar Appropriate level as

required in production

11.04 Table-top sweeteners Appropriate level as

required in production

12.01 Salt and salt substitute Appropriate level as

required in production

12.09.01 Spices Appropriate level as

required in production

12.10 Blended condiments Appropriate level as

required in production

14.06 Powdered drink Appropriate level as

required in production

16.04 Yeast and yeast product Appropriate level as

required in production

Calcium silicate




添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

CNS number: 02.009 Number of INS: 552 Function: Anti-caking agent

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg category

01.03 Milk powders (including Appropriate level as

sweetened milk powders) and required in production

cream powders and powder


01.06 Cheese Appropriate level as

required in production 05.01.01 Cocoa product (including Appropriate level as

Cocoa-based butters, powders, required in production

syrups, spreads and fillings,


06.05 Starch and its products Appropriate level as

required in production

11.01 Sugar Appropriate level as

required in production 11.04 Table-top sweeteners Appropriate level as

required in production

12.01 Salt and salt substitute Appropriate level as

required in production

12.09.01 Spices Appropriate level as

required in production

12.10 Blended condiments Appropriate level as

required in production

14.06 Powdered drink Appropriate level as

required in production

16.04 Yeast and yeast product Appropriate level as

required in production


Number of CNS: 17.012 Number of INS: - Function: Preservative

Number of

food Food name Maximum level g/kg category Surface-treated fresh fruit Appropriate level as

required in production


Number of CNS: 20.006 Number of INS: 440 Function: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener Note Note Level of residue: ≤ 0.3mg/kg

Number of

food Food name


01.02.01 Fermented milk Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as

required in production


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

01.05.01 Cream Butter and concentrated butter Fresh pastas and noodles and

similar products (e.g. unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried noodles 11.01.02 12.09 14.02.01

Other sugar and syrup (e.g. brown sugar, maple syrup) Spices

Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar)

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production


Funoran (gloiopeltis furcata)

Number of CNS: 20.040 Function: Thickener

Number of Food name food

category 05.02.01 Gum-based candy

Number of INS: Maximum level g/kg


Propylene glycol alginate


Number of CNS: 20.010

Function: Thickener, emulsifier, stabilizer Number of Food name Maximum level g/kg food

category 01.0 Milk and dairy products 3.0

(excluding foods in 01.01.01, 01.01.02, 01.04.01, 13.0) Flavored milk 4.0 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 4.0 01.04.01 Condensed milk (plain) 5.0 Hydrogenated vegetable oil 5.0 02.02 Fat emulsions mainly of type 5.0


02.03 Fat emulsions other than food 5.0

category 02.02, including

mixed and/or flavored products based on fat emulsions (non-dairy cream)

03.01 Ice cream 1.0 Jam 5.0


Number of INS: 405


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Cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products, including, Including chocolate and

chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives

05.02.01 Gum-based candy 05.04 Decorations (e.g., for fine

bakery wares), toppings

sweet sauces Fresh pastas and noodles and

similar products (e.g. unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried pastas and noodles and

similar products

06.07 Instant rice and flour products 11.05 Flavoring syrup 12.10.02 Semi-solid blended condiment 14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01

packaged drinking water, 14.03.02 plant protein

containing drink, 14.02.03 fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink)

14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drink, etc.

14.03.01 Milk containing drink 14.03.02 Plant protein containing drink 14.05.02 Coffee drink 15.03.05 Beer and malt beverage

Sodium alginate





5.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 0.3

Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 0.3

Number of CNS: 20.004 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name category 01.02.01 Fermented milk 01.05.01


Number of INS: 401 Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Note Butter and concentrated butter


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Fresh pastas and noodles and

similar products (e.g. unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried noodles 11.01.02 12.09 14.02.01

Other sugar and syrup (e.g. brown sugar, maple syrup) Spices

Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar)

Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production


CNS number: 08.148 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category Dried vegetables (limited to

dehydrated potato powder)

06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) noodles

and rice

12.10.01 Solid blended condiment Number of CNS: 08.114 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 05.02 Candy 07.02.04 Decoration on pastries 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drink (including fermented product, etc.)

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Riboflavin

Number of INS: 101 (i)

Maximum level g/kg

0.3 0.05 0.05


Black bean red

Number of INS: -

Maximum level g/kg

0.8 0.8 0.8


Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Flavored drink (including fruit

flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drinks) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverage

Black currant red



Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg


Number of CNS: 08.122 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

07.02.04 14.04.01 15.03.03

Decoration on pastries Carbonated drink Fruit wine

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Carthamins yellow

Number of CNS: 08.103 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Canned fruit Preserved fruits Fruit preparations, fruit


vinegar/oil/brine or soy sauce Canned or bottled (pasteurized)

or retort pouch vegetable Cooked nuts and seeds (limited

to fired nuts and seeds only)

05.02 Candy Canned assorted cereal


06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) rice or


06.10 Fillings for grain products 07.02.04 Decoration on pastries 08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined

meat, preserved pork,

preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage)

12.0 Condiment (not include 12.01

salt and salt substitute)

14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drink (including fermented product, etc.) 14.04.01 Carbonated drink Flavored drink (including fruit

flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor and other flavor drink) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg

0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5


0.5 0.2

Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

0.2 0.2


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

15.02 16.01 Integrated alcoholic beverages Jelly 0.2 0.2

16.06 Puffed food

Red rice red


Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production


Appropriate level as required in production

For jelly powder, the level of use will be increased by times of preparation

Number of CNS: 08.111 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.01.03 Recombined milks 03.0 05.02 14.03.01

Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Candy

Milk-containing drink


Dose level of

powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverages

Red kojic rice, monascus red

Number of CNS: 08.119, 08.120 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.01.03 Recombined milks 01.02.02 01.04.02


Flavored fermented milk Recombined condensed milk (including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-diary ingredients

