赤壁赋》,以及他的许多写给故乡赤壁的诗,并由此想到了那些心系“赤壁”、为“赤壁”呐喊歌唱不已的当代赤壁文化人…… 一 说到当代赤壁文化人,首先就必须说到叶文福。...
ingle idea from the human mind can build cities. an idea can transform the world...
must be for a reason... I just finally know... what I have to do...托尼·斯塔克:我应该已经死...
thing you create is used to destroy.里洛:你们造的每一件东西都用在毁灭上。Korben:Yeah.We call it hu...
o beautiful, it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong, it's music I ...
ire is bitting me !小伊:这是什么?小盖:是火。(傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦!4、Guy: I call them shoes.Eap:I'm...
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