一 : 泰国惊现人吃人? 人体面包犹如僵尸吃人胆小勿入!
泰国面包师奇地瓦(Kittiwat Unarrom)专门制作“人体尸块面包”,用面团烤出栩栩如生的人体各部位,相似度之高,真假难分,让人看了头皮发麻。
二 : LukaMagnotta杀人碎尸狂人马格诺塔个人照片(~20P)杀人分尸奸尸吃尸肉
以下照片和文字来自马格诺塔Luka Magnotta个人网站:
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Challenge the Boundaries of ConventionalThinking
Luka Magnotta
Trailblazers and people with new ways of thinking arenever popular. When people are afraid of you and your ideas, theirinstinct is to silence you and make you go away. When people claimthey hate you and your nothing, then why do they sit and write tenpage articles about you? I find it so absurd. Why take all the timeto write about how much you hate someone, spend your life writingabout people you hate? Wouldn’t that mean that the person you hatehas consumed you and won? Is this really hate or is it jealousy andadmiration cloaked in hatred?
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
Luka Magnotta
People are very susceptible to suggestion, it is unbelievable.It literally amazes me. The medias propaganda machine is acceptedas FACT without any independent verification by viewers, society ingeneral more often then not, believes everything they see and read.There is always TWO sides to every story. Dont forget that.
A list of the most common, and successful, propaganda techniquescurrently in use. If you spend any time at all consuming massmedia, you will find these techniques familiar.
# 1. Guilt By Association: This is used to damage someone’sreputation by associating them with an unattractive person ororganization. It doesn’t matter if there is an actual associationor not. Example: Kristen said that too many people were moving intothe South without the input of Americans already living there.“This land is for my grandchildren, not world wide socialexperiments. She lives a couple states away from where David Dukehas his national office, and some think many in the region feel theway she does.
# 2. Backstroke: Systematically belittling the goals of thesubject of the article as the goals are being listed. For everystep forward for the subject, the propagandist pulls the readerback. Example: This year the political party’s stated goal is togive the rally a warm atmosphere. We walked into the cave-likecoliseum as the preparations for the rally were taking place.“We’re trying to create a family atmosphere” said onerepresentative of the party as he squinted into the harsh lights.“There are the children’s rides” he said happily pointing to whereunion workmen smashed open wooden crates with iron crowbars.
# 3. Misinformation: This is a subtle technique, it involvesreporting information in such a way that the final message of thestory is not true, it’s what the propagandist wants you to believe.Example: Recently a well known conservative tried to runadvertisements in university newspapers addressing slavereparations for black Americans. The writer listed several factswhich he felt demonstrated why reparations are not necessary andnot fair. One of these facts was the fact that black Americans inthe United States today earn, on average, around 20 times more thanblacks living in Africa, and therefore, according to the author,descendents of slaves are actually far better off today than thepeople who remained behind. A second author, writing about theadvertisement, stated only that “the first author said that blackswere better off being slaves.”, but didn’t explain the facts thefirst author had shared. Imagine if you read the second author’sreport and weren’t familiar with the first author’s position. Youwould think the first author was a monster for saying that peoplewere lucky to be slaves! But that’s not what the first author said,he said their descendants have a lot more money now than the peoplestill living in the original countries have. This ismisinformation, you’re given a half truth about someone’s position,and it is presented in a misleading fashion.
# 4. Over Humanization: It is a perfectly valid technique totell a story by focusing on the real people who the story impacts.However, this is also an easy technique for manipulation when apropagandist tries to mask an issue by making anyone who has avalid disagreement look evil due to all the human suffering talkedabout in the story. Example: Standing in the dusty desert wasJuanita Lopez Camal Esquedo and her 15 hungry children. Half of thechildren were blind, the other half were crippled. As the smallestchild, little Juanita, looked across the barbed wire fence intoAmerica, she begged her mommy for some food. Since everyone inMexico had died of starvation, and food would never grow thereagain, there was nowhere else for them to go. And after all, thiswas the only family that wanted to come into America anyway. Justone more family. Over humanization can be used not only withillegal immigration, but also with any other potential tear-jerkertopic.