03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 03.4 Appropriate level as

edible ice) required in production Jam Appropriate level as

required in production Vegetables in vinegar/oil/brine Appropriate level as

or soy sauce required in production Vegetable puree Appropriate level as

required in production


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 Fermented soybean curd Appropriate level as

required in production Cooked nuts and seeds (limited Appropriate level as

to fired nuts and seeds only) required in production

05.02 Candy Appropriate level as

required in production

05.04 Decorations (e.g., for fine Appropriate level as

baked food), toppings (non-required in production

fruit) and sweet sauces

06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) rice or Appropriate level as

noodles required in production

06.10 Fillings for grain products Appropriate level as

required in production

07.02 Pastry 0.9

07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers Appropriate level as

required in production

07.04 Baked food stuffing and food 1.0

flour batter

08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined Appropriate level as

meat, preserved pork, required in production

preserved duck, Chinese-style

ham, Chinese sausage)

08.03 Heat-treated processed meat, Appropriate level as

poultry and game products required in production

11.05 Flavoring syrup Appropriate level as

required in production

12.0 Condiment (not include 12.01 Appropriate level as

salt and salt substitute) required in production

14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice Appropriate level as

(nectar) drink (including required in production

fermented product, etc)

14.03 Protein containing drink Appropriate level as

required in production

14.04.01 Carbonated drink Appropriate level as

required in production Flavored drink (including fruit Appropriate level as

flavor drink, milk flavor, tea required in production

flavor, coffee flavor and other

flavor drink) (limited to fruit

flavor drink)

14.06 Solid drink class Appropriate level as

required in production

15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverage Appropriate level as

required in production

16.01 Jelly Appropriate level as

required in production

16.06 Puffed and extruded-type food Appropriate level as

required in production


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Fenugreek gum

Number of CNS: 20.035 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice)

05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and

chocolate product (including imitation chocolate, and chocolate substitutes) and candy

06.03.01 Wheat flour 07.0 Bakery product Number of CNS: 10.038 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name category 01.01.03 Recombined milks 01.06.05 Cheese like product 01.07 Milk-based flavor dessert or

recombined product (not including ice cream and flavored yoghurt)

02.0 Fats, oils and fat emulsions

(not including fats and oils essentially free from water in 02.01)

07.0 Baked food 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice

(nectar) drink (including fermented product)

14.03 Protein containing beverage 14.03.01 Milk containing drink 14.05 Tea, coffee, botanical beverage 14.06 Powdered drink

Number of INS:- Maximum level g/kg

0.1 0.2


0.3 0.15

Number of INS: 472g Maximum level g/kg

5.0 10.0 5.0

Succinylated monoglycerides



5.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 20.0

Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg



Measured as per diluted by 10 times

Disodium succinate

Number of CNS: 12.005 Function: Flavor enhancer Number of food Food name category 12.0 Condiment


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Peanut skin red

Number of CNS: 08.134 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 05.02 Candy 07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 08.03.05 Sausage 14.04.01 Carbonated drink

Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1



Number of CNS: 02.007 Function: Anti-caking agent Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category surface-drying fruit 20.0 02 products (e.g. 20.0 04 preserved plum, preserved

prune, nine-fold processed sugared dried orange peel)

Carob bean gum

CNS number: 20.023 Number of INS: 410 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 13.01 Infant formulae food 7.0

Sodium cyclamate, calcium cyclamate

Number of INS: 553 iii



Number of CNS: 19.002 Function: Sweetener Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drinks (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Canned fruit Jam Preserved fruit surface-drying fruit 02 products (e.g. 04 preserved plum, preserved

prune, nine-fold processed sugared dried orange peel)

Number of INS: 952 Maximum level g/kg

0.65 0.65 1.0 1.0 8.0 8.0


As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版 07.01 07.02 07.03 12.10 14.0

Preserved hawthorn product Salted vegetable

Fermented soybean curd

Cooked in-shell nuts and seeds Cooked shelled nuts and seeds Bread and rolls Pastries

Biscuit, cookies, crackers Blended condiment

Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 packaged drinking water) Integrated alcoholic beverage Jelly

8.0 0.65 0.65 6.0 1.2 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate; for powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of preparation As per Cyclamate As per Cyclamate; for jelly powder, as per times of preparation

15.02 16.01 0.65 0.65

Ablmoschus manihot gum

Number of CNS: 20.019 Function: Thickener Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Jams, marmalades 07.01 Bread and rolls 07.02 Pastries 07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers Number of CNS: 20.009

Function: Stabilizer, thickener Number of food Food name category 01.05.01 Cream Butter and concentrated butter Fresh pasta (e.g. noodles and

“skins” or crusts for

dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried noodles 11.01.02 Other sugars and syrups (e.g.,

brown sugar, maple syrup)

Number of INS: - Maximum level g/kg

5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

Xanthan gum


Number of INS: 415 Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production

5.0 10.0

4.0 5.0



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

12.09 14.02.01


Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Adipic acid

Number of CNS: 01.109 Number of INS: 355 Function: Acidity regulator Number of

Maximum level g/kg

food Food name

category 05.02.01 Gum-based candy 4.0 14.06 Powdered drink 0.01 16.01 Jelly 0.1


In case of being used in jelly powder, the level of use will be increased by times of preparation

Number of CNS: 04.013 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Name/classification of food Maximum level g/kg category 09.01 Fresh fish and fishery products Appropriate level as

(limited to shrimp) required in production


4-Hexyl resorcinol

Number of INS: 586


level of residue ≤1mg/kg

Number of CNS: 20.018

Function: Thickener, stabilizer Number of food Food name category Hydrogenated vegetable oil 02.05 Other fat or fat products

(limited to non-dairy creamer)

03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Jams, marmalades Mashed nuts or 12.03 15.03.05

