y bank beside us.这头犀牛突然跑开了,但它没冲着我们跑来, 而是沿着我们旁边的石堤跑了.6. They have driven the rhin...
at.足足过了41分钟他才进了第一个球。It took him all of 41 minutes to score his first goal.我已叫了五分...
%。11. The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their...
rcanum;例句:1.我的秘密武器一直是我的家庭。[_host_]My secret weapon was my family always.2.许多基督徒是...
it Electric底特律时报 Detroit News底特律的英语例句:1. The Red Sox lost the pennant to Detroit...
者 incestfornicationn.通奸,乱伦,“犇_嫑”通奸incestn.血亲相奸,乱伦二 : “沪港通”用英语怎么说?中国证券监督管理委员会、香港证...
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