# 5. Name Calling: This is officially the oldest trick in thebook. It is cheap and easy. Often immigration reform activists arecalled anti-immigrant, people who are against state sponsoredracism are called “racists” themselves. Name calling clouds andconfuses issues, and when repeated by enough people on one side ofan issue, creates a weight of its own, which isn’t really there,but must now be explained before the victim “may” have an opinionregarding the issue in question. Example: By saying that thepopulation is growing too quickly, many people assumed she was aracist.
# 6. He Said, She Said: This is a technique whereby the authorcan say something they know isn’t true, or isn’t fair, but theywant to say it anyway. Example: Project USA is a group which claimsto support reasonable levels of immigration. They’ve put upbillboards with Department of Statistics information which statesthat the US population will double within 50 years. The billboardshave pictures of children of different races with the words “Thepopulation of the US will double within this child’s lifetime. Stopit congress”. Some people say this is hate speech. Note: astatistic (the fact that the US population will double at currentlevels of immigration) cannot be hateful. This is just a numericalfact, like saying water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Theauthor knows this is an unfair statement, but wants to say itanyway. That’s why she says “some people say”, rather than “Isay”.
# 7. Unproven “Facts” This is when a (usually immature) “writer”is frantically trying to “prove” a position and they begin to quote“studies”, “reports”, and “experts” as “proving” this or that, butthey never mention the study’s name, location, where copies can befound, or the conditions specific to the experiments. Example:Recent studies show that the media is right 99% of the time. Also,an expert from the University of Happiness was quoted as saying“People in the media work harder than anyone who thinks they have areal job”.
# 8. Lying Sometimes complete lies are told. Example: An authorin Arizona writes a report which states that the reason that alocal mayor decided not to use the police to enforce immigrationlaw was because protests by a certain ethnic group scared him awayfrom it. In actual fact, as stated by the mayor himself, the reasonthe police weren’t used was because no training program had beenset up between the police and the INS. Any person who was a memberof said ethnic group would gain from a report like this because, ifpeople begin to hear that “that group is really aggressive andauthorities do what they say” then the power of that group isenhanced, and everyone reading the “news” will begin thinking theyshould always let that group have what it wants. The fact that ourpolice need special permission to enforce some laws and not othersis a topic for another discussion.
# 9. Telling the Truth, For a While To throw people off thetrack, biased news services will give good accurate reporting for awhile, usually when it no longer matters, then they will stick itto you the next time your guard is down. The best way to recognizethis technique is to simply remember who the biggest transgressorsare. You must understand that if someone lies or tries tomanipulate a story once, they will do so again. They will never benon-biased. They will, however, say something fair from time totime. This is due to the fact that if they were biased every timethey spoke, they would soon run out of credibility. Do not trustthem twice. Would you buy a car from someone who cheated you on aprevious purchase just because they say something you want to hearlater?
# 10. Not Talking at all about Something Of course the biggestrecent example of this are the Moslem riots in France. The factthat the rioters were still burning more than one hundred cars EACHNIGHT was suppressed and avoided, rather we were fed the line thatthe riots were over. The media went days and days not reporting onthe riots which were revealing the complete failure of Frenchsocial, economic, and immigration policy. However, France, being asocialist country, is favored by the socialist media, so thecountry’s failings were not reported. When you’re aware of a majorissue underway, but see no coverage on it, then you can be sure themedia is against the ideas which discussing that topic wouldraise.
# 11. Subtle Inaccuracies/Dismissive Tone Misstating a topic,often a serious one, and pretending any objecting or concerned viewis silly, unrealistic, or just not necessary. Illegal immigrationis a major threat to the United States. With the rapid importationof distinct, and not particularly grateful, ethnic groups who haveno interest in anything American, we create division, conflict, andrisk. This is a risk that will grow to overwhelm our children. Onewriter used a childlike, grandmotherly tone to try to belittle anddismiss this serious topic. Her style was to write withpleasantries such as “oh, my you’ve grown, look at the happy bignew population”. This is an intentional disservice to the readersand an attempt to manipulate them into not recognizing the riskthey and their children face of being supplanted in their own homeonce and for all by foreigners, who, by the way, won’t care aboutyou once they outnumber you. At best, this is a foolish policy. Atworst, it is self destruction. In any case, it must be controlledresponsibly if we are to remain masters of our own future. Thisauthor’s method is just one way to use a dismissive tone to trickpeople into not recognizing the topic’s seriousness. The next timeyou’re reading an article which seems to speak childishly of aserious issue, you should be aware that in all probability theauthor doesn’t fail to understand the seriousness of the issue,rather they may be trying to further an opposing agenda.