Number of INS: -

Maximum level g/kg

2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.5 0.4


seeds,including peanut butter Vinegar

Mayonnaise, salad dressing Lactobacillus drink Beer and malt beverage


Number of CNS: 08.102

Number of INS: 100 ii


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.03.02 Recombined milk powders and

cream powder, including flavoring milk powder and cream powder

03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of

03.04 edible ice) Jam 2 05.0

Maximum level g/kg



As per curcumin

06.06 06.07 07.0 12.0 14.0 15.02 16.01 16.06

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

required in production

Fruit preparations, fruit Appropriate level as toppings/sauces required in production Pickled vegetable 0.01 Cooked nuts and seeds Appropriate level as (limited to fired nuts and seeds required in production only)

Cocoa product, chocolate and Appropriate level as chocolate products (including required in production imitation chocolate and chocolate substitutes) and candy

Instant cereals, including 0.03 rolled oats

Pre-cooked (instant) rice and Appropriate level as noodles required in production Baked food Appropriate level as

required in production

Condiments Appropriate level as

required in production

Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 Appropriate level as packaged drinking water) required in production Integrated alcoholic beverage

As per curcumin

As per curcumin

For powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution

Appropriate level as required in production

Jelly Appropriate level as

required in production

Puffed and extruded-type food 0.2 As per curcumin


Number of CNS: 08.132

Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category Margarine and similar

Number of INS: 100 i

Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

03.0 05.0

05.02.01 05.04 06.07 06.10 11.05 12.10 14.04.01 16.01


products (e.g., butter-required in production

margarine blends) Ice creams 0.15 Cooked nuts and seeds Appropriate level as (limited to fired nuts and seeds required in production only)

Cocoa product, chocolate and 0.01 chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy Gum-based candy 0.7 Decorations (e.g., for fine 0.5 baked food), toppings (non-fruit) and sweet sauces

Batters (e.g., for breading or 0.3 batters for fish or poultry) Pre-cooked (instant) rice and 0.5 noodles

Fillings for grain product Appropriate level as

required in production

Flavoring syrup 0.5 Blended condiment 0.1 Carbonated drink 0.01 Jelly 0.01 For jelly powder, the

level of use will be increased by times of preparation

Puffed and extruded-type food Appropriate level as

required in production

Caramel color, class III-ammonia process

Number of CNS: 08.110 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.04.02 Recombined condensed milk

(including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-diary ingredients

03.0 Frozen drinks including

sherbet and sorbet (exclusive of 03.4 edible ices Jams, marmalades

Number of INS: 150c Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production


Appropriate level as required in production



添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

05.0 06.06 07.03 11.05 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.10 14.02.03 14.03.01

Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate products (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy

Batters (e.g., for breading or batters for fish or poultry) Starch-based snack Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Biscuits, cookies, crackers Flavoring syrup Vinegar Soy sauce

Bean/wheat paste and derivatives

Blended condiment Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented product) Milk-containing drink Flavored drinks, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink)

Other beverages (limited to chicken essence drink) Brandy


Integrated alcoholic beverage Blending of flavor grape wine Rice wine

Beer and malt beverage

Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

Appropriate level as Dose level of powdered required in production drinks to increase by

times of preparation

Appropriate level as Dose level of powdered required in production drinks to increase by

times of preparation Appropriate level as Dose level of powdered required in production drinks to increase by

times of preparation

Appropriate level as required in production


Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production


14.08 15.01.03 15.01.06 15.02 15.03.02 15.03.05

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

16.01 Jelly

Appropriate level as In the case of jelly

required in production powder, the level of use

will be increased by times of preparation

Caramel color, class I –plain

Number of CNS: 08.108 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.04.02 Recombined condensed milk

(including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-diary ingredients

03.0 Frozen drinks including

sherbet and sorbet (exclusive of 03.4 edible ices Jams, marmalades 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and

chocolate products(Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives)and candy. Baked food stuffing and food

flour batter(e.g., for breading or batters for fish or poultry)

06.06 Instant cereals, including

rolled oats

07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 07.04 08.02.01

Number of INS: 150a

Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production


Appropriate level as required in production 1.5

Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production

11.05 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.10 14.02.03

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Baked food fillings (limited to Appropriate level as flavored pie) required in production Pre-flavored meat products Appropriate level as (seasoned or flavored required in production untreated raw comminuted or mechanically deboned meat) Flavoring syrup Appropriate level as

required in production

Vinegars and derivatives Appropriate level as

required in production

Soy sauce and derivatives Appropriate level as

required in production

Bean/wheat paste and product Appropriate level as

required in production

Blended condiment Appropriate level as

required in production

Fruit and vegetable juice Appropriate level as


Dose level of powdered

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版


(nectar) drink (including fermented product)

Milk-containing beverage

14.08 15.01.04 15.01.06 15.02 15.03.02 15.03.05 16.01


required in production drinks to increase by

times of preparation

Appropriate level as Dose level of powdered required in production drinks to increase by

times of preparation

Flavored drink, including fruit Appropriate level as Dose level of powdered flavor drink, milk flavor, tea required in production drinks to increase by flavor, coffee flavor or other times of preparation; flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink)

Other beverage (limited to Appropriate level as chicken essence drink) required in production required in production

Whisky 6.0 g/L Rum Appropriate level as

required in production

Integrated alcoholic beverage Appropriate level as

required in production

Blending of flavor grape wine Appropriate level as

required in production

Rice wine Appropriate level as

required in production

Beer and malt beverage Appropriate level as

required in production

Jelly Appropriate level as In the case of jelly

required in production powder, the level of use

will be increased by times of preparation

Puffed and extruded-type food 2.5g/kg

Caramel color, class IV-ammonia sulphite process

Number of CNS: 08.109

Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.04.02 Recombined condensed milk

(including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-diary ingredients

sherbet and sorbet (exclusive of 03.4 edible ices

Number of INS: 150d Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production



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05.0 06.06 06.10 07.03 12.04 12.05 12.07 12.10 14.02.03 14.03.01 14.04.01

Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate products (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy. Batters (e.g., for breading or batters for fish or poultry) Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Fillings for grain product (limited to flavor pie) Biscuits, cookies, crackers Soy sauce

Bean/wheat paste and product Cooking wine and its product Blended condiment Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented product, etc.) Milk containing drink Carbonated drink

Flavored drinks, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) Tea drink Solid beverage

Other beverage (limited to chicken essence drink) Brandy

Whisky Rum

Integrated alcoholic beverage Chinese rice wine

Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

7.5 Appropriate level as

required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

14.05.01 14.06 14.08 15.01.03 15.01.04 15.01.06 15.02 15.03.02

Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production

6.0 g/L 6.0 g/L

Appropriate level as required in production required in production Appropriate level as required in production


添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

15.03.05 Beer and malt beverage

Appropriate level as required in production

Number of INS:- Maximum level g/kg

0.9 1.0 1.0 0.2

Number of INS: 336 Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production required in production



Rose laevigata michx brown

Number of CNS: 08.131 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 07.02 Pastry 07.04 Baked food stuffing and food

flour batter

14.04.01 Carbonated drink 15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverage Number of CNS: 06.007 Function: Bulking agent Number of food Food name category 06.03 Wheat flour and its product Potassium bitartarate

Coreopsis yellow

Number of CNS: 08.113 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level g/kg category 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and 0.3

chocolate product

(includingIncluding chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy

07.02.04 Decoration on pastries 0.3 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.3

(nectar) drinks (including fermented product, etc.) Flavored drink (including fruit 0.3

flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink) (limited to fruit flavor drink)

Sodium polyacrylate

CNS number: Number of INS: Function: Thickener


Number of INS:


Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation

添加剂英文 食品添加剂使用标准GB 2760英文版

Number of food category

Food name

Fresh pasta (e.g. noodles and “skins” or crusts for

dumplings, wontons, shao-mai)

Maximum level g/kg



Polydimethyl siloxane

Number of CNS: 03.007 Number of INS: 900 a Function: Coating agent, antifoaming agent Number of


food Food name

level g/kg

category Surface-treated fresh fruits 0.0009 Surface-treated fresh 0.0009

vegetable Number of CNS: 10.029

Function: Emulsifier, stabilizer Number of Food name Maximum food level g/kg category 02.02 Fat emulsions mainly of type 10.0


05.01 Cocoa products, chocolate 5.0

and chocolate products, including chocolate and

chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives

05.03 Candy and chocolate product 5.0


Number of CNS: 10.022 Number of INS: 475 Function: Emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, anti-caking agent Number of


food Food name

level g/kg

category 01.01.03 Recombined milks 10.0 01.03.02 Recombined milk powders 10.0

and cream powder, including flavoring milk powder and cream powder

01.05 Cream and like product 10.0 02.0 Fats, oils and fat-emulsified 20.0

product (exclusive of vegetable oil) Vegetable oil (for frying 10.0



Polyglycerol polyricinoleate (polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid)

Number of INS: 476


Polyglycerol esters of fatty acid (polyglycerol)


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03.0 05.01

05.02 06.06 06.07 07.0 12.0 12.10.01 12.10.02 14.0 16.01 16.06

purpose only)

Frozen drinks (exclusive of 03.4 edible ice)

Cooked nuts and oilseeds (limited to fried nuts and oilseeds)

Cocoa products, chocolate and chocolate products, Including chocolate and

chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives Candy

Batters (e.g., for breading or battering of fish or poultry) Instant cereals, including rolled oats

Pre-cooked (instant) noodles and rice

Bakery product

Condiment (limited to fried food and puffed food) Solid blended condiment Semi-solid blended condiment

Beverages (except for 14.01 packaged drinking water) Jelly Puffed food

10.0 10.0 10.0

5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0

In the case of jelly powder, the level of use will be increased by times of preparation


Number of CNS: 20.022 Number of INS: 1200 Function: Thickener, bulking agent, humectants, stabilizer Number of Food name Maximum level g/kg food

category 01.01.03 Recombined milk Appropriate level as

required in production

01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk Appropriate level as

required in production

03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of Appropriate level as

03.4 edible ice) required in production

05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and Appropriate level as

chocolate product (Including required in production chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy



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5.0 14.0 Beverage (exclusive of 14.01 5.0 packaged drinking water)Potassium ferrocyanide, sodium ferrocyanideNotesFor powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilutionNumber of CNS: 02.001, 02.008 Function: Anti-caking agent Number of food Food name category 12.01 Salt and salt substituteNumber of INS: 536, 535 Maximum level g/kg 0.01 Note Measured as per ferrocyanide radicalSodium nitrite, potassium nitriteNumber of CNS: 09.002, 09.004 Number of INS: 250, 249 Function: Coloring fixative, preservative Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined 0.15 meat, preserved pork, preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage)Note As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg102 08.03.01 08.03.02 08.03.03 08.03.04 08.03.05 08.03.06 08.03.08Thick gravy cooked meat Smoked, baked or grilled meat product Fried meat product Western ham Sausage Fermented meat product Canned meat productCarmine cochineal0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kg As per sodium nitrite, residue level ≤ 30 mg/kgNumber of CNS: 08.145 Number of INS: 120 Function: Coloring Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 0.05 01.03.02 Recombined milk powders and 0.6 cream powder (including flavoring milk powder and cream powder) 01.04.02 Recombined condensed milk 0.15 (including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-dairy ingredients) 01.06 Cheese 0.1 02.03 Fat emulsions other than food 0.6 category 02.02, including mixed and/or flavored products based on fat emulsions (non-dairy cream) 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.15 03.04 edible ice) Jam 0.6 Cooked nuts and seeds (limited 0.1 to fired nuts and seeds only) 05.01.03 Chocolate and chocolate 0.3 products with cocoa butter alternatives and the products alikeNote As per carminic acid As per carminic acidAs per carminic acidAs per carminic acid As per carminic acidAs per carminic acid As per carminic acid As per carminic acid As per carminic acid103 05.01.0305.02 imitation, chocolate substitutes, chocolate-like products with cocoa substitutes Candy Batters (e.g., for breading or batters for fish or poultry) Instant cereals, including rolled oats Instant rice and flour product Baked food Cooked meat product Blended condiments exclusive of 12.10.2 semi-solid blended condiments Semi-solid blended condiments Beverage (not including packaged drinking water in 14.01) Integrated alcoholic beverage Jelly0.3As per carminic acid06.06 06.07 07.0 08.03 12.100.3 Appropriate level as required in production 0.2 0.