# 12. A One One Punch pretending to represent two sides, but oneside gets a couple of great lines , the other side gets a lameline. Example: Tax cuts are all the rage these days, but twosenators disagree on how appropriate tax cuts would be right now.Left Senator Jones says “The rich are the ones getting a cut. Whoneeds rich people with more money?”. Right Senator Smith doesn’tthink that’s correct. He thinks only certain individuals shouldbenefit. “The smallest number of people who enjoy this are thepeople with the most money” repeated Left Senator Jones. “I thinkthat money belongs to all the people, and the best way to give outmoney the government collects through friendly tax raises is forthe government to do it! It’s like all the people getting araise!”, said Left Senator Jones. Right Senator Smith didn’t agree.He thought the money should reflect the people who had earned themost. When asked why Right Senator Smith felt this way he said“People have to earn a living”. Left Senator Jones said “It isprecisely this attempt by Senator Smith to keep people from earninga living that I and my party oppose!”.
# 13. Volume This is related to Coordination, it is merely adeluge of the same story line everywhere, until it becomesdominant, and the media’s view of it becomes the dominant view(Elian Gonzalez, Florida Recount, Poor Election Night Coverage) Ifyou pick a topic with a strong liberal attraction, you will oftenfind that all the “news” stories about a given current event seemto draw a similar conclusion about it. When you notice this, justask yourself if it’s probable that, in a nation of nearly 300million, no one has a legitimate opposing opinion. For example,does everyone think Republicans want to poison themselves and allthe rest of us? Does everyone want unlimited, uncontrolled, illegalimmigration to displace their children? Does everyone love workingfrom January till May for free to pay the government taxes? No,they don’t.
# 14. Coordination This occurs when a number of like mindedjournalists all report the same angle at about the same time. Thisreally doesn’t require a conspiracy, there are so few“journalists”, and they can easily see what their buddies’ takesare on issues, then parrot the same line. A couple years ago we sawan article in a Southeast paper that actually addressed the damagebeing inflicted by uncontrolled immigration. We were shocked.Unfortunately, there followed soon after a long rose-colored storyabout the wonderful immigrants saving our economy (which was themagnet for their arrival in the first place) at no expense to us,written by the previously honest author, plus 5 other additionalco-authors (read “thought police”). It did have a tiny list of“challenges”, which was followed by an immediate rebuttal, andaltogether comprised less than five percent of the article, whichamong journalists passes for equal time. Magically, a very similararticle appeared at the same time in a nearby regional paperwritten by three other authors with almost the same structure, alist of wondrous immigrants and everything was perfect about them.Did the “Censoring 5″ and “The Three Amigos” just happen totelepathically think the same thing, write it, and publish it atthe same time? We’ll let our readers decide the odds of SpontaneousIdentical Publishing (S.I.P.) for themselves.