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3 0.6 0.5 1.0As per carminic acid As per carminic acidAs per carminic acid As per carminic acid As per carminic acid As per carminic acid As per carminic acid12.10.02 14.00.05 0.615.02 16.010.25 0.0516.06Puffed food0.1As per carminic acid As per carminc acid; for powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution As per caminic acid As per carminic acid; for jelly powder, level to increase by times of dilution As per carminic acidPonceau 4R,ponceau 4R aluminum lake ,Number of CNS: 08. 002 Number of INS: 124 Function: Coloring Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 01.01.03 Recombined milks 0.05 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 0.05 01.03.02 Recombined milk powders and 0.15 cream powder (including flavoring milk powder and cream powder) 01.04.02 Recombined condensed milk 0.05 (including sweet condensed milk, flavoring sweet condensed milk and other recombined condensed milk using non-dairy ingredients) 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.05Note As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4RAs per ponceau 4RAs per ponceau 4R104 05.005.03 07.02.04 07.03.03 07.0408.03.09 11.05 11.05.01 12.10.0212.10.02.01 14.02.0303.04 Edible ice) Canned fruit Jams, marmalades Candied and preserved fruits Fruit and vegetable for decoration Pickled vegetable Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate products (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy, excluding decorations, toppings and sweet sauces in 05.04 Candy, chocolate product coating Shrimp-flavored starch flakes Decoration on pastries Egg roll Baked food stuffing and food flour batter(limited to fillings for biscuits and cakes Edible animal casings Flavoring syrup Fruit flavor syrup Semi-solid blended condiments, except for mayonnaise, salad dressing Mayonnaise, salad dressing Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented product) Milk containing drink0.1 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.05 0.05As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R0.1 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.05As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R0.025 0.2 0.5 0.5As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R0.2 0.0514.03.010.0514.03.02Plant protein containing drink (including fermented product)0.02514.04.01 drink Flavored drink, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit1050.05 0.05As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R; dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation As per ponceau 4R; dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation As per ponceau 4R; dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R; dose level of powdered drinks

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to increase by times of preparation 15.02 16.01flavor drink) Integrated alcoholic beverage Jelly0.05 0.0516.03 16.06Collagen casings Puffed and extruded-type foodAnnatto extract0.025 0.05As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4R; for jelly powder, level to increase by times of dilution As per ponceau 4R As per ponceau 4RNumber of CNS: 08.144 Number of INS: 60b Function: Coloring Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 01.06.04 Processed cheese 0.6 Margarine and similar products 0.05 (e.g., butter-margarine blends) 02.05 Other fat or fat products 0.02 (limited to non-dairy creamer) 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.6 03.04 Edible ice) Jam 0.6 05.01.02 Chocolate and chocolate 0.025 products, and cocoa products other than that covered in 05.01.01 05.01.03 Chocolate and chocolate 0.6 products with cocoa butter alternatives and the products alike 05.02 Candy 0.6 Batters (e.g., for breading or 0.01 batters for fish or poultry) 06.06 Instant cereals, including rolled 0.07 oats 06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) noodles 0.012 and rice 07.0 Baked food 0.6 08.03.04 Western hams (smoked, cooked 0.025 hams) 08.03.05 Sausage 0.025 12.10 Blended condiments 0.1 14.0 Beverage, except for 14.01 0.6 packaged drinking water 16.01 Jelly 0.6NotesFor powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution For jelly powder, level to106 increase by times of dilution 16.06 Puffed foodHydrochloric acid0.01Number of CNS: 01.108 Number of INS: 507 Function: Acidity regulator Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg Mayonnaise, salad dressing Appropriate level as required in production Mynica red CNS number: 08.149 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink (not including 03.04 edible ice) 05.02 Candy 07.02.04 Decorations on pastry 12.10.02 Semi-powdered blended condiment 15.03.03 Fruit wine (limited to recombined fruit wine) 14.0 Beverage, except for 14.01 packaged drinking water 16.01 Jelly Number of INS:Maximum level g/kg 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1NotesNotes0.2For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution For jelly powder, level to increase by times of dilutionIron oxide black, iron oxide redNumber of CNS: 08.014, 08.015 Number of INS: 172 i, 172 ii Function: Coloring Maximum level Number of food Note Food name g/kg category 05.03 Candy and chocolate products 0.02 coating Lutein CNS number: 08.146 Function: Coloring Number of food category Number of INS: 161b Food name Maximum level g/kg Note107 01.0703.0 06.07 06.08 06.0907.0 14.016.01Milk-based flavor dessert or recombined product (not including ice cream and flavored yoghurt) Frozen drink except for 03.04 edible ice Jam Canned assorted cereal porridge Other coarse grain product (limited to coarse grain dessert) Instant rice and flour product Frozen rice and flour product Cereal and starch dessert (limited to canned cereal dessert) Baked