# 15. Fogging an Issue/Total Nonsense Sometimes certain groupshave an interest in making sure that as few people pay attention toan issue as possible. A good propagandist can write a long,nonsensical article for the purpose of confusing the majority ofreaders, who themselves work hard all day. It doesn’t take much forthem to see a catchy headline, then begin to dig into a longrambling article, then throw their hands up and say “I don’t havethe extra energy to decipher this!”. The reader is correct, thefault is with the propagandist. Example: The Real Reason Why WeNeed Tax Cuts! A lot of people want tax cuts these days. Here’s thereal reason they might not be such a good idea. The socialramifications are themselves reason enough! Given a perplexing viewof the real inter-generational conflict in today’s “live and letlive” society, most people make the more responsible choice. Thisleads us to the logical question, with school budgets tight, can weafford to argue over social services? A close examination of IRSrecords plainly displays the fiduciary incentive for economicre-examination in a post-socialist sense. (this article will thenramble on like this for 3 or 4 pages)
# 16. 2,3,4 Technique Mentioning only one side of an issue 2, 3,or 4 times in an article, each time pretending you are about topresent the opposing side, but you never do. Then the articlesuddenly ends and the reader feels bombarded, outnumbered andalone. In reality the opposing view is by definition held by manypeople, the author merely refused to present the side of theargument he or she disagrees with. Example: The decision to sealoff an additional 4 million acres was a controversial one. BarbaraOaks of Centerville says “There are great advantages to sealing thearea off”. Many in town feel the same way, less traffic means lesspollution, less damage to the area, and less noise. However, noteveryone agrees with her. The most common complaints don’t addressthe additional benefits of closing the forest, such as increasededucation opportunities for area children. Not many opportunitieslike this afford themselves year round, and keeping the area closedwill guarantee the educational hikes around the perimeter cancontinue. Many longtime residents feel that closing all 4 millionacres will be a burden. But don’t tell that to Steve Longmont. “Ihope they close even more” Steve told our interviewers. “There’s nogood reason for heavy travel through the whole forest, and I’d liketo see the place prohibited”. Several area polls show a largenumber of people in favor of closing the area. Keeping the forestclosed is what is best for the town.
# 17. Preemptive Strike This is when the writer “attacks” thereader viciously at the very outset of the article with the“acceptable” view of the topic. The writer tries to “beat it into”the reader. Example: Just a couple days ago the possiblepresidential run of a politician who is very pro-enforcement ofimmigration law was featured in an article by an East Coast paper.The article began by saying the candidate doesn’t expect to winbecause of this or that, and in fact doesn’t think he’ll win atall, he just wants people to talk about immigration. Nowhere in thearticle did the candidate say he didn’t expect to win, or that heonly wanted people to talk about immigration. In fact, the articlepointed out that he had already visited Iowa 4 times in 6 months,not at all like someone who doesn’t even want to win. At the end ofthe article were instructions on how to defeat this candidate. Theopening attack on his seriousness as a candidate, and the closingadvice on how to defeat him are classic examples of PreemptiveStrike.
# 18. Framing the Debate Setting an argument around two“alternatives” which you would prefer, rather than the truealternatives. Example: The debate over how much funding to give tothe project continued. Some are arguing for a reduced amount, whileothers want to see a much higher contribution level. The needs forboth a lower budget and a higher budget have been laid out anddefended in the debate brochure, which all members of the decisionmaking body have been reading over for the last three days. (Note:the correct decision was to stop the project completely, itaccomplishes nothing and the people running it are stealing themoney, but you weren’t offered the choice of stopping it.)
# 19. Token Equal Time Sometimes a weak, tiny understatement isadded to a propaganda piece, apparently so the writer can pretendthey had been fair. This technique is quite common, it consists ofan article written with entirely one point of view, then at the enda meager statement from the opposing view is printed, it isimmediately refuted, then the article either ends or continues onwith the preferred point of view.
# 20. “Interpreting” A Statement Have you ever seen a writer saythat someone said something, then what the person said followed,but it didn’t look anything like what the writer claimed was meant?Example: The official said that they didn’t hold anyone from theprevious administration responsible for the loss. “I think weshould just focus on the future” said the official. (note: hedidn’t say he didn’t hold anyone from the previous administrationresponsible, he said we should focus on the future. See thedifference?)
# 21. Withholding Information Is it the same as lying? Some inthe media might not want to answer that question. Recently acandidate for mayor of Los Angeles was portrayed as a “jubilant sonof an immigrant” in an article. What the article didn’t mention wasthat he also once said “Prop 187 is the last gasp of white Americain California”, he belongs to, or once belonged to, a racistseparatist organization which plans to takeover the American southwest for Mexico to rule, and at a recent ceremony honoring earlyblack leaders he called one of the early union members a n***** infront of 400 black leaders. 100 people walked out of the meetingroom, though it was reported as 25% in order to diminish theeffect. None of this was included in the article about the“jubilant son of an immigrant” More recently there is the exampleof multiple murders on private land in Wisconsin by a Hmongimmigrant. In actual fact, of the six people murdered all but onewere unarmed, one was a woman, shell casings were found all aroundthe area, meaning the murderer chased his unarmed victims allaround to try and kill them. The story as reported called all thevictims “hunters” to conjure up the image of tough armed men in afair fight, even though the victims weren’t “hunting” at all butwere warning the killer to stay off of their private land, hence hemurdered them. The upsetting details only came out long after thestory was initially reported. Are the authors of these articleslying to the public by not presenting all of the information aboutthe stories, or are the authors so incompetent and clueless thatthey aren’t even aware of these major points even though they aresupposed to be writing about these important stories? The authorsare either liars or morons.
# 22. Distracting or Absurd Metrics With this technique, thewriter attempts to drag the reader into a debate about what thereader is even seeing. This is usually used when the propagandistis falling behind and must hurry to destroy correct understandingof events. Example: During the French riots many writers beganarguing about the number of cars burned and whether the numberstill “indicated” riot levels. In other words, let’s argue aboutwhat a riot is, and when you have enough destroyed cars, we’lltalk. Meanwhile, you’re discussing burnt cars and not the ongoingriots.
“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. Wealso know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know thereare some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns— the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”人脚分尸案 通缉三级片演员
渥太华和满地可警方30日证实,将一苹血肉模糊的人脚寄给渥太华联邦保守党总部的人,是双性恋三级片男演员马格诺塔(LukaRocco Magnotta),警方同时指控今年29岁的马格诺塔谋杀和分尸。
曾住多市 常传虐猫视频
以在三级片中扮演角色维持生计的马格诺塔,在多伦多市Don Mills一带成长,满地可警方说他在魁北克省没有犯罪纪录,但他在网路上最黑暗的角落十分活跃。他又时常将他残害猫的视频上载到网路上,而招致动物权利维护者的强烈谴责。
曾定轻罪 传恋过奸杀犯 家园温哥华,vancouver.canadameet.cc
马格诺塔并非他一直使用的名字,他这些年来不断在变换名字,使用过诸如纽曼(Eric ClintonNewman)、罗曼诺夫(VladimirRomanov)之类的姓名。他名字繁多,甚至令满地可警方都手忙脚乱,30日发布通缉令时,说他的姓名是洛可.鲁加(LukaRocco),後来又补充说他的姓氏是马格诺塔(Magnotta)。相关报导见A3
分尸案 疑在满地可公寓行凶
满地可市的知情者说,骇人听闻的马格诺塔(Luka Rocco Magnotta)杀人、分尸、奸尸案件,就发生在该市一幢廉租公寓的208室内。 移民网,findjiayuan.com
满地可和渥太华警方交换情报後,迅速确认满地可的箱尸与在渥太华发现的人体残肢属於同一个受害者。满地可警方随後又依据别的线索,最终锁定此案是那幢廉租公寓楼住客、双性恋三级片男演员马格诺塔所为。本 文 来 自 加 拿 大 家 园 网
2011年联邦大选担任保守党全国竞选经理的伯恩(JenniByrne),周二在保守党总部打开人脚包裹。(加新社) 加拿大 家 园网
蒙特利尔警方指出,他们要缉拿的男子多年来一再转换多个化名,最近称为马格诺塔(Luka RoccoMagnotta),相信这名29岁男子来自多伦多,他与一宗可疑凶案有关。 本 文 来 自家 园 网
恐怖视频公然上载互联网 加拿大家园,www.canadameet.cc
马格诺塔涉嫌的犯罪3部曲:杀人、分尸及邮寄残肢到渥太华。 canadameet.cc
他在满地可西端一个柏文建筑物,租住208号柏文单位,现已成为人体残骸调查重点。 本文 来 自 加 拿 大 家 园 网
建筑物经理说,马格诺塔在那里居住约4个月,看来是个好人。 家园论坛,forum.canadameet.cc
他也曾使用的化名包括纽曼(Eric Clinton Newman)与罗曼诺夫(VladimirRomanov),他的众多化名令人眼花缭乱,甚至警方也要在周叁发布第2份新闻稿,因为早前说他的名字是卢卡(Rocco Luka)。 本文标题:杀人碎尸图片胆小勿入-泰国惊现人吃人? 人体面包犹如僵尸吃人胆小勿入!61阅读| 精彩专题| 最新文章| 热门文章| 苏ICP备13036349号-1