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food Beverage (not including packaged drinking water in 14.01) Jelly0.050.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.050.15 0.050.05For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution For jelly powder, level to increase by times of dilutionChlorophyllin copper complex, sodium and potassium saltsNumber of CNS: 08.009 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink except for 03.04 edible ice Canned vegetable Cooked bean product 04.05.02 Processed nuts and seeds 05.02 Candy 07.0 Baked food 14.0 Beverage (not including packaged drinking water in 14.01)Number of INS: 141 ii Maximum level g/kg 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Note14.02.03Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink, including fermented product Integrated alcoholic beverage JellyAppropriate level as required in production 0.5 0.5For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution (not including fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink) For concentrated fruit and vegetable juice drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution For jelly powder, level to15.02 16.01108 increase by times of dilution Carbon dioxide CNS number: 17.034 Function: Preservative Number of food Food name category 14.04.01 Carbonated drink Number of INS: Maximum level g/kg Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Note15.03.06Other fermented alcoholic beverages (of carbonated type)Disodium ethylene-diamine-tetra actateNumber of CNS: 18.005 Number of INS: 386 Function: Stabilizer, coagulator, antioxidant, preservative Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category Jams, marmalades 0.07 Candied and preserved fruit 0.25 (limited to preserved sweet potato) Pickled vegetable 0.25 Canned vegetable 0.25 Vegetable puree (exclusive of 0.07 tomato sauce) Canned nuts and seeds 0.25 Canned assorted cereal porridge 0.25 12.10 Blended condiment 0.075 14.0 Beverage (not including 0.03 packaged drinking water in 14.01) Calcium dissodium ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate CNS number: 04.020 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Food name category 12.10 Blended condiment Number of CNS: 17.021 Function: Preservative Number of food Number of INS: 385 Maximum level g/kg 0.075β-NaphtholNoteNoteNumber of INS: Food name Maximum level Notes109 category fresh fruits (limited to citrus)Sodium acetateg/kg 0.1Level of residue: ≤70mg/kgNumber of CNS: 00.013 Function: Acidity regulator, preservative Number of food Food name category 12.10 Blended condiments 16.06 Puffed foodNumber of INS: 262 i Maximum level g/kg 10.0 1.0 NoteAcesulfame potassiumNumber of CNS: 19.011 Number of INS: 950 Function: Sweetener Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 0.35 01.07 Milk-based flavor dessert or 0.3 recombined product (not including ice cream and fl

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avored yoghurt) 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.3 03.04 Edible ice) Canned fruit 0.3 Jams, marmalades 0.3 Preserved fruit 0.3 Pickled vegetable 0.3 04.03.02 Processed edible fungi and 0.3 algae Cooked nuts and seeds 3.0 05.02 Candy 2.0 05.02.01 Sugar-free gum-based candy 4.0 Canned assorted cereal porridge 0.3 Other coarse grain product 0.3 (limited to black sesame paste and canned coarse grain dessert) 06.09 Cereal and starch dessert 0.3 (limited to canned cereal dessert) 07.0 Baked food 0.3 11.04 Table-top sweeteners, including 0.04 g/serving those containing high-intensity sweeteners 12.0 Condiment 0.5 12.04 Soy sauce 1.0Note110 14.0Beverage except for 14.01 packaged drinking water Jelly0.316.010.3For powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution For jelly powder, the level of use will increase by diluting timesEthoxy quinNumber of CNS: 17.010 Number of INS: Function: Preservative Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category Surface-treated fresh fruit Appropriate level as required in productionIsomerized lactose syrupNote Level of residue: ≤1 mg/kgNumber of CNS: 00.003 Function: Other Number of food Food name category 01.03 Milk powders (including sweetened milk powders) and cream powders and powder analogues 07.03 Cookies 13.01 Infant formulae food 14.0 Beverage except for 14.01 packaged drinking waterNumber of INS: Maximum level g/kg 15.0 NotesFor powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilution Isoascorbic acid (erythorbic acid), sodium isoascorbate Number of INS: 315, 316 Maximum level g/kg 1.0 0.15 Note Measured as per ascorbic acid Measured as per ascorbic acid2.0 15.0 1.5Number of CNS: 04.004, 04.018 Function: Antioxidant, color fixative Number of food Food name category Canned assorted cereal porridge 15.03.01 Grape wineIsomaltulose (palatinose) Number of CNS: 19.003 Function: Sweetener Number of food Food name category Number of INS: Maximum level g/kg Note111 03.0Frozen drink (exclusive of 03.04 Edible ice) Jams, marmalades04.01.02.0505.02Candy07.01Breads and rolls07.02Pastries07.03Biscuits, cookies, and crackers14.0Beverage except for 14.01 packaged drinking water Integrated alcoholic beverage15.02Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in production Appropriate level as required in productionStearic acid (octadecanoic acid)Number of CNS: 14.009 Number of INS: 570 Function: Coating agent, Paste base candy base Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and 1.2 chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter

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alternatives) and candyCalcium sterateNoteNumber of CNS: 10.039 Number of INS: 470 Function: Emulsifier, anti-caking agent Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 12.09.01 Spices 20.0 12.10.01 Solid blended condiment 20.0Potassium sterateNoteNumber of CNS: 10.028 Function: Emulsifier, anti-caking agentNumber of INS: 470112 Number of food category 07.02 12.09.01Food name Pastries SpicesMaximum level g/kg 0.18 20.0NoteMagnesium stearateNumber of CNS: 02.006 Number of INS: 470 Function: Emulsifier, anticaking agent Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg Candied and preserved fruit 0.8 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and Appropriate level chocolate product (Including as required in chocolate and chocolate production products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candySodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium stearoyl lactylateNoteNumber of CNS: 10.011, 10.009 Number of INS: 481 i, 482 i Function: Emulsifier, stabilizer Number of food Food name Maximum level Note category g/kg 01.01.03 Recombined milk 2.0 01.02.02 Flavored fermented milk 2.0 01.05.01 Cream 5.0 01.05.03 Flavored cream 5.0 01.05.04 Cream like product 5.0 02.02 Fat emulsions in liquid form 5.0 02.03 Fat emulsions other than food 5.0 category 02.02, including mixed and/or flavored products based on fat emulsions 02.05 Other fat or fat products 10.0 (limited to non-dairy creamer) Jam 2.0 Dried vegetable (limited to 2.0 dehydrated potato powder) 05.04 Decorations (e.g., for fine 2.0 baked food), toppings (nonfruit) and sweet sauces Other specialized flour (limited 2.0 to bread, bun flour) Fresh pastas and noodles and 2.0 similar products Fermented pastas and similar 2.0 products113 07.01 07.02 07.03 08.03.05 11.05 14.03 and rolls Pastries Biscuit, cookies, crackers Sausage Flavoring syrup Protein drink Drink for special usage, including “sports drink”, “nutrient drink”, etc. Flavored drinks, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor or other flavor drink Tea, coffee, and plant drink2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Number of INS: 129 Maximum level g/kg 0.07 0.07 Note Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red, for coloring and flavoring carrier of oat flakes Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura redAllura red, allura aluminum lakeNumber of CNS: 08.012 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 03.0 Frozen drink except for 03.04 edible ice Dried fruit (limited to dried apples) 04.05.02 05.0Fruit preparations, fruit toppings/sauces Cooked bean product Processed nuts and seeds Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy Starch-based snack Instant cereals, including rolled oats (limited to coc

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oa corn flakes) Decoration on pastries Baked food stuffing and food flour batter(limited to fillings for biscuits)0.05 0.1 0.1 0.306.05.02.04 06.060.2 0.07Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red07.02.04 07.040.05 0.1114 08.03.04 08.03.05 08.03.09 11.05 12.10.01 12.10.02Western hams (smoked and cooked) Sausage Edible animal casings Flavoring syrup Solid blended condiment Semi-solid blended condiment (except for Mayonnaise, salad dressing) Beverage except for 14.01 packaged drinking water0.025 0.015 0.05 0.3 0.04 0.5Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red, powdered drink level to increase by times of dilution Exclusive of allura aluminum lake Measured as per allura red; in case of being used in jelly powder, the level of use will increase by diluting times Measured as per allura red Measured as per allura red14.00.115.02 16.01Integrated alcoholic beverage Jelly0.05 0.02516.03 16.06Collagen casings (sausage skin) Puffed and extruded-type foodCorn yellow0.05 0.1Number of CNS: 08.116 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category Hydrogenated vegetable oil 05.02 CandyNumber of INS: Maximum level g/kg 5.0 5.0 NoteCowberry redNumber of CNS: 08.105 Number of INS: Function: Coloring Number of food Food name Maximum level category g/kg 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of Appropriate level 03.04 edible ice) as required in production 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice Appropriate levelNoteDose level of powdered115 drink, including fermented product, etc. Flavored drink, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink)as required in production Appropriate level as required in productiondrinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparationSpirulina blue(algae blue, lina blue) ( )Number of CNS: 08.137 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category 01.06 Cheese 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 03.04 edible ice) 05.02 Candy 12.09.01 Spices 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink, including fermented product ,etc. Flavored drink, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) 16.01 JellyNumber of INS: Maximum level g/kg 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Note0.8Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation0.8For jelly powder, the level of use will increase by diluting timesGleditsia sinenis lam gumNumber of CNS: 20.029 Number of INS: Function: Thickener Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 03.01 Ice cream 4.

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0 Appropriative Flour (e.g. self4.0 leavening flour, flour for dumplings) 12.0 Condiment 4.0 14.0 Beverage except for 14.01 4.0 packaged drinking waterSucrose esters of fatty acidNoteFor powdered drink, level to increase by times of dilutionNumber of CNS: 10.001Number of INS: 473116 Function: Emulsifier Number of food Food name category 01.01.03 Recombined milks (include flavored milk and other liquid milks that use non-diary ingredients) 01.05 Cream and similar product 02.01 Fats and oils essentially free from water (except for 02.1.1 Vegetable oils and fats) 02.02 Emulsified fat product in liquid oil form 02.03 Fat emulsions other than food category 02.02, including mixed and/or flavored products based on fat emulsions 03.0 Frozen drink except for 03.04 edible ice Surface-treated fresh fruit Jam 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy Appropriative Flour (e.g. selfleavening flour, flour for dumplings) Fresh pasta (e.g. noodles and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried noodles Canned assorted cereal porridge Batter (for coating fish or meat), coating flour, and frying flour 06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) noodles and rice 07.0 Baked food 08.0 Meat and meat product 10.01 Fresh egg 11.05 Flavoring syrup 12.0 Condiment 14.0 Beverage except for 14.01Maximum level g/kg 3.0Notes10.0 10.010.0 10.01.5 1.5 5.0 1.5 5.04.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 5.0 5.0 1.5117For fresh keeping of eggsFor powdered drink, packaged drinking water 16.01 16.07 16.07 16.07 Jelly 4.0 Other composite foods 10.0 (emulsifying natural pigment) Other composite foods (limited 5.0 to cooked dishes) Other composite food (limited Appropriate level to sugar-making purpose) as required in productionGardenia yellowlevel to increase by times of dilutionNumber of CNS: 08.112 Number of INS:Function: Coloring Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category Margarine and similar products 1.5 (e.g., butter-margarine blends) 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.3 03.04 edible ice) Preserved fruit 0.3 Pickled vegetable 1.5 Cooked nuts and seeds (limited 1.5 to fired nuts and seeds only) Canned nuts and seeds 0.3 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and 0.3 chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy Fresh pastas and noodles and 1.0 similar products (e.g. unboiled noodles, and “skins” or crusts for dumplings, wontons, shuo mai) Dried noodles 0.3 06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) noodles 1.5 and rice 06.10 Fillings for grain products 1.5 07.02 Pastries 0.9 07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 1.5 07.04 Fillings for baked food 1.0 08.03 Cooked meat product (limited 1.5 to cooked poultry) 12.0 Condiment (exclusive o

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f salt 1.5 and salt substitutes in 12.01)Note118 14.02.0314.04.02.0214.06 15.02 16.01Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink (including fermented drink) Flavored drink, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) Powder drink Integrated alcoholic beverage Jelly0.30.31.5 0.3 0.3For jelly powder, the level of use will increase by diluting times16.06Puffed and extruded-type foodGardenia blue0.3Number of CNS: 08.123 Number of INS:Function: Coloring Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 03.0 Frozen drink (not including 1.0 edible ice in 03.04) Jams, marmalades 0.3 Pickled vegetable 0.5 Cooked nuts and seeds (limited 0.5 to fired nuts and seeds only) 05.02 Candy 0.3 06.07 Pre-cooked (instant) noodles 0.5 and rice 06.10 Fillings for grain product 0.5 07.02 Pastry 0.9 07.04 Baked food stuffing and food 1.0 flour batter 12.0 Condiment (exclusive of salt 0.5 and salt substitutes in 12.01) 14.02 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.5Note14.03Protein drink0.514.04.02.0214.06Flavored drink, including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) Powdered drink0.2Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation Dose level of powdered drinks to increase by times of preparation0.5119 15.02 16.06Integrated alcoholic beverage Puffed food0.2 0.5Phytic acid(inositol hexaphosphoric acid), sodium phytate ( )Number of CNS: 04.006 Function: Antioxidant Number of food Food name category 02.01 Fats and oils essentially free from water 04.01.02 Processed fruit 04.02.02 Processed vegetable 05.04 Decorations (e.g., for fine bakery wares), toppings (non-fruit) and sweet sauces 08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined meat, preserved pork, preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage) 08.03.01 Thick gravy cooked meat 08.03.02 Smoked, baked or grilled meat product 08.03.03 Fried meat product 08.03.04 Western ham 08.03.05 Sausages 08.03.06 Fermented meat product 09.01 Fresh fish and fishery products (limited to fresh-keeping of prawns) 11.05 Flavoring syrup 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drinks, including fermented product, etc.Number of INS: Maximum level g/kg 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Notes0.20.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Appropriate level as required in production 0.2 0.2Level of residue: ≤20mg/kgVegetable carbon, carbon blackNumber of CNS: 08.138 Number of INS: 153 Function: Coloring Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 5.0 edible ice in 03.04) 05.02 Candy 5.0 06.02.02 Rice product 5.0 06.03.02 Wheat flour product 5.0 07.02 Pastries 5.0120Note 07.03Biscuits, cookies, crackersSecondary butyamine5.0Number of CNS: 17.011 Number of INS:Function: Preservative Number of food Food name Maxim

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um level category g/kg Surface-treated fresh fruits Appropriate level as required in productionNote Level of residue: ≤0.005mg/kg for citrus (flesh), ≤0.009mg/kg for lichee (flesh), ≤0.001mg/kg for apple (flesh) Level of residue: ≤ 3 mg/kg04.02.01Fresh vegetable (limited to garlic bolts and green peppers)Appropriate level as required in productionAntioxidant of bamboo leavesNumber of CNS: 04.019 Number of INS: Function: Antioxidant Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg 02.01 Fats and oils essentially free 0.5 from water Cooked nuts and seeds (limited 0.5 to fired nuts and seeds only) Fried Flour Products 0.5 06.06 Instant cereals, including rolled 0.5 oats 07.0 Bakery food 0.5 08.02.02 Cured meat product (brined 0.5 meat, preserved pork, preserved duck, Chinese-style ham, Chinese sausage) 08.03.01 Thick gravy cooked meat 0.5 08.03.02 Smoked, baked or grilled meat 0.5 product 08.03.03 Fried meat product 0.5 08.03.04 Western ham 0.5 08.03.05 Sausages 0.5 08.03.06 Fermented meat product 0.5 09.0 Fish and fishery products, 0.5 including mollusks, crustaceans and echinoderms 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.5NoteFor concentrated fruit121 (nectar) drink, including fermented product 14.05.01 16.06 Tea drink Puffed and extruded-type foodGromwell redand vegetable juice drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution 0.5 0.5Number of CNS: 08.140 Number of INS: Function: Coloring Maximum level Number of food Food name g/kg category 03.0 Frozen drink (exclusive of 0.1 03.04 edible ice) 07.02 Pastries 0.9 07.03 Biscuits, cookies, crackers 0.1 07.04 Baked food stuffing and food 1.0 flour batter 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice 0.1 (nectar) drink, including fermented product Flavored drink, including fruit 0.1 flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) 15.03.03 Fruit wine 0.1ShellacNoteFor powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution For powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of dilutionNumber of CNS: 14.001 Number of INS: 904 Function: Coating agent, Paste base candy base Number of food Maximum level Food name category g/kg Surface-treated fresh fruits 0.5 (limited to citrus) Surface-treated fresh fruits 0.4 (limited to apples) 05.01 Cocoa products, chocolate and 0.2 chocolate products, Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives 05.02.01 Gum-based candy 3.0 07.03.02 Waffle 0.2Lac dye red (lac red)NoteNumber of CNS: 08.104Number of INS:122 Function: Coloring Number of food Food name category Jams, marmalades 05.0 Cocoa product, chocolate and chocolate product (Including chocolate and chocolate products with cocoa butter alternatives) and candy 07.04 Baked food stuffing and food flour batter(limited to flavored pie) 12.10 Blended condiment 14.02.03 Fruit and vegetable juice (nectar) drink,

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including fermented product,etc. 14.04.01 Carbonated drink Flavored drink (including fruit flavor drink, milk flavor, tea flavor, coffee flavor or other flavor drink (limited to fruit flavor drink) 15.02 Integrated alcoholic beverageMaximum level g/kg 0.5 0.5Note0.50.5 0.5For powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution For powdered drink, dose level to increase by times of dilution0.5 0.50.5123

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三 : 关于发布《食品营养强化剂使用标准》(GB14880-2012)和《复配食品添加剂